
The Dawn Of The New World Chapter 920 - Curses And Witches

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Chapter 920 - Curses And Witches

"That's great news then! Can you share what kind of inheritance you got?"

"Of course master," Arthur was the first one to answer, keen as always.

"My inheritance is related to combat, both armed and unarmed while my bloodline power allows me to use any weapon as if it was my own," even though he tried to hide well but there was a hint of pride behind his words and he deserved to be proud.

Hao Xuan made a few guesses about the details but knew what he largely meant.

"Ohh that is good. It has a lot of practical uses and would even allow you to teach others," he complimented, making Arthur's chest puff out just a tad bit more.

He looked towards Gamil next. The stout Orc spoke in a husky voice.

"I have deep knowledge of weapon and armor smithing. My bloodline power allows me to dismantle any weapon or armor and in turn fully learn its manufacturing process."

"That is VERY good. Was it your idea to improve on Baracus's blueprints?"


"Hahaha, amazing!"

Hao Xuan's mood instantly became brighter. This truly was great news. To have an armor/weaponsmith of his own was one of the few things that he needed and now he just got.

But suffice to say the others were more than a little jealous of the attention he was receiving albeit they chose to keep it to themselves for the time being.

Next Hao Xuan looked towards Olav because he was literally jumping on the spot shouting "Oh Me! Me next, me!"

"Alright go ahead."

"Yay!" Olav waved his hand and a giant stick even bigger than him appeared in his grasp. It was decorated with all sorts of various stuff from some extremely old trinkets and household items to even bones and skulls.

"My inheritance gave me the knowledge of curses and my bloodline ability allowed me to speak to my ancestors and borrow this quarterstaff from them! I can also summon spirits of the dead!" Olav merely explained.

He was grinning ear to ear while looking at Hao Xuan for praise, in complete contrast to his horrible powers. Hao Xuan hadn't seen curses at work in person but he knew enough to be extremely wary of them.

Not only were curse users extremely rare but their abilities were shrouded in mystery. Not to mention they were more of a double-edged sword and posed great danger to both the caster and the victim.

Some of the simpler ones could be used in combat to slow opponents, make them unlucky and miss or straight up reduce their attacking powers or make them angry, scared, or paranoid for no reason.

While some of the greater curses could do specific things to people that hadn't even been born yet or were worlds apart.

"O-Oh, that's...good, I think. Have you used your powers yet?"

Olav instantly became disheartened upon seeing Hao Xuan's reaction.

"No...not yet. I am still studying."

"Good. Be very careful and don't do anything reckless. When you cast any dangerous curses you must tell me first. Do not do anything alone, understand?"

When Olav realized this meant he could spend more time with Hao Xuan he regained his previous cheerful almost immediately.



Hao Xuan looked at the last person left. Malina inched forward, still unable to meet Hao Xuan's gaze.

"I can **********"


She spoke in such a low voice that even Hao Xuan didn't pick it up.

"Come again?"

She took in a deep breath before shouting, "I-I can use magic!"

"Oh, what kind of magic?"

"An...any kind. As long as I know the spell."

"Wow, so you're a witch?? That's amazing. An Orc witch, I don't think I've ever heard about one!"

Orcs as a species usually depended on more physical arts so individuals like Olav and Malina appeared extremely rarely. But when they did, their powers were much stronger than those of their peers. Perhaps it was an evolutionary advantage or maybe it was related to their species but either way, it was a most welcome present.

"Ah, thank you, master!"

Malina bowed happily, elated beyond words.

"Alright, now that we've gotten that out of the way let's get to the crux of the matter at hand. Gamil, what changes did you make to the weapons and armors, and more importantly, what do you need for it exactly?"

Hao Xuan spent the next hour or so going over everything with Altron, Gamil, and Baracus.

Baracus was most impressed by Gamil's innovative ideas. He had managed to come up with a way to combine traditional weapon smithing with the advanced technological ideas of Baracus. It was almost as fast as the automated manufacturing of a factory while still customizing each unit to fit every individual Orc.

It was ingenious but one that only someone naturally gifted like Gamil could come up with.

"I need at least 4 different kinds of star ores two of which have to be Saint Grade. This way not only will both the armor and weapons be a tier higher but will be alive to an extent.. And when they get damaged it will be much easier to fix them."

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The Dawn Of The New World Chapter 920 - Curses And Witches summary

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