
Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 1723 New Classes And Stats For The Family 1

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Chapter 1723 New Cla.s.ses And Stats For The Family 1


"You were already able to get a Status of sorts, but it was sloppy and not at all times available. This changes now, this is a proper System Status for everyone, and you can even Level Up, chose a Divine Cla.s.s, and more."

Everyone's Status had now become fully visible and within their control, all while they obtained new forms and abilities from it. At the same time, there were also something that had happened, which I had not expected.

"How interesting!" Miranda said. "But my Divine Cla.s.s already comes predetermined? It says [Second Wife of the Dragon King]…"

"Huh? Wait, really?" I wondered. "What about you, Benladann?"

"Same," Benladann showed me her Status.


[Name]: [Benladann]

[Race]: [Divine Chaos Dragon Queen]

[Subrace]: [Divine Ice t.i.tan]

[Cla.s.s]: [First Wife of the Dragon King ★: Lv0/100]

[Divine Core]: [Rank 9 (Peak Stage)]

[Divine Power]: [4.800.000.000]


[Divine Power]: [4.800.000.000]

[Martial Power]: [2.500.000]

[Arcane Force]: [2.500.000]

[Soul Aether]: [4.000.000]

[Fate Fortune]: [1.500.000]

[Main Divinities]: [Divinity: Miasmic Mold (SSS)] [Divinity: Chaos (SSS)] [Divinity: Frost t.i.tan Body (SSS)] [Divinity: Dragon Mother (SSS)] [Divinity: Chaotic Ice (SSS)] [Divinity: Primordial Chaos Mother Authority (SSS+)]

[Auxiliary Divinities]: [Divinity: Devourer of Chaos (SSS)] [Divinity: Warrior's Heart (SSS)] [Divinity: Family Bonds (SSS)] [Divinity: Chaotic Embodiment (SSS)] [Divinity: Devoted Mother (SSS)]

[Dragon Bloodlines]: [Ice Dragon (SSS) (Awakened)] [Chaos Dragon (SSS) (Awakened, Unique)] [Dark Dragon (S) (Partially Awakened)]

[t.i.tan Bloodlines]: [Ice t.i.tan Bloodline (SS) (Awakened)]

[Magical Affinities]: [Ice (SSS)] [Chaos (SSS)] [Mold (SSS)] [Void (SSS) (Dormant)]

{Cla.s.s Skills}

[Active Skills]: [Reverse Chaos ★: Lv1/100]

[Pa.s.sive Skills]: [None]

{Divine Abilities}:

[Unique Skill: Miasmic Mold: Miranda (SSS+)] [Unique Skill: Charming Aura (SSS)] [Divine Ice t.i.tan Bloodline: Ymir's Descendant (SSS)] [Divine Chaos Frost Dragon t.i.tan Progenitor Mother Physique (SSS)] [Abyssal Chaos Axe Arts (SSS)] [Divine Chaos Magic (SSS)] [Divine Chaos Dragon Transformation (SSS)] [Divine Ice t.i.tan Transformation (SSS)] [Abyssal Miasmic Mold Legion (SSS)] [s.p.a.ce-Tearing Chaotic Dragon Claws and Jaws of Demise (SSS)]

[s.p.a.ce-Piercing Chaotic Dragon Spear Tail (SSS)] [Devastating Chaos Frost Dragon Breath (SSS)] [Abyssal Chaos Soul Realm (SSS)] [Chaotic Spirit Vessel (SSS)] [Chaotic Frost Manipulation and Creation (SSS)] [Damage-Nullifying Divine Chaos Dragon Scale Armor (SSS)] [Moonlight Dragon Spirit Magic (SSS)] [Divine Housewife Arts (SSS)] [t.i.tan Barbarian Warrior Weapon Arts (SSS)] [All-Consuming Mold Wave (SSS)] [Abyssal All-Consuming Chaotic Storm Domain (SSS)] […]


So these were the Stats of my wife, pretty good to be honest. She has a lot of them at the millions, and if I hadn't gotten that boost from my evolution into a Venerable, we would be quite close in terms of numbers, perhaps.

Though, her Cla.s.s gives her a weird Skill I can't really guess what it could do… It's just called [Reverse Chaos], just what does it do? It reverses the effects of the element of chaos? Then… Order? Or something else? Feels mysterious.

"Me too, papa, I also got the cla.s.s," Kate said.

"Yeah, me as well!" Benladra added.

"Hmm!" Drakda nodded. "Cla.s.suu?" He didn't understand what was happening, but he was trying.

