
Vampire Trinity Part 15

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The tall male's features did not alter. "Some additional business is antic.i.p.ated. Lord Belizar instructed us to have your quarters prepared for a twenty-four-hour stay."

"I will discuss that with Lord Belizar. Is there a problem with us proceeding to Council chambers now?"

"No, sir. The thirty minutes was for your convenience. If you will follow me."

Gideon missed the weight of his wrist gauntlets. Daegan had said a boot knife was permissible, but walking into this with nothing but a knife was one step above walking in naked. Of course, by coming to Council headquarters at all, he might as well have stapled "appetizer" on his forehead and "idiot" on his a.s.s. To add insult to injury, his last memory would probably be Daegan's insufferable "I told you so" in his ears. There was a reason people weren't supposed to live to be seven hundred. They just got to be too d.a.m.ned annoying, knowing everything.

He kept his gaze on the two in front of him. Anwyn had her hand resting on Daegan's lifted one in that formal European-looking way. As they went down stone hallways illuminated with torchlight, even with their contemporary clothing, they looked the same as any lord and lady who might have pa.s.sed this way centuries before. Gideon didn't see any signs of modern fixtures until they pa.s.sed an open doorway. It led into an office with a computer and printer on the desk. The harried-looking a.s.sistant on the phone didn't even look up. It seemed out of place, a reverse glimpse of Wonderland. Old traditions, history and codes of behavior lay heavily over every square inch of the castle, making the air thicker. He suspected that was exactly why the Council preferred the Berlin location. Intimidating and inst.i.tutional, it sent the right message. Unlikely to bend or change, it had settled formidably into its age.

The walls also whispered of old violence and blood. Where there were strong resonances from the past, his precogition sometimes worked in reverse, picking up visions of those times. Old battles and hatreds, pain and suffering that had happened here. It wasn't the Council's doing, but they didn't mind conducting their business on top of that environment.

He really really didn't like it here. didn't like it here.

Anwyn was holding up well, though, fully in charge of her faculties and with energy to spare. However, he kept himself attuned to her mind, just in case. He wanted to speak into it, make sure she was okay, but realized from Daegan's body language it would be best if they all behaved as expected, inside and out. Until it was absolutely necessary to do otherwise.

He'd gone into situations that he'd had a feeling from the beginning were not going to go well. Unfortunately, that meant his mind started to sift through possibilities, preparing for the worst.

Despite Daegan's insistence on Anwyn's need for a servant, his support for taking Gideon along, over Anwyn's protests, what did he know of the vampire's motives? He represented everything aloof, arrogant and secretive about vampires Gideon knew. Daegan loved Anwyn, that was easy enough to see, but he'd made it clear that didn't extend any protection to Gideon. If push came to shove, Daegan might use him as a bargaining chip to deal with the Council. Which, if it was for Anwyn's benefit, he'd do the same himself, but . . . Jesus, did he want the guy to betray him? Would that make things easier?

You can trust Daegan, Gideon. I'd stake my life on it. And I think you know it, too. Don't let your fear of this place mess up your mind. Remember our night at the wine and cheese festival, how it felt between the three of us.

I'm not afraid of this place. h.e.l.l, she was tuning in to his thoughts. Trying to rea.s.sure him like he was some kind of little kid. f.u.c.k. He h.e.l.l, she was tuning in to his thoughts. Trying to rea.s.sure him like he was some kind of little kid. f.u.c.k. He really really missed his crossbows, though. missed his crossbows, though.

The doors to the Council chambers were suitably impressive, tall and oak, banded with black steel hinges that gave way soundlessly as the male servant slipped inside, bidding them wait. Before there was time to exchange a word, he was back, gesturing. "Lord Belizar says you may enter now."

The night he'd led an attack on the Vampire Gathering, Gideon hadn't actually seen the Council. When he found out it had been a trap, that they'd been used by the made vampires intending to overthrow the Council, he'd been involved in getting his guys out of there, and then distracted by helping Jacob. While he recognized them from file descriptions, it was beyond surreal to step inside the large chamber and see those a.s.sembled faces for the first time. With effort, Gideon remembered not to stare directly at them, as much as it chafed. Supercilious b.a.s.t.a.r.ds.

