
America's War On Sex Part 6

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The "indecency problem" Nance was hired (with your tax dollars) to resolve is the currently legal recreation of tens of millions of law-abiding Americans.

She will not not attempt to solicit or provide a balanced view or scientific evaluation of broadcast content and its consequences. She will invite input from sincere censors who attempt to solicit or provide a balanced view or scientific evaluation of broadcast content and its consequences. She will invite input from sincere censors who believe, believe, sincere self-described victims who sincere self-described victims who hurt, hurt, sincere parents who are sincere parents who are concerned. concerned. She doesn't want input from any of the millions of people who now consume the legal products she will help criminalize. This is not a modern democracy at work. She doesn't want input from any of the millions of people who now consume the legal products she will help criminalize. This is not a modern democracy at work.

Attorney Paul Cambria has argued many Supreme Court cases, and is past president of the First Amendment Trial Lawyers a.s.sociation. "What a lot of people don't understand on this indecency thing for broadcast standards is that it has a community standard element in it, just like the obscenity law does. But who is speaking for the community? In al the congressional hearings and everything else they're having, what component demonstrates the pulse of the [mainstream]

adult community as to what . . . they think the standard should be? Shouldn't the community have a voice in that? Where's the survey of the community?"25 There are certain rights even democracies don't put up for popular referendum, such as laws about racial discrimination or murder. Laws limiting what we can see or hear should be among those. Americans live by a body of non-negotiable guarantees; the PTC wants to change the rules, and government seems eager to go along. As Rush Limbaugh, our era's archetypal conservative, said in opposing opposing government efforts to censor Howard Stern: If we are going to sit by and let the federal government get involved in this, if the government is going to 'censor' what they think is right and wrong . . . What happens if a whole bunch of John Kerrys, or Terry McAuliffes start running this country, and decide conservative views are leading to violence? government efforts to censor Howard Stern: If we are going to sit by and let the federal government get involved in this, if the government is going to 'censor' what they think is right and wrong . . . What happens if a whole bunch of John Kerrys, or Terry McAuliffes start running this country, and decide conservative views are leading to violence?

I am in the free speech business. It's one thing for a company to determine if they are going to be party to it. It's another thing for the government to do it.26 Says Jim d.y.k.e, executive director of the advocacy group TV Watch, "What has become clear is this really isn't about protecting kids. This is about changing television. A politically active, savvy group of Americans has figured out a way to make TV in their own image."27 IGNORING/CIRc.u.mVENTING THE MARKETPLACE.

What happens when the morality campaign goes head to head with Desperate Housewives Desperate Housewives? In red states, in religious areas, in every single state that pa.s.sed Battleground: Broadcast "Indecency" 67 Broadcast "Indecency" 67 an antigay marriage law, it's all the same: Desperate Housewives Desperate Housewives is a runaway hit. Ditto is a runaway hit. Ditto Will & Grace, Will & Grace, ditto ditto Monday Night Football Monday Night Football and its half-naked cheer-leaders, ditto v.i.a.g.r.a commercials. and its half-naked cheer-leaders, ditto v.i.a.g.r.a commercials.

Sure, Christian TV and radio sell-but that's not where people go for entertainment. They're ghettoized, as they haven't succeeded in the mainstream; there isn't enough of an audience to drive "the s.e.x stuff " off the air. So crusaders want to truncate the market mechanism and enforce their taste on the entire public.

They use a circular argument-the marketplace should make decisions except where it makes poor decisions. The media's decisions about s.e.xuality are poor because they're bad for people. How do we know? They contradict "moral" values.

Both our current government and anti-indecency groups claim the heritage of conservative ideology. But "[FCC commissioners] Powell, Martin, and the corporate-friendly GOP have green-lighted big media companies to capture near-total market control over cable and broadcast television," says Ben Scott, policy director at Free Press. "Now, the same bunch is upset over the low-cost, high-ratings schlock that media conglomerates pump into the marketplace.

Martin must soon decide if he's a free market Republican or a local-values Republican. When it comes to regulating the media, you can't have it both ways."28 As TV started its third decade, 20 years before the Internet, TV critic Clive Barnes put it this way: "Television is the first truly democratic culture-the first culture available to everybody and entirely governed by what the people want. The most terrifying thing is what people do want."29 Needless to say, Needless to say, "what people do want" still involves s.e.xual themes, as it has since the days of Shakespeare and the ancient Greeks. As proof, look at the PTC Web site's listing of "worst TV shows of the week." Month after month, it's a who's who of the most popular shows in America.

