
Hi, My Sweet Lil Moe Wife! Chapter 1982: Keep your distance from Zhan mo

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Chapter 1982: Keep your distance from Zhan mo


Translator: 549690339

Ruan Mengmeng’s head felt heavy. She felt that there were many things that she had not explained clearly.

“Father, what happened? Why did I suddenly faint? where did Zhan mo go? why am I here? and my stomach is in so much pain. Is it really okay? However, it’s not in pain anymore, Yingluo.”

She subconsciously lowered her head to look at her bulging stomach, her face filled with confusion.

Ruan Mengmeng had never been worried about her own health. She knew her own condition. Her body was in good condition, and pregnancy had always been easy for her, so she did not mind.

But today, ruan Mengmeng suddenly felt how helpless she was as a pregnant woman when the pain and dizziness. .h.i.t her.

Ruan Mengmeng looked up at Zhan Yang with her bright, black, almond-shaped eyes, waiting for him to tell her what had happened.

The only person she trusted in this Manor was Zhan Yang.

After hearing ruan Mengmeng’s series of questions, Zhan Yang furrowed his brows and said in a low voice, “I don’t know why Zhan mo suddenly went to find you. Perhaps it’s because he’s not happy with my arrangements for the company. But no matter what the reason was, the battle desert this time had disappointed me greatly. He could actually lay his hands on a pregnant woman. If it were an ordinary person, they would also know to give in to a pregnant woman. To think that he’s your brother!”

The more Zhan Yang spoke, the uglier his expression became. In the end, his handsome and serious face was so cold that there was no warmth.

Ruan Mengmeng did not want her father to be put in a difficult position because of her, so she said softly, ” “It’s his business. I know that in his heart,

Zhan Jia ‘er is his real sister.”

She, on the other hand, might have once been regarded as a younger sister by him, but she would never be able to compare to Zhan Jia ‘er.

Zhan Yang saw the gloominess in ruan Mengmeng’s eyes and comforted her. “It doesn’t matter. Even if they’re not here, there’s still father. Daddy will always be by your side. Don’t be afraid, the doctor has already diagnosed you.

What you experienced just now was false contractions, which often appear in the late stages of pregnancy.

You were triggered by the battle desert and caused this situation. But don’t worry, you and the baby are both very healthy and everything is normal. There’s still two months before the expected date of delivery. I’ll make sure you give birth to the child safely.”

It turned out to be false contractions. Ruan Mengmeng heaved a sigh of relief when she heard that.

She had read all kinds of popular science books about pregnancy and had seen ‘pseudo-contractions’ before.

According to the book, this pain was like the feeling of the opening of the womb before giving birth, so it would give the illusion that the fetus was about to be born.

But in reality, it was not. The duration of false contractions was short, and the strength was not great. Under normal circ.u.mstances, the pain would disappear very quickly.

However, if the pregnant woman was especially nervous, she would feel pain.

In other words, the more nervous she was, the more pain she felt. The more pain she felt, the more nervous she felt. Ruan Mengmeng thought back to her situation at that time. It was probably because she was in a high state of tension while confronting the battle desert that she had the illusion that she was about to give birth.

“So it was just a false alarm. I thought I was about to give birth.” Ruan Mengmeng bit her lip and secretly warned herself that she must not be so nervous in the future.

“This isn’t a false alarm. If father hadn’t arrived just now, who knows how Zhan mo would have treated you.” Mengmeng, although daddy really wants to see the two of you getting close, but Zhan mo is so embarra.s.sed.”

A sharp glint flashed across Zhan Yang’s eyes, “he is too disappointing.” In the future, you should try to keep a distance from Zhan mo and not get too close to him.”

Keep a distance from Zhan mo?

Of course, that was what ruan Mengmeng had been thinking.

However, just as she was about to nod and agree to Zhan Yang’s request, a face suddenly flashed across her mind.

It was Zhan Mo’s face.

Not long ago, when Zhan mo had pinched her chin, his cold and handsome face had been filled with anger and excitement.

This was the first time she had seen such a battle desert..

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Hi, My Sweet Lil Moe Wife! Chapter 1982: Keep your distance from Zhan mo summary

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