Medieval-style chairs had been placed on an elevated wooden platform that formed a crescent shape around half the room. It clearly put the three of them in a pet.i.tioner's status, no chair offered. Unrelenting stone was beneath their feet.

"Lord Daegan." Belizar greeted them from his perch, centrally located to make it clear who headed the Council. Gideon identified Lord Uthe on his right, the councilor who'd been a particular friend to Jacob and Lyssa. There was no evidence of mercy now in his stern expression. It wasn't hard picking out "Steve and Barb." They were on the far end, clearly accorded the lowest status, but it was more than that that helped him recognize them. Whereas it was difficult to get born vampires to change their expressions, even if a poker was rammed up their a.s.ses, he picked up their simmering discontent and resentment of the current status quo under the mask of self-righteous indignation they both wore.

"During your recent visit, you informed the Council about recent events," Belizar continued. "We tabled several issues. Are you prepared to address them?"

"At the Council's pleasure, we are here to do just that."

Belizar nodded. "Begin by justifying your destruction of four made vampires without seeking our sanction first."

No preliminaries for this group. Gideon found himself appreciative of it. A pre-chat about weather or the latest bloodsucker gossip would have grated his nerves.

"I will be pleased to provide that explanation to the Council, but as I noted then, I feel you have a far more serious issue threatening your authority than four unstable fledglings. I spoke of it privately with you and Lord Uthe, and ask leave to discuss it with the full Council now." Daegan kept his attention locked on Belizar, waited for his nod before he swept his attention over the whole group. "That nest of vampires came looking for me. They sought me at a place I use as a sanctuary. Asked for me by my given name."

"So you chose to kill them all? For your carelessness at being discreet?" Lord Stephen raised a brow.

"Among our kind, my name has only ever been spoken inside this chamber." Daegan accorded him a cold glance that ran a shiver up even Gideon's back. Dial it down, Daegan. You might not want to remind them you're the scariest thing in the room. Dial it down, Daegan. You might not want to remind them you're the scariest thing in the room. Of course, maybe Daegan didn't give a rat's a.s.s. Grudgingly, Gideon knew it was one of the things he kind of liked about the male. Of course, maybe Daegan didn't give a rat's a.s.s. Grudgingly, Gideon knew it was one of the things he kind of liked about the male.

"I killed them all, because the lead vampire was a homeless schizophrenic whose mind was gone, and the others were teenage prost.i.tutes he'd turned. Henry Barnabus also illegally turned Anwyn Inara Naime, this fledgling. He and his cohorts left her to die of madness from a lack of her sire's blood. Time was of the essence, as you know, so when I went to retrieve the blood, I destroyed the nest. It was efficient, for there was no doubt they had committed violations that have always resulted in a kill order."

"That never gives you the right to a.s.sume a kill is sanctioned without permission," Lady Helga said severely. "Lord Daegan, while you serve a valuable purpose to this Council, our decision to execute one of our own is always significant."

Helga was a conservative member of the Council, Gideon recalled, so not necessarily in Steve and Barb's camp, but a stickler for rules.

"I always take it as such," Daegan returned. "But as I said, time was very short. While I greatly respect this Council's authority, I thought I might be given some lat.i.tude because of the circ.u.mstances. The nest was a direct threat of exposure, and they might have scattered if I'd delayed."

"Mmm." Belizar gave a noncommittal noise. "We shall think on both of these things. But for the moment, present the fledgling to us, Lord Daegan."

Daegan's pause was minimal, but Gideon sensed his frustration, even if it didn't show. The male inclined his head, though, and offered his hand to Anwyn, drawing her forward. As always, the Mistress of Atlantis handled herself without flaw. She made a graceful bow to the Council members, but remained silent. Daegan had counseled her to say nothing unless addressed, just as he had Gideon.

"Anwyn is a business owner. Her Club Atlantis is an upscale fetish club, very prosperous. As you know, the Region Master and territory overlord are not yet aware of her presence, as I felt it more important to meet with you first on the matter of her validation and these other issues, but I expect they will welcome her addition in their territory."

