
Bible Studies in the Life of Paul Part 4

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+The Companions+ (Acts 15:37-40).--Barnabas proposed to take John Mark, his nephew, with them on this second journey. But Paul strenuously objected, basing his objection on the ground that this young man had deserted them (Acts 13:13) at a very important juncture in the first journey. We are told that the contention was very sharp between Barnabas and Paul over this matter.

It was finally settled by Barnabas taking John Mark and sailing for the island of Cyprus and Paul choosing Silas for his companion. When Paul came to Derbe and Lystra Timotheus was invited to join him, which he did (Acts 16:1-4). Luke, the author of the Acts, goes with this company into Macedonia (Acts 16:10). We can trace Luke's connection with the missionaries by the "we" pa.s.sages.

That Paul was afterwards reconciled to Barnabas and John Mark is shown by his kindly mention of them in his Epistles (1 Cor. 9:6; Col. 4:10; 2 Tim 4:11; Philem. 24).

+The Wide Scope+ is a marked feature of this journey of about 3,200 miles.

The first journey was through Cyprus, where Barnabas was well acquainted, and through that section of Asia Minor roundabout the province of Cilicia, where Paul was practically at home. Paul was born in Tarsus in Cilicia and it was to this region that he went for some part of the time between his conversion and his call to the missionary work (Acts 9:30; Gal. 1:21).

The second journey carries Paul into entirely, to him, new provinces of Asia Minor and into Macedonia and Achaia. He comes into close contact not only with the rough native populations of the Asian provinces but with the cultivated philosophers of Greece and the effeminate voluptuaries of the heathen temples. Here are new tests for this missionary and the gospel which he preaches, but he meets them all. This journey had a large significance for the spread of Christianity. Had the gospel failed to meet the wants of all sorts and conditions of men, there would have been no further triumphs for it.

+Value to the World.+--"This journey was not only the greatest which Paul achieved but perhaps the most momentous recorded in the annals of the human race. In its issues it far outrivalled the expedition of Alexander the Great when he carried the arms and civilization of Greece into the heart of Asia, or that of Caesar when he landed on the sh.o.r.es of Britain, or even the voyage of Columbus when he discovered a new world."

To Paul's turning westward, instead of eastward, through the guidance of the Spirit, and his entering upon his work in Macedonia (Acts 16:7-11) Europe to-day owes her advancement and Christian civilization. It is stating a sober fact when it is a.s.serted that without Christianity Europeans would now be worshipping idols, the same as the inhabitants of other sections of the world where the gospel of Christ has not been made known.

+Time and Rulers.+--In time this journey extended over about three years, 51-54 A.D. The rulers were: Claudius, Emperor of Rome (Nero became Emperor in 54 A.D.); Herod Agrippa II., King of Chalcis (who also gets Batanea and Trachontis); and Gallio, Procurator of Achaia.

+Epistles to the Churches.+--Upon this journey Paul makes a new departure. With the multiplication of the churches and the impossibility of visiting them often, when occasions demanded it, Paul begins the writing of special and circular letters to the churches. The two first Epistles, of which we have any record, were those to The Thessalonians from Corinth, written probably in the winter of 52-53 A.D.

NOTE.--For an account of and an a.n.a.lysis of these Epistles see study 7.


+Through Asia Minor+ (Acts 15:40-16:8).--It was Paul's custom to revisit the churches which he had organized, and to care for them. Following out this plan he went through Syria and Cilicia confirming the churches, then to Derbe and Lystra, where he found Timotheus who joined his company. After visiting the churches founded on the first missionary journey, Paul and his company turned northward and "went throughout Phrygia and the region of Galatia" (Acts 16:6) though there is no record of any church having been founded in these regions. "After they were come to Mysia, they a.s.sayed to go into Bithynia; but the Spirit suffered them not" (Acts 16:7).

It is important to note that the Holy Ghost now forbade Paul, at this time, to further preach the word in Asia (Acts 16:7). Paul and his company tried after this to go into Bithynia but they were prevented from doing so by the Spirit, and came down to Troas (Acts 16:8-12).

Of this long journey through Asia Minor, of its perils and difficulties, of the rejoicings of the former Christian converts, when they saw Paul again, and of the many interesting facts and incidents we have only a glimpse.

