
My Husband and I Brought Hundreds of Millions of Supplies to Farm Chapter 914 Princess Jiarou's Death

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Chapter 914: Chapter 914 Princess Jiarou’s Death


Translator: Dragon Boat Translation     Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

“Sir, my subordinates suspect she brought it with her. This poison is the same poison that killed Captain Su in the first place,” the captain said, pointing at Princess Jiarou’s cosmetic case.

Only then did Bai Yang notice that Jiarou’s cosmetic case was open.

Afterwards, he carefully examined it and found some crumpled papers underneath the bed, all saying, ‘Su Lang, wait for me; we will reunite soon’.

Some of the others varied but essentially conveyed the same message, ‘Su Lang, where are you? Wait for me.’

“This, this…” The envoys didn’t know what to say when they saw these notes.

However, their resentment towards her dissipated, replaced only by pity. If it weren’t for this diplomatic marriage pact, Captain Su’s efforts might have led to a happy ending for them, but now…

Their hearts weighed heavily.

Seeing this, Bai Yang said, “Let’s keep this from the Great Ming. Since the weather isn’t hot right now, let’s take her back and bury her with Captain Su.”

The others nodded in agreement after hearing this, then bought some ice to preserve Princess Jiarou’s body.

Next, Bai Yang actively negotiated with King Ning about the specifics of the trade, finally deciding that after the trade at the border, he would hastily return with Princess Jiarou’s body.

Upon reaching the border, only Bai Yang stayed behind, while the others hurried back to the capital with Princess Jiarou’s body.

In the end, Princess Jiarou was buried with Captain Su and laid to rest in the Su family cemetery.

The next morning, Sovereign King Ke visited the palace to see Zhi Shan.

Seeing her smile, he finally felt relieved, then solemnly said, “I will leave soon. Remember, you are the princess of the Northern Continent. As long as the Northern Continent still exists, the Emperor will not mistreat you.

“So you don’t need to argue with the palace concubines; just take care of yourself.

“In addition, the Emperor probably won’t let a prince with the Northern Continent bloodline ascend the throne, so as long as you have a child, just raise him well and let him live a good life.”

Zhi Shan listened to him speaking as if he were arranging post-life affairs; her eyes teared up as she choked back on tears and replied, “Brother, please don’t leave.”

“Silly girl, I want to stay and enjoy a peaceful life here too, but what about our elder brother? I have to go back to help him.

“Only when the Northern Continent becomes strong can you safely guard your beloved one in the palace.” Sovereign King Ke said, wiping her tears, “Don’t cry. In the future, I will try to come and pay tribute every year so we can always meet each other again.”

Hearing that they could meet every year, Zhi Shan finally smiled.

Sovereign King Ke instructed her with a few more advice before leaving.

Just as he left the Changchun Palace, where Zhi Shan lived, he saw the Emperor and Eunuch Qian waiting not far away.

He hurried forward to greet them, saying, “Greetings, Your Majesty.”

“Please, rise. You’ve bid farewell to Zhi Shan?”

“Yes, she’s a simple-minded and playful girl. I hope Your Majesty will treat her kindly.”

“Yes, she’s a lovely girl,” the Emperor smiled.

He handed him a bag, saying, “These are the chili seeds Zhi Shan mentioned before. Marquis An Le asked me to pa.s.s them on to you.

“He said chili likes sunlight, is drought-resistant, and can be planted at the end of March.”

“Thank you, Your Majesty. I will take my leave.”

“Alright, have a safe journey.” After saying this, the Emperor asked Eunuch Qian to escort him out.

He, on the other hand, went to the Empress’s place.

Meanwhile, Zhou Ying got up early and went to the restaurant to check on the chef’s skills. After confirming they could make a good squirrel fish dish, she asked the manager to write a notice and put it up..

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My Husband and I Brought Hundreds of Millions of Supplies to Farm Chapter 914 Princess Jiarou's Death summary

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