How do would-be censors explain this continuing popularity? Do they honestly think people would choose different programs if they had more choice? If so, public radio and TV wouldn't have such a small audience, a fact that free-market Republicans gleefully point out regularly.

Whenever something on TV is punished-for example, Janet Jackson's nipple, the Madonna/Britney kiss-Americans vote immediately. And they always vote the same-they want to see it. First they vote by downloading or recording the video clip. For example, the clips of each of these moments are among the most downloaded in Internet history. history. And "Janet Jackson is stil the most TiVo'd moment we've ever measured," according to a company spokesman, eclipsing-what else?-the Madonna/Britney kiss.30 People then vote again by watching the news about the moment and its aftermath. And "Janet Jackson is stil the most TiVo'd moment we've ever measured," according to a company spokesman, eclipsing-what else?-the Madonna/Britney kiss.30 People then vote again by watching the news about the moment and its aftermath.

TV stations across America replay the stuff over and over because they know people want to see it. So the moral crusaders' claim that broadcast indecency is being thrust on us is simply inaccurate, just like the claim that p.o.r.n is thrust on us.

68.You may recall the fuss over the racy Terrell Owens/Nicollette Sheridan ad promoting Monday Night Football Monday Night Football in November 2004. The in November 2004. The New York Times New York Times columnist Frank Rich noted31 that the spot was replayed around the Internet and dozens of TV shows for several days, among them columnist Frank Rich noted31 that the spot was replayed around the Internet and dozens of TV shows for several days, among them The View, The View, where Ms. where Ms.

Sheridan's bare back had been merrily paraded at the child-friendly hour of 11:00 A.M. As Aaron Brown of CNN wryly observed, "People were so outraged they had to see it 10 times."32 wryly observed, "People were so outraged they had to see it 10 times."32 The recurring Internet downloading and ubiquitous TV rebroadcasting of taboo moments is real real democracy in action, not some spam farm that fakes ma.s.s indignation. When the FCC fines a broadcaster for violating "community standards" and the public actively pursues the very broadcast moment being fined, why isn't this considered straightforward evidence of the "community standard?" Why isn't it given the same weight as ma.s.s-produced e-mails? democracy in action, not some spam farm that fakes ma.s.s indignation. When the FCC fines a broadcaster for violating "community standards" and the public actively pursues the very broadcast moment being fined, why isn't this considered straightforward evidence of the "community standard?" Why isn't it given the same weight as ma.s.s-produced e-mails?

CHILDREN'S PROGRAMMING One of the most crucial goals of media crusaders is shielding kids from all s.e.x-related content, advertising, language, jokes, and situations.33 We should recognize that this is a radical enterprise. It's such a comprehensive goal that attempting it (much less succeeding) would have have to create broad collateral damage-which crusaders brush off as a distant, secondary consideration compared with their crucial goal. to create broad collateral damage-which crusaders brush off as a distant, secondary consideration compared with their crucial goal.

What are they trying to accomplish? To raise children who are ignorant about s.e.xuality except in the vaguest sense; that it's an adults-only thing reserved for spiritual y oriented, procreating married couples, and that it can kil you or ruin your life. This would make our kids the least sophisticated, least prepared for s.e.xual adulthood in the Western world.

Given the fundamental importance of s.e.xuality in human life, eliminating it from children's programming and advertising requires constant vigilance. Remember, it's a crusader's job to notice s.e.xual themes and references, so they can be eliminated. And crusaders see s.e.x everywhere because they're obsessed with it.

Especially h.o.m.os.e.xuality. Although their fear of h.o.m.os.e.xuality is absolutely serious, it's so exaggerated and baseless it's hard to take seriously. Has a gay person ever told you he or she is out to "recruit" straights? Has a gay man or woman ever told you that they believe a hot same-gender experience can turn a straight person gay? One more reality: the overwhelming majority of adult-child s.e.x offenders are heteros.e.xual.34 So what are the practical reasons to panic about h.o.m.os.e.xuality?

