
Hi, My Sweet Lil Moe Wife! Chapter 1962: Her father was actually such a powerful person

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Chapter 1962: Her father was actually such a powerful person


Translator: 549690339

For a period of time after that, Duan xiuhui stayed in the hospital and took care of Zhan Jia ‘er every day. She barely went home.

Ruan Mengmeng was also very busy.

Zhan Yang seemed to be thoroughly disappointed in Zhan Jia ‘er. He had never been to the hospital or visited her. Instead, he brought ruan Mengmeng to the company every day.

Other than the weekly routine pregnancy test, ruan Mengmeng spent the rest of the time with Zhan Yang, familiarizing herself with everything in the Fenghuo group.

It was only after learning from Zhan Yang that ruan Mengmeng realized how powerful the man who had given birth to her was.

Zhan Yang’s methods were unfathomable. His ambitions and aspirations for this world also surprised ruan Mengmeng.

Fenghuo group’s power had reached out to many fields. Not only were they involved in shopping, real estate, media, education, and medical care, but they were also involved in infrastructure construction, telecommunications network, financial investment, and even energy projects.

Ruan Mengmeng did not know what kind of person would be able to develop the corporation under him into such a terrifying behemoth.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that Zhan Yang was a madman.

Even the powerful and capable Li family, which controlled the economic lifeline of S country, had never reached out to so many fields when li junyu was at the peak of his power.

However, Zhan Yang, who had been expelled from S country and had started from scratch, had managed to do it.

He was truly a shocking and unexpected man.

this is the investment of the Beacon Group in the Middle East, and these are the submarine gas pipes from North Africa. They even have ports in these Straits.

In the study, ruan Mengmeng took out the map and pointed out the ‘homework’ that Zhan Yang had given her for the day to khiton.

These days, Zhan Yang had been teaching her a lot, and this knowledge was something that ruan Mengmeng had never come into contact with before.

To be honest, if it were someone else, they would probably be overwhelmed by these heavy company affairs.

However, ruan Mengmeng would not. The Zhan family’s talents were revealed at this time.

Their brain capacity seemed to be naturally stronger than others, and they were naturally faster at learning things than others.

Unfamiliar places, complicated human relationships, obscure market information, and boring data a.n.a.lysis might take others a week or two to memorize.

Ruan Mengmeng only needed a day to do it.

Of course, the condition was that her loyal and capable subordinate, khiton, had to kiss her every day to solve her problem.

dad told me to memorize all this information today and tell me about the market layout in Northern Europe tomorrow. Ruan Mengmeng said with a slight sigh as she lay in khiton’s arms.

To be honest, even though she had tyrant’s guidance and a.s.sistance, it was still a little tiring for her to store all these things in her mind at once.

After all, this was not just rote memorization.

Her father’s strategic planning in various regions, his profound and admirable means and vision, seemed to be teaching her everything.

Ruan Mengmeng didn’t know why her father had such high hopes for her, but her father treated her very well, and she didn’t want to let him down.

there’s too much information this time. Not only does it involve North Africa, but it also involves the complicated situation in the Middle East. It’s difficult to understand everything in a day. Khiton held ruan Mengmeng and let her lean against his arm as he flipped through the heavy files..

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Hi, My Sweet Lil Moe Wife! Chapter 1962: Her father was actually such a powerful person summary

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