
Animal - Revelations Part 9

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"A man who knows that life can go from sugar to s.h.i.t in the blink of an eye," Kahllah said seriously. "I at least hope you're a better shot than you were when we first met. Remember that?"

Kahllah and Gucci's first meeting had been a rocky one. After Priest had rescued them from certain death, he tucked them away in an old church and appointed Kahllah their guard dog. She was supposed to keep them safe and attend to their needs, but she seemed more interested in testing Gucci. Kahllah blamed Gucci for Animal's beef with Shai Clark and it all came to a head one night.

Gucci and Kahllah were having a heated argument because Kahllah was questioning her dedication to Animal. Gucci had been riding with and for Animal for years and she was offended that his wayward sister had the nerve to call her character into question. She professed over and over that she would do anything for Animal, and Kahllah put her to the test.

"You say you love my brother, but how far are you willing to go to prove it?" Kahllah was asking.

"I'm willing to do whatever it takes," Gucci said confidently.

"It's easy to say it when it's just the two of us having girl talk, but what happens when you have to prove it? What do you do when his enemies are scratching at the door, and the only choices are to kill or be killed?"

"I do whatever it takes," Gucci said.

Kahllah regarded her for a few moments. She stood up and removed the gun from the holster clasped to the back of her pants and c.o.c.ked the slide. Gucci watched nervously as Kahllah handed her the gun.

"What's this all about?" Gucci asked.

"Shoot me," Kahllah told her, shoving the gun into her hands.

"Kahllah, I ain't playing this sick little game with you," Gucci said.

"It ain't no game, Gucci. Shoot me," Kahllah repeated.

"Look, I'm not-"

"Gucci." Kahllah drew a blade from her bra and popped it open. "One of two things is going to happen. You're going to shoot me, or I'm going to cut your f.u.c.king throat."

Gucci studied Kahllah's face to see if she was serious. She was. When Gucci took too long to make up her mind, Kahllah moved in on her with the blade. Gucci raised the gun, finger hesitating on the trigger. She didn't want to kill Kahllah, but she didn't want to die, either. When it was clear to her that Kahllah intended on making good with her threat, Gucci pulled the trigger. Nothing happened.

Kahllah slapped Gucci's hand, sending the gun flying in the air. She fluidly moved behind Gucci and threw her into a chokehold, catching the gun with her free hand. She flicked the lever on the side of the pistol and dug the barrel into Gucci's cheek. "If I was one of Shai Clark's shooters, you'd be dead, all because you didn't know to take the safety off first," she whispered in Gucci's ear.

Gucci shoved Kahllah off her and spun in anger. "What the h.e.l.l is your problem?"

"My problem is that you don't understand the seriousness of your situation. I don't know if you've been paying attention or not, but Animal isn't going to let this thing with Shai go, and that's your fault!"

"Animal is pressing the issue because he doesn't want to leave his friends in harm's way. You can't put this on me!"

"The h.e.l.l I can't. My sucker-for-love-a.s.s little brother came out of hiding because of you." She jabbed her finger at Gucci's chest. "He went at Shai Clark because of what happened to you." She jabbed her again. "And he's likely going to die because he loves you." Her voice was heavy with emotion. Although they had only met twice, she had been watching Animal for years and felt an attachment to him.

"You act like I asked for this to happen!" Gucci shouted. Kahllah's words cut her because of the truth in them. "I know I'm the cause of all this, but it's out of my hands. What am I supposed to do, Kahllah?"

Kahllah turned the gun, b.u.t.t first, and shoved it into Gucci's chest, forcing her to take it. "When my brother's enemies come for him, be more than just a pretty f.u.c.king face."

"How could I forget, I thought your a.s.s was certified crazy," Gucci chuckled, recalling the incident.

"Not crazy, just wanted you to be prepared," Kahllah said.

"After going through all this with Animal, I can now understand why. Your approach was suspect, but your message was received." Gucci expertly c.o.c.ked the slide on the gun, chambering a round, before dumping the clip out and expelling the round into the air and catching it.