If we don't want kids to think h.o.m.os.e.xuality is normal, OK, but what's the harm if they do? If our kids become more tolerant of others, that will help them in life. If we really think our children are going to say, "h.o.m.os.e.xuality as a lifelong choice? Sounds interesting, think I'll try it,"

we completely misunderstand them (as well as h.o.m.os.e.xuality). Most kids Battleground: Broadcast "Indecency" 69 Broadcast "Indecency" 69 experiment with their same-s.e.x pals at some point,35 a normal developmental stage that antigay crusaders desperately deny.36 Very, very, very few children become gay adults. America's professional community is virtually unanimous that it isn't a same-s.e.x kiss or j.a.c.k.-.o.f.f. session with a buddy at age 10 that makes Mary or Johnny gay. If it were, 90 percent of American adults would be gay.

If we're really paranoid about our school-age sons having s.e.x with an adult man, we should remember to keep them away from heteros.e.xual heteros.e.xual men. They're the ones involved with almost all of the s.e.xual exploitation between men and boys. These guys are often married, have rarely had a man-man s.e.xual experience, and, in fact, often say they hate gays. men. They're the ones involved with almost all of the s.e.xual exploitation between men and boys. These guys are often married, have rarely had a man-man s.e.xual experience, and, in fact, often say they hate gays.

Looking for s.e.x in every corner, searching for h.o.m.os in the same paranoid, bug-eyed way that their cultural predecessors looked for "Commies" a half-century ago, the crusaders have gone after kids' TV programming, both commercial and noncommercial.

They've gone after Barney and Big Bird for s.e.xual offenses. The only explanation is that these adults are obsessed with s.e.x. They see it where their kids don't-actual y can't, developmental y-and want to protect their kids from something that doesn't exist. That says a lot about their obsession and their fear. and Big Bird for s.e.xual offenses. The only explanation is that these adults are obsessed with s.e.x. They see it where their kids don't-actual y can't, developmental y-and want to protect their kids from something that doesn't exist. That says a lot about their obsession and their fear.

Here's just a partial honor roll of those who have been attacked or killed in the War on s.e.x (and no, we are not not making this up): making this up): SpongeBob SquarePants and Barney the Dinosaur SpongeBob SquarePants and Barney the Dinosaur In 2005, a video was distributed to 61,000 schools across the nation to celebrate National We Are Family Day. Sponsored by FedEx, the video was broadcast several weeks later on Nickelodeon, PBS, and the Disney Channel. In 2005, a video was distributed to 61,000 schools across the nation to celebrate National We Are Family Day. Sponsored by FedEx, the video was broadcast several weeks later on Nickelodeon, PBS, and the Disney Channel.

The American Family a.s.sociation (AFA) criticized it as "h.o.m.os.e.xual indoctrination," saying "h.o.m.os.e.xual activists are using popular children's TV characters such as SpongeBob SquarePants and Barney the Dinosaur to surrept.i.tiously indoctrinate young children into their lifestyle." AFA researcher, Ed Vitagliano, sees the project as an "open door" to a secondary discussion of h.o.m.os.e.xuality, noting that children and adults are encouraged to sign a "tolerance pledge," which includes s.e.xual orientation, on the sponsors' Web site.37 Buster On her second day on the job in early 2005, new Education Secretary, Margaret Spellings, contacted PBS. Citing "strong and very serious concerns"

about an upcoming episode of Ready to Learn Ready to Learn (RTL) in which Buster the cartoon rabbit visits a family headed by two lesbians, Spellings insisted that PBS (RTL) in which Buster the cartoon rabbit visits a family headed by two lesbians, Spellings insisted that PBS refund RTL money used to make the program if the network distributes it.

70.The challenge came at an interesting time, as PBS was preparing to compete for renewed Ready to Learn funding from the Education Department- money they had previously been awarded yearly. PBS officials decided to cancel the episode.

Postcards from Buster is a series designed for four- to eight-year-olds (particularly those who speak English as a second language) that celebrates the nation's cultural diversity as it teaches language awareness. In the canceled episode, "Sugartime!" Buster visits rural Hinesburg, Vermont, where he meets a family with three kids and two moms during maple sugar season. Same-gender civil unions are legal in Vermont.38 is a series designed for four- to eight-year-olds (particularly those who speak English as a second language) that celebrates the nation's cultural diversity as it teaches language awareness. In the canceled episode, "Sugartime!" Buster visits rural Hinesburg, Vermont, where he meets a family with three kids and two moms during maple sugar season. Same-gender civil unions are legal in Vermont.38 Teletubbies In 1999, Jerry Falwell suggested that Tinky Winky, one of the Teletubby characters, is gay. The February edition of Falwell's publication, the National National Liberty Journal, Liberty Journal, notes that Tinky Winky has the voice of a boy yet carries a purse. "He is purple-the gay-pride color; and his antenna is shaped like a triangle-the gay-pride symbol," the story says.39 Falwell, the founder of the now-defunct Moral Majority, contends the "subtle depictions" are intentional, and said, "As a Christian, I feel that role-modeling the gay lifestyle is damag-ing to the moral lives of children."40 * * * notes that Tinky Winky has the voice of a boy yet carries a purse. "He is purple-the gay-pride color; and his antenna is shaped like a triangle-the gay-pride symbol," the story says.39 Falwell, the founder of the now-defunct Moral Majority, contends the "subtle depictions" are intentional, and said, "As a Christian, I feel that role-modeling the gay lifestyle is damag-ing to the moral lives of children."40 * * *

