
The Charming Wizard Prince 57 Chapter Relaxing

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The last four people have arrived.

" Finally we were waiting for two whole hours for you guys!" I said.

" d.a.m.n you guys are slow!" Catharina added.

" Sorry we had to take a detour from our trial because of the danger" Jenny said with a silly face.

" You guys didn't face any danger at all?" Northen asked.

" Well about that it is pretty complicated and emberra.s.sing story so I don't want to talk about it" I said with red cheeks.

" Okay now I am even more curious what the h.e.l.l happened" Romeo said while Malcolm nodded.

" Nothing happened!" I protested.

" Enough the trials are over Catharina and Dante have won. Now let me tell you the real reason for this trial. We wanted to see which path you guys will chose. One path was the safe route but if you took this path you need to spent more time with the trial. The other path was the dangerous path but this path was shorter than the safe path" Kira explained.

" We wanted to see if you guys will chose the safety or the danger path. Two of the teams had chosen safety while one team chose danger" miss Lydia added while she looked at me and Catharina.

" So which of the paths was the right choice" Romeo said.

" There was no right choice we just wanted to see who will take a risk and who didn't take the risk. Both paths had their advantages and disadvantages. The dangerous path is dangerous but if you took this path you have a better chance to win the trail. The safe path was not obviously dangerous but if you took this path your chance to win got lower" miss Kira explained.

" I see" Romeo said.

" Well kids go back to school except for Catharina and Dante" miss Lydia said.

Everyone left except for me and Catharina...

" Since you two have won the trial you will get your special reward as promised" miss Lydia said.

" Oeh oeh what is it" I said with excitement.

" We will be giving you guys special aura lessons so that you two can learn to activate it early. The fastest method is by fighting aura masters!" miss Kira said with an evil grin.

My face turned pale and Catharina's face was saying 'bring it on'. Is that girl insane they are aura masters this is going to hurt a lot.

"Why does this always happens to me" I thought with a sad face.

" We will start next week so you better prepare. Now the two of you can return to school".

I walked with Catharina to school.

" Wow that reward is amazing with this we can get stronger!" Catharina said with joy.

" What is wrong with you did you heard them they will beat us up!" I said with a scared look.

" So what some sacrifices need to be made if you want to get stronger quickly" Catharina said with a determined look.

When I heard Catharina I signed and I looked at the clouds. I want to be a cloud then I don't have to worry about getting beaten up.

At my room...

I saw Romeo and Northen relaxing on the sofa while Malcolm was eating a jar of cookies.

" Sup everyone did you miss me!" I said.

" No I am not gay" Malcolm said.

" It doesn't matter if you are gay or not if you keep eating cookies like that i'm sure you will get no girlfriend in the future at all" I said with a teasing smile.

" Hey I can't help it after that hardcore survival training I thought hey why not give myself a little treat" Malcolm said.

" A little treat?" Northen said with a stunned face while he was looking at the big jar of cookies.

" We all did that hardcore survival do you see us treat ourselves and a little green on your menu can help" Romeo said with a sneer.

" Yeah yeah I am not listening" Malcolm said childish.

" Okay okay enough guys play nice. I will be taking a nice bath after swimming through the mud for hours" I said while I got in the bathroom.

" You started it" Malcolm mumbled.

I called Whitney and got in the bathtub.

I needed a fluffy animal to heal myself while I relaxed in the warm bath.

It felt amazing I can tell you that.

When I was done I saw the boys playing magic poker.

Magic poker is a card game where you could see the people on the cards move. They can also speak to give you advice. The kings and queens had an arrogant voice. while the clovers and hearts on the cards were moving on the cards. The symbols and the people on the cards could also be released if that happens there will be mayhem in this room.

" I see that you guys are playing magic poker" I said.

" Yes do you want to join us" Northen said.

" Nah I am fine maybe later" I said while looking at something. It was a vent I found it interesting.

" Hey guys do you know if this vent connects to all the cla.s.sroom in Wizardo academy?" I asked.

" It should be connected" Romeo said.

" Perfect!" I said with excitement.

" What are you planning to do?" Malcolm asked me.

" Don't worry about it. It will be a fantastic surprise" I said with a mysterious face.

" Knock knock!!!"

I went to the door and opened it.

There were two ladies standing infront of me.

" I see you guys have finally returned" Lilth said.

" You guys were gone for ages" Rose complained.

" Magical fighting arts is a unique cla.s.s girls. Lets not stand around here come in" I said.

We went to the living room...

" Hey Rose hey Lilith" Romeo said.

" Yeah hey, enough with the greetings can guys tell me what you did in magical fighting arts cla.s.s" Lilith said while Rose agreed.

" It is a long story how about I tell you while we play magic poker" Romeo said while Rose and Lilith nodded.

" Do you want to join now Dante" Northen said with a smug face.

I signed and said" sure".

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The Charming Wizard Prince 57 Chapter Relaxing summary

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