
After the Female Supporting Character Who Lost Favor Logged off, Her Ten Older Brothers Went Crazy Chapter 664: Cute, but Social Death

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Chapter 664: Cute, but Social Death


Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

For a moment, An Nuo thought that she was hallucinating.

Looking at Murong Chen, who had appeared in front of her for the third time, a rare fantasy appeared in her heart. She wondered if she was really fated with ’ him, which was why they met again and again.

“Long time no see.” She raised her hand in response.

However, after saying this, An Nuo didn’t know what to say. For a moment, she stood rooted to the ground and was blocked by Murong Chen on the path she planned to return to. For a moment, she didn’t know where to go.

“An Nuo?” Murong Qiao’s puzzled voice suddenly came from the phone.

An Nuo immediately brought the phone in front of her in a hurry. Only then did she remember that she had been shocked by Murong Chen’s sudden appearance just now, so much so that she didn’t even end the call.

Afraid that Murong Qiao would be worried, she first replied, “I’m fine. I just met…”

For a moment, she didn’t know how to address Murong Chen in front of Murong Qiao.

It seemed a little unfamiliar to call him Sir, but she couldn’t call him Big Brother like her best friend. If she called him by his real name…

An Nuo’s fingertips moved as she held the cell phone. She felt that an unknown heat had already begun to rise on her face, making her want to reach out and test it.

“It’s me.” Murong Chen took the initiative to speak, breaking the conflict in An Nuo’s heart.

When Murong Qiao heard her Big Brother Murong Chen’s voice on An Nuo’s phone, she was a little surprised.

“What are you…?” She was immediately puzzled.

It was not Murong Qiao’s fault for thinking too much. However, when she thought of the fact that one of them went to work every day and the other was a busy person, Murong Qiao really couldn’t imagine how they could get together.

After An Nuo moved, Murong Qiao only briefly understood the situation from the other party’s manager. After knowing that it was fine, she didn’t ask further.

Therefore, she didn’t know that her Big Brother and An Nuo had actually become neighbors.

After Murong Chen spoke, An Nuo handed the cell phone in her hand to him in embarra.s.sment.

However, the moment she handed it out, An Nuo looked at the pink rabbit’s phone case that she had specially chosen previously. There was even a small gla.s.s cat pendant hanging below. She couldn’t help but blush again.

There was an indescribable sense of social death.

Previously, An Nuo, who had carefully selected this cell phone cover and felt that it was extremely cute, was now staring blankly.

Murong Chen took it naturally and put it to his ear to answer the call. “It was just a coincidence.”

“Then Big Brother, are you free tonight? I’m moving and planning to celebrate.” Murong Qiao invited him.

Naturally, the more people there were, the more lively it would be. Previously, she had also wanted to invite Shen Xi and Ruan Ying over.

However, one of them was not in good health and needed to stay at home for a long time, and the other seemed to have something on, so she couldn’t come over this time.

Murong Chen’s main purpose here was to inspect the branch here, so there was not much for him to do himself.

He naturally agreed to his Little Sister’s invitation readily.

“Yes… Alright, I understand.”

An Nuo stood in front of Murong Chen and looked at the man in a suit and leather shoes. Even his hair was carefully styled. He was talking into the cell phone with a serious expression. From time to time, his voice would deepen, and it even gave people the illusion that he was in a meeting.

However, when she turned her gaze and noticed the very unbecoming pink cell phone cover in the other party’s hand and the gla.s.s pendant that shook from time to time, the strange change in An Nuo’s heart was suddenly broken. Even the serious atmosphere on Murong Chen dissipated.

It seemed… quite cute?

An Nuo’s lips curved without even realizing it, and her eyes rippled with a smile.

Murong Chen had just ended his conversation with his Little Sister and ended the call when he saw An Nuo snickering.

“Here you go.” He handed the phone back.

Seeing An Nuo take the phone back, Murong Chen turned around and took out a shopping cart that was leaning against the wall to prepare for the purchase later.

The Murong Family’s best cook was Murong Chuan, but Murong Chen’s talent in the kitchen was not too bad.

“Looks like we’re going the same way tonight.” Murong Chen pushed the cart to An Nuo’s side and teased.

An Nuo pursed her lips and nodded in embarra.s.sment. “Let’s go buy something first?”                                  &

“Of course. You can buy it. I’ll follow behind you.” Murong Chen echoed. Everything was recorded in An Nuo’s memorandum just now. Murong Chen had at most chatted with his Little Sister for a while and asked about her recent situation.

However, after saying this, An Nuo walked in front. Her gaze was clearly fixed on the shelves at the side, searching for what she wanted, but her thoughts couldn’t help but drift to the person behind her.

She always warned herself in her heart that she shouldn’t have too many fantasies. But in the current situation, she and Murong Chen, who was pushing a shopping cart beside her… really looked like a couple who had come out to shop at the supermarket together.

The restless feeling in her heart had appeared again at some point and was still spreading. It was like vines that were growing and absorbing nutrients, wrapping around An Nuo’s heart tightly.

Fortunately, when she lived with Murong Qiao previously, she was already used to buying things. An Nuo knew what to buy so that she wouldn’t be distracted and embarra.s.s herself in front of Murong Chen.

However, when the two of them were about to go to the supermarket counter to pay the bill, they coincidentally met the counter lady from last time.

“It’s you again?” The young lady immediately recognized An Nuo and Murong Chen.       5

It was no wonder that she could recognize them immediately. After all, be it An Nuo or Murong Chen, they were even better-looking than ordinary celebrities. Moreover, the last time the young lady met An Nuo alone, she had a deep impression of her.

Seeing the sister greet her warmly, An Nuo suddenly had a bad feeling.

Right on the heels of that, this premonition came true in the next second. An Nuo heard the young lady speak to Murong Chen very naturally.

“The last time I saw her, she came to the supermarket alone and bought a lot of things.”

“What kind of boyfriend are you? You let a girl shop alone in the supermarket and carry so much stuff?”

An Nuo’s face turned completely red.

However, before the young lady could finish speaking, she looked like she expected better from someone.

“Just looking at her carrying those two big bags makes my hands ache. You guys look like you’re already living together, right? Could it be that you quarreled previously?”

The other party was clearly an overly enthusiastic person. When she spoke, it seemed like she was not done.

For the first time, An Nuo felt that the payment time was so long.

She clearly watched as the young lady scanned the items one by one and made a payment gesture, but she felt that her face and neck should be completely red. She even wanted to find a place to hide.

An Nuo didn’t explain immediately because her mind was completely blank and in a mess.

On the other hand, Murong Chen, who was standing at the side, saw that An Nuo didn’t react and didn’t understand the situation for the time being. He pretended to be quiet and listened to the young lady’s teachings, nodding in response.

After paying the bill, when the two of them pushed out the shopping cart, An

Nuo finally apologized with a red face..

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After the Female Supporting Character Who Lost Favor Logged off, Her Ten Older Brothers Went Crazy Chapter 664: Cute, but Social Death summary

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