
A Voyage to Cacklogallinia Part 6

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We determin'd therefore to wait their Arrival, which was in less than a Quarter of an Hour. They accosted me very courteously, as I could gather from their Gestures, tho' they seem'd surprized at the Size of the _Cacklogallinians_. I was not less amaz'd at the Beauty of their Persons, and the Becomingness of their Dress, either of which I can give no just Idea of. Let it suffice, that I seem'd both in my own, and in the Eyes of the _Cacklogallinians_, something of the same Species, but frightfully ugly.

These People are neither a corporeal, nor an aerial Substance, but (I know not how otherwise to express my self) between both. They spoke to me in a Language I did not understand, but the Tone of their Voices, and the Smoothness of their Syllables, were divinely harmonious. I bow'd my Body to the Ground three times, and offer'd my Credentials, which one of them took, but by the shaking of his Head, I found understood nothing of the Contents. _Volatilio_ then address'd himself to them, which made them look on one another, as People who hardly believed their Senses.

As I had address'd these _Selenites_ in the _Cacklogallinian_ Language, I had a Mind to try, if speaking in those of the _Europeans_ (for I understood, beside my own, the _French_ and _Spanish_) I should have any better Success. I therefore spoke in _English_, and, to my great Joy, one of the Company answer'd me. He ask'd me, Whether I came from the World? if so, how I durst undertake so perilous a Journey? I told him, I would satisfy his Curiosity in answering all his Questions, but desired he would give me some Time; for I had been so terrified by Phantoms, since my Arrival, that I was hardly capable of Recollection.

While I was speaking, a Man on Horseback ran full speed upon me with a drawn Sabre, to cleave me down; but the _Selenite_ waving his Hand, he soon vanish'd.

"You need, _said he_, apprehend nothing from these Shades; they are the Souls of the Inhabitants of your World, which being loos'd from the Body by Sleep, resort here, and for the short s.p.a.ce allotted them, indulge the Pa.s.sions which predominate, or undergo the Misfortunes they fear while they are in your Globe. Look ye, _said he_, yonder is a Wretch going to the Gallows, and his Soul feels the same Agony, as if it was a real Sentence to be executed on him. Our Charity obliges us, when we see those imaginary Ills, to drive the Soul back to its Body, which we do, by waving our Hand in the Air, and the agonizing Dreamer wakes. We do also retain them by a Virtue peculiar to the _Selenites_, and as they sometimes administer a great deal of Diversion, we do it for our Entertainment, which is the Reason of those long Naps of two or three Days, nay, of as many Weeks, which cause the Wonder of your World. The Souls of your impure Dreamers never reach beyond the middle Region. But we delay too long inviting you to our Habitations, where you shall have all possible Care taken of you. But by what Art have you taught Fowls articulate Sounds? and where could you possibly find them of that Size?"

I told him they were rational Beings, but that the Story was now too long to tell him; he presented me to the rest of the Company, and, at my Request, the _Cacklogallinians_ were humanly treated, whom otherwise they had look'd upon as overgrown dunghill Fowls. _Volatilio_ did not appear much surpriz'd at this, who had once esteem'd me a Prodigy of Nature. As we walk'd to the House, one of the _Selenites_ address'd me in the _Spanish_ Language, with the known Affiability and Gravity of that Nation.

"Sir, _said he_, I cannot consider you as other, than the bravest and wisest of all Mortals, who could find the Way to reach our World, and had the Courage to undertake the Journey; for it's certain, none cloath'd in Flesh ever (before you) made so bold an Attempt, or at least succeeded in it: Tho' I have read the Chimera's of _Dominick Gonzales_. While you stay amongst us, you may depend upon our treating you with all the Respect answerable to so great Merit, and in every thing endeavour, as far as the Power we have will permit, that the Design of your Journey may not be frustrated, which I am apt to believe, is no other than to extend your Knowledge."

I return'd him many Thanks for his Humanity, but told him I durst not attribute to my self the Character he gave me; that I was a Lover of Truth, and would not, on any Account, disguise the real Motive which sent me on an Undertaking I look'd upon impossible to go thro' with, and which I very unwillingly embark'd in: But since, contrary to my Expectations, Providence has guided me to this Terrestrial Paradice, I should esteem my self extreamly happy, if I might be permitted to ask such Questions as my Curiosity might prompt me to.

He answer'd, that nothing I desir'd to know should be kept from me. We soon reach'd the House, which was regular, neat, and convenient. We all sat down in an inner Hall, and he who spoke _English_, desired I would give an Account, both of the Motives, the Manner, and Accidents of my Journey, which I did as succinctly as possible, interpreting the Credentials, when I gave them.