Media crusaders and the FCC don't trust American parents at all. They don't believe most parents can make good judgments for their own kids. They say they're speaking on behalf of all caring parents, but of course they aren't.

Presumably, if all parents felt the way the FCC and crusaders are portraying them, the market would have eliminated these shows, these commercials, and the entire Comedy Central network. It's an old story: censors feel equipped to make the "right" decisions when they're certain that others are not. As Clare Booth Luce said, "Censorship, like charity, should begin at home. Unlike charity, it should end there."

They think s.e.xual words and themes are more dangerous for children than sugar, fat, toy ads, and stereotyping (gender, racial, age, etc.). In fact, as Nicholas Jackson says in The Conservative Voice, The Conservative Voice, "The s.e.xualization of our young people is perhaps the greatest threat we face in our nation today."41 "The s.e.xualization of our young people is perhaps the greatest threat we face in our nation today."41 These crusaders continual y say they want to parent free from government interference. They want home schooling, exemptions from inoculating their children, local control of public school curricula, and the right to opt out of s.e.x ed cla.s.s. But at the same time, they want the government to intervene regarding the content of broadcast media so no no parents have independence or control about the media choices parents have independence or control about the media choices made in their own home. made in their own home.


Parents already have many tools they can use to completely control what their kids see on TV. But this doesn't satisfy would-be censors. Obviously, the Battleground: Broadcast "Indecency" 71 Broadcast "Indecency" 71 goal of morality groups and pro-censorship government isn't really to protect kids, it's to control what adults adults can see or hear. can see or hear.

Parental tools for controlling their kids' viewing now include: Off b.u.t.ton Off b.u.t.ton Every TV has one. A perfect solution for all parents who don't want their kids to see inappropriate material.

Channel Changer Every TV has one. It not only takes kids away from what parents don't want them to see, it guides them toward what parents want them to see.

Ratings System In the mid 1990s, the broadcasting industry created a voluntary ratings system evaluating violence and s.e.xuality. A monitoring board ensures accurate and consistent ratings. There are seven categories (three more than big-screen movies use) to help parents determine which programs are suitable for their children.

Rating labels appear in the corner of the screen during the first 15 seconds of each program, and are digitally encoded into the program itself.

V-Chip Every TV larger than 13 inches manufactured after 2000 contains this technology, al owing parents to block programs they don't want their children to watch. Using the remote control, parents can program the V-chip to block shows based on their ratings or other criteria-so the blocking works even if even if parents aren parents aren' t home. t home.

Cable Filter All cable TV subscribers can request a "lockbox" from their cable operator, which can be set to prevent the viewing of any channel a parent dislikes. All U.S. cable operators are required to make lockboxes available.

Satellite TV Parental Controls All satellite providers such as DIRECTV allow parents to easily restrict their kids' unsupervised viewing by blocking shows with certain ratings, locking out entire channels, setting limited viewing times, or blocking specific shows or movies.

"No-curse" Products A variety of products can be purchased and instal ed which delete offensive language from programs. General y, when a word that's in their dictionary 72 72 (e.g., "a.s.s," "jesus," "b.o.o.bs") is detected, the sound is momentarily muted.

A subst.i.tute word is then either spoken or flashed on the screen. This al ows viewers to watch a broader range of programs without fear of hearing something unwanted.

By giving parents powerful and sophisticated ways to finely tune the exact TV viewing kids can do in their homes, these tools render blunt, society-wide or community-wide restrictions obsolete. The cable and satellite industries have recently launched a campaign to educate parents about these technologies, but this helpful program has been opposed by a powerful alliance of family advocacy groups and activists with close ties to major evangelical ministries and the Bush administration. "It will be war," says Rick Schatz, the president of the National Coalition for the Protection of Children and Families, a Christian ministry, of the coming battle over cable and satellite regulation.