Irritation curled in Gideon at the thorough appraisal of the other vampires, particularly the males. "A beautiful addition to Lord Walton's territory." That came from Lord Stewart, to the left of Belizar. "As a fledgling, she of course will serve the requisite period of transition in his household. A temporary manager can be installed in her club to handle its operations until that period is over."

"With respect," Daegan interjected, "I propose a less disruptive option for her club operations and for her. Anwyn has already provided me a sanctuary for some time in her home. It is well suited for a vampire's habitation, and I have a.s.sumed the role her sire should have during her transition."

"But if you continue to serve us, Lord Daegan, you cannot give her the guidance she needs. To our knowledge, you have never even taken a servant, let alone shepherded a fledgling. Your differences may make it . . . difficult for her to truly a.s.similate into our society."

Gideon saw the smallest finger on Daegan's left hand, held to his side, twitch. A bare movement, nothing anyone else would see, but he thought it was an indication that Stewart had struck a nerve. And despite his smooth, oh-so-helpful tone, Gideon had no doubt it was intended to do so.

"I've already established location and mind blood-links with her," Daegan said. "Almost all of my trips of late have been of short duration. Surely the services I have rendered will make it possible for me to have six months to stay close to her area, or continue such short trips."

"That seems unnecessary and unwise." Lord Stewart shook his head. "I strongly support her move to Lord Walton's home for the time necessary to oversee her transition and integration into vampire society. Her business will be an excellent source of income to compensate Lord Walton for his effort. He is a close friend of mine, and I will be pleased to visit periodically and monitor her progress."

Anwyn herself would be part of that compensation. That much was clear, sending a ripple of fire through Gideon's blood. However, he tried to hold steady, have faith in Anwyn's words. Trust Daegan. Trust Daegan.

Lady Barbra lifted a questioning brow. "Quite frankly, Lord Daegan, we are puzzled that Anwyn, as a human, was providing you such a haven without being marked as your servant."

Anwyn was unaware of the weighted politics behind such a query, but alarm bells went off in Gideon's mind. "The role I serve for Council isn't entirely servant-compatible. But Anwyn is a remarkable woman, as you can see for yourself. Our arrangement has existed for five years, where she provided me a clean blood source and a bed underground when I needed it. An arrangement that has never been compromised until someone leaked my name and location to the vampires who attacked her."

"We are not senile, Lord Daegan. You've already made it clear that you are accusing this Council." Lord Uthe spoke for the first time, his expression neutral. "That issue will be addressed."

"With respect, Lord Uthe, I am not accusing the Council. I am accusing the specific Council member or members responsible for the transgression. I do not know which of you felt that it was necessary to endanger the humans at Anwyn's club in this way, but if you no longer desired my services, you only needed to tell me so."

"You have been part of this fledgling's life for five years," Belizar noted. "A human life. How do you know that she did not let the name slip in a moment of carelessness?"

"Because I know." Daegan swept a cool look around the room. "It's not a point that requires debating. My only wish is to underscore that I serve this Council. If you feel someone is better suited for the role, or wish to handle it differently, you need only request I stand aside."

"And what would you do with yourself if that was the case, Lord Daegan?" Lord Welles spoke. Gideon recognized him from the red hair that spoke of an Irish heritage in his vampire parentage. "What territory would you suit, what Region? You can't move as a free agent, no more than she can. She must learn our ways, and Lord Walton can provide that."

Everything sounded so civilized, but the undercurrent was getting ugly. Gideon hadn't had a front-row seat to what had happened to Lyssa in Council chambers when they found out how her Fey blood made her different, but he'd seen the fallout that had made her a fugitive and almost cost Jacob his life. Daegan was useful to them as an a.s.sa.s.sin, but it was clear that, since his mother's death, somebody-or perhaps it was simply the Council's prejudices coming to the forefront without her meliorating influence-had been spreading poison, reminding them that since he was different, he wasn't one of them.