He was astonish'd at the Account I gave him of the _Cacklogallinians_, and said, if my Account was not back'd with ocular Demonstration, he should take their Story for the Ravings of a distemper'd Brain.

"I find, _said he_, you begin to be drowzy; I would therefore have you and your rational Fowls (as you call them) repose your selves, while I in the _Vernacular_ Language, repeat to my Companions the Wonders I have heard from you."

We were indeed very sleepy, and I was heartily glad of the Proposal, as were also the _Cacklogallinians_, when I mention'd it to them. They, as well as my self, were provided each of them with a Bed, in very handsome and commodious Rooms. These Beds were so very soft, that I seem'd to lye on a Couch of Air. When we awak'd, the _Selenites_ came into my Chamber, and told me it was time to take some Nourishment; that they had provided Corn for my Companions, and desir'd I would sit down to Supper with them, it being their usual time.

"Why, Sir, _said I_, to our _English_ Interpreter, do you sup by Day-light? You mistake, _said he_, it is now Night; your World to the Inhabitants of this Hemisphere (which is always turn'd to it, this Planet moving in an Epicycle) reflects so strong the Sun's Light, that your Error is excusable. What then, _said I_, do those of the other Hemisphere for Light? They have it, _said he_, from the Planets."

I went with them into a Parlour, where, after a Hymn was sung, we sat down to a Table cover'd with Sallets and all sorts of Fruits.

"You must, _said the Selenite_, content your self with what we can offer you, which is nothing but the spontaneous Products of the Earth: We cannot invite you to other, since the eating any thing that has had Life, is look'd upon with Abhorrence, and never known in this World: But I am satisfied you will easily accommodate your self to our Diet, since the Taste of our Fruits is much more exquisite than yours, since they fully satisfy, and never cloy:"

Which I found true by Experience, and I was so far from hankering after Flesh, that even the Thoughts of it were shocking and nauseous to me.

We drank the most delicious Wine, which they press'd from the Grape into their Cups, and which was no way intoxicating. After Supper, the _Selenite_ address'd himself to me in Words to this Effect.

"I have acquainted my Friends here present, who are come to pa.s.s some Days with me, both with the Contents of the _Cacklogallinian_ Emperor's Letter, and the Reasons which mov'd this Prince to desire an Intercourse between the two Worlds, and we will all of us wait on you to our Prince's Court, tho' strictly speaking, we neither have, nor need a Governour; and we pay the distant Respect due to your Princes to the eldest among us, as he is the nearest to eternal Happiness. But that I may give you some Idea, both of this World, and its Inhabitants, you must learn, that Men in yours are endued with a Soul and an Understanding; the Soul is a material Substance, and cloathes the Understanding, as the Body does the Soul; at the Separation of these two, the Body is again resolved into Earth, and the Soul of the Virtuous is placed in this Planet, till the Understanding being freed from it by a Separation we may call Death, tho' not attended with Fear or Agony, it is resolved into our Earth, and its Principle of Life, the Understanding, returns to the Great Creator; for till we have here purg'd off what of Humanity remains attach'd to the Soul, we can never hope to appear before the pure Eyes of the Deity.

"We are here, _said he_, in a State of Ease and Happiness, tho' no way comparable to that we expect at our Dissolution, which we as earnestly long for, as you Mortals carefully avoid it. We forget nothing that pa.s.s'd while we were cloath'd in Flesh, and Inhabitants of your Globe, and have no other Uneasiness, than what the Reflection of our Ingrat.i.tude to the Eternal Goodness, while in Life, creates in us, which the Eternal lessens in proportion to our Repentance, which is here very sincere. This will cease your Wonder at hearing the Sublunary Languages.

"We have here no Pa.s.sions to gratify, no Wants to supply, the Roots of Vice, which under no Denomination is known among us; consequently no Laws, nor Governours to execute them, are here necessary.

"Had the _Cacklogallinian_ Prince known thus much, he would have been sensible how vain were his Expectations of getting from us the Gold he thirsts after: For were we to meet with the purest Veins of that Metal, by removing only one Turf, not a _Selenite_ would think it worth his while.

"This is a Place of Peace and Tranquillity, and this World is exactly adapted to the Temper of its Inhabitants: Nature here is in an Eternal Calm; we enjoy an everlasting Spring; the Soil yields nothing noxious, and we can never want the Necessaries of Life, since every Herb affords a salubrious Repast to the _Selenites_.

"We pa.s.s our Days without Labour, without other Anxiety, than what I mention'd, and the longing Desire we have for our Dissolution, makes every coming Day encrease our Happiness.