"There will be tremendous gra.s.sroots pressure brought to bear."42 They still don't get that television viewing is a choice, choice, not a not a right. right.


Pro-censorship groups like Morality in Media bemoan the "trash" on TV and radio. Observing the gradual changes in the language and situations being broadcast, they demand to know, "How far will it go? Where will it end?"

The answer is simple: the evolution of radio and TV broadcast of s.e.xual themes and language wil "end" when audiences, through their viewing choices, want it to. Despite the political manipulations of pro-censorship government and civic leaders, American viewers are stil not prepared to end this evolution.

There's also the trivial issue of the U.S. Const.i.tution that's in the way. G.o.d Bless America.

Chapter Seven.

Yes, They Really Said That The federal courts, and the Supreme Court in particular, have "systematically attacked Christianity."

Tony Perkins, president, Family Research Council 1 1 Course materials and instruction relating to s.e.xuality or s.e.xually transmitted diseases should include "emphasis, provided in a factual manner and from a public health perspective, that h.o.m.os.e.xuality is not a lifestyle acceptable to the general public and that h.o.m.os.e.xual conduct is a criminal offense."

Texas Health and Safety Code 163.002(8) 2 2 America must pursue a civil society "that will democratically embrace its essential moral duties, including . . . caring for children born and unborn."

Proclamation of President George W. Bush, declaring January 18 "Sanct.i.ty of Life Day" declaring January 18 "Sanct.i.ty of Life Day" 3 3 "I personal y object to vaccinating children against a disease that is 100% preventable with proper s.e.xual behavior."

Leslie Unruh, director, National Abstinence Clearinghouse 4 4 "If Marriott wants to make another sizable contribution or to build another building in their name, we want people at Brigham Young University to think, 'Maybe we don't want to have a building built with p.o.r.n dollars.' "

Randy Sharp, American Family a.s.sociation, which demands that Marriott hotels, which has given the Mormon University that Marriott hotels, which has given the Mormon University $12 million, stop offering in-room adult films $12 million, stop offering in-room adult films 5 5 "If a woman wants to give birth to a healthy baby, Planned Parenthood kicks her out the door with a referral slip. After al , adoption is not where the money is."

Douglas Scott, president, Life Decisions International 6 6 74."I don't believe the princ.i.p.al problem facing America is the battle in Iraq, as important as that is, or federal spending that's out of control. Let's face it, the current leadership of this nation, led by Congress, has to make a basic decision sooner or later: Will we as a people acknowledge that G.o.d exists?"

Former U.S. Representative Bill Dannemeyer (R-CA), for the Family Research Council (R-CA), for the Family Research Council 7 7 "Even legislation that is largely symbolic. . .has significant pedagogical value. Laws teach people what they should and should not do. . . .The states should not be required to accept, as a matter of const.i.tutional doctrine, that h.o.m.os.e.xual activity is harmless and does not expose both the individual and the public to deleterious spiritual and physical consequences."

William Pryor, Attorney General of Texas, in Lawrence v. Texas 8 8 After taking Garrison Keil or off the air for reciting two cla.s.sic poems with the word "breast," "I don't question the artistic merit, but I have to question the language. It's not that he's behaving like Howard Stern, but the FCC has been so inconsistent, we don't know where we stand. We could no longer risk a fine."

Tom G.o.dell, General Manager, WUKY (national public radio) 9 9 "Labor to keep alive in your breast that little spark of celestial fire cal ed conscience."

George Washington 10 10 "The Parents Television Council does not censor. The First Amendment was inst.i.tuted to guarantee precisely the type of activities pursued by the PTC: free speech and disseminating information."

Parents Television Council, which pressures the government to remove "objectionable" TV shows from the air government to remove "objectionable" TV shows from the air 11 11 "Hardcore p.o.r.nography, or material depicting actual s.e.x acts, promotes the idea that human beings can be s.e.xually used and abused without consequences.

If we tolerate p.o.r.nographic material that encourages people to indulge their darkest s.e.xual fantasies, we cannot act surprised when millions do so in real life as well."

Daniel Weiss, senior a.n.a.lyst for media and s.e.xuality, Focus on the Family 12 12 "I announce the formation of the Moral Majority Coalition. A primary goal of TMMC is the registration of 10 million new evangelical voters for the 2006 and 2008 general elections."

