
The War That Transcends Timelines! 13 The Escape Part Ii

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Mackensen POV:

'That young lad probably underestimated the enemy, or something unexpected has occurred. There are many more enemies than estimated.' Mackensen thought to himself. ''Groan, Gunther, I am getting to old for this.'' ''Hahaha, old man, you fought in so many battles, dating back to the last era, fighting a bunch of SS soldier must be nothing compared against the Elite Russian Hussars,'' Gunther Said with a big smile. ''Humpf, says who, Gunther you were an SS Gruppenführer, but you just had to go head to head with Himmler, which caused you to send you to here,'' Mackensen said with a faint smile.

''Attacke!'' The German SS officer could no longer hold it and ordered a charge.''Ready Mackensen?'' Gunther said teasingly.''Ha, young lad, just you watch how we did it in the good old days.'' Mackensen said and afterwards immediately stood up, aiming 2 MP40s towards the enemies charging.''YOU HAVEN'T LEARNED FROM THE FIRST WELTKRIEG (World War), INFANTRY CHARGES DON'T WORK ANYMORE!'' Mackensen shot until both his MP40s mags were empty before dropping both of them and pulling out 2 Luger Pistols. Continuing his barrage. Gunther wasn't far behind as he aimed his Kar98k at the High ranking officers.''PANG!'' A lot of sounds came from the Kar98k as the Officer which ordered the last charge fell lifelessly down towards the ground. ''ACHTUNG!, ENEMY SNIPER!'' Another commander shouted as he dived for cover.''Did you see that Old man, one officer down, while you only killed 12 normal soldiers.'' Gunther Laughed.'tic tic tic', ''Dammit, I am out of ammo.'' Mackensen said dejectedly. 'Shing' Mackensen unsheathed his cavalry sabre. Gunther eyed the Sabre before saying:''Hey! you aren't crazy now, don't bring a knife to a gunfight.'' ''Watch and learn lad,'' Mackensen said just before diving to the cover ahead of him. Afterwards, he jumped from cover to cover, under the sniper fire from Gunther.''Shplitch!'' The sabre Pierced the chest of an SS soldier charging towards him. ''Thank you lad, just what I needed.'' Mackensen pulled back his sword and sheathed it again. Then picked up the enemy MP40. A hail of bullets descended again upon the SS soldiers, who were frantically looking for cover, but sadly on the stairs, there is no cover.'BOOM!' The prison shook. Mackensen was looking towards the ceiling,''d.a.m.n b.a.s.t.a.r.ds, it seems they had a contingency plan for if we break out.' ''GUNTHER! OUR TIME HAS JUST DECREASED BY HALF, STOP PLAYING AND GET SERIOUS!.'' Mackensen said furiously.''Yes, boss.'' Gunther replied calmly. And with that said it was as if a grim reaper entered the battlefield personally. Officer after officer fell to Gunther's Kar98k, soldier after soldier died of the hail of bullets coming out of Mackensen's MP40. They cleared the entire 2nd and 3rd floor in less than 15 minutes. ''Gunther, get the elite soldiers to the MG 42 positions, you have only 5 minutes before the shifts change!'' Mackensen said before quickly heading towards another direction.''What about you boss?!?'' Gunther said frustrated as he saw Mackensen run off towards something else.

'I must find intelligence for Kyle's operations. There should be an intelligence gathering office on the ground floor(floor 3).' Mackensen sprints off under constant vibrating of the prison.'The the building won't last long under heavy artillery fire, we have 30 minutes tops. After running for more than 5 minutes did I find the Intelligence office.'Dammit, 3 guards and only one mag left.' A plan started to form inside Mackensen's head.

''FEUER!! FEUER!!'' I shout as loudly is a could, the 3 men looked suspiciously towards my direction, but when they saw plumes of smoke rise they immediately stirred into action. One guard started to run towards my direction, I quickly hid inside another room. When the guard started to call another one to help. leaving only 1 left at the door keeping watch. The guard at the door kept asking for updates on the situation when suddenly:'' AAAAAAHHHHH, HILF MIR!'' The 2 guards were on fire and running towards the last one. The last guard was in a panic as he saw his 2 comrades on fire, but also running towards his direction. ''BLEIBT WEG!'' He started to shout in panic. But the men on fire didn't have time to think. They got drenched by multiple bottles of Medical grade Ethanol, used for cleaning wounds. And afterwards, the fire immediately leapt onto them. ''PAPAPA'' The sound of gunshots came, as the last guard shot his comrades dead. Tears falling from his face while saying sorry.'' Thank you very much.'' Mackensen said sincerely towards the last guard,''You can join them in h.e.l.l.'' and with that, i shot a few bullets through his body. He at least died without suffering.

Mackensen walked in and started to get the most highly cla.s.sified doc.u.ments first. But when he entered he saw a fire starting,'DAMMIT' it seems there was a fail-safe encase the guards died or the prison got captured. ''NOT TODAY!'' Mackensen screamed as he immediately pulled out the doc.u.ments closest to where the fire started.'Ha, they first wanted to burn all data on the prisoners and experiments. The other Highly cla.s.sified doc.u.ments are still safe and sound.' Mackensen Grabbed a suitcase used for storing high cla.s.sified doc.u.ments and transportation of them.'There is not enough s.p.a.ce for all of them, dammit' Mackensen only took all arms and plan related doc.u.ments, while leaving all experiment doc.u.ments and Personnel doc.u.ments.

'Got to run, it is 19:10' With that in mind Mackensen made a break for it to the entrance.

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The War That Transcends Timelines! 13 The Escape Part Ii summary

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