"I am more than capable of teaching her how to get along in our world, my lord." Daegan smiled, this time showing tips of fangs. As Gideon stood behind him and Anwyn, he experienced that cold ripple again. If the unease that joined the sensation were any indication, he wasn't the only one. "Let me make this clear. Anwyn Inara Naime belongs to me. No other vampire will be touching her without my consent, so unless someone wishes to challenge me on that matter, I will a.s.sume you have confidence in my abilities to ensure she is 'a.s.similated.' I have every desire for her to succeed in our world. Looking at her, I suspect none of you doubt her ability to do that."

Much like megalomaniac Third World dictators, vampires sometimes responded only to shows of strength. During the silent shifting of bodies, Stephen and Barbra appeared to be gauging the reaction of the older vampires, but otherwise Gideon couldn't tell what the response was. A lot of thoughts were being weighed behind those d.a.m.ned inscrutable expressions.

But if they were already weighing how much control they really had over Daegan, that threat couldn't have helped. Gideon remembered his warning to Daegan: It's amazing how quickly people can turn on you It's amazing how quickly people can turn on you. He hoped Daegan remembered it as well.

"There is the matter of the t.i.the to Lord Walton." Lady Helga cleared her throat at last.

"That will be attended to, of course. Anwyn understands how the territory overlord and Region Master require such funds to benefit all vampires under their supervision."

But mostly to benefit the overlord and Region Master, and probably a kickback to the Council. Gideon wondered if Anwyn had known about this, and what she thought of others getting the benefit of her hard work. Of course, knowing how clever she was, he wouldn't be surprised if the profitability of Atlantis would drop a certain percentage on paper in order to allow for that loss. At the moment, Gideon expected she was more concerned about other things, as he was.

"Your desire to protect the well-being of a fledgling with such promise is unexpected. You appear quite devoted to her." This from Lady Carola. Gideon wondered if Carola had been a friend of Daegan's mother, because her speculative glance and relatively light tone had some of the prospective matchmaker to it, a brief respite in an otherwise tense atmosphere.

Daegan inclined his head. "She has been a friend to me. Truly dependable friends are a rare treasure." He glanced at Anwyn then, and Gideon saw it had a dual purpose, both to clearly cement that bond, and also to rea.s.sure her with the bald statement. "It is why I do not doubt her discretion. Though I am not responsible for betraying my location, Barnabus came looking for me. It made her a target, and I owe her a debt for her loyalty that being her sire will help to repay. Partially."

"Surely the Council makes the final decision on these matters. Unless he is a law unto himself ?" Stephen threw down the gauntlet in a slightly shrill voice. Daegan turned his arctic gaze back to him.

"I think what I'm making clear is that I will not allow this female to be used as a p.a.w.n in your game to convince the Council I am overstepping my authority. If you feel that way, do me the honor of making your accusation plain. Anwyn has nothing to do with that issue."

Check and d.a.m.n near mate. For a vampire that spent a great deal of time alone, Daegan had chosen his timing as perfectly as any diplomat. Stephen's expression froze, but Gideon saw amus.e.m.e.nt flash over the expressions of the three senior Council members. Lady Helga and Lord Stewart looked a little discomfited by the evenhanded parry. They were the ones on the fence, Gideon realized. Lady Barbra looked almost as out of sorts as Stephen, though she was covering it better. For a vampire that spent a great deal of time alone, Daegan had chosen his timing as perfectly as any diplomat. Stephen's expression froze, but Gideon saw amus.e.m.e.nt flash over the expressions of the three senior Council members. Lady Helga and Lord Stewart looked a little discomfited by the evenhanded parry. They were the ones on the fence, Gideon realized. Lady Barbra looked almost as out of sorts as Stephen, though she was covering it better.

"Enough on that for the moment, Lord Stephen. The execution of illegal, weak-stock vampires and the care for one fledgling are minor issues," Belizar noted. "We can take time later, in closed session, to discuss them and the more serious accusation Lord Daegan has raised. I wish to move on to the other matter. Her servant, Gideon Green."

Gideon stiffened, but Daegan merely lifted a brow. "My lord?"

