
Super Insane Doctor of the Goddess Chapter 647: Send You On Your Way!

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Chapter 647: Send You On Your Way!


Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

The full name of the Dragon Sparrow Saber was the Great Xia Dragon Sparrow Saber!

The sharp weapon of ancient times, from the Wu to Chu states, the Great Xia Dragon Sparrow Saber’s resounded throughout!

It was the true saber of an emperor, a peerless saber!

At this moment…

Everyone present stared at the Dragon Sparrow Saber in Xu Ying’s hand with burning eyes!

A treasured saber!

This was a real treasure saber!

This Dragon Sparrow Saber was more than a thousand times stronger than the weapons in their hands!

They were extremely eager to obtain this treasured saber!

Xu Ying looked at the Dragon Sparrow Saber in his hand in a daze!

He did not expect Yang Luo to give him a peerless treasure saber!

Bujie, who was engaged in an intense battle in the distance, exclaimed, “d.a.m.n, Brother Xu, you’re awesome!

Unexpectedly, a rusty saber was actually a legendary saber!

Impressive. This saber is countless times better than the Dragon-Mark

Buddhist Staff in my hand!”

“Big Brother Xu, congratulations!”

Prajna, who was fighting fiercely, smiled and congratulated him.

Wu Zhennan was also stunned!

Previously, when Yang Luo used four high-grade pills to exchange for this saber, he still felt that it was not worth it!

Even if Yang Luo said that this was a treasure saber, he was still skeptical! However, he did not expect that this rusty saber was really a treasure saber! Mr. Yang’s eyes were really too sharp!

Even w.a.n.g Mufeng was stunned. Although he knew that the saber was a treasure saber, he never expected it to be the legendary Dragon Sparrow Saber! However, since they had already exchanged the goods, he naturally would not think about it anymore!

Xu Ying turned around and shouted at Yang Luo, who was fighting fiercely with

Tang Yunjiao, Xue Rongdiao, and Deng Tongtian, “Brother Yang, thank you for the saber!”

Yang Luo was also very surprised when he sent Tang Yunjiao and the other two flying with a punch!

After all, he did not expect this saber to be the Dragon Sparrow Saber!

He laughed out loud and said loudly, “Xu Ying, there’s no need to thank me!

As the saying goes, a treasure saber is worthy of a hero. This saber should belong to you!

In the future, let this Dragon Sparrow Saber accompany you to conquer the world!”


Xu Ying nodded heavily. He was touched and pleasantly surprised.

He then turned to look at Liu Tongwu and the other two and slowly raised the

Dragon Sparrow Saber in his hand!

The moment he raised the Dragon Sparrow Saber!

It was as if the Tang saber soul had fused into it in an instant, emitting a clear dragon roar!

Xu Ying exclaimed, “Didn’t you want to kill me? Come on!”

“Kill this kid and get his saber!”

“Attack together and kill!”


Liu Tongwu, Shi Zhongshan, and Ding Bufan roared and charged towards Xu


As they approached…

Liu Tongwu and the other two waved their weapons and slashed at Xu Ying!

Xu Ying said domineeringly, “Tonight, I will use your blood as a sacrifice for my treasured saber!”

Right after he finished his sentence…

Xu Ying’s aura exploded and the True Qi in his body was raised to the extreme.

Then, he suddenly swung the Dragon Sparrow Saber in his hand!

At that very moment…

Clang! Clang!

A violent collision resounded in the hall, causing everyone’s eardrums to buzz!

The next second!

Crack! Crack!

It was as though the saber in Liu Tongwu’s hand, the sword in Shi Zhongshan’s hand, and the spear in Ding Bufan’s hand had become extremely fragile. All of them broke apart with a slash!


“Howis this possible?!”

“How can this Dragon Sparrow Saber be so sharp?!”

Liu Tongwu and the other two exclaimed at the same time and were dumbfounded.

“Good saber, good saber!


Xu Ying looked up at the sky and laughed maniacally. With a cold gaze, she waved the Dragon Sparrow Saber in her hand again and slashed at the heads of Liu Tongwu and the other two!

“Retreat! Defend!”

