
A Bird's-Eye View of the Bible Part 21

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5. What statement is accepted by many as a prophecy of Christ? Use the marginal reading.

6. By what two terms is Haggai called?

7. What word does Haggai use, and how many times, to set the people to thinking?

8. By what expression is G.o.d most frequently described?

9. Why, possibly, was no prophet sent to Nehemiah?

10. Give an appropriate t.i.tle to Haggai.


I. _The Visions of Chapters 1 to 6:_

Record and commit, with chapter location.

II. _The Striking Phrases and Verses:_

Commit and locate the following:

"Apple of the eye."

Give meaning. State what other books of the Bible contain the phrase.

"Prisoners of Hope."

"Who hath despised the day of small things?"

"Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, saith Jehovah of hosts."

"Wounded in the house of my friends."

(Use concordance in finding location.)

III. _The Prophecies of Christ:_

Give the four names by which the Christ is described. See 3:8, 9:9, 13:7.

Name four events in Christ's life prophesied in the following verses: 9:9, 11:12, 13:1, 13:7.

IV. _General Questions._

1. Compare the beginning of Zechariah's prophecy with that of Haggai in point of time.

2. Which of the major prophets and which of the minor prophets does Zechariah resemble most?

3. By what name is Satan described in Chapter 3, and what other Bible writers use the same description?

4. Name three general encouragements given by the prophet to Zerubbabel in Chapter 4 to rebuild the temple.

5. Record the cities prophesied against in Chapter 9.

V. _Questions on Chapter 14:_

1. Of what is this a prophetic picture? Verse 9.

2. Name the facts about the capture of Jerusalem. Verses 2 and 3.

3. Name the three strange happenings in nature. Verses 4 to 8.

4. Name final result. Verse 11.

5. Name the two plagues to be visited.

6. What one of the feasts is to be kept and why?

7. Give words and meaning of the placard in verse 20.



Matthew Page

Mark Page

Luke Page

John Page



1. Name five portions of Scripture that are repeated.

2. Four reasons why the Lord's life is recorded four times:

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A Bird's-Eye View of the Bible Part 21 summary

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