
With Me In Seattle: Play With Me Part 41

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"What?" she asks after she makes a loud pop noise. "You'll what?"

I grip her shoulders and pull her back up to me, kissing her deeply, and reach between us to play with the piercing that I've grown to really f.u.c.king love.

It makes her crazy.

"Ah, G.o.d, Will," she moans against my mouth and I smile.

"That's right, sweetheart, come for me." Her hips are moving quickly against my fingers, and I know she's so close, and when I feel the shudders start, I guide myself inside her, and feel her sweet muscles milk my c.o.c.k as I sink farther and farther in.

I grit my teeth and hold onto her hips tightly to keep from coming with her.

As her inner muscles relax, I begin to move her, and she takes over, riding me hard and in the sweetest rhythm. She sits up and pulls her arms up, resting her forearms on the top of her head as she rides me, and I reach up and cup her b.r.e.a.s.t.s in my palms, tweaking the hard nipples with my thumb and forefingers, making her even more crazy.

She throws her head back and leans her hands on my chest, and I reach between us again, looking down at where I'm buried deep inside her, and run the pad of my thumb over her c.l.i.t and piercing, and I feel her o.r.g.a.s.m build again.

"Look, babe," I instruct her, and she complies, looking down at us, at me rubbing her c.l.i.t, and she falls apart, crying out.

She bears down on me, clenching and shuddering, and I have no choice but to come with her. I reach up and grip her hair in my fist and pull her down to me kissing her hard as I come inside her violently, pushing my hips up, burying myself as deep inside her as I possibly can.

She collapses on me, and I roll us onto our side, still inside her, gazing at her flushed face, eyes closed, lips parted as she pants.

This, right here, is my whole world.

"I love you, Will," she whispers, and I can't help the wide grin on my face, or the way my c.o.c.k twitches inside her at the sweet words.

"I love you too, sweetheart."

Meg fell asleep about an hour ago, but I'm not tired. I can't stop looking at her sweet face, can't stop running my fingers through her soft hair.

She loves me.

I smile, remembering how the words sound coming from those sinful lips, and can't wait to hear them again.

It kills me that she thinks that loving means leaving, that if she admits to me that she loves me I'll bail on her.

I'm never going any f.u.c.king where. She's stuck with me, forever if she'll have me.

I'd like to know more about Leo, have some time to talk with him. But more than that, I think she needs time with him. He didn't look like someone who had deserted her tonight. He was protective and clearly loves her.

I ease away from Meg, careful not to wake her, grab my phone from my slacks and descend the stairs of Meg's townhouse as I dial Luke's number. It's late, but they're probably still at the reception.

"Williams," Luke answers. I can hear the band in the background, and people laughing and talking.

"Hey, I need a favor."

"Name it," he answers quickly, and I grin. Natalie picked a good guy.

"I need Leo's number."

"He's still on stage, Will," Luke answers dryly.

"Don't be a smart a.s.s."

Chapter Twenty-Eight.

~Meg~ I wake to a heavy arm wrapped tightly around my waist, a nose pressed to my cheek, and a large, muscled leg draped over mine.

I sigh and wiggle, trying to stretch without untangling myself from Will. He feels good, and after last night, I need his closeness.

He almost left me.

And I can't blame him.

"Good morning," he whispers.

I turn my head, rubbing my nose against his and grin. "'Morning."

"Sleep good?" He asks and hugs me tight.

"Yeah. You?"

"I did."

"I like waking up with you."

He leans back and offers me a confused smile. "You wake up with me all the time."

"No I don't," I shake my head. "You're always up before me."

"Hmm." He kisses my temple and links my fingers with his and we just lie here and wake up. "You okay?" he whispers.

"I'm good."

"So," he begins with a sigh. "Tell me about Leo."

I frown at him, confused as to where this is coming from. "I already told you about him last night."

"No, you told me about how you met him. I want you to tell me about Leo."


He shrugs. "Call it curiosity."

"Will, he's just like a brother to me..."

"Stop," he presses his fingers against my lips and smiles rea.s.suringly. "This isn't a p.i.s.sing contest. I'm really curious to know more about him."

I search his face, and rub my hands down my face, turn on my side and face him. "Okay, I'll give you the cliffs notes version."

Will chuckles. "Okay."