Each one had a special cla.s.s based on being my child, Benladra had "first child", Kate had "second child", and Drakda had "third child". It was slightly boring how they were locked into this.

But that didn't mean the cla.s.ses were bad or weak though, and I don't think they were particularly upset about it either.

"It's a bit interesting, dad," said Benladra. "It's like we are very special for being your family! I don't think everyone else has it."

"We should ask the others," Kate commented. "Maybe they got unique Divine Cla.s.ses… or nothing at all."


I asked the System herself about this because I just didn't have much of a clue myself.

Although I had comprehended the Law of the System and brought it to reality, stuff related with randomness just wasn't my thing.

"Yes, I know what's happening," she said. "You see, the internal system synapsis, part of my own calculations, is constantly changing, shifting, and improving with each second. The cla.s.ses are specifically designed for each wielder. They might sound rather generic, but they have special Skills and Bonus Stats that fit their abilities and powers and can even cover some of their weaknesses."

"So that's how it works, huh?" Benladann nodded. "But my Cla.s.s Skill is kind of iffy… Weird, what does Reversing Chaos even means?"

"We'll be able to understand once we enter the second trial anyways," shrugged Miranda. "The interesting thing is that I got my own Status now though! Although I am still linked to Benladann's Stats and everything, there's some unique powers only to me too! Heheh…"

"Let me see…"


[Name]: [Miranda]

[Race]: [Demonic Mold Spirit Queen]

[Subrace]: [Miasmic Mold Soul]

[Cla.s.s]: [Second Wife of the Dragon King ★: Lv0/100]

[Divine Core]: [Rank 9 (Peak Stage)] (Connected to Benladann)

[Divine Power]: [4.300.000.000] (Connected to Benladann)

[Demonic Energy]: []

[Martial Power]: [2.000.000]

[Arcane Force]: [3.000.000]

[Soul Aether]: [5.000.000]

[Fate Fortune]: [500.000]

[Main Divinities]: [Divinity: Miasmic Mold (SSS)] [Divinity: Chaos (SSS)] [Divinity: Demonic Spirit (SSS)] [Divinity: Dragon Mother (SSS)] [Divinity: Chimera G.o.ddess (SSS)] [Divinity: Primordial Chaos Mother Authority (SSS+)]

[Auxiliary Divinities]: [Divinity: Devourer of Chaos (SSS)] [Divinity: Chimeric Forms (SSS)] [Divinity: Family Bonds (SSS)] [Divinity: Chaotic Embodiment (SSS)] [Divinity: Devoted Mother (SSS)]

[Dragon Bloodlines]: [Ice Dragon (SSS) (Awakened)] [Chaos Dragon (SSS) (Awakened, Unique)] [Dark Dragon (S) (Partially Awakened)] [Mold Dragon (???) (Sealed)]

[t.i.tan Bloodlines]: [Ice t.i.tan Bloodline (SS) (Awakened)]

{Cla.s.s Skills}

[Active Skills]: [Spiritual Mold ★: Lv1/100]

[Pa.s.sive Skills]: [None]

{Divine Abilities}:

[Unique Skill: Miasmic Mold: Miranda (SSS+)] [Shapeshifting Spiritual Demonic Miasmic Mold Body (SSS)] [Divine Ice t.i.tan Bloodline: Ymir's Descendant (SSS)] [Divine Chimera Chaos Dragon Physique (SSS)] [Abyssal Chaos Axe Arts (SSS)] [Divine Chaos Magic (SSS)] [Divine Chaos Chimeric Dragon Transformation (SSS)] [Abyssal Miasmic Mold Legion Body (SSS)] [Devastating Miasmic Chaos Dragon Breath (SSS)] [Abyssal Chaos Soul Realm (SSS)]

[Miasmic Mold Chaotic Eldritch Soul-Eating and Life-Draining Tentacles (SSS)] [Crimson Demonic Eldritch Eye Beams (SSS)] [Chaotic Miasmic Mold Spirit Vessel (SSS)] [Miasmic Mold Infection And Unification (SSS)] [Miasmic Mold Necromancy (SSS)] [Parasitic Hive Mind (SSS)] [Miasmic Demonic Spirit Essence Manipulation (SSS)] [Demonic Spirit Magic (SSS)] [Mold Vessel and Mind Fusion (SSS)] […]


Her Stats were sure different, and she even had many Divine Abilities that were different as well, although she also shared some with Benladann!

But above all, her Active Cla.s.s Skill was…

"Spiritual Mold?"


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Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 1723 New Classes And Stats For The Family 1 summary

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