
The Dawn Of The New World Chapter 511 - Attack On The Temple

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Chapter 511 - Attack On The Temple

19,000 kilometers away from Academy's Walking city on the sands of a White Desert a b.l.o.o.d.y battle was taking place.

The Temple's gigantic walking city which looked like a four-horned black bull, the largest of the three sent down here, was under attack from all sides.

Ma.s.sive eye-less worms tens of kilometers in length swam in the pearly white sands like it was water, jumping out and attacking the black bull before quickly disappearing back into the ocean of sand and rock.

Surrounding the walking city were hundreds of people on native beasts that had the camel-like humps and long necks but thick, short stumpy legs covered in armor-like skin.

They completely blocked off any paths the bull could use to retreat by firing a constant barrage of different colored energy blasts. b.a.l.l.s of orange and purple flames were the most common among them, being fired most often.

On top of the bull, the city itself was covered by a defensive array that neutralized anything that got close.

Dima (detailed in chapter 450) was standing in the tower of the tallest building looking at screens that showed off what was happening outside. His bald head and youthful appearance would stand out anywhere, especially in a place like this where everyone else was standing behind him with their heads down.

Dima looked to the screen on the left which showed four worms peeking their heads out of the sand.

"Is there no way we can break through fro there? It seems like the safest bet," he gestured towards the screen.

A man in his early twenties stepped out from the crowd behind and bowed lightly, "We already tried that young ma- Uhm, Lord Protector. But some of these worm creatures have the ability to control the sand and earth. They created ma.s.sive sinkholes in every direction and we have no way to tell where until its too late."

He had a large build and clear features which made him look honest and trustworthy. He was decked out in thin grey armor that looked like a mix of metal and some kind of leather that was still alive, moving and even pulsating on its own every now and then.

Dima looked back at the man with a raised eyebrow accompanied by clear skepticism, "Senij, When did you try that?"

The man named Senij seemed like he was expecting such a question and waved his hand towards and another screen popped up. It showed him running out there riding an eight-legged bearded lizard-like beast that breathed red flame and encountering the sinkhole himself.

When the sinkhole opened up, the lizard jumped almost as if time was being turned back and avoided the sinkhole, going around it and encountering two more sinkholes.

All this was happening while Senij was under attack from all sides by the robed attackers.

Dima nodded lifelessly, "Ohh, good job. So what can we do now? What's the plan?"

The crowd behind them parted like the red sea before Senij had the opportunity to speak as a silhouette walked out. It was a girl whose age was difficult to discern but she could not be more than 25. Behind her was a group of similarly dressed warriors.

She had black hair that were tied in a tight bun above her head which mixed with the heavy armor and the dusty feathered helmet in her hand made her seem like a hero from the legends.

Although she wasn't extraordinarily good looking like Ceni or many of the other girls from the academy, the scars on her face and the cold look of indifference made her look like a battle-hardened general with powerful charisma rather than an average student.

Even Senij who seemed to have a very high ranking among the people present had to take a step back in front of her.

Dima who was largely unconcerned until now suddenly straightened his back and stood up straight. He turned around and looked at her with half a smile.

"Lady Natalia, to what do we owe the pleasure?" he asked while making a courteous bow.

Natalia ignored his greeting completely and looked towards the screens.

"Did you ask for help from the Academy and the Hall?" she inquired coldly.

Dima acted as if nothing happened, still keeping the smile on his face, "Yes.. The academy is sending over a few people but Lord Tian Zheng said the Hall is also under attack so he cannot spare anyone right now."

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The Dawn Of The New World Chapter 511 - Attack On The Temple summary

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