Kahllah smiled. "Very good, young Jedi. Glad Animal has taught you how to use it, but I hope you'll never have to."

"In this neighborhood? I doubt it. We're in the middle of the stix with nothing but old, rich white people around. I don't think we have too much to fear from them," Gucci joked. "But on another note, where are you off to today, all dolled up? You clean up pretty nice. You should try it more often," Gucci teased her.

"I'm going to follow up on a lead," Kahllah told her.

Gucci gave her the once over. "From where I'm standing this looks personal, not work related."

"Different prey calls for different bait," Kahllah told her. "I had a chit chat with an acquaintance and he suggested that my next clue in this mystery is in Watts."

Gucci didn't like it. "Kahllah, I don't know if it's a good idea for you to go over to that side of town by yourself, especially dressed like that. I know you're a bad a.s.s a.s.sa.s.sin and all, but Watts is dangerous."

Kahllah opened her jacket, showing Gucci that she had two guns in her harness as well as an a.s.sortment of blades. "So am I," she slid off the stool and headed for the door. On her way she stopped to kiss T.J. and Celeste on the tops of their heads. "You guys behave while I'm gone and Auntie K will bring you something back," he told them and left.

Gucci locked the door behind Kahllah, before leaning against it, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath. When she opened her eyes, she found Celeste watching, as she always was. Gucci sighed. "This is going to be a long day."


An Eye For An Eye.


"EVERYTHING GOOD?" ANIMAL ASKED SONJA in a concerned tone. They were riding in the back of a silver Denali on their way to the venue where George would be, so they could attempt the s.n.a.t.c.h grab.

After the fight between Ashanti and Cain at the house, they all figured it be best to take it down for the night and resume the next day. They needed to be well rested and fresh for the mission. Sonja and Animal checked into the hotel she had rented under a bogus name, while Ashanti opted to spend the night with Cain and Abel. To Animal's surprise, when they got to the hotel the front desk informed them that they'd only booked one room. Sonja claimed it was a mistake with the reservation, but Animal didn't believe her. They tried to rent an additional room, but the hotel was all booked up for the night, so Animal had no choice but to share a room with Sonja. He had totally prepared himself to spend the night fending off her s.e.xual advances, but Sonja ended up going right to sleep. She was exhausted. Animal was tired too, but he couldn't sleep, he had too much on his mind. He sat up all night, flipping through the channels and chain smoking cigarettes. By the time he did get it in his mind to lay down for a while, it was already the next day and they had to make moves.

Before meeting back up with Ashanti and the twins, they stopped at a clothing store. Animal didn't understand her need to shop with all they had going on, but she explained that the shopping trip wasn't for her, it was for them. The club they would be invading had a strict dress code and they'd stick out wearing sneakers and jeans, so they needed outfits that would be deemed club appropriate. Animal didn't have a problem wearing the clothes that Sonja had picked out, but Ashanti and Abel threw fits. They were streets n.i.g.g.as and didn't take kindly to having to wear "Monkey suits," as Abel had called them. It took some doing, but they finally relented and put on the clothes. Animal wore a simple white shirt and black jeans, cuffed over soft leather black shoes. Ashanti grabbed a sweater from the pile, and blue jeans, which left Abel with the last outfit by default. They laughed their a.s.ses off when he came out of the bathroom dressed in a cream colored suit that was a size too big. He looked funny as h.e.l.l in the get up, but it would have to do because they didn't have time to find him something else.

After changing and arming themselves, they went to pick up the rental truck. One of Abel's jump-offs had rented it with her credit card for him. He wasn't worried about being connected to the rental truck, because the girl didn't know his real name, nor did she know where he lived. She was just a random chick he'd met one day, who he exchanged cash for a.s.s with. Abel had a plethora of simple-minded young girls who were willing to do whatever he asked in exchange for some attention or a few dollars.

Cain drove with Abel riding shotgun. Animal and Red Sonja occupied the second row, while Ashanti was in the back, checking over all the guns to make sure they were loaded and functional. They'd been pa.s.sing around blunts, and going over last minute details of the plan when Sonja got the phone call that completely shifted the energy in the truck.

