
Trope World 25 The Library

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Atlan was a centauress who worked diligently in the library. Angry servants of the Chu and w.a.n.g clans rushed in and demanded she find information on the undead army approaching the city. Yet even as her fellow centaurs made demands, Atlan kept her cool. She merely flipped through the card catalogue and found the scroll the sect member wanted. With a flip of her wrist she tossed the delicate scrolls to their respective renters then continued her work.

This was the scene Od and I came upon as we entered the library. After ridding herself of the nuisances, Atlan returned to her true mission. She went through scroll after ancient scroll copying them with a magic and placed the copies on her shelves. She continued this practice floor after floor. Even the most rotted scroll some written on the scales of dragons were quickly copied and added to the shelves.

Od coughed lightly. So, immersed into her work Atlan jumped kicking her hind legs out and flying up b.u.mping her head against the floor above her. Od chuckled lightly and swished her tail about. Od was comfortable around this person. That might have been a good sign.

"Elder sister Od its an honor for me to visit you. I mean, I'm honored that you visit me. I mean…" Od chuckled again.

"I'm sorry to come at such a bad time apprentice. My human slave has little to do here and I'm needed for sect duties elsewhere. I thought he could a.s.sist you and perhaps ease your stress." Od placed her hand on my head in an affectionate gesture. Atlan's eyes widened at the display and bowed immediately.

"You are no trouble Elder Sister Od. This humble daughter of the sect will use the slave to relieve her stress. I mean, lighten her load." She blinked again. "I am certain there are odd jobs around the library he can complete in order to lessen my overall workload." Altan said. A smile appeared on Od's face and I met it with one of my own. I could tell Od was found of her apprentice and I was growing found of her as well.

Od's hand left my head and I walked closer to Atlan. Like Od she towered over me nearly 8ft tall. Her chest was slightly larger than Od's. Atlan had a silky blond coat to match her equally soft blonde hair. Her body was thicker in some places than Od's though she lacked the sense of power that Od carried easily.

Remembering my manners, I bowed low as a slave should showing my collar off. "If he is to work in the library Elder Sister perhaps, he should wear a robe. I have one that should fit him in my bag of holding. It may be a little tight in some places." Atlan said. She pulled an old ink stained robe from her bag of holding and handed it to me. Our hands brushed against each other and a look of rage flashed across Atlan's face. It was subtle but the mask had already cracked.

"Take care of my slave apprentice. It would inconvenience me to acquire another one." Od said before leaving. Our eyes locked for a moment and a ghost of a smile spread across her face. She tossed her tail to the side before quickly covering herself. It happened quickly, if id blinked it would have been missed.

I quickly put the robe on. The robe was entirely wrong. I tied the sides in knots to keep the robe from dragging the ground. It was still a vast improvement over the loincloth. The rob was also red one of my favorite colors.

A powerful hand slapped against my face sending me into one of the empty bookshelves. "How dare you peak upon Elder Sister Od's gift to me. Now you've also broken a bookshelf. Go down to the first floor and report the loss of a bookshelf. After your punishment carry the replacement bookshelf back to the tenth floor for chemical refinement. Then return it here to the library. If your task isn't finished by midday tomorrow, I will see to your punishment myself." I spat teeth out of my mouth and ripped out a loose one.

"I'm not to leave the library. You'll have to complete those tasks yourself or call back Mistress Od." She narrowed her eyes and made a motion with her hand. When nothing happened, her eyes widened. "My Mistress didn't want anyone but herself to had out punishments." Atlan narrowed her eyes. My teeth had already regrown lowering my health to half. Another blow and the damage would become permanent.

"How dare you shield yourself behind my elder sister." A black qi spear appeared in her hand and I was certain things were getting out of hand. The thought of getting lost in this place wasn't exactly ideal. Caving in and letting this chick lord over me wasn't either.

Centaur seduction lv4; +80CHA

What just happened? Her face changed. It was like a switch had been flicked. I continued to stare into her soft blue eyes. "Well it seems you will be fun after all." She sauntered forward before grabbing under my arm pits and picking me up. What was up with these centuars? I continued staring into her eyes as she held me.

"You are a poor-quality slave, but you will make a descent library a.s.sistant after all. If you are going to be of any use to me then you must stand up against the chosen of the sect. They'll try to bully you and cut in line. Especially, when they think I'm not paying attention. If you blink, they will run over you and make you a weakness to the library's order. Let me see your mouth." I opened up and she let out a sigh of relief. "I'm glad you were able to grow them back. I'd hate for my Elder Sister to by angry with me." I blinked again at this person.

"Altan did you just make a scene to test my resolve?" She snorted.

