
The Runesmith Chapter 471: Better Limb.

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Chapter 471: Better Limb.

“My Lord.”

“... Enter.”

A man wearing a butler uniform stepped into the opulent office of Theodore Valerian. The room was adorned with rich, dark wood paneling and deep, crimson drapes that framed tall, narrow windows. The air was thick with the scent of aged books and polished leather. Theodore sat behind a grand mahogany desk, cluttered with various doc.u.ments and arcane artifacts. The butler slowly approached the desk with measured steps, carrying a silver tray with a lone letter on it.

“Reginald, did you bring the report?”

“Yes, My Lord.”

Reginald nodded respectfully and presented a sealed letter resting on the tray. The seal bore a dark crimson raven insignia. This seal was magical in nature and could only be opened when Theodore brought his ring, which had a matching bird, to it. Both magical artifacts began to flash, and the wax started to melt. Once the wax had dissolved, the n.o.ble quickly scanned through the letter, a frown adorning his face.


Theodore murmured, setting the letter down and tapping his fingers thoughtfully on the desk. He looked up at Reginald, who stood waiting with the disciplined patience of a seasoned retainer.

“What is that b.a.s.t.a.r.d planning, he is starting to become a thorn in my side…”

Ads by Pubfuture Ads by PubFuture The man continued to tap his finger while contemplating the matter at hand. His brother had begun growing in power recently but it was not to the point of him becoming a valid threat. In Theodore’s opinion, even Ivan was still a much bigger threat than an upstart b.a.s.t.a.r.d with one city. However, it was best to tackle issues before they had time to fester and rot. He knew this truth but could not act hasty as he was not just going against a singular opponent.

“Reginald, what do we know about this so-called Knight Commander Wayland?”

The butler bowed slightly, his expression revealing nothing but a calm efficiency.

“I must apologize but not much is known about this man. We have done extensive background checks on this individual but no one by this name seemed to have existed.”

“A fake name then?”

“That is what we can a.s.sume, My Lord.”

Theodore's eyes narrowed as he considered the implications. A man with such expertise and unknown origins could become a threat, especially if he was aligned with one of his brothers.

"It’s possible that he is just a diversion… Could Julius be pulling the strings? or could he be someone else's man…”

The tapping on the desk continued to intensify as the n.o.ble contemplated the issue. The idea that Arthur was capable of handling such a competent retainer was far-fetched. It was more likely that one of his three other brothers was trying to divert his focus from other matters. The man called Wayland was probably hired to quickly raise Albrook up and force him to relegate manpower there. If this was true, then attempting to bribe the man would be pointless. Either they would need to kill him or avoid partaking in this game his other brothers were trying to play.

"Knight Commander Wayland appears to be highly skilled in magical combat. His skills and cla.s.ses are unknown but we can a.s.sume that it's a profession involving runes and artifacts, something akin to a Rune Mage is most probable. However, we can’t discount him having a rare special cla.s.s…”

Theodore leaned back and continued to listen to all the information about Knight Commander Wayland. He knew well about Rune Mages, and considering the increase in runic artifacts within Albrook, it made sense. However, they didn’t have enough information and the appearance of a strange magician in one of the border cities complicated things further.

“... Not enough.”

“My Lord?”

“There is just not enough information but we can’t keep ignoring this upstart… We will send the third raven unit, the first and second will continue with their tasks. I want to know what that brother of mine is doing and who is truly behind this.”

"My Lord, the third raven unit will be deployed immediately."

Reginald acknowledged with a bow. He turned on his heel, departing swiftly to relay Theodore's orders. The sound of the heavy wooden door closing behind him seemed to echo Theodore's thoughts. He leaned back in his chair, eyes fixed on the flickering candlelight that cast dancing shadows across the room. He couldn't afford to underestimate any potential threats but he also couldn’t let something like this distract him. This was cleary a rouse created by one of his other brothers and he couldn’t let himself fall into their trap. He would do the bare minimum to contain this problem but still focus on his true opponents.


Back in Albrook, Roland was putting the final touches on Bernir's prosthetic arm. His workshop was buzzing with noise as there was a new addition to it. The finished prosthetic arm lay on a wooden workbench, gleaming under runic light hanging from the above ceiling. The arm had a silvery l.u.s.ter to it and the intricate runes were quite noticeable but focused mainly on the forearm portion.

“Is it getting hot in here, Boss?”

“Not really. Just relax and take a seat. We will start the procedure soon…”

Roland proclaimed and pointed to a large metallic chair with various straps. Bernir was visibly nervous but trusting in Roland's expertise. He hesitated for a moment but the right before making up his mind, someone smacked him on the back.