"We have not here, as in your World, Distinction of s.e.xes; for know, all Souls are masculine (if I may be allow'd that Term, after what I've said) however distinguish'd in the Body; and tho' of late Years the Number of those which change your World for this (especially of the _European_ Quarter) is very small; yet we do not apprehend our World will be left unpeopled."

"You say, _replied I_, that none but the virtuous Soul reaches these blissfull Seats; what then becomes of the Vicious? and how comes it, that the Soul, when loosed by Sleep, I suppose without Distinction, retires. .h.i.ther?"

"The Decrees, _said he_, of the Almighty are inscrutable, and you ask me Questions are not in my Power to resolve you."

"Have not, _said I_, the _Cacklogallinians_ Souls, think you, since they're endued with Reason?" "If they have, _said he_, they never are sent hither."

I repeated this Discourse to the _Cacklogallinians_, which made _Volatilio_ extreamly melancholly.

Happy Men! _said he,_ to whose Species the divine Goodness has been so indulgent! Miserable _Cacklogallinians_! if destin'd, after bearing the Ills of Life, to Annihilation. Let us, _Probusomo_, never think of returning, but beg we may be allow'd to end our Days with these Favourites of Heaven.

I interpreted this to the _Selenite_, who shook his Head, and said it was, he believ'd, impossible. That he did not doubt but Providence would reward the Virtuous of his Species; that his Mercy and Justice were without Bound, which ought to keep him from desponding.

The next Day a great Number of _Selenites_ came to see me, and entertain'd me with abundance of Candour. I seeing no Difference in Dress, nor any Deference paid to any, as distinguish'd by a superior Rank, I took Liberty to ask my _English Selenite_, if all the Inhabitants were upon a Level, and if they had no Servants nor Artificers?

"We have, _said he_, no Distinctions among us; who in your World begg'd Alms, with us, has the same Respect as he who govern'd a Province: Tho', to say Truth, we have but few of your sublunary Quality among us. We have no Occasion for Servants; we are all Artificers, and none where Help is necessary, but offers his with Alacrity. For Example, would I build a House, every one here, and as many more as were wanting, would take a Pleasure to a.s.sist me."

He told me, that the next Day they intended to present me to _Abrahijo_, the oldest _Selenite_.

Accordingly, we set out at Sun-rising, and entered a Bark about a League from the House, and having pa.s.s'd about four Leagues on a River which ran thro' a Valley beautiful beyond Description, we went ash.o.r.e within an Hundred Yards _Abrahijo_'s Place of Abode.

When we came in, the venerable old Man, whose compos'd and chearful Countenance spoke the Heaven of his Mind, rose from his Chair, and came to meet us; he was of a great Age, but free from the Infirmities which attend it in our World.

The _English Selenite_ presented me to him with few Words, and he received me with Tenderness.

After he was inform'd of my Story, he spoke to me by our Interpreter, to this Effect.

"My Son, I hope you will reap a solid Advantage from the perilous Journey you have made, tho' your Expectation of finding Riches among us is frustrated. All that I have to give you, is my Advice to return to your World, place your Happiness in nothing transitory; nor imagine that any Riches, but those which are Eternal, which neither _Thief can carry away, nor Rust corrupt_, are worthy of your Pursuit. Keep continually in your Eye the Joys prepared for those who employ the Talents they are entrusted with, as they ought: Reflect upon the little Content your World can afford you: Consider how short is Life, and that you have but little Time to spare for Trifles, when the grand Business, the securing your eternal Rest, ought to employ your Mind. You are there in a State of Probation, and you must there chuse whether you will be happy or miserable; you will not be put to a second Trial; you sign at once your own Sentence, and it will stand irrevocable, either for or against you.

Weigh well the Difference between a momentary and imperfect, and an eternal and solid Happiness, to which the Divine Goodness invites you; nay, by that Calmness, that Peace of Mind, which attends a virtuous Life, bribes you to make Choice of, if you desire to be among us, be your own Friend, and you will be sure to have those Desires gratify'd. But you must now return, since it was never known, that gross Flesh and Blood ever before breath'd this Air, and that your Stay may be fatal to you, and disturb the Tranquillity of the _Selenites_. This I prophesy, and my Compa.s.sion obliges me to warn you of it."

I made him a profound Reverence, thank'd him for his charitable Admonition, and told him I hoped nothing should win me from the Performance of a Duty which carry'd with it such ineffable Rewards.

That if no greater were promised, than those indulged to the _Selenites_, I would refuse no Misery attending the most abject Life, to be enrolled in the Number of the Inhabitants of that happy Region.

