
My Husband and I Brought Hundreds of Millions of Supplies to Farm Chapter 912 State Banquet (3)

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Chapter 912: Chapter 912 State Banquet (3)


Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

“What are the King’s orders?”

“Just like we discussed, well agree to their conditions for half a year.

“However, he wants us to exchange seeds. Even if it’s a little more expensive, it’s fine.” Bai Yang smiled.

“It seems that Mother G.o.d didn’t abandon us. Why don’t we ask Mother G.o.d to give us seeds instead?” A member of the diplomatic mission suggested.

“Yes, but it’s better to save yourself than to ask for help.

“Do you still remember the food that Mother G.o.d gave us before the New Year?

“At that time, Mother G.o.d only gave it to the areas with actual disasters, and it was only two to three months’ supply. In other words, it could only last until the wild vegetables are available for harvest again.

“Therefore, Mother G.o.d’s meaning was very obvious. She wanted to save the poor, but not to the very end.

“In the end, we still have to rely on ourselves.”

“So why did she give it to the Great Ming?”

“Have you forgotten that it’s a congratulatory gift for the new emperor? So, the current emperor must have some background, or perhaps he’s someone with great luck.” After Bai Yang said that, he was even more certain of his a.s.sumptions.

Logically speaking, with the Emperor’s forces at that time, he would have suffered heavy losses even if he had defeated King Hui and King Kang.

Moreover, King Hui counterattacked a few more times after the incident. Ultimately, he failed each time and tormented the Retired Emperor instead.

The biggest loss was probably the death of the late Empress.

Although the people from the diplomatic mission didn’t agree 100% after hearing this, they didn’t refute it.

After all, they had heard many rumors about the current emperor, so they were still somewhat afraid.

“Let’s go,” Bai Yang said. “If the food that Great Ming gave us is not processed, then there is no need for us to talk about the seeds anymore.”

After everyone was briefed, they instructed the people who stayed behind to look after Princess Jiarou, and the group entered the palace.

After they entered the palace and sat down, King Ning walked over and asked, “How are your considerations? I will present your answer to the Emperor if it’s decided.”

“When the banquet begins, the Emperor will announce his decision.”

“I wonder if the food you gave us is processed or raw?” Bai Yang asked.

King Ning paused for a moment. After understanding his meaning, he smiled and said, “Unprocessed grain, which can be used as seeds. Since there are also seeds in your country, especially sweet potatoes and corn, why don’t we trade? How about we exchange for your type of rice, wheat, and corn?”

“Of course, but their prices and weights are different. You have to be prepared.”

“Understood. These three will do.

“A total of 1,000 stones is sufficient.”

“Send a representative to sign the agreement with me.” After King w.a.n.g finished speaking, he walked out.

Seeing this, Bai Yang greeted the messengers and left with King Ning to sign the agreement.

When the people in the harem gathered in front of the court, Yangyang and Guoguo also woke up. After giving them a simple washdown, the group began to rush forward.

On the way, Zhou Ying spread her divine sense to check on Gu Wanning’s condition. Firstly, she was afraid that someone would sabotage her, and secondly, she was afraid that her body could not take the stress.

When they arrived at the court, the Grand Empress Dowager and Empress took the Eldest Princess and Yangyang to the back hall to wait for the Emperor.

Meanwhile, Zhou Ying and Mingyu brought Zhuangzhuang and Guoguo directly into the hall and sat in their respective seats.

Unsurprisingly, the two families sat next to each other. The two little children sat together and began to eat the desserts that were prepared.

Seeing this, Zhou Ying and Mingyu did not stop them. The weather was still cold, and the food would get cold after the banquet began. It was better to have it while it was hot and eat more snacks..

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My Husband and I Brought Hundreds of Millions of Supplies to Farm Chapter 912 State Banquet (3) summary

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