“What are you dilly-dallying for young man, just get on the chair! Do you not trust in my genius!”

Bernir looked back to where the strike came from and spotted a shorter man with a long beard. It was Rastix the Alchemist, who had not been working here for long. He had been given access to the underground workshop to help with the procedure. It was this gnome who had created the concoction, and he constantly liked to remind everyone of it.


After chuckling nervously, Bernir eventually moved over to the chair. He had previously used a different prosthesis, which had been held in place by an exterior harness. This procedure would fuse his flesh with a metallic frame that would securely hold the arm in place. The procedure had been tested on monsters, and he had been present during the initial round of testing. However, despite the promising data, it didn’t change the fact that this was uncharted territory for all of them. Bernir would be the first person to undergo it, and the lack of experience on their part was what made him nervous.

"Alright, Bernir, we are going to start soon, are you ready?”

“Aye, let’s do it Boss.”

“Okay, drink the potion, and let's do it.”

Once Bernir had drunk a vial and taken a seat, Roland started strapping his arm into a previously prepared frame. This part would cover the partial forearm stump completely. Bernir's arm needed to be secured to a nearby bench next to the chair he was sitting on. The procedure was delicate, and any movement could disrupt the alignment of the prosthesis frame. Once he was secured to both the chair and the side bench, the process could then continue.


“I’m on it.”

The gnome alchemist wasn’t here just to watch; he had a role to play as well. Above the secured arm, a bucket-sized crucible was hanging, containing the alchemical concoction that needed just one last ingredient. During their research, they discovered that this reagent would lose most of its adhesive properties within a few hours of being made, and within the first few minutes, its effects were magnified. It was best to produce it directly during the operation for the best possible outcome.

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The arm frame, which also contained a mold for the adhesive, would be lowered down, and through specially prepared needles, it would flow into the arm more thoroughly. It was a delicate process, but after testing it on multiple hobgoblins and goblins, they were confident that it was safe. Thus, the time came, and soon Rastix drew the lever to lower the crucible.

The alchemical mixture, shimmering with a faint darkened silver glow, began to flow down the thin tubes into the mold around Bernir's partial forearm. The gnome adjusted the flow carefully, ensuring that the adhesive spread evenly without any spills or leaks. After another level which was lowered by Roland, the needles punctured through Bernir’s arm. The previously taken potion acted as a pain anesthetic and allowed no pain to flow through during this procedure.

“Slow and steady…”

Rastix murmured with satisfaction as the process unfolded. He observed everything with glee while Roland meticulously a.n.a.lyzed each step. His keen eyes focused on the connection between the metal and fusing flesh, ensuring that none of the crucial runic traces within the attachment would be compromised. It was a slow process, but there were no failures observed, and eventually, it was completed successfully.

“So, how does it feel?”

“A little numb…”

Roland began unstrapping Bernir and his arm from the contraption he had a.s.sembled. The frame-mold that had covered the arm sleeve could now be removed. Once taken off, it revealed a silvery attachment that extended up to the elbow. However, the arm was not yet fully integrated, as it still needed to be inserted into the freshly created prosthesis socket. Once inserted, it would be activated and securely held in place by magnetic runes in addition to the existing structural support.

“Try to move your elbow around first, see if you feel any discomfort the potion should wear off soon.”

Bernir cautiously flexed his elbow, testing the range of movement. There was a slight stiffness initially, but as he continued to move, the prosthetic socket was kept in place and eventually they could continue with the process. Roland grabbed the ready prosthetic arm from the nearby table and bright it forth, its silvery l.u.s.ter indicating that it had a high concentration of mithril in it.

“I would have been fine with a regular alloy Boss, isn’t this a bit too much?”

“Nonsense, mithril is both resistant to runic deterioration and light. If you’re worried about it being stolen, we can dip it in some coating later.”

He spared no expense on the runic prosthesis, ensuring it was of the highest quality. While red mithril was known for its fire resistance, he opted for a more regular kind that was uniform in all aspects for this arm. It wasn't just intended for crafting and it was st.u.r.dy enough to withstand the heat Bernir typically worked with already. Soon, it was inserted in and once the runes were activated it held in place quite steady.

“Try activating it with your mana just like any other runic appliance.”

Bernir focused his mana into the prosthetic arm, concentrating on his intent to move it. Slowly, the fingers twitched, responding to his mental commands. He continued to test each finger's movement, feeling the delicate precision allowed by the intricate runes embedded within the arm. Roland observed closely, noting everything and making sure that the spiritual mana flowed without any issues.