"Oh, don't play obtuse." Belizar snorted with true Cossack disdain. "Surely you realize that this Council cannot blithely accept a notorious vampire hunter as a fledgling's servant and say nothing. Though we do appreciate Mr. Green not bringing any explosive materials to this meeting." He cast a look in Gideon's direction that was not amused at all.

Eyes down.

Daegan shot that arrow through Anwyn's mind, with urgent command behind it. Gideon reluctantly shifted his eyes away, but not down. He couldn't bring himself to do it, but it was more than that.

They're not going to buy me as a trained pet, he shot back. he shot back. That will make them more suspicious. That will make them more suspicious.

Belizar grunted. "This human was already on your target list, Lord Daegan. You convinced us to push him further down in priorities when it became clear he'd altered his targets to vampires who were in serious violation of Council law." And though he didn't say it, his expression made it clear that it was no secret to anyone how Gideon had started to demonstrate such remarkable insight. Gideon noted he didn't say it out loud, though. While they were cautious about considering Lyssa and Jacob as allies, they weren't willing to make them outright enemies. If Gideon lived through this meeting, it would be an interesting tidbit to pa.s.s on to Jacob and Lyssa.

"However, his most recent kill was an executable offense. Trey had committed no violations of our code. He did not even exercise his right to take human life beyond the one necessary annual kill."

Exercise his right to take human life. Gideon forced his fists not to curl, tried to remain relaxed. He focused on Anwyn's intent profile, her remarkable self-possession in this incredibly high-pressure situation. A third mark provides an anchor, strength when a vampire is wounded or weak. A third mark provides an anchor, strength when a vampire is wounded or weak. Now he understood why Daegan had emphasized, over and over again, how much Anwyn's well-being relied on him staying calm. The vampire had antic.i.p.ated Gideon being goaded. So, keeping that in mind, he absorbed his reaction to Belizar's words like a blow to the gut and stood firm. Now he understood why Daegan had emphasized, over and over again, how much Anwyn's well-being relied on him staying calm. The vampire had antic.i.p.ated Gideon being goaded. So, keeping that in mind, he absorbed his reaction to Belizar's words like a blow to the gut and stood firm. a.s.shole. a.s.shole. It was probably a good thing that Daegan had threatened to gag him if he didn't swear to remain silent. It was probably a good thing that Daegan had threatened to gag him if he didn't swear to remain silent.

"Gideon made an error in judgment. Knowing his history and who Trey's last annual kill was, it was clear what happened. He came to Anwyn's club shortly after that, and when she was attacked, he was first on the scene, along with myself, to a.s.sist her. Despite his long-standing animosity to our kind, he a.s.sisted his brother in his transition, and he has been doing the same for Anwyn. He willingly became her servant, which says a great deal about his adaptability. She is now privy to his thoughts, able to delve into his soul, command it to her will. Gideon Green has effectively . . . neutralized himself. All for her benefit."

If the b.a.s.t.a.r.d had said castrated castrated, Gideon might have had to punch him in the kidney. Though he was uncomfortably aware that Daegan had spoken only the truth, as long as he stayed at Anwyn's side. He could be her toy, anything she wanted. She hadn't acted that way yet-much-but it was possible with time. Vitriol stirred, though he tried to viciously shove it down. Not the time. Focus on this moment. You lose it here, none of the rest matters. Focus on this moment. You lose it here, none of the rest matters.

Still, his unease about this whole situation was gaining rapid ground. He suspected Daegan was picking up on it as well. Stephen and Barbra's agenda with respect to Daegan was apparently secondary to the rest of the Council, as well as Daegan's pointed accusation. While the first was vaguely rea.s.suring, and the second indicated the rest of the Council knew he'd been sold out, it was obvious it was Gideon who interested them. And that wasn't rea.s.suring at all.

He was accustomed to vampire indifference to humans. As a result, he would have antic.i.p.ated having his throat slit right off the plane, his body disposed of in a Dumpster, before he expected his fate to be debated in front of the Council. Of course, as a human servant, he apparently had greater importance. More pomp and circ.u.mstance were required before they drove a metal pike through his heart.

