
Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 1854: Battle Atop The Train

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Chapter 1854: Battle Atop The Train

"There they are!"

"The ones that have big sis heart...!"

"Give it back! And die!"

The trio of half-cactus monsters shaped as young women jumped to fight them the moment they saw Benladra and Kate, and the little blue slime holding the green jewel.

"So that's their sister's heart?" wondered Benladra.

"Yeah, it seems to be the case," said Drake. "Let's each one take on one of them! They're weak to fire, so just burn them as much as you can!"

Drake quickly transformed, surprising the trio of plant women as they attacked the girls with giant roots and vines wrapped against one another, only to be pushed back by a huge fire dragon appearing out of nowhere.


With his fists encompa.s.sed on deadly crimson flames, Drake unleashed a barrage of powerful blows, pushing the plant women back with immense strength and releasing shockwaves of flames.




They screamed in agony as they started burning, they quickly attempted to regenerate back and fight, but they were quickly taken down by Benladra and Kate incoming blows.

The girls underwent pseudo Draconification, becoming dragon-like, but also much smaller and compacted in a humanoid form, similar to what their father was doing.

"You learn fast! This'll be a good training for you two," Drake said. "Maintain those forms and conjure flames, burn them, quickly!"

Drake pushed down the one he was fighting, a cactus woman with a huge purple flower atop her head and golden eyes, who quickly exploded into thousands of vines and roots wrapping around him.

"You think you can just beat me down and burn me, you filthy lizard?! YOU'RE WRONG! YOU'RE WROOOOONG!"

"G.o.d f.u.c.king dammit, you're just as annoying as that other b.i.t.c.h!"

Drake summoned Gabriel, who quickly transformed into a golden and white sword, overflowing with holy light, which he merged with his flames to his limits, turning the blade into crimson and gold in color instead!

"{Heavenly Mechanical Blade Arts}: {Blazing Heaven Cleaver}"

Because he had already guessed that his stupid sword would think they were not worthy of death or something, Drake summoned Gabriel into a sword form instead and quickly used an imitation of Celestia's swordsmanship techniques.


A giant horizontal slash made of holy flames cleaved and slashed through his foe in a matter of seconds, as he quickly slashed her again, and again, and again!




"Stop...! STOOOP!"


But Drake didn't stop, no matter how childish they acted, these monsters had killed many innocents already, he could immediately sense based in their stench that they had eaten a lot of people recently.

With the last slash, the entire cactus woman dissipated into ashes as he burned through her entirety, he quickly glanced back at his daughters, noticing they were doing quite well.



Benladra used her holy lance to pierce through her foe, while infusing her entire body with holy cosmic flames, which burned to cinders whatever she touched.

"Uuugghh! I-I can't hurt heerrrr!"

The deadly plant monsters, who could easily overwhelm almost anybody, began to be rapidly pushed back by the deadly flames of dragons, almost as if designed to go against them.

"Stay quiet."


Kate swung her mechanical sword around, slashing through her opponent with laser shockwaves of cutting energy, her foe started rapidly losing her ma.s.s, which wouldn't regenerate easily either.

Then, as she saw her being weakened, she rushed forward, slashing, kicking, and blasting her with her electricity if needed, all while abusing her sharp draconic claws from her hands and foot.

"Uuugghhh...! S-Stop...! STOP THAT!"

As the two struggled to be alive, the plant women suddenly noticed their sister dying by Drake's hands, growing desperate, the two rushed towards one another, attempting to unify

their strength.

"Don't let them fuse!"

Drake roared, releasing a fire breath and blasting the two of them away, giving time for his daughters to jump on them once more.


Benladra roared, piercing through her target's body with her lance once more, several times in a row, her attacks resembling countless of shiny stars descending upon her enemy and exploding into flames.


"It's over for you."

At the same time, Kate swung her sword horizontally and vertically, imitating her father's techniques, she loaded her sword with Divine Energy and unleashed devastating, slicing





The two half-cactus women screamed, their tentacles and bodies being reduced to cinders, until nothing else was left out of them than two green colored pearls.

Drake nodded, feeling proud that his girls had come this far already, they were fully capable of fending off for themselves now, if he were to ever let them go free into the world, like many dragons often do with their offspring with they're big enough.

He did feel that small instinct emerging from his dragon body, the instinct telling him "the kids are big enough, let them go roam the world", but there was also his own thoughts, emotions, and personality as a former human.

And as humans do, they love to keep their family together, letting them go at this young age would only make him really sad, and their mothers too.

"Well done, you two have grown a lot," nodded Drake. "There's probably someone behind these three though, so we'll have to fight another b.a.s.t.a.r.d pretty soon."

"Hmm, I can't wait!" said Benladra.

"I want it to start already," said Kate.

"You two are too impatient," sighed Drake. "Did that nap really get you all energized or


"Maybe! I'm hungry too though," said Benladra. "I want breakfast... can't we order something? We paid for VIP seats and all..."

"I was thinking the same," nodded Kate. "I want something sweet, papa."

"Okay, fine, we'll do that once we're done with... Ah, talking about him... there he is."

Drake glanced behind him, noticing a mad-looking doctor with too many Frankenstein abomination-shaped mechanical parts attached into his still barely alive body.

"You... There you are! You...! YOUUU!"

He was utterly furious.


And thunder all across the skies started to shake, purple thunder, rapidly harboring and being

harnessed within his body.

"I'll kill all of you!"

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Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 1854: Battle Atop The Train summary

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