+In Europe+ (Acts 16:9-18:18).--Paul, following what was to him a clear indication of the guidance of the Holy Ghost (Acts 16:6-11), left Troas and set out by ship, by way of Samothracia, for Neapolis, which he reached on the following day. There have been many conjectures as to what the fortunes of the Christian church would have been had Paul been allowed to carry out his intention to visit Bithynia, and to preach the gospel in the regions of the east. Had he done so, however, it is quite certain, that the history of the world would have been quite different from what it is to-day. In this invasion of Europe Paul came within the charmed circle of what was then the highest civilization. The gospel was now to try its strength with the keenest philosophers and the most seductive fascinations of immorality, masquerading under the guise of religion in the licentious rites of the heathen temples and groves. What could this missionary do? What could he preach? If philosophy, if art, if beauty could have saved the souls of men then they would not have needed the gospel which Paul preached. But this was a gilded age, and the gilding hid the corruption, beneath. The message of Paul to the men in this charmed circle of civilization was the same that he had set forth in the rough mountain towns of Asia Minor. Human nature, under a rough or a polished exterior, is the same the world over. Paul was seeking men, to bring them to a knowledge of their alienation from G.o.d through sin, and to show them the way of salvation through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ? Greece, over whom the Romans held sway at this time, had been divided into two parts: Achaia on the south and Macedonia on the north. A great Roman road ran from east to west through Macedonia.

It was by this road that the missionaries traveled.

1. Philippi (Acts 16:12-40) will be forever memorable as the first city in Europe in which a Christian church was established. It had the character of a Roman rather than a Greek city; both the civil and the military authorities being Roman. It had the rank of a Roman colony.

Situated as it was on the great Egnatian way travelers and traders pa.s.sed through it, eastward and westward, from all parts of the Roman world. "The Greek character in this northern province of Macedonia was more vigorous and much less corrupted than in the more polished society of the south. The churches which Paul established here gave him more comfort than any he established elsewhere." The beginning of the work at Philippi was not very promising and to most men would have been very discouraging. Luke tells us that "on the Sabbath we went out of the city by a riverside where prayer was wont to be made; and we sat down, and spake unto the women which resorted hither." But there they met Lydia, an energetic business woman and a work was begun which has had far reaching consequences. Paul and his company had been but a short time in the city when they came in conflict with the Roman authorities.

A damsel, possessed with a spirit of divination, who brought much gain to her masters, testified to Paul and his work; this spirit Paul cast out and in consequence the owners of the girl brought the charge against Paul and Silas that they were Jews who taught customs not lawful for Romans to receive. Notice, the shrewdness of the trumped-up charge against Paul and Silas. Nothing is said about the real state of the case. In this charge the status of the Jews is shown in this city. Paul and Silas are beaten and thrown into prison; their feet are made fast in the stocks; their wounds are left unwashed and undressed. But in the earthquake, which opens the prison doors and gives release to the prisoners, Paul has an opportunity to preach the gospel to the jailer. How magnificently, forgetting himself, he sets forth the way of salvation through Christ! We turn to the Epistle to the Philippians (see Study 9) to see how Paul loved this church, and how this church loved him.

2. Thessalonica (Acts 17:1-9). Thinking it best to leave Philippi, Paul and his company pa.s.sed on their way along the Egnatian road through the two beautiful Greek cities of Amphipolis and Apollonia to Thessalonica, distant about seventy-three miles from Philippi.

Thessalonica is one of the few cities which has retained its importance up to the present time. It was founded by Ca.s.sander, King of Macedon in 315 B.C. It came under the Roman rule in 168 B.C. In Paul's time it was a great commercial center, the inhabitants being Greeks, Romans, and Jews. Here was a Jewish synagogue and for three Sabbath days Paul went into it and reasoned with the a.s.sembled Jews about Jesus Christ, declaring to them that He was the promised Messiah, and had suffered and was risen from the dead. We have the same results here which followed similar preaching elsewhere (1 Thess. 1:8). Out of the storm again emerges a Christian church. Paul and his company, after the usual tumult, pa.s.s on to another city but the church remains to send its blessed influence through all that region. The Epistles to the Thessalonians (see Study 7) give us some graphic pictures of the converts and their ways of working.

3. Berea (Acts 17:10-14) was a secluded inland city.

It must have been somewhat of a surprise to Paul to find the Jews of this place so ready to receive the Word of G.o.d, which he preached to them in their synagogue.

There was great searching of the Scriptures and many believed. A large work was in progress when Jews from Thessalonica, hearing of the success of Paul in Berea, came down and stirred up the people against him. It became quite evident now that there was a persistent and organized effort being made to drive Paul out of this section. As the opposition seemed to be directed against Paul alone, the brethren proposed to send him away, and to have Silas and Timotheus remain for a short time.

This plan was carried out.

4. Athens (Acts 17:15-34) was the most cultivated city of the old world; a statue was set upon every corner and an altar in every street. "Here the human mind had blazed forth with a splendor it has never exhibited elsewhere. In the golden age of its history Athens possessed more men of the very highest genius than have ever lived in any other city. To this day their names invest her with glory. Yet even in Paul's day the living Athens was a thing of the past. Four hundred years had elapsed since its golden age, and in the course of these centuries it had experienced a sad decline.

