
A Bird's-Eye View of the Bible Part 16

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I. _Cla.s.s._

II. _Commission:_ 3:1-9; 7:15. a.n.a.lyze, narrate, record.

III. _Biographical Description:_ 1:1; 7:14; 7:10-17.

IV. _t.i.tle._

V. _Historical Place:_ See Bible Dictionary. Also 1:1, 2.

VI. Omit.

VII. _Prophecies of Earthly Kingdoms:_ Chapters 1 and 2.

1. Draw full-page map, numbering in order and locating the eight cities and countries against which prophecies are uttered.

2. Name the prophecy common to all.

3. Prophecies against Israel.

(a) Name three sins. 2:6-8.

(b) Name the cla.s.s of people to whom the prophetic word is especially directed. 3:11 and 15 and 5:11.

(c) Name three reasons why this people should obey G.o.d's law. 2:10; 2:11; 4:6-11.

(d) Name the punishment prophesied. 5:27.

VIII. _None._

IX. _Prophecies of Christ's Kingdom._ 9:11-15. Name four leading predictions therein. The teacher should mention the three possible interpretations of this prophecy.

X. _Striking Phrases:_

Find one in each of the third, fourth and sixth chapters.

XI and XII. _Omit._

XIII. _Questions:_

1. Name five things mentioned in Chapter 4 that G.o.d said He had done and yet they had not returned.

2. What is meant by the expression "cleanness of teeth" in 4:6?

3. What three parts of their worship did the Lord say He despised in 5:21-23? Why did He despise them?

4. What is meant by the expression "flood of Egypt" in 8:8?

5. What kind of famine is prophesied to come upon them in 8:11 and 12?

6. How many times does Amos refer to David?

7. By what four names does Amos describe the Northern Kingdom?

XIV. _Items of Special Interest:_

Select five.

XV. _Individual Finds:_

Chapters 1, 2, 6.


I. _Cla.s.s._

II. _Commission:_ Chapter 6. a.n.a.lyze carefully.

III. _Biography:_ 1:1; 8:1 and 3; 7:3; 20:2-4; II Chron. 26:22 and 32:32.

IV. _t.i.tle._

V. _Historical Place:_ 1:1. Add the lengths of the reigns.

VI. _Outline:_

1. Dark Prophecies regarding Earthly Kingdoms. 1 to 35.

2. History of an Earthly Kingdom. 36 to 39.

3. Bright Prophecies regarding Christ's Kingdom. 40 to 66.

VII. _Prophecies of Earthly Kingdoms:_ Babylon, Moab, Damascus, Egypt, Tyre.

Name the vivid descriptions, the predictions, fulfillment.

VIII. _Prophecies of Christ:_ Name the predictions found in the following references. If time permits, cla.s.sify them under these heads: (a) Genealogy. (b) Name. (c) Event. (d) Characteristic. (e) Work.

7:14; 9:2, 6, 7; 11:1-5 and 10; 28:16; 32:1; 40:11; 42:1-4; 49:2; 50:4, 5, 6; 52:14, 15. Three facts in the closing days of Christ's life in Chapter 53.

IX. _Prophecies of Christ's Kingdom:_

Note three leading characteristics predicted:

1. Chapter 35.

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