"I just received word that three of the men who helped me escape the island were executed as traitors," Sonja continued. "She dumped their headless bodies in the town square to rot and forbid anyone to remove them until the crows have had their fill."

"That's one h.e.l.l of a way to send a message," Cain said from behind the wheel.

"She wanted to make sure I heard it . . . and I did." Sonja was saddened by the news of the multiple executions. She didn't know the men well who had helped her, but they had always been loyal to her father's army, and her as their general.

"Do the men know where you were headed?" Animal asked. She didn't have to respond, the look on her face said it all. "d.a.m.n," Animal cursed. If Sonja's position was compromised, so was the entire mission. This changed everything.

"We can do it another time. It's too risky to try tonight without being sure what Lilith's people know or don't know," Sonja said. She already had three deaths on her hands and couldn't hold four more.

"And wait until next month when he makes another trip to try it all over again? Nah, we're doing this tonight," Animal insisted.

"Big homie, you sure?" Ashanti asked.

"Not really, but time to wait is a luxury I don't have. I ain't asking you to put your nuts on the table with me on this."

"That's because you don't have to ask. Some things go without saying. You ride, I ride, straight like that," Ashanti said.

"And what about you?" Animal addressed Abel, who was sitting in the pa.s.senger seat next to his brother. Animal knew what Ashanti was capable of, so it was never really a question, but this was his first time riding out with Abel. He watched the young man's face, looking for signs of uncertainty.

Abel looked back at Animal, eyes low and red from the weed they'd been pa.s.sing around. "Well, if I'm bound for the casket, at least I'm already dressed for the occasion," he tugged at the lapels of the suit jacket he was wearing. "We do this three the hard way.""I don't like it," Cain said, expressing his displeasure. The plan had stunk from the time they cracked the package, and the smell became more ripe the longer it sat out.

"It ain't about what you like, it's about what needs to be done. You wanna take a powder and wash your hands with it, n.o.body is gonna hold it against you," Ashanti a.s.sured him.

"Just because it's a dumb a.s.s plan doesn't mean I'm gonna leave y'all hanging. I'm in," Cain said.

Cain and Sonja dropped the three desperados off two doors down from the club entrance. There was a small alleyway between two of the buildings that would lead them around to the back of the nightclub. Sonja's friend would be waiting for them at the service entrance.

"Everybody locked and loaded?" Animal asked, stepping out of the truck. He took a second to make sure the palm-sized Glock he was carrying had one in the chamber.

"You know it," Ashanti said, slipping a .32 into his pants pocket.

"If that's what you wanna call it," Abel looked at his .22, frowning. "If s.h.i.t gets thick, what kinda damage are these pop shooters gonna do?"

"They're easier to conceal than a machine gun," Animal told him. The success of their mission would depend on speed and stealth. They had to attract as little attention as possible and didn't want to have unnatural looking bulges putting them on security's radar. "With any luck you won't need the hardware. Your job is to make sure we got a clear path outta there when this goes down. We'll be moving fast and don't need anything or anyone in the way."

"What if it's a civilian that gets in the way?" Abel asked.

"Ain't no civilians tonight. Anybody tries to play hero, you put a hole in them and keep moving. Us getting out alive trumps everything else."

"I think I can handle that," Abel said.

"Hopefully we can pull this off without having to use these hammers. Gunshots bring police," Animal said.

"Homie, ain't no way we gonna go in there and s.n.a.t.c.h this dude without having to use these pistols. Not unless you know a magic trick," Ashanti said.

"He does," Sonja gave him a wink. "Animal will fill you in once you guys are inside. Now get moving, and be careful," she said, almost like an order. The general was coming out of her. Sonja watched as the three men disappeared into the alley, praying their backs wouldn't be the last images she had of them. Sonja got out of the back seat, and jumped in front next to Cain. "Circle the block a few times, and be ready to s.n.a.t.c.h our boys when they come out of there."

