
Zodiac Town Part 10

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[Ill.u.s.tration: _Capricornus_]

The house of December was all aglow, Each room was jolly and red; There were bulgy stockings ranged in a row, And holly hung overhead.

A silver star hung fair and far, A silver bell rang clear; And some Christmas children came out and cried, "Come in to the Christmas Cheer!"

[Ill.u.s.tration: _The house of December was all aglow_]

The children had a glorious time at the December house. There was a beautiful tree there, all lighted and ready.

"But we can't take the things off, you know," one Christmas child told Amos and Ann, "until somebody says a rhyme."

A clock chimed two a minute later, and caught Amos in the middle of a sentence, at the words, "it was." So he went on and said:--

"It was crammed and laden and bent with fruit, The tree that bore in a night; Rich with treasure from tip to root, A very goodly sight.

Dim in the parlor's gloom it showed, When a tiny gleam at the window glowed; When over the hills a rooster crowed, It thrilled through all its height.

"A rubber doll on a distant limb Stretched with a sleepy word; A little lead soldier answered him, And a big stuffed elephant stirred.

A quiver flickered the pop-corn strings, Fluttered the tinsel angel's wings, Tinkled the silver b.a.l.l.s and things, Till all of the company heard.

"A jack-in-the-box with a frisky eye Suddenly jumped his lid, And a white-rag rabbit that hung close by Squeaked with fright when he did; A dog from London began to bark; The animals in the Noah's ark Struggled and scuffled in the dark, Back in the branches hid.

"The large French doll (she was very vain) Settled her silk and lace; The rocking horse of the tawny mane Struck up a gentle pace; And hither and thither the boughs among, Sampling the goodies, tooth and tongue, A mechanical monkey slid and swung With agile monkey grace.

"All was still when the children came With candle-stars adorning; Somebody heard and hissed a name, Whispered a sudden warning.

Now don't get curious, people, please.

It's generally known that things like these Only happen to Christmas trees Quite early Christmas morning."

"I like that poem, Amos," said Ann, "though I must say I don't know how you found out all that." Then she asked the little Christmas girl to repeat a poem.

"I know one about a different kind of Christmas tree," the little girl said.

"Not a prettier tree than this one here in the room--surely!" cried Amos and Ann.

The Christmas child reflected. "Yes," she said, "prettier, in a way, than this--because it was such a surprise. Listen."

Then she told them about it.

"A little bird told a squirrel, And a squirrel told a jay, That a poor child lived in a city Not very far away, Who never at any Christmas Had a Christmas tree in her home; And the jay bird told a rabbit next, And the rabbit told a gnome.

The gnome blew thrice on his fingers For half a dozen elves, And he told them the sorrowful rumor, And he said, 'Now stir yourselves!'

"Then Tip and Twinkle and Tony And Pete and Chipper and Chase Hurried and scurried the whole day through, Till they'd put the tree in place.

They trimmed it with moss and holly, And odd little colored stones, And seeds and chestnuts and apples, And feathers and leaves and cones.

And icicles hung upon it, And crystals of snow gleamed white; And soon as the sun rose on it, It sparkled and flamed with light.

Then two birds perched in the tree top, And half a dozen elves Climbed gayly into the branches And safely hid themselves.

"And the little girl came to the window, And wide her shutters flew.

She cried, 'I dreamed of a Christmas tree, And here is my dream come true!'"

Then the presents were taken from the Christmas tree and given round among the little girls and boys who were present.


Just as the last gift was handed down, the last candles went suddenly out, and, at the same time, clocks began to strike all over the house.

The Journeying Man picked up his stick. "Time to go to bed!" he cried.

Amos and Ann were astonished. "To bed?" they repeated, unbelieving. "To bed, in Zodiac Town?"

"No, in your own home," replied J. M. "Come along, Amos and Ann!"


And when they still held back, he gave them a funny little scolding all in rhyme, which pleased them so that they followed him out into the dusk with never a word!

"It's strange how things can differ so!

Now, take two kinds of fruit-- Banana chap and Orange-- And watch each doff his suit.

"Banana's swift and nimble, His way is safe and slick; He gets out of his trouser-leg With a wiggle and a kick.

"But Orange makes a big to-do; Indeed, it is distressing To happen by quite suddenly And see that lad undressing.

"He clings to every single rag With obstinacy and vim; It takes ten fingers and a will To part his clothes from him.

"And when he feels the poor clothes go, All raggedy and mussy, He sheds an acid tear or two, And keeps on being fussy.

"It's strange how things can differ so!

To be quite frank and truthful, It isn't only things, you know, But people, chiefly youthful,

"Who show these different traits and tricks When bedtime hour comes duly-- Banana-kind and Orange-kind; Now which kind are you, truly?"

"Banana-kind!" cried Amos and Ann, as well as they could for laughter.

"Don't be _too_ quick. Don't be Grape-kind," said the Journeying Man.

"Grape-kind?" they echoed.

"And jump out of your skins," said J. M.

At that Amos and Ann laughed so hard that they had to sit down on the ground. But all at once a clock began to strike fast and furiously. It had struck a hundred before the children could scramble to their feet.

"Oh, how late it is!" they cried. "Take us home, J. M.!"

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Zodiac Town Part 10 summary

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