"He went into foster care at the age of twelve, after both his parents were killed in a car accident. There weren't any relatives to take him." I sigh as Will scowls. "He could have gone down some bad roads. But he just lost himself in music, and then he had me to worry about, and thank G.o.d he is so f.u.c.king stubborn, or I shudder to think what kind of a mess he could have made out of his life."

I clear my throat and trace Will's shoulder with my fingertip. "He moved to Seattle when he turned eighteen, armed with his guitar and a trust fund that was set up with the insurance money from when his parents died. That's how he was able to help me pay for school and basically take care of me for so long. He's a smart guy. And he's so talented."

I smile at Will. "It was fun singing with him last night."

"You two are great together."

I nod. "It was like no time has pa.s.sed," I whisper. "I've missed him."

"Why did you lose touch when he went to L.A.?"

"Because I'm a brat." I smirk at Will's frown.

"You are not."

"Oh, yeah, I am. I threw quite the fit when Leo told me he was leaving for L.A." I shake my head. "I acted like a kid who wasn't getting her way. I just didn't want him to go. And it hurt my feelings that he didn't give me the option to go with him."

"From what you told me, it sounds like he was looking out for you."

"He was," I nod in agreement. "But it still hurt. I loved him, and he left. And I was too stubborn to stay in touch with him after he was gone. And then when the mad wore off, and I wanted to hear his voice, I felt like too much time had pa.s.sed, and I didn't think he'd want to hear from me." The last sentence is said with a whisper and brings tears to my eyes.

"I'm quite sure that's not the case," Will murmurs and brushes a tear off my cheek with his thumb. "No matter how stupid Jules acts, I'd always want to hear from her."

"Yeah," I mumble, not knowing what else to say.

"I think we should get up." Will pulls away from me and bounds out of bed, all naked and rumpled from sleep.

"I think you should get your s.e.xy a.s.s back in bed." He grins wolfishly at me and pulls the covers away from my naked body.

"Nope, up."

"Hey! It's cold."

"Get your hot a.s.s out of bed and into the shower. I have a surprise for you." He rolls the blankets into a ball and throws them on the floor, stomping into the bathroom to start the shower.

"What about morning s.e.x?" I yell after him.

"In the d.a.m.n shower!" he yells back.

"You mean we can have morning s.e.x in the shower?" I yell.

Will appears in the doorway and leans his shoulder against the jam, crosses his muscular arms over his chest, naked as a baby.

"I love it when you're naked," I tell him happily from my position on the bed.

"I'm happy to hear that," he smiles and crosses one leg in front of the other, looking all relaxed. "Are you going to get in the shower under your own power, or do I need to carry you in there?"

"Why are you so bossy this morning?" I ask with a laugh.

"I'm bossy every morning, babe. Now," he pushes away from the door and saunters to the bed, grabs my ankle, and pulls me to the edge of the bed. "Let's get in the shower."

"Okay," I hold my arms up, and he pulls me to my feet, but rather than letting me walk into the bathroom, he lifts me onto his shoulder and carries me.

"I can walk," I tell him wryly and slap his firm a.s.s.

"Not fast enough."

"Tell me about this surprise," I slap his a.s.s again just before he sets me on my feet.

"No. You said something about shower s.e.x." He grabs my shower gel and lathers up a wash cloth.

"I'll have shower s.e.x with you if you tell me about the surprise," I offer and have to grip his biceps to hold steady as he glides the soapy cloth over my b.r.e.a.s.t.s and down my stomach, landing between my legs.

"Are you sure?" he asks.

"What was the question?"

"Where are we going?" I ask from the pa.s.senger seat of Will's car.

"You'll see. We're almost there."

"I don't like surprises."

"I'm getting that. You're really bad at just shutting up and letting me do my thing, sweetheart."

"You should never tell me you have a surprise for me."

"Lesson learned," he mutters and parks the car in front of the cafe with the twelve-egg-omelet.

"Breakfast is the surprise?" I ask with raised eyebrows.

"Shut up, Megan."

He exits the car and opens my door for me, pulling me up by the hand, wraps his arm around my waist and plants a hard kiss on me, right there on the sidewalk.

"You can shut me up like that anytime, football star."

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With Me In Seattle: Play With Me Part 41 summary

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