
What is Darwinism? Part 7

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[57] _The Old Faith and the New_. Prefatory Postscript, xxi.

[58] _Variation of Plants and Animals under Domestication_. New York, 1868, vol. ii. pp. 515, 516.

[59] _Proceedings of the American a.s.sociation for the Advancement of Science_. Cambridge, 1873, p. 20.

[60] The _Atlantic Monthly_ for October, 1860. The three articles in the July, August, and October numbers of the _Atlantic_, on this subject, have been reprinted with the name of Dr. Asa Gray as their author.

[61] Strauss says that as he has arrived at the conclusion that there is no personal G.o.d, and no life after death, it would seem to follow that the question, Have we still a religion? "must be answered in the negative." But as he makes the essence of religion to consist in a sense of dependence, and as he felt himself to be helpless in the midst of this whirling universe, he had that much religion left.

_The Great Theological Work of the Age._


Systematic Theology.


of Princeton Theological Seminary.

In these volumes are comprised the results of the life-long labors and investigations of one of the most eminent theologians of the age. The work covers the ground usually occupied by treatises on Systematic Theology, and adopts the commonly received divisions of the subject,--THEOLOGY, Vol. I.; ANTHROPOLOGY, Vol. II.; SOTERIOLOGY AND ESCHATOLOGY, Vol. III.

The INTRODUCTION is devoted to the consideration of preliminary matters, such as Method, or the principles which should guide the student of Theology, and the different theories as to the source and standard of our knowledge of divine things, Rationalism, Mysticism, the Roman Catholic doctrine of the Rule of Faith, and the Protestant doctrine on that subject.

The department of THEOLOGY proper includes the origin of the Idea of G.o.d, the Being of G.o.d, the Anti-Theistic systems of Atheism, Polytheism, Materialism, and Pantheism; the Nature of G.o.d, the Divine Attributes, the Doctrines of the Trinity, the Divinity of Christ, and of the Holy Spirit; the Decrees of G.o.d, Creation, Providence, and Miracles.

The department of ANTHROPOLOGY includes the Nature, Origin, and Antiquity of Man, his Primitive State and Probation; the Fall; the Effect of Adam's Sin upon himself and upon his Posterity; the Nature of Sin; the Different Philosophical and Theological Theories on that subject.

SOTERIOLOGY includes the Plan or Purpose of G.o.d in reference to the Salvation of Men; the Person and Work of the Redeemer; his Offices as Prophet, Priest, and King, the Work of the Holy Spirit in applying the redemption purchased by Christ; Common and Efficacious Grace, Regeneration, Faith, Justification, Sanctification, the Law or Rule of Life, and the means of Grace.

ESCHATOLOGY includes the State of the Soul after Death; the Second Coming of Christ; the Resurrection of the Body; the General Judgment and End of the World, and the Doctrine concerning Heaven and h.e.l.l.

The plan of the author is to state and vindicate the teachings of the Bible on these various subjects, and to examine the antagonistic doctrines of different cla.s.ses of Theologians. His book, therefore, is intended to be both didactic and elenchtic.

The various topics are discussed with that close and keen a.n.a.lytical and logical power combined with that simplicity, lucidity, and strength of style which have already given Dr. HODGE a world-wide reputation as a controversialist and writer, and as an investigator of the great theological problems of the day.


The Minor Prophets.

_Edited by_ REV. DR. PHILIP SCHAFF, _and including_

HOSEA.--By OTTO SCHMOLLER, Ph. D., Urach, Wurtemberg. Translated, with additions, by JAMES E. MCCURDY.

JOEL.--By OTTO SCHMOLLER, Ph. D. Translated, with additional Notes and a New Version of the Hebrew Text, by JOHN FORSYTH, D.D., LL.D.

AMOS.--By OTTO SCHMOLLER, Ph. D. Translated and enlarged by TALBOT W. CHAMBERS, D.D.

OBADIAH.--By PAUL KLEINERT, of Berlin. Translated, with additions, by GEORGE R. BLISS, D.D.

JONAH.--By PAUL KLEINERT. Translated and enlarged by CHARLES ELLIOTT, D.D.

MICAH.--By PAUL KLEINERT. Translated, with additions, by GEORGE R.



HAGGAI.--By JAMES F. MCCURDY, Princeton, N. Y.



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