
Bearslayer Part 7

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Her clothing's folds of pale sky-blue, Close to her body brushing clung.

Her glowing hair fell freely too; Down to her knees in locks it hung.

On seeing her, Bearslayer thought A G.o.ddess now was in the room.

To stand and greet her straight he sought, To thank his saviour from the tomb.

But this the maid would not allow, And said his strength was sure to lack.

So harsh his fate had been, and now His body's strength was not yet back.

"Oh heavenly being, tell me true: What place is this? Where am I now?

I beg you, tell me, who are you?

To pay you honour, this I vow"

"Of 'Staburadze's maidens' I, Her Crystal Palace home this here; Cast in the whirlpool down to die, She rescued you and brought you clear."

Bearslayer knew a joy profound That seemed to fill his breast and mind: The maiden's charm now knew no bound, For she was born of humankind.

She brought in food for him to eat: She gave to him both milk and bread, A fitting meal with honey sweet, Then from the room departing sped.

Bearslayer recovers and leaves Staburags

Time pa.s.sed until one day, again, He woke and donned his clothes aright.

The door soon opened wide and then, Fair Staburadze came in sight.

Politely then she bade him tell, If rest had brought his strength of yore.

Bearslayer bowed and thanked her well, And then a fervent wish he swore:

He yearned to stay within her court There with the G.o.ddess long to dwell.

A secret look her eyes then brought, On hearing what he had to tell.

"We will, perhaps, meet as you ask; Eternity were not then long.

But first you have the G.o.ds' stern task, A lifetime charge to right the wrong."

"To strive in virtue's n.o.ble cause, To serve your homeland and your folk, To seek for fame without a pause, To free their breast from sorrow's yoke."

With joy Bearslayer's eyes then glowed.

He spoke with youthful courage grand: "I thank the G.o.ds for having showed This way to serve my Fatherland."

"New strength I have, all to perform, Since I have seen now, face to face, The heavenly Staburadze's form, Most beautiful of female race."

"Unswerving goals to me impart, And guide my aim as targets near."

"I grant you both with all my heart,"

Said Staburadze smiling clear.

"Heroic youth, harsh is your lot: To fight these foes of false renown.

The hidden ones dark secrets plot: Strike Spidala and Kangars down."

"This little mirror with you take, To keep and hold, a sign of me.

When evil ones grave danger make, Quick hold it up for them to see."

"Their power will fail at your behest, When they the face of Perkons view!"

And Staburadze, from a chest, As gift for him a mirror drew.

She gave it, but a warning brought, To keep it and to guard it true.

Bearslayer thanked her, but more sought: A keepsake from the maiden too.

The maiden blushed and then her hand A ribbon loosened from her hair, His cap adorned then with this band, And, glancing shyly, spoke out fair:

"Although of gifts I have no store, My talisman I grant this day; In kinship now I greet you sure, And wish good fortune on your way."

Bearslayer, touched, no words could find To thank the maiden with full truth.

Then Staburadze spoke her mind: "Now hasten forth, heroic youth."

"The cliff-top path I now will show, Out through the Crystal Palace gate.

This maiden as Laimdota know, To meet again will be your fate."

"With acorn pattern in its weave, She gave a ribbon from her hair, Perhaps to that more wonders cleave, Than to my mirror that you bear."

Bearslayer at the door turned slow, Regarding then Laimdota keen.

It seemed that in her eyes' deep glow, Unbidden tears were plainly seen.-

For further thought it was too late, His consciousness from him had flown.

He fell down at the castle gate, And on the ground lay turned to stone.

Scene 6: Bearslayer is returned to the world

Perkons restores Bearslayer to life

The sun's first light already glowed; Upon the Daugava's banks it lay.

The sky was clear and plainly showed Fair weather for the coming day.

But yet one cloud now took its course, That higher climbed above the land; And at its front, upon a horse, An old man rode, with whip in hand.

He let run loose the prancing grey, To Staburags's cliff it dashed; His whip he cracked and straight away Great bolts of lightning brightly flashed.

Vast thunderclaps in deep tones rumbled, And Staburags shook to its core, Along the cliff the boulders crumbled:- Bearslayer stood, alive once more!

He found it hard, clear to recall, And real the memories did not seem.

One thing he knew, despite the pall: It had not happened in a dream.

Two lessons in his mind were there That left in him a knowledge sure: The trap of evil woman's snare, And n.o.ble woman's virtue pure.

Henceforth he swore his back to turn Against the first and pa.s.sion's chains, The second's deep respect to earn, Through n.o.ble tasks and endless pains.

Bearslayer performs another mighty feat

Now climbing down, where through the banks The Perse flows, a crowd he spied, A group of people from whose ranks A boat was lowered in the tide.

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Bearslayer Part 7 summary

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