"I wish, _replied he_, the false Glare of the World does not hinder the Execution of these just Resolutions: But that I may give you what a.s.sistance is in our Power, in hopes of having you among us, we will shew the World unmask'd; that is, we will detain some time the Souls of Sleepers, that you may see what Man is, how false, how vain, in all he acts or wishes. Know, that the Soul loos'd by Sleep, has the Power to call about it all the Images which it would employ, can raise imaginary Structures, form Seas, Lands, Fowls, Beasts, or whatever the rational Faculty is intent upon. You shall now take some Refreshment, and after that we will both divert and instruct you."

The Table was spread by himself and the other _Selenites_, the _Cacklogallinians_ and my self invited, and I observ'd it differ'd nothing, either in Quality or Quant.i.ty, from that of my _English_ Host.

After a solemn Adoration of the ineffable Creator, each took his Place; having finish'd our Meal, at which a strict Silence was observed, _Abrahijo_ took me by the Hand, and led me into a neighbouring Field, the Beauty of which far excell'd that of the most labour'd and artificial Garden among us.

"Here, _said he_, observe yon Shade; I shall not detain it, that you may see the Care and Uneasiness attending Riches."

The Shade represented an old withered starv'd Carca.s.s, brooding over Chests of Money. Immediately appeared three ill-look'd Fellows; Want, Despair, and Murder, were lively-pictur'd in their Faces; they were taking out the Iron Bars of the old Man's Window, when all vanish'd of a sudden. I ask'd the Meaning of it; he told me, the Terror the Dream of Thieves put him into, had awaken'd him; and the Minute he slept again, I should see again his Shade. Hardly had _Abrahijo_ done speaking, when I again saw the old Man, with a young well-dress'd Spark standing by him, who paid him great Respect. I heard him say very distinctly,

"Sir, do you think I am made of Money, or can you imagine the Treasure of a Nation will supply your Extravagance? The Value I have for you on Account of your Father, who was my good Friend, has made me tire all my Acquaintance, by borrowing of them to furnish your Pockets: However, I'll try, if I cannot borrow One Thousand more for you, tho' I wish your Estate will bear it, and that I don't out of my Love to you, rashly bring myself into Trouble. You know I am engaged for all; and if the Mortgage you have given should not be valid, I am an undone Man. I can't, I protest, raise this Money under Fifteen _per Cent_, and it's cheap, very cheap, considering how scarce a Commodity it is grown. It's a Pity so generous a young Gentleman should be straiten'd. I don't question a Pair of Gloves for the Trouble I have. I know you too well to insist on't: I am old and crazy, Coach-hire is very dear, I can't walk, G.o.d help me, and my Circ.u.mstances won't afford a Coach. A Couple of Guineas is a Trifle with you: I'll get you the Thousand Pound, if I can, at Fifteen _per Cent._ but if my Friend should insist on Twenty (for Money is very hard to be got with the best Security) must I refuse it? Yes; I can't suffer you to pay such an exorbitant Premium; it is too much, too much in Conscience; I can't advise you to it."

The young Gentleman answer'd, he was sensible of his Friendship, and left all to him.

"Well, well, _said the Miser_, come again two Hours hence, I'll see what's to be done."

He went away, t'other barr'd the Door after him, and falls to rummaging his Bags, and telling out the Sum to be lent to the young Gentleman: When, on a sudden, his Doors flew open, and a Couple of Rogues bound him in his Bed, and went off laden with Baggs. Soon after, a meagre Servant comes in, and unbinds him; he tears his Hair, raves, stamps, and has all the Gestures of a Madman; he sends the Servant out, takes a Halter, throws it over a Beam, and going to hang himself, vanishes.

Soon after, he appeared again with Officers, who hurry the young Gentleman to Goal. He follows him, gets his Estate made over to him, and then sets his Prisoner at Liberty: The Scene of the Goal vanishes, and he's in a n.o.ble Mansion-Seat with the young Gentleman in Rags, who gives him Possession, and receives a Trifle from him for that Consideration.

He turns away all the Servants, and in a Palace he is alone roasting an Egg over a Handful of Fire for his Dinner. His Son comes in, as he is by himself, goes to murder him, and he vanishes again. He returns to our Sight, digging in his Garden, and hiding Money, for Soldiers appear in the neighbouring Village: He has scarce buried it, when they rifle his House; this makes us lose him again for a little s.p.a.ce. His Coachman comes to him, tells him his Son is kill'd; he answers,

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A Voyage to Cacklogallinia Part 6 summary

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