
Bearslayer Part 6

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Still further, gazing through the final door, He saw the ceiling glittered gold in swirls, Of gold the beds between the pillars tall.- Back in the silver room the robes they bore, As in a bath-house, down each witch let fall; Just golden slippers on their feet they wore.

From cupboards now the old one gave the girls Bejewelled broaches, bracelets for their arms, And dressed their hair with softly shining pearls.

A wonder to the youth, for with her charms Now Spidala among the witches too, Revealed herself in all her beauty there.

Fair were the witches: To his wondering view, They all possessed a devilish beauty rare.

Thus fine adorned they took their robes in hand And to the copper chamber hastened fast, Where round the log they gathered in a band, While Spidala her robe upon it cast.

Then, taking up the axe she struck it there, And spoke these words aloud in hissing tone: "Today as first I strike the block full square- Tomorrow to this deed I will not own."

Forth from the log a demon's form was led, Clad as a lord, whom Spidala took hence, They sought the golden room, and chose a bed.

The others did the same, and soon from thence With lovers to the other room were gone.

Each lordling wore a coat of velvet black, Three-cornered hat and boots that brightly shone, But from their ears small horns grew in the back.

Kangars promises to serve the Devil

The old one struck the log, now left alone, And boldly said: "Today I strike as last- Tomorrow to this deed I will not own."

At this, with howling, Lucifer came fast.

The greatest chief of witch and devil too, A cap of human fingernails he wore.

"Is all prepared?" he sought the old one's view.

"All ready, Lord," the crone then answered sure.

Then Lucifer struck hard with action bold, And in a trice the chamber filled with flame That turned the log into a carriage gold, The axe a dragon harnessed to the same.

The two then rode together through the door, And sought the golden chamber, in which spot The dragon lay and rested on the floor, And from its mouth both smoke and flame forth shot.

The younger witches, summoned by the sound, All greeted Lucifer in prancing pack; They entered then the kitchen at a bound, Seized pitchforks in their hands, and hastened back, The pitchforks heated in the dragon's throat, And then all made a ring around the coach.

The old witch stood and with her staff firm smote And cried "Come forth!" in tones of sour reproach.

At this, at once a wall burst open wide, And hairy demons forth a man now brought, Who, deathly pale, was led in at their side; The witches formed a ring to seek their sport.- On seeing him, Bearslayer too knew fear; It was the famous holy man and good, As Kangars known, a hermit who lived near, Up on the hills, within a mighty wood.

With monstrous voice foul Lucifer then swore: "Oh sinner, know your course is run this day; Your wage receive now in the dragon's maw- The pitchforks of the witches show the way."

But Kangars, p.r.o.ne, made pleadings to implore: "Prolong, oh Lord, my life a tiny span, And I will truly serve your will once more."- A moment's thought and Lucifer began: "In vain your begging, but my urgent plight Could save your life and further time ensure: The faith of Perkons yields a harvest light, A daunting task, their souls to us to lure."

"A gift of fortune that to Baltic lands A foreign force is coming from the west, That seeks to seize the Baltic in its hands.

To plant an alien faith-this is their quest.

I too desire to see that faith sown free, Because its growth will yield a harvest sure, For many priests already cleave to me, The bearers of the faith, whom all think pure."

"This task I give you: Help that faith to come, And spread it wide upon the Baltic sh.o.r.e.

Of years I give you three times nine in sum!

So swear, oh traitor, on this dragon's maw, The faith of Perkons wholly to eschew, And be a traitor, with the folk at odds.

You must destroy the heroes tried and true, And bring in priests who serve strange foreign G.o.ds."

"Go urge the people Strangers to obey, And burn and slaughter all who would oppose.

Your final goal: That slavery hold sway.

Do thus, and live until the day I chose."

False Kangars echoed all with solemn vow: To Lucifer he gave his yielding praise, And made an oath unbreakable, and now All looked at Kangars with a kindly gaze.

Here Lucifer announced the night at end.

Together with the witches he strode sure, Into the copper room his way to wend.

The ancient witch the black-clad lovers bore Out to the field, then sank into the ground.

Down to the earth the bowing witches bent; In surging sulphur flames forth at a bound, Vile Lucifer with thunderous roaring went.

Bearslayer is discovered

Bearslayer left his hiding place to go, And, pa.s.sing through the rooms, he took with him A doc.u.ment he saw, as proof to show His presence there to witness evil grim.

Although his fear grew less in starlit light, Regret and bitter feelings seized his heart.- Within the log once more he hid from sight, While Spidala to journey home made start.

And as they flew, the crone her news revealed: "Bearslayer saw our feast this night," she said, "And watched your lovers, in the room concealed."- Straight Spidala grew pale and then turned red.

In her impa.s.sioned heart love's traces died, And wicked hatred in her breast hard smote.

"Why did you not say sooner? Then his pride Had ended in the dragon's fiery throat!"

"Our master chose not thus to interfere, Because Bearslayer's life will soon be done.

He hopes your log will bring him home from here- Instead your course to Staburags will run, With Sereniete thence flying fast.

Through magic's spell then on her log escape, Your own into the whirlpool downward cast, From whence comes forth no-one of human shape."

Scene 5: Bearslayer in Staburadze's Palace

Bearslayer meets Laimdota

Divinely worshipped Staburadze fair, With jewelled adornments on her robes decked round But with a weight of sorrow and deep care, From Destiny's Council home her path had found.

Upon the Daugava's bank she bitter weeps, For Latvia mourns, the land she loves so well, That Staburags's might eternal sleeps, And lonely she with mortal folk must dwell.

When future ages come, will she still weep And mourn the Baltic people's bitter lot, When from the very people she loves deep Their ancient fame has pa.s.sed and been forgot?-

But where our grandsires' faith still holds firm sway, She plays a part in life that never stops: On freezing morn she melts the frost away, And saves from harm the ploughman's tender crops.

She warns the boatmen at the midnight moon, Lest they should fall into the whirlpool's grip.

To shepherds and to travellers at the noon, She gives from bubbling springs a cooling sip.

Since time began, one task she loves of all: She seeks chaste maids born on propitious days, And gives them shelter in her palace hall.

She guards their virtue with her wisdom's ways, And teaches them, gives gifts, and clothes to wear.- Good fortune stands upon the mother's side, Into whose hearth there comes, surpa.s.sing fair, From "Staburadze's maidens" now a bride.

Bearslayer's senses woke apace: He lay in Staburadze's bed, And gazed in wonder round the place, And pondered whence his path had led.

To him the bed seemed soft to sway, As though it rocked on gentle tides.

The crystal walls revealed the day, As blue-tinged light pa.s.sed through their sides.

The room was rich with objects rare, A host of gold and silver bright; In pristine state each treasure there.

Their beauty was a wondrous sight.

Remembering, Bearslayer lay, And thought how with a witch he flew; When through the opening door's display A beauteous damsel came in view.

Her face and form were sweet to sight, That at a glance was plain to see.

Like silver moonbeams in the night, Adorned with poppies, thus was she.

Her dark blue eyes at his first look, Seemed gentle as the dawn's soft light; But when a closer glance he took, Their whirling depths now met his sight.

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Bearslayer Part 6 summary

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