
Virginia, A Tragedy Part 11

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[_Icilius at this moment breaks from the grasp of the soldiers and leaps to Virginia's side. The girl lifts his bound hands and places them against her breast, raising her eyes to his._

Icilius! I heard a ringing laugh, And saw, as in a vision, a young child-- Our flesh and blood--our souls' inheritor.

I saw adorning me, in the strange dream, A wedding garland fresh, not clanging chains.

O, if to die within thine arms! But stay!

My father--see the workings of his face!

He suffers. Father, we shall meet again In the Elysian fields, when I am free!

_Appius._ Fools! Cease your maudlin tragedy! Disperse!

Come forward, slave, the judgment hath been pa.s.sed.

_Cor._ (_starting_). The judgment, and so soon!

_Tiberius_ (_leaping from the car_). It is not so!

Virginia, stay awhile!

_Icilius_ (_aside_). Unbind my hands, Virginia!

_Virginia._ The knot is hard and I am dazed. I tremble.

Love, wilt thou sacrifice thy life for me?

_Icilius._ Ah! some one loose me of these cursed bonds!

[_He is seized by the soldiers and again forced from the young girl's side. Cornelia steps from her car, and coming forward kneels at the feet of Appius._

_Cor._ Lord Appius, behold a broken heart, But one with gentle blood from n.o.ble veins Forever fed. Though proud, I kneel to thee.

O, loose her bonds--restore her liberty-- And I my wealth, my house, and e'en my life Shall give to thee or this thy servant here.

Deep down into the dust I do incline Myself, who am a lady of the best And n.o.blest line in Rome. I offer thee My services, if thou wilt free the maid Who did befriend me in mine hour of need.

_Virginia._ Cornelia! To me! Nay, it shall not be!

Thou friend of friends, such sacrifice is vain.

One kiss alone I ask of thee--one kiss-- Then silence! See, Tiberius weeps for thee.

[_Tiberius springs with a cry into Cornelia's arms. The two draw off together. The four citizens come forward._

_Galba._ O, Appius, we offer thee our lives To do with as thou wilt--but loose the maid!

_Appius._Pet.i.tioners, ye G.o.ds, from every side?

It shall not be, for she is Marcus' slave.

The judgment has been pa.s.sed, and I have spoken!

[_A murmuring._

Make way! The master comes to take his slave!

[_Confusion. Appius rises, his face ablaze with pa.s.sion._

Make way, ye fools! I'll call my colleagues here With all their lictors. There will be bloodshed!

Make way!

_Icilius._ Ah! but to have my hands about His throat, though for a moment, for a breath; Though for a heart-beat and, beyond me, h.e.l.l!

_Virginia_ (_in a voice of agony_). Father! My father!

_Virginius._ Quiet, little girl!

O, Appius, the final shred of hope, The weakened flame, is gone--forever gone.

Before we part, indeed, one moment grant To us aside, that I may speak with her.

_Appius._ Haste, then, old pleb! Nor tarry long for tears.

_Virginius._ Tears? What are they? My heart is dead and barren, My soul athirst for death. Tears mean no more To me than rain upon a broken stone.

[_He leads the girl aside. All watch in breathless silence._

_Virginia._ O, Heavenly Powers above, deliver me, By whirlwind or by sword, from this dread place!

Father, farewell! [_Presses his hand to her lips._

_Virginius._ Ah! Touch it not!

[_s.n.a.t.c.hes a knife from a butcher._

Thus only can I make thee free, my daughter!

[_He plunges it into her bosom and she falls back into the arms of Icilius, who has freed himself and leaps to her side with a cry. Tumult and swaying of the crowd._

(_Brandishing knife._) With this blood, Appius! thy life and thee Devote I to perdition!

[_Makes his way with the knife through the mult.i.tude. Icilius lays her body down, murmuring,_ "Virginia, by thy blood shall Rome be free!" [_Exit._

[_Camilla kneels as though stunned beside the prostrate body._

_Tiberius._ Ah me! Ah me! Virginia!

[_Sinks beside her._


_It rises again to show the collected army, with Virginius and Icilius at the head. Appius is about to leave the seat, his cloak around his head. Several lictors have fallen to the ground. Camilla still kneels beside the body, gazing vacantly before her. Virginia's dark hair falls like a shroud around her._



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Virginia, A Tragedy Part 11 summary

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