Nevertheless, he'd expected something like this. He told himself that, made himself stay loose, calm. Neither he nor Anwyn nor Daegan had a.s.sumed he could just learn a few rules and "blend into the background" without remark or incident. It was why Anwyn had feared this. While Daegan had made the risks clear, Gideon had known this was the best choice. Of course, for the first time, he wondered if he'd been wrong. He'd been so concerned with protecting Anwyn, and so d.a.m.n sure he understood the vampire mind, enough that even Daegan had agreed with taking the chance. But what if they did threaten to take his life, or worse, took took his life? Could Anwyn hold on to her control? Why had Daegan allowed it, knowing it could come to this? his life? Could Anwyn hold on to her control? Why had Daegan allowed it, knowing it could come to this?

Jesus, had he really just wished Daegan had played the all-powerful vampire Master with him? Stop thinking about this s.h.i.t. She can hear your thoughts. Stop thinking about this s.h.i.t. She can hear your thoughts. He could see the slight twitch of her shoulders, and felt that anxious buzz in his mind. He could see the slight twitch of her shoulders, and felt that anxious buzz in his mind. Anwyn, honey, stop listening. Close off my thoughts. It will be fine. You know it will be. I'm just running through strategies and variables. Anwyn, honey, stop listening. Close off my thoughts. It will be fine. You know it will be. I'm just running through strategies and variables.

I won't let them harm you.

They're not going to. They're looking for leverage. Don't let them see you break. Hold it together, baby.

Her lashes flickered at the unexpectedly intimate endearment, and he wondered if he'd pay for that one later. He hoped so.

"Before the Council makes a decision about this, we intend to observe the fledgling's control over her unusual new servant. Tonight, you will join the Council for dinner, and we will see how things go. You should be aware the Council may decide that Gideon Green should be executed for the lives he has taken."

Gideon nearly bit through his tongue to hold back his obvious retort, but irritation was quickly replaced by alarm as Anwyn stepped forward. Daegan clamped down on her forearm. It was a brief clash of wills, but a very obvious one, her eyes flashing, mouth tightening against the strength of that grip. Daegan gave her a warning look that brooked no disobedience and turned his attention to the Council, watching them closely. "Gideon was brought here as her attendant. I didn't bring him here to be put on trial."

"We would feel far more certain of his being 'neutralized' if he was the servant of a much more powerful vampire. One such as yourself, who we a.s.sumed could be objective about the decision to execute a mere human."

Like Laura, or the countless others he'd been too late to save. Suddenly, Gideon felt stifled in the dim chamber, repulsed by this gathering of pretentious monsters. Everything he hated so much about vampires was displayed baldly before him. We live or die at their behest. We're nothing to them. That is, until I stake one of them. Then the last thing he sees is that a f.u.c.king inferior human took him out. We live or die at their behest. We're nothing to them. That is, until I stake one of them. Then the last thing he sees is that a f.u.c.king inferior human took him out.

Gideon, hold fast.

A shudder ran through Anwyn, snapping Gideon back from the red haze of unexpected fury. Oh, Jesus. He hoped her reaction was because Daegan had used her mind with brutal quickness to channel the sharp admonition, not because she'd personally felt attacked by his feelings, the rising tide of old wounds.

"I have full confidence in Anwyn's abilities," Daegan said mildly, as if there wasn't an escalating sense of combustion sparking off their threesome. "After all, as a practicing Mistress, she's probably more adept at bringing a difficult male to his knees than anyone in this room."

He flashed his teeth, a humorless smile, but the comment won an easing among the older Council males and amused Carola. "Plus, as you know, two vampires don't usually mark the same servant."

"Circ.u.mstances might suggest this is one of those unusual times. Are you refusing, Lord Daegan? It seems you have a particular soft spot for this hunter. As well as this fledgling." Belizar's silver gaze was piercing and sharp.

"I have respect for his value. Which, no offense intended, the Council might be missing. This is a human who has had more success than any other in taking out vampires. He has willingly allowed himself to become Anwyn's servant. I can't imagine a better servant to help her adapt to and understand our world. If she rises in our ranks, as I think you can see is inevitable, her choice of servant will only add to that stature."