Jerry Falwell 13 13 "We need to yel it to the top of the rooftops that these condoms we're sending down to you don't protect you. . . . [You] have a false sense of security. So I think we're sending the wrong message when we use taxpayer dol ars to give condoms Yes, They Really Said That 75 Yes, They Really Said That 75 out to these kids and we don't tel them, 'By the way, you'l probably be dead at age 24 by cervical cancer. But we're giving you condoms, so go do your thing.' To me, abstinence is the only way."

Representative Jo Ann Davis (R-VA), at Congressional Hearing on Cervical Cancer and HPV Hearing on Cervical Cancer and HPV 14 14 "Middle America better take note. Last night Hol ywood exposed its own corrupt agenda. [It] is no doubt out on a mission to h.o.m.os.e.xualise America."

Stephen Bennett of "Straight Talk Radio," about the 2006 Golden Globe Awards, which conservative Christian groups accuse of promoting films with gay themes which conservative Christian groups accuse of promoting films with gay themes 15 15 "We are trying to create a town [Ave Maria, Florida] with traditional family values and a wholesome environment. That's why we are saying we will not allow adult bookstores, ma.s.sage parlors or topless bars."

Paul Marinelli, CEO of Barron Collier (The town is being developed through a 5050 partnership with Domino's Pizza founder Thomas Monaghan, who is investing $250 million. Barron Collier Thomas Monaghan, who is investing $250 million. Barron Collier and Monaghan will control all commercial real estate) and Monaghan will control all commercial real estate) 16 16 References to "the exclusion of gay couples and other minority groups" by other religious bodies, and "the fact the Executive Branch has recently proposed a Const.i.tutional Amendment to define marriage as a union between a man and a woman" make "this spot unacceptable for broadcast."

CBS TV network, rejecting United Church of Christ paid ads affirming their nondiscrimination policy ads affirming their nondiscrimination policy 17 17 "[Journalists and politicians like you] are in what we call the reality-based community, people who believe that solutions emerge from the judicious study of discernible reality. That's not the way the world really works anymore."

Senior advisor to President Bush, in conversation with journalist Ron Suskind 18 18 "Top priority should be placed on an effort to recover our most fundamental founding belief that our national objectives, policies and laws should reflect obedience to the will of Almighty G.o.d."

Former Senator Jeremiah Denton (R-AL) 19 19 "Consider that the average age now of exposure to p.o.r.nography is 5 years of age."

Nicholas Jackson, The Conservative Voice 20 20 Signing the Unborn Victims of Violence Act, "We widen the circle of compa.s.sion and inclusion in our society, and we reaffirm that the United States of America is building a culture of life."

President George W. Bush (The legislation gives a fetus rights distinct from a pregnant woman) rights distinct from a pregnant woman) 21 21 76."When two people of the same s.e.x . . . adopt children . . . I think what you have in many respects is state-sanctioned child abuse."

Radio host Janet Parshall, on CNN's Larry King Live 22 22 "No wonder many in America seem to believe that the Court has become one more inclined to protect p.o.r.nography than to protect religious expression.

Most people in America don't believe that G.o.d is a dirty word. But the sad fact is that some Americans are left to wonder whether the Supreme Court might have greater regard for it if it was."

Senator John Cornyn (R-TX), at the Senate Hearings on Judge Samuel Alito's Nomination to the Supreme Court Samuel Alito's Nomination to the Supreme Court 23 23 p.o.r.n users "give lame justifications for their behavior like: 'It's harmless,' or 'Everybody's doing it.' By doing this, they ignore the effect their problem is having on the people around them. This behavior is not OK, it's not even almost OK. This habit is a perverse and ridiculous intrusion into [a] relationship."

Dr. Phil McGraw 24 24 "Broadcasters and cable operators have significant First Amendment rights, but these rights are not without boundaries. They are limited by law. They also should be limited by good taste."

Kevin Martin, chair, Federal Communications Commission 25 25 "I'm always a little bit irritated when I hear the criticism of abstinence, because abstinence is absolutely 100 percent effective in eradicating a s.e.xually transmitted disease."

First Lady Laura Bush, apparently unaware that abstinence fails in 88% of teens who pledge it 26 26 p.o.r.nography is "capable of poisoning any mind at any age and of perverting our entire younger generation." The rising tide of obscenity is "part of the Communist Conspiracy."

