
War For The Oaks Part 15

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"I ain't gonna bargain with you. I know what this bike is worth." Then the big man showed his teeth.

"But I might let you have it for a thou-'cause I like the li'l lady."

The phouka's mouth became a hard line, and one of his hands bunched inside the other. "That's your last offer?" he said with frost in his voice.


The phouka turned toward the alley. Eddi followed after him, wondering how they were going to get home. Then he turned back.

"Here's my last," he said. "Eight hundred." He paused before he added, "Cash," and smiled so fiercely that Eddi expected to see his dog-fangs.

For a few moments the big man stared at them. Then he shrugged.

The phouka reached into his coat, drew out a slim leather folder, and flicked it open. He licked the tip of a finger delicately and counted out eight hundred-dollar bills. He held them up casually, fanned to display them to best advantage. "Anything else?"

The man scowled, licked his lips, and shook his head.

"t.i.tle," said Eddi.

He curled his lip at her. "His money and your bike, huh?" He shook his head and went back to the house to get the t.i.tle.

The papers were filled out, and the eight bills left the phouka's hand. "Nice doin' business with you,"

the big man said, crumpling the money in his fist. The weight of his steps as he went back to the house made the mud splatter.

The phouka shivered like a dog shedding water.

"Well!" Eddi sighed. "You said you wanted to find someone despicable to buy a motorcycle from. If I'd known you'd do it so well, I wouldn't have come."

"I'm not certain I would have," he replied as he folded up his sungla.s.ses. "Had I been my dog-self, I would have bitten him."

"Let's put some distance between him and us." Eddi kick-started the bike and beckoned to the phouka with a nod of her head. He looked at the half of the seat behind her. "Come on," she said, "or you'll have to run behind the whole way home."

He glanced at her through his eyelashes. "Very well." And he settled in behind her.

"You put your feet on those-and watch the pipes, they get hot. Hang on around my waist until you get used to the acceleration," Eddi told him.

He made a noise, something between a word and a cough. After a moment, he circled her waist carefully with his arms.

She wanted suddenly to turn and look at him; she wanted equally suddenly not to meet his eyes. She put the bike in gear instead.

They didn't talk on the way back; the wind and the engine noise were a good excuse. Eddi did nerve herself to say, when a stop sign gave her the chance. "You let me take it out alone."

She felt the tension in the arms around her waist. "That nice man would have been nervous, surely, if we'd both ridden off," the phouka said lightly. "I was hostage for your good behavior."

Eddi frowned over her shoulder at him and said, "Were you playing with me, ready to reel me back if I tried to run?"

He closed his eyes, and she saw a muscle work in his jaw. "That must be it. I could not have chosen to trust you."

His voice was calm, distant. She did a very sloppy job of accelerating away from the stop sign.

Eddi turned into the alley behind the building and parked the bike near the back door. "Think somebody'll steal it?"

"I believe I can promise you that no one will touch it."

"'Warning: this bike protected by attack fairies.' All the gay guys in the neighborhood would get a kick out of that."

The phouka frowned at her. "It would be easier for me to arrange if you didn't say that name aloud, in the open air."

She was confused, until she remembered that she wasn't supposed to call them fairies. "Sorry."

"Come along, then," he said shortly. She followed him up the stairs, or rather, followed the sound of his high-heeled boots as he ran on ahead of her.

She washed, put on some makeup, and changed into a white tank top, a short white denim skirt, and a burgundy satin Chinese jacket. Then she spared a few minutes to tidy the bedroom. She didn't think too much about why she did that.

The phouka was in the kitchen washing dishes when she came out. "You don't have to do that," she told him.

He didn't look up from the sink. "I might as well, as long as I'm here." He sounded cheerful.

"Any of that cantaloupe left?"

He nodded toward the refrigerator. "Sliced and waiting."

She took a piece into the living room, where she put Boiled in Lead's "Hotheads" alb.u.m on the turntable. After a song, she realized she was pacing back and forth between the sofa and the window.

"Impatient?" the phouka said. He was leaning in the kitchen doorway, wiping his hands on a dish towel.

He'd taken off his amazing jacket, and the high throat of the black ruffled shirt was unb.u.t.toned to his breastbone. She could see curls of black hair on his chest. She swallowed and looked away. Then he said, "Or nervous, perhaps?" in such a soft voice, that she looked back. He smiled at her.

"I think so. Dumb?"

He shook his head.

"Hey, where did that money come from?"

"You don't want to know," he grinned wickedly.

"Why don't I?"

"Oh, very well." He looked pleased with himself. "Sometime after midnight, our lad may want to run his eight hundred dollars through his fingers and gloat. Then he'll open his wallet, and find, not his lovely money, but eight wilted maple leaves. It's the nature of fairy gold."

Eddi stared at him. "We just stole a motorcycle?"

"No, how did we? We've traded something for something, and if the money he took did not remain money, then it's only a judgment on him for his wicked ways."

"But... but you knew, when you gave him the money, that it was an illusion. That makes it no better than counterfeiting. You didn't really give him any money. We ripped him off."