Liu Tongwu roared and directly condensed a True Qi barrier to defend.

Moreover, he hurriedly retreated!

Shi Zhongshan and Ding Bufan also quickly retreated and condensed a True Qi barrier to defend!

However, the Dragon Sparrow Saber in Xu Ying’s hand followed him like a shadow and slashed forward angrily!

The True Qi barrier condensed by Liu Tongwu and the other two was instantly cut open like paper!

“No… No!!!”

Liu Tongwu roared, his eyes filled with extreme fear.

“I don’t want to die… I don’t want to die!”

“Little brother… please spare my life!”

Shi Zhongshan and Ding Bufan also shouted.

However, before the three of them could finish speaking!

Puff! Puff! Puff!

Three blood pillars soared into the sky with three heads!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Liu Tongwu and the other two fell heavily to the ground. They could not be more dead!

At this point!

Liu Tongwu, the eighth on the Earth Ranking, the Dominating Heaven Saber

King, had fallen!

The ninth on the Earth Ranking, “Sky Surpa.s.sing Swordsman” Shi Zhongshan, had fallen!

The 11th on the Earth List, “Unparalleled Spear G.o.d” Ding Bufan, had fallen!

Seeing Xu Ying kill three Earth Ranking experts with two slashes, everyone present was shocked!

“Brother Xu, well done!”

“Brother Xu, good job!”

“Mr. Xu, well done!”

Bujie, Prajna, Wu Zhennan, and the others cheered.

At this moment.

After killing Liu Tongwu and the other two…

Xu Ying turned to look at the restless martial artists around him and said loudly, “Do you want to s.n.a.t.c.h my saber too?

Come and s.n.a.t.c.h it if you have the ability!”

“Kill, kill him and take his saber!”

“The saber belongs to whoever kills him first!”

After a short moment of fear, these Martial Warriors were overwhelmed by greed and rushed towards Xu Ying!

“Good timing!”

Xu Ying roared and charged towards the group of Martial Warriors with the

Dragon Sparrow Saber in hand!

The Dragon Sparrow Saber in his hand slashed out continuously, cutting down all the martial artists who rushed over!

With the enhancement of the Dragon Sparrow Saber, Xu Ying’s combat strength increased exponentially!

Wherever it pa.s.sed, corpses fell into a pool of blood!

The battle was still ongoing!

The most intense battles were between Yang Luo, Tang Yunjiao, Xue Rongdiao, and Deng Tongtian!



A loud bang sounded in the sky above the hall!

A huge hole appeared in the steel ceiling!

Yang Luo, Tang Yunjiao, and the other two leaped out of the hole and landed steadily on the top of the cruise ship!

At this moment.

Tang Yunjiao, Xue Rongdiao, and Deng Tongtian panted heavily. Their breathing was chaotic, and their bodies were covered in wounds and blood.

Not long ago, they thought that they could kill Yang Luo by joining forces.

However, they did not expect Yang Luo to be so strong. He suppressed the three of them alone!

Moreover, not long after the battle, they were already seriously injured.

Most importantly, the kid in front of him was still unscathed.

Yang Luo stood at the top. The moonlight shone down, and the sea breeze blew his hair and clothes.

At this moment, Yang Luo was like an immortal, causing Tang Yunjiao and the other two to tremble.

They really could not understand how a young man in his early twenties could be so strong.

Yang Luo looked up at the three of them and said indifferently, “Looks like your strength is only so-so.

I won’t play with you anymore. It’s time to send you on your way.”

Hearing this, the pupils of Tang Yunjiao and the other two constricted.

“What do you mean?”

Could it be that this kid had not been serious just now?


Absolutely impossible!

Tang Yunjiao gritted his teeth and roared, “Brother Xue, Brother Deng, don’t be frightened by this kid!

As long as we join forces, we will definitely be able to kill him!”

“That’s right.”

“Kill him!”

Xue Rongdiao and Deng Tongtian roared in unison.


Yang Luo sneered. In a flash, he turned into a golden stream of light and charged towards the three of them!

The three of them did not hesitate and attacked Yang Luo at the same time!

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Super Insane Doctor of the Goddess Chapter 647: Send You On Your Way! summary

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