
The War That Transcends Timelines! 99 Preparation

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Time: 3 days after the Meeting at the Matterhorn HQ

Location: Motherbase

POV: Kyle's

Zero walked into my office and saluted, ''Marshall, I shall now be heading off for my mission. If I do not return my replacement can be found in Dresden Germany.''

I just looked at Zero and gave a normal reply ''Goodluck... Zero.'' Although that pause could be seen as a bad sign, that pause meant that I actually cared about Zero's safe return.

Rudolf came in after Zero, Zero disguised as a Black hand, left my office. ''Kyle, we have mobilized large parts of the Adult population into already functioning cities to increase production for the war effort. I only need you to give the go-ahead to give the city construction project more resources to ensure an earlier completion of the City complex.''

I grabbed the doc.u.ment and skimmed it over, seeing nothing out of the ordinary did I put my stamp on it to give it the all-clear.

''And Kyle, what should we prepare to receive our guests?'' Rudolf asked sincerely.

I continued filling out doc.u.ments as I replied, ''This is a display of our power to the Alliance, make it grandiose, even though we already displayed a significant amount of power at the Matterhorn summit we must make them more confident. I'll leave the details to you, just include a banquette.''

I focused more on the ma.s.sive stacks of doc.u.ments in front, Rudolf saluted me before silently walking out of my office, I sigh and lean back in my chair. 'I don't like banquettes but I need to show the other Head's of State my sincerity.' I rubbed my glabella as I thought of the troublesome process.


Time: One week after the Matterhorn meeting

Location: Dressing room

POV: Kyle's

I was dressed in a tight suit, my mask still covering the left half of my face. Two female external members were adding a bit of makeup to ensure I didn't lack compared to others. After which they started to style my long blond hair. 'And this is why I hate Banquettes...' I sighed as I patiently waited the two to finish.

Rudolf walked into the dressing room after knocking, ''Kyle, the Guests will arrive at the Gate to the city in the valley in 30 minutes, all men are prepared, security as at maximum. The Banquette room is prepared and the dishes are in the making.''

''Thank you Rudolf, you must get prepared as well, you cannot look shabby tonight,'' I said while sitting still as the 2 External members finish up.

''I shall.'' Rudolf walked out of the room after saluting, 'Smile? Serious? Angry?' I started to think over the personality I should take during the Banquette.

I walked out of the dressing room, through my office to the car parked outside, ''SIR!'' Nova saluted, ''Bring me to the City.'' I ordered Nova.

''Yes Sir!'' Nova replied while holding the door open for me.

Nova started the engine and started to drive towards the city. In the meanwhile, I enjoyed the scenery after we left the Underground base, Soldiers saluted the car as they saw the flags of the Organisation on the car.

Nova parked the car neatly in the City Square, a Circle of Silver Skulls surrounded the square with flags. 'Now we wait.' I looked into the distance where the ma.s.sive gates to the valley are located.


Time: One week after the Matterhorn meeting

Location: Trient

POV: Local Garrison Commander

''RETREAT!'' I shouted desperately, tears coming from my eyes, the sky was grey, while the ground was dyed in blood.

''FIRE!'' The enemy commanders shouted, tanks crushed through the houses like they were paper.

''RETREAT!'' Another commander shouted to the remaining soldiers, I looked at the horde of incoming enemies terrified.

''INCOMING!'' The Observer in the command bunker shouted, immediately afterwards heavy artillery started to pound the village.

I looked at the Church in the city, luckily it still stood as there all the villagers were temporarily kept. The White Skulls were guiding the civilians out of the city while others held their defence. Seeing that almost everyone was evacuated did I finally feel like a burden was lifted from my chest.

''COMMANDER OF THE GARRISON COME OUT AND SURRENDER!'' The Unionist General of the enemy army ordered.

I looked at my second in command and nodded, I checked if I had everything before leaving the command bunker. The Second in command looked resolutely as he saw me depart.

After walking for 1 minute did I arrive at the edge of the Village, 100 meters further was the Enemy General in his tank. ''Ah, it seems you people are not brainless after all, but not very loyal it seems!'' The General laughed as he said this.

I took a deep breath to suppress my anger, ''May I know the General's name?'' I asked, ''Pfff, you lowly commander should have heard of me! I am Maxime Weygand, commander of the French army!'' He shouted proudly.

''Well, General Maxime Weygand, what do you think death is like?'' I taunted him, ''You b.a.s.t.a.r.d! I am giving you mercy yet you insult me!'' Maxime Weygand shouted angrily.

I just smiled lightly, ''I do not General Maxime Weygand, but we are all about to find out anyway.''

I aimed my flare gun in the air and fired, the Face of the enemy General scrunched up as he saw this. ''FIRE!'' He shouted, but it was too late, the flare rose high in a straight line.

''IN THE MARSHALL WE....'' I tried to say the last words, but a hail of bullets already pa.s.sed through me before I could finish. Time seemed to slow down for me, my body could no longer support me as I fell down on my back, I could no longer hear the raindrops, the last thing I saw was the left mountainside of the valley bulge outwards, as of something wanted to escape from inside the mountain, 'I am sorry Hans, Dirk, Errol....' I started to apologize to all garrison members, but I slowly drifted asleep, never to wake up again.

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The War That Transcends Timelines! 99 Preparation summary

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