
Become The Guard AI Of The Lost Civilization After Transmigration Chapter 378: Super Evolution (3)

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Chapter 378: Super Evolution (3)

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

However, the ‘Presolins’ were fearless. The weakened version of the Dragon’s Breath was naturally not as strong as the original, not to mention that it had evolved from being ‘roasted,’ so the temperature was not too high.

They did not even need to use psionic to deflect the attacks. They could withstand them with their bodies.

A burning sensation came from the hit area, but it was only the surface. The pain further stimulated the ferocity of ‘Presolin.’

While they were being attacked, their speed increased by another level. In a short while, they were very close to the ‘Void Evils.’

Although they had chosen to be born from the Planet Eggs, which made them larger, they also lost most of their long-range attack abilities. To prevent the ‘Void Evils’ from adapting to their only long-range attack, the ‘Presolins’ chose to engage in melee combat.

The ‘Void Evils’ did not expect their once-defeated opponents to be so resistant. So, they gave up on the breath attacks and started to engage in melee combat.

However, in terms of body structure, the ‘Void Evils’ were not suitable for melee combat. Although they did not have limbs like the ‘Presolins,’ the ‘Presolin’s’ mouthpart, or jaw, was similar to the protruding upper and lower biting structure of a beast, while the ‘Void Evil’s’ front jaw was more like a functional ornament. The purpose was to send food into its crab-like mouthpart for easy chewing.

The ‘Presolins’ had long planned to return as ‘beasts’ to bite their enemies to death, but those newborn ‘Void Evils’ obviously did not have such foresight.

After a few rounds of melee combat, the mechanical wings of the ‘Void Evils’ were torn off, and the reactors outside their bodies were also smashed into pieces. The metal-headed ones were even worse. Their heads were pulled out, and they died on the spot.

The ‘Void Evils,’ who had not experienced the evolution of ‘melee combat,’ were soon defeated. However, just as the ‘Presolins’ were about to continue killing, one of the ‘Void Evils’ suddenly froze, and a strange light of wisdom appeared in its ferocious eyes.

It was as if the intelligent ‘Void Evil’ had sent its consciousness to that one. It looked at the Queen and suddenly communicated using the special signal of ‘Presolins,’ “…Are you ‘Presolin’? Although a long time has pa.s.sed, I still remember your auras…”

“You are actually very similar to us. If fate had not played tricks on us, we might have been able to become allies…”

“But that’s all in the past. You don’t have to bear the pain of the past. There won’t be enemies forever.”

“If you’re willing to join us, I can share our secrets with you so that you can also have the power of ‘Super Evolution.’ At the same time, you can ‘ascend’ with our master and no longer have to suffer from hunger.”

That ‘Void Evil’ actually began to persuade the Queen ‘Presolin’ to defect on the spot. Its words were persuasive, as if it was sure that ‘Presolin’ could not resist the temptation.

However, how could family grudges be extinguished so easily?

The Queen simply replied, “Go to h.e.l.l!” Then, she killed all the remaining ‘Void Evils.’

Bathed in the blood of those void lifeforms, the Queen seemed to feel the calling of her clansmen’s souls.

Just like how a ‘wise man would submit to circ.u.mstances,’ she could surrender to anyone like she did when facing powerful humans. But she would never surrender to anything related to the ‘Hunters.’

That was ‘Presolin,’ the last remaining light of the lowly race named ‘Refugees..’

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Become The Guard AI Of The Lost Civilization After Transmigration Chapter 378: Super Evolution (3) summary

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