“Hmm, looks like it’s working smoothly. How does it feel?”

“This… is this really a fake arm?”

Bernir replied, stunned. He could see the plethora of glowing runes along with the intricate patterns over the forearm. Once the potion wore off and he regained the feeling of touch, the real shock set in. The replacement he had been given felt as if it belonged to his own body, much more so than the other runic arm he had previously used.

“This… it’s a bit tingly and faint but, I can feel it again. Boss, I can feel my fingers!”

“Congratulations, the use of the previous prosthesis must have attuned your spiritual mana to this one faster. If I’m not mistaken, you should eventually regain full sensation in the arm over time. Just take it easy for now, don’t try to overexert yourself. The integration process will continue for a while as your body gets used to the new limb. You will probably continue to feel this strange tingling sensation for a while but it should subside eventually, if it doesn’t we’ll have to perform some more tests.”

Bernir nodded enthusiastically, his eyes fixed on the marvel before him. He flexed the fingers again, marveling at the dexterity and responsiveness of the prosthetic arm.

“Thank you, Boss… This is beyond anything I expected.”


Just as Bernir was having a moment with Roland, someone interrupted them by clearing his throat behind them. Once they looked at Rastix that was there he raised his nose up, as if he was waiting for something.

“Aren’t you forgetting something…”

“Aye… Thank you Mr. Rastix, this wouldn’t have been possible without your help.”

“It surely wouldn’t!”

The gnome started chuckling, as if he were the main reason for the success, while Bernir nodded awkwardly. Roland, on the other hand, focused on the gathered data, listening to his tower spirit, Sebastian, who was communicating with him through his helmet. His AI was tasked with a.n.a.lyzing the data and, perhaps in the future, replicating this process without Roland's direct involvement.

Now that Roland’s understanding of runic technology had reached this level, it wouldn't be far-fetched for him to begin automating some of the processes he had been forced to perform manually. As long as Sebastian was given the data and a tool or golemic body to control, he would probably be able to recreate the same process. The tough part was still a way to recreate the runecrafting process that was locked behind skills but he had an idea to tackle it.

“Bernir, take the rest of the day off, cover your arm with this sleeve for now until we can make something better.”

Bernir was handed a long leather glove to cover the silvery prosthesis. He didn’t need to be seen walking around with it in the city. The glove wasn’t quite form-fitting and needed to be strapped on at the upper arm portion, but for now, it was fine. In the future, he planned on replacing it with something similar to the Silvergrace suit he used for his armor.

“Aye, boss and thank you again.”

“No need to thank me, once you’re done recovering you’ll have a lot more work to do…”

Roland removed his helmet, revealing a big grin. Bernir flinched at the sight, realizing that soon he would need to increase his productivity. Eventually, he and Rastix left, but the gnome continued to act smugly about the new invention. He didn't wish to ruin the man's mood now, but eventually, he would need to remind Rastix about the contents of their contract. The gnome probably wouldn't be this happy when he realized that the rights to the prosthesis and the adhesive all belonged to Roland.

“Finally that’s over, I just hope that there won’t be any complications. The process is simple enough so applying it to other people without my help is feasible… which leaves me with one last thing to decide on…”

Once he was alone in his workshop, Roland headed to his private research room. On a workbench to the side, there were numerous golemic arms, remnants of his initial tests and research. Some had been retrieved from goblins, while others had never made it onto a live subject. Then on the other side was a rather strange-looking contraption that he started approaching.

Two metallic arms dangled from the setup, connected to something that looked like a thick metallic ring. In the middle of the ring was a thick pole, to which the ring was connected by four metallic rods. These arms included both the upper arm and forearm areas, and they sprang to life as Roland approached.

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Once the strange limb creation was activated, it started to mimic its creator's posture. When he raised one of his arms, the metallic arm moved up as well. If he turned around, the ring moved with his motions. After a moment, he sent a few punches flying forward, and the machine mirrored his movements at almost the same speed.

“What should I do with this technology… and how big can I make this?”

Not far from this apparatus with arms stood a recently repaired runic machine. It was the large harness golem with clawed hands that Bernir had used when the abyssal cultists appeared. This golem also began to mirror Roland’s movements and could even move forward in tandem with his steps.

“With something like this, even a farmer could start killing monsters…”

The golem was deactivated and soon he moved over to a schematic. There a few detailed drawings of runic armors and armaments were present. There was still a week left for him and perhaps there was some time to make some upgrades.

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The Runesmith Chapter 471: Better Limb. summary

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