Philosophy had degenerated into sophistry, art into dilettanteism, oratory into rhetoric, poetry into verse making. It was a city living on its past." Paul entered into the open places where the people gathered and talked with them.

So much interest was aroused by what he had to say that he was asked to speak to them upon Mars Hill. Thither they all went. Paul as his custom was sought a common starting point in the altar to the unknown G.o.d. So long as he spoke of G.o.d and man in general terms he was listened to, but when he came to touch their hearts and consciences and to apply what he said, speaking of the judgment through Christ and His resurrection from the dead, he was left alone. Paul did not fail, the trouble with the Athenians was that they possessed only intellectual curiosity; they had no appet.i.te for the truth. But still some converts were made. "Certain men clave unto him and believed; among whom were Dionysius the Areopagite and a woman named Damaris and others with them" (Acts 17:34).

5. Corinth. (Acts 18:1-18) was the largest and most important city in Greece. From Athens Paul came to Corinth and remained over a year and a half. We have a graphic picture of this church in the Epistles to the Corinthians. (See Study 8.) Probably no better place than this highway of all peoples could have been selected in which to preach the gospel. No one knew better than Paul how to select strategic places. A stream of travelers, merchants, scholars, and sailors was constantly pa.s.sing through this great commercial city; what was preached here would be carried to the ends of the earth. It was a city of art and culture and yet a place where the vices of the east and west met and held high carnival. Religion itself was put to ign.o.ble uses; a thousand priestesses ministered to a base worship in the magnificent temple of the G.o.ddess Aphrodite. Greek philosophy showed its decay in endless discussions about words and the tendency to set intellectual above moral distinctions. There was a denial of the future life for the sake of unlimited enjoyment in the present. Paul, when he came into the city, found a lodging with Aquila and his wife Priscilla, and wrought with them at the occupation of tent making.

When Silas and Timotheus joined him he openly testified to the Jews that Jesus was the Christ. Crispus, the chief ruler of the synagogue, was converted together with many Corinthians. Paul was comforted at this time by a vision of the Lord which bade him to speak and not to hold his peace. After a year and a half of earnest preaching an attempt was made by the Jews to drive Paul out of the city by bringing accusations against him before the Roman proconsul Gallio, but in this they were unsuccessful. Paul tarried and worked here until it seemed best for him to turn his steps homeward again to Antioch. The keynote of his preaching in this city is given by him in his First Epistle to the Corinthians where he says (2:2), "For I determined not to know anything among you save Jesus Christ and him crucified." If this gospel could win converts in Corinth, it can win converts anywhere.

+The Return Voyage+ (Acts 18:18-22) was by way of Ephesus where he entered into the synagogue and reasoned with the Jews. Leaving Ephesus he sailed for Caesarea where he landed. After he had gone up and saluted the church he went down to Antioch.


Who proposed the second missionary journey? Who were the companions? What can be said of the wide scope? What was its value to the world? Time and Rulers? What can be said of the new departure in writing Epistles to the churches? What can be said of the itinerary through Asia Minor? Give the incidents, of preaching the gospel, that occurred during the trip in Europe, in the different cities; Philippi, Thessalonica, Berea, Athens, and Corinth. How was the return voyage made?


_Scripture, Acts 13:1-28:31_



_Scripture, Acts 18:23-21:17_


+Third Missionary Journey+--Method. The Chief City. Time and Extent. Epistles Written.

+Itinerary+--Through Galatia and Phygia. Ephesus. Through Macedonia and Greece. The Return Voyage.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Outline map ill.u.s.trating the third missionary journey of Paul and the voyage to Italy.]


_Acts 13:1-38:31_



_Scripture, Acts 18:23-21:17_

+Method.+--A study of the three missionary journeys shows the method of evangelization of the ancient world.

The first journey was comparatively near home. The second was a review of the work done in the first and a pushing on to new work in Asia Minor and the larger conquests in Europe. In the third we have a review visit to the churches of Asia Minor, a long stop at Ephesus, and a review visit to the churches of Macedonia and Achaia, which were organized upon the second missionary journey. There was always a method in what Paul did. He was not only a missionary preaching and testifying to Jesus Christ, but he was an organizer and leader of men. The churches formed were visited again and again; messengers were sent to them to instruct, to chide, and to encourage them; circular and special letters from Paul's own hand were dispatched to them, when occasion required. Wherever Paul preached, whatever might be the tumults raised, he always won some adherents for Jesus Christ, who were brought together and organized into a church.

On this third journey he was already planning to go to Rome (Acts 19:21) and wrote an epistle to the Romans announcing his coming (Rom. 1:7, 15).

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