
The Dawn Of The New World Chapter 1115 Shockingly Fast

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The Chaos was trickling out of his body and disseminating through the s.p.a.ce around Hao Xuan but most of it was centered near his back where it was trying to take form.

It was stretching the surrounding s.p.a.ce trying to mold it with nothing but sheer energy created due to Hao Xuan's emotional instability.

Arcs of electricity began to form around the outer edge while the temperature started to rise around them. Within seconds it became hot enough that the raindrops were evaporating before even hitting the ground.

But Hao Xuan was completely oblivious to these strange happenings as in his eyes he was only able to see the death and destruction that would be caused by the Synapse when it would eventually rise again.

He had already lived through it once. The army that had attacked the city was nothing but a small scouting party in comparison to what was waiting within the pool and out in the shadows of the dark forest.

If allowed to mature the Synapse would be strong enough to not only control every single corrupted sp.a.w.n that walked the land but also create countless more within hours.

Hao Xuan's ears were flooding with sounds of war, of every war that he lived through. The screams of the innocent, the stark hopelessness that would follow in the aftermath of the madness and mania of the slaughter that would take place, and then the loss of willpower ones that survive to even live on.

He could see the deaths, hear the sounds of war and taste the blood that would seep into the ground thereafter.

And all that could be stopped right here, right now. All he needed was-

"Power, more power!"

His guttural voice echoed with the pit.


The sea of dark clouds was encrusted with the same kind of lighting that lay behind Hao Xuan. It was slow but forceful, shaking the very air underneath.

Han Rong raised his hand to his face and watched as every strand of hair stood up facing the sky in salutation. Het let out a breath of fresh air and saw the vapor fly up. And when he saw the sky his mouth fell open.

The sea of cloud was stirring as it moved in a circle above Hao Xuan. There was a ring of lighting in the center and a ring of fire hugging it.

The laws of nature were in turmoil.

"IT CAN'T BE-" he exclaimed taking several steps back.

Zou Huan did the same although he was much more composed.

"Tsk, see, what did I tell you," he shook his head in disappointment.

Han Rong gritted his teeth, "We have to stop him, NOW!"

Zou Huan looked at him as if he had heard a bad joke, "Stop him!? Even a True G.o.d cannot stop what has begun. He has already started to break through to the Profound Realm. He must see it to the end now, it is too late. His first Mind Palace is already beginning to take physical form."

And Zou Huan was right. The object behind him was in the shape of an old wooden gateway, the same as the one standing guard around the central mind palace.

,m Han Rong's fists were closed so rightly that he inadvertently drew blood.

"We HAVE to. He has no spiritual energy left to bear the heavenly tribulation and even if he did-"

He quickly raised both hands in front of his chest to try and cast a 3rd Tier spell that fell within the profound realm but as soon as even a spark of Qi gathered at his fingertips it was forcefully expelled by unknown forces.

His expression turned ugly in an instant, "-Even if he did have the spiritual energy the world spirit is still limiting the cultivation of all foreign beings. The tribulation will fail and he will be destroyed completely, inside and out. That's not just death but a wipe from all of existence. No one deserves that!"

Zou Huan who was about to turn away paused momentarily. He looked up at the red and blue clouds that were pregnant with heavenly thunder. He could feel the destructive power locked within those clouds even from such a long distance.

"I have never seen such a terrible tribulation," he commented before looking towards Han Rong.

"I understand you want to help but there really is nothing we can do. His fate is already sealed."

Han Rong was not a novice and he also understood that there was no stopping something of this caliber. But even so-

"We can't just stand by and do nothing. If we had helped earlier he would not have lost control."

"There is no use thinking about it. We must distance ourselves before the tribulation starts."

Zou Huan turned around but as soon as he took a step Sokol broke free from his grasp and jumped down.

"Stop! Come back here!" he shouted but Sokol moved shockingly fast and was standing at the edge of the pit before either of them could stop him.

He took in a deep breath before yelled at the top of his lungs.


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The Dawn Of The New World Chapter 1115 Shockingly Fast summary

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