It must be nice, having a silver tongue and a deadly way with a blade, Gideon thought darkly. It was beyond Twilight Zone Twilight Zone, to be standing in a room where his fate was being discussed as if he weren't there. Or rather, because he had no right to speak, his opinion irrelevant. Shades of Charlton Heston and Planet of the Apes Planet of the Apes. But he'd gotten a grip on himself. Daegan was right. There was so much going on beneath the surface here, his best use was standing strong behind Anwyn, trusting Daegan to handle the situation. It was an unusual role for him, and Gideon wasn't sure how he felt about it. But then Anwyn gave him a minor heart attack.

"My lord." She spoke up unexpectedly, putting her hand over Daegan's on her arm. When she sent a shy, uncertain smile toward the Council members, the torchlight glittered off her blue-green eyes. As she shifted, the fit of her dress made it clear there was nothing under it, but in a cla.s.sy, subtle way guaranteed to torture the male imagination. "Lord Daegan is being very protective of me at his own expense. At the risk of incurring his displeasure and yours, I wish to explain. The vampires who turned me . . ." Her gaze shifted to the left of Belizar's head. "They took turns on me. All of them, during it."

At the ripple of response, she pressed her lips together. Gideon could sense a curious stillness in her brain, as if she'd shut off her true feelings to get through this moment. She hadn't spoken directly of her rape, even to the two of them. Only in the madness of her seizures. "Gideon and Lord Daegan came to my rescue. He could of course override me at any time and decide to mark my servant, merely share him with me. But I think he wants me to feel I have some choices, to give me time to adjust to my new circ.u.mstances. I would beg you . . ." She paused, letting the words linger on her parted lips. "Please don't judge Lord Daegan harshly for such kindness. I certainly do not wish the Council to be concerned about my choice of servant."

Belizar studied her, a brow lifted. "Prettily spoken, fledgling. I can understand Lord Daegan's regard for you, though I'm sure he also explained you shouldn't be speaking in this chamber unless directly asked to do so."

Anwyn bowed her head. "My apologies, my lord."

Belizar made another of his vague Russian noises, but Gideon wasn't sure if it was disapproval, or like a lecherous grandfather putting on a stern ruse. "We will have dinner tonight, as we discussed, and we'll see what we will see."

He turned his attention to Daegan. "At the very least, you should be prepared for this Council to require your full marking upon him before you leave. Now that we understand her circ.u.mstances-something you should have told us-I believe a majority of us will agree it is reasonable for you to be in charge of her transition and mentoring. We are not unaware of the fragile state of a fledgling's mind, particularly one who was turned in such a heinous manner. But that simply underscores the fact that Gideon Green cannot be reined in by a mere infant to our ways. He has far too much of a history to give us that confidence."

Daegan's expression took on a hint of steel. "So the choice is I mark him or you kill him?"

"Unless the Council decides to execute him, regardless." Belizar's flintlike gaze matched Daegan's. "I expect a lot will depend on tonight, yes? We will dine at ten o'clock. Council adjourned."

Their quarters had all the trappings necessary to rea.s.sure the ego of a visiting born vampire. It was of little consequence to the three of them, though. An awkward silence descended as soon as the door closed after Vincent.

Gideon decided he might as well break it. "So . . . I've never been to Berlin. Want to go catch some tourist attractions before they decide to spear me with a b.u.t.ter knife at dinner?"

Daegan gave him a dark look, but Anwyn dissipated the weak attempt at humor. Moving a step forward, she stumbled, nearly twisting her ankle in her elegant heels.

As one, they were with her, guiding her to the nearest chair. Gideon went to his knees to chafe her cold fingers between his, while Daegan slid a hip onto the chair arm, stroking her hair. "I was right," she said, staring into Gideon's face. "I should have called your brother. He would have come and done whatever was necessary to keep you from following us."

"It does not matter," Daegan said brusquely. "They're not going to carry out their sentence."

"You think it's a power play, to negotiate some kind of leverage," Gideon guessed. "Or they're just enjoying the chance to play with me, like I expected."

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Vampire Trinity Part 15 summary

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