The phouka looked puzzled. "Sweet, he's done as much to others, and would have done to us, if he could."

Eddi slumped onto the couch and pulled her hair. "s.h.i.t. Leave him out of it then. Listen." She leaned forward, trying to ignore his stubborn look. "Maybe he's got a wife, or a girlfriend. Maybe he gave her one of those hundreds for housekeeping money. She thinks maybe now she can get the window fixed in the back door, with what's left over from groceries and bills and stuff."

The phouka frowned from the kitchen doorway. "Or maybe," she went on, "our guy went to the all- night supermarket, and spent one of those hundreds. The kid at the checkout puts it in the register.

"So what happens at midnight, or the next day? The kid rings out the register and comes up a hundred bucks short, and the manager takes it out of the kid's check. Or the guy's wife looks in her wallet and finds a G.o.dd.a.m.n leaf. How does she tell him that a hundred bucks just went up in smoke? How does she get through the week if she doesn't?"

The phouka seemed wholly absorbed in the kitchen towel he pulled back and forth through his hands.

"Don't you see?" she asked him. "Maybe the guy does deserve to get shafted by somebody. But can you be sure that n.o.body else is getting screwed along with him?"

She dropped her gaze to the floor between her feet, searching for words eloquent enough to reach him, despairing of finding them. Then the toes of his boots appeared in her field of vision, and he knelt on the rug before her.

"I do see," he said. "I didn't know-ah, sweet, not tears. I never meant to cause you those." He blotted one delicately away with a fingertip.

"It's just frustration," she smiled weakly. "I always cry when I'm frustrated."

"Oh dear." He shook his head. "I'll surely have to mend my ways now."

He was holding one of her hands lightly. His other hand maintained its fragile touch on her cheek. His smile was mocking, but as if out of habit, something left over from some other mood.

The door buzzer made them both jump. He tossed the kitchen towel into the air. "Ash and Thorn, I hate that thing," he muttered, and disappeared into the kitchen again.

"h.e.l.lo?" she said into the speaker.

"Hullo. Should I have called first?"

A tingle shot along her skin. Even rendered up by the intercom speaker, w.i.l.l.y Silver's voice was rich as chocolate, full of music. "You did, this morning. C'mon up." She unlocked the downstairs door.

There was silence in the kitchen. "Phouka?" she said, and realized from the feel of it on her lips that she'd never called out to him before.

After a moment, he came to the kitchen door. "Mmm?"

They stared at each other. "Nothing," Eddi mumbled.

He grinned ruefully and raked a hand through his hair. "If you're wondering what to do with me, don't fret, my sweet. I'll be discreetly absent when you get home."

"That's... I wasn't thinking that."

The knock came at the door, and Eddi opened it.

"Good evening," w.i.l.l.y said, a little shy. The hall lights gleamed in his black hair, fired an uncanny glow in his eyes.

"Come on in," she smiled at him. w.i.l.l.y smiled back. It made her dizzy.

The phouka was still standing in the kitchen door, but w.i.l.l.y seemed to ignore him. For a moment Eddi wondered if he'd made himself invisible.

"Any objection to First Avenue?" w.i.l.l.y asked her.

"Who's playing?"

He shrugged, making it an elegant gesture. "It's danceteria in the main room, but Summer of Love is playing downstairs in the Entry."

"Good choice." Her gaze slid self-consciously to the phouka.

w.i.l.l.y looked at him for the first time. "How's it going?" he said, friendly but distant.

"Fine. Want to do a few dishes?"

"Silly a.s.s," Eddi laughed. Then she noticed w.i.l.l.y's measuring look. "He's a good friend," she told w.i.l.l.y, and wondered why she felt she should tell him anything.

Her words provoked another exchange of looks between w.i.l.l.y and the phouka, none of them decipherable. "I am, in fact, an excellent friend," the phouka said. "And you?"

"Good enough," w.i.l.l.y replied.

Eddi looked nervously from one to the other. "Urn... we should go."

The phouka held the door for them. "Don't stay out too late, children."

"Right, Pop," said Eddi, and led the way out the door. But once w.i.l.l.y was in the hall, she stuck her head back into the apartment and glared at the phouka. "You'll get yours," she hissed.

The phouka smiled. "I certainly hope so."

Eddi blushed and slammed the door.

chapter 8 Lucky Girl.

Eddi breathed the night air, savoring the smell of damp earth and bark, the satiny texture and temperature of the breeze. "Ye G.o.ds, are we really going to have spring this year? It's not just a tease?"

w.i.l.l.y laughed, a sound like some well-played wind instrument. "You'd think it never happened."

"You must be new in town," Eddi said.


"I thought so. If you'd been playing guitar like that around here, surely I would have heard."

w.i.l.l.y made a little dismissing motion with his hands. In anyone else, Eddi would have thought it nervous. "I played a lot back East."

"Where are you from?"

"All over."

Eddi raised her eyebrows. "Aren't we all."

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War For The Oaks Part 15 summary

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