"You definitely are Mistress Od's slave. No, it's more like you're her Daoist Partner. Bravery to the point of suicide. That's what's needed to remain by Elder Sister's side." She looked me up and down. "Not a bad body either. I like the way my robe hugs your chest and crotch." Atlan said. "What's your full name?" Atlan asked.

"Melchior Nimrod Od," I said. Atlan's eyes glittered.

"Interesting, I can't tell if my mistress is insane or a deviant. Its none of my concern. Can you read equestrian?" I shook my head and she sighed. "We will have to change that."

"Atlan, I demand every scroll on the black moon dragon. If there is a sc.r.a.p of information on the subject, then I want it." A centaur with a mohawk and a wisky colored coat said. He was tall and lithe but not muscular. His aura was black like Od's but not as powerful. I still couldn't tell what BP he had.

Insight lv100; +50INT/PER

In an instant my insight improved, and the bottle neck opened. His battle power was still hidden but my insight could be improved further. "The black moon dragon isn't important to the siege so no information will be excavated from the archives. We are too short staffed to handle it Gan Chu." She said. The centaur snorted in anger before seeing me.

"You are the human who a.s.sisted my foster brother Lazarus. You don't look like much. Lazarus claimed you had a remarkable fleshy body. Give me your a.s.s and you will never want for anything again. I enjoy tight humans like you." He turned his attention to Atlan the Black Moon Dragon seeming forgotten. "Librarian Atlan, I'm conscripting the use of this slave for the Chu clan. Hand me the jade slip to his collar immediately." My eyes widened uncontrollably at the turn of events. I had thought that Od's presence would shield me.

"Not happening, he belongs to Mistress Od not the library." The centaur's expression shifted.

"What a pity. He looks the submissive type." I looked up glaring at the centaur. Quake appeared around my hand. I leapt over the desk and my fist was seconds away from delivering a quake haymaker. When my shadow caught me and froze my movements. I looked back to see Atlan holding up her hand. A smile spread across Gan's face. He slapped his hand against my face.

"Don't feel bad, when the siege becomes too much for this city. I'll find you and whisk you away. My c.o.c.k needs a new tight hole." Suddenly, my fist broke free and edged closer to the centaur. Waves of earth-shaking power radiated from my fist. All it would take was a tap to send vibrating qi through the centaur's body. "Ooh, scary I can't wait take take your virginity. They all scream during their first time. Eventually, they all beg for me to keep using them."

My eyes flashed with visions of a possible future. I clamped down on it. This would be my fate if I remained weak. Even I would break eventually." The centaur turned to leave. "I love it when their brave. There is nothing more addicting than breaking the brave ones."

"Don't do that again. You nearly broke my control and hit him. Not only would that have done nothing to him, but he could have taken you away from Od." Atlan said. I looked at her and she took a step back.

"I've never wanted to kill someone more in my entire life." She handed me a scroll and a jade slip. Each picture has a meaning and when combined with other pictures that meaning changes. That jade slip will transfer meanings from the pictures. Its up to you to figure out the context." Atlan said.

I took the jade slip and she made me wait in a corner. Outer sect disciples made their way in quickly acquiring the scrolls they required before leaving. Context was everything to the equestrian written language. Time played an important roll in the context. A setting sun altered every hieroglyph in the language. The language itself was more like Chinese than a phonetic language like English. I did have an advantage. The collar forced the language into my head. With that advantage, I quickly made progress.

New Language skill discovered: Equestrian lv1; pa.s.sive; +5INT/WIS

New Language skill discovered: Equestrian Grammer lv1; pa.s.sive; +5INT/WIS

New Language skill discovered: Written Equestrian lv1; pa.s.sive; +5INT/WIS

In my corner, I read the simple learner's book. It was a story about a young centaur who ran too far and was picked off by predators. If a few characters were altered it became a completely different book. It became a book teaching the basic breathing technique of black moon sect cultivators. Altering the glyph to morning it taught the user where to find herbs that could make a spirit potion.

Equestrian lv5

Equestrian Grammer lv5

Written Equestrian lv5

I would become stronger. One month until the siege

Qi Multiplier-1.8

Batttle Power 137774(446387)

Spirit Bow Damage = 491026 - 526567


Health 61848(200388)

Stamina 37182.5(120471)

Mana 314291(1.0183e+006)

STR 429.5(773.1) CON 144(259.2) DEX 398.1(716.58)

END 93.4(168.12) INT 979.1(1762.38) WIS 321(577.8)

CHA 154.1(277.38) PER 704.5(1268.1)

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Trope World 25 The Library summary

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