Charles Keating, founder, Citizens for Decency through Law, and member of the Meese Commission on p.o.r.nography, later jailed on four counts of fraud in connection with the Lincoln Savings and Loan scandal of fraud in connection with the Lincoln Savings and Loan scandal 27 27 "Giving the HPV vaccine to young women could be potentially harmful because they may see it as a license to engage in premarital s.e.x."

Bridget Maher, Family Research Council 28 28 "The first step toward reducing demand for s.e.x slaves is to prosecute those distributing material that violates obscenity laws and serves as a veritable training manual for abuse."

Daniel Weiss, senior a.n.a.lyst for media and s.e.xuality, Focus on the Family 29 29 Yes, They Really Said That 77 "It isn't the American people who are clamoring for more p.o.r.nography on the Internet and in their communities, and for more s.e.x (including p.o.r.nography), vulgarity and violence on TV."

Letter to President George W. Bush signed by the leadership of Morality in Media, Citizens for Community Values, Union of Orthodox Rabbis of the United Media, Citizens for Community Values, Union of Orthodox Rabbis of the United States and Canada, Family Policy Network, American Decency a.s.sociation, States and Canada, Family Policy Network, American Decency a.s.sociation, Concerned Women for America, Focus on the Family, Family Research Concerned Women for America, Focus on the Family, Family Research Council, American Family a.s.sociation, and Parents Television Council Council, American Family a.s.sociation, and Parents Television Council 30 30 "Procuring stem cells from an embryo destroys the tiny human being."

Tom Strode, Baptist Press News 31 31 "The new Helms School of Government at Liberty University . . . [will] train young people to enter public service with a Christian worldview and a bold pa.s.sion to confront a liberal-oriented culture. Students will spend weekends and summers working hand-in-hand with pastors and staff members of evangelical churches all over America, registering voters in the churches and neighborhoods along with educating parishioners."

Jerry Falwell 32 32 "If the public can be convinced that condoms offer certain-or nearly certain- protection from pregnancies and STDs, then the [proponents] can argue that the only thing holding people back from free s.e.xual expression is outdated, irrelevant religious restrictions."

Focus on the Family, on why they must discourage trust in condoms 33 33 Those who rent or sell adult materials should be jailed, because, "In the Garden of Eden, the virtue of man was stripped away, and the only way that that virtue can be returned is by Jesus Christ being Lord over our s.e.xual desires."

Don Kohls, chairperson, Omaha for Decency 34 34 "The s.e.xualization of our young people is perhaps the greatest threat we face in our nation today. It will only be a matter of time before we are absolutely snowed under with filth and perversion in our libraries and communities."

Nicholas Jackson, The Conservative Voice 35 The Conservative Voice 35 President Bush's decision to al ow the tiniest possible amount of stem cel medical research is "A covenant with the Devil; he has this nation chasing the il usion of eternal life by depending on science rather than on the Lord Jesus Christ."

Neil Horsley, creator of The Nuremberg Files Web site, which advocated "eliminating" physicians performing abortion 36 36 78."Other police investigation [TV] programs. . .do not include child actors describing s.e.xual acts and graphic abuse. To involve innocent child actors in the dramatic process not only creates an extra-disturbing episode; it also can negatively affect the young actors and actresses."

Parents Television Council 37 37 "For 25 years, I would have said that the pro-life issue is the most pressing threat to America morally, but p.o.r.nography has overtaken it. More people's lives are being destroyed on a daily basis by addiction to p.o.r.nography than through abortion."

Rev. Richard Land, prominent leader in the Southern Baptist Convention 38 38 If "my own 16-year-old daughter tells me she's going to be s.e.xually active, I would not not tell her to use a condom." tell her to use a condom."

Denny Pattyn, founder of Silver Ring Thing, popular abstinence pledge program 39 39 "This is just a short note to express my heartfelt thanks to you and the entire staff of Focus on the Family for your help and support during the past few challenging months. I would also greatly appreciate it if you would convey my appreciation to the good people from all parts of the country who wrote to tell me that they were praying for me and for my family during this period. As long as I serve on the Supreme Court I will keep in mind the trust that has been placed in me. I hope that we will have the opportunity to meet personally at some point in the future. In the meantime my entire family and I hope that you and the Focus on the Family staff know how much we appreciate all that you have done."

Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito, to James Dobson after Alito had been confirmed to the Supreme Court Alito had been confirmed to the Supreme Court 40 40

Chapter Eight.

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