Animal and the others stayed close to the wall, as they parted the two buildings. Animal peeked around the corner to make sure the coast was clear before continuing. They darted from shadow to shadow until they reached the back of the club where Ashanti and Abel crouched behind a dumpster while Animal approached the door. He rapped on it in the specified pattern and waited. It was only a few seconds, but it felt like an hour before someone opened the back door.

He was an older black dude, wearing a stained white cook's shirt and plaid pants. The center of his head was balding, and the sides were sprinkled with the same scruffy grey hair that lined his chin. When his weary eyes landed on Animal, he squinted suspiciously.

"Got a few strays that need feeding. Think you can spare a few sc.r.a.ps?" Animal asked.

The older man acknowledged it was the right code phrase and let them in. "You got something for me?" he asked Animal as Ashanti and Abel crept inside.

Animal pulled an envelope from his pocket and handed it to the old man. He didn't bother to count it. He just stuffed it inside his white shirt. "Go through those doors, and pa.s.s the bathroom and it'll put you in the main area. The man you're looking for has a booth upstairs on the second level. He's got three bodyguards with him that I counted," he gave Animal a quick run down. "You're on your own from here, and if anything goes wrong I don't know you or Sonja, ya dig?" Without waiting for an answer he slunk back into the kitchen.

Ashanti stood beside Animal. "So far so good, huh?"

"So far," Animal looked towards the doors the old man had directed them to and felt his stomach shift a bit. Past that point, there would be no turning back.

"So you got any idea how we're supposed to get this guy out without having to kill a bunch of people?" Abel asked Animal.

"We'll walk him out," Animal opened his hand and revealed two small syringes.

"What the h.e.l.l is that?" Ashanti asked, carefully plucking one of the syringes from Animal's hand. He turned it end over end, studying the p.i.s.s colored liquid inside.

"A sedative, courtesy of Red Sonja. If we can get him alone we'll pump him full of this. It won't knock him out, but it'll disorient him enough to where we can stroll out of here with him like we're just trying to help our drunk friend home," Animal explained.

Abel nodded. "That's some slick s.h.i.t on your part."

"It was Sonja's idea," Animal admitted.

"That Red Sonja is just full of ideas. For this to have happened so suddenly, it seems like Red Sonja has had quite a bit of time to think through the details, doesn't it?" Ashanti asked suspiciously.

"Sonja is military, so I expect her to be thorough, even on short notice," Animal told him.

"If you say so, big homie." Ashanti let it go. He picked up on the uncertainty in Animal's voice, but didn't want to say anything in front of Abel to create doubt. Animal was leading them, and Ashanti needed everyone to be as confident in Animal's leadership skills as he was. Still, he would keep a close eye on Red Sonja until this was all over.


THE PLACE THAT KAHLLAH WAS looking for didn't prove too hard to find. It was located in a less than savory part of town. It was one of the smaller establishments on the block, a storefront to be exact. Above the doorway flew a flag sporting two stars, one red and one blue. For a social club, it didn't look very social.

Kahllah took a few minutes to make sure her guns were loaded and her blades were accessible. She had done some digging into Panama Black to get a better idea of what she was up against and couldn't find more then a few random articles that mentioned his name. He was like a ghost in all the city and state databases, and she dared not try to check him against the federal records. If the Brotherhood was watching her, which they likely were, they'd know the minute she used her pa.s.s code to accessed the files and it would tip them off that she was getting closer to the truth. She had to keep her investigation off the grid for as long as she could.

As Kahllah strolled towards the entrance of the bar, she spotted two older men sitting on crates and playing chess on a piece of cardboard. Even though she felt like she was dressed like the Happy-Hooker, the old men were so into their game they never so much as gave her a second look. Just as Kahllah was walking into the place, one of the waitresses was coming out, carrying two sodas. They collided in the doorway, causing the soda to splash on Kahllah's jacket.

She was a pretty young Spanish girl, who appeared to be in her early twenties. The uniform skirt and wore, hugged her thick thighs so tight that it was a wonder she could walk in it.

"Sorry about that, I didn't see you coming," Kahllah apologized. "Let me pay for the sodas," she offered.

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