
Swordmaster's Youngest Son Chapter 601

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Chapter 601


Did he just laugh?

Jin certainly saw it.

Despite having a face completely different from that of a human, his expression clearly exuded a sinister vibe.

However, there was no time to dwell on such things.

Because in an instant, all the strength he had trained for his entire life vanished.

Jin couldn't even sense a trace of the aura and mana nearby at ten stars.

It was as if they had never existed.

"You must feel lost, Brother Jin. But you just have to retrieve it from the Chaos."

Naturally, it wasn't as easy as it sounded.

But instead of despairing, Jin lifted his head and stared straight at the Chaos.

Anyway, there's no choice.

Come to think of it, it wasn't such a bad situation.

If Jin had arrived in Lafrarosa a little later, he would have been attacked by that chaos monster without knowing why.

Although he had lost his aura and mana, most of the formidable enemies Jin had fought until then had much greater power than his own.

Fighting against stronger opponents and somehow winning was one of the things Jin excelled at.

The chaos ent.i.ty looked at Vahn with a smiling face.

He's very afraid of the Sister G.o.ddess of Battle. He reveals everything by rolling his eyes without thinking.

Fear is a weakness.

In that sense, Chaos seemed very immature in Jin's eyes.

Chaos isn't the only one who recognizes Vahn's weakness in Jin.

"Sister G.o.ddess of Battle. This situation is definitely purification, not training, right?"

"Yes. I don't lie to train my brother. Indeed, that's something neither I nor the other brothers can do for you."

"Yes, I didn't ask because I thought Sister G.o.ddess of Battle might have tricked me into training."


"Since it wasn't training, I wondered if I could receive help from my brothers in case of emergency."

Vahn nodded.

"Of course, it's possible."


The straps of the chaos extraction aid device attached to Jin's head loosened.

Jin, who slowly sat up, lifted Sigmund.

Habits are scary.

Naturally, he tried to imbue the sword with lightning energy, but received no response.

Even Sigmund felt heavy without the power of the aura that always supported the body.

Chaos laughed again at that part.

"That means I'll never die fighting him."

The Legends couldn't directly hit Chaos, and if Jin was in danger, they could always save him.

"Of course, you won't be left crippled."

"Furthermore, if it damages me beyond recovery. The brothers will definitely avenge me."

"I will always personally witness the fight between Brother Jin and Chaos, so there won't be incidents like that. However, if that thing kills you through a method we can't get involved in. At that time, I will definitely seek revenge."

The corners of Chaos's mouth, which had been subtly mocking, stiffened.

He had the intelligence to understand the words, but does he have the ability to think just one step ahead?

He kept revealing superficial intentions.

Jin doesn't know exactly how much power Chaos possesses, but even the energy it stole from him was at a level close to ten stars.

Moreover, it possesses Chaos energy, so it is very likely to have been a formidable opponent even before Jin lost his strength.

It was lucky for Jin that its intelligence was low.

"Are you going to fight right now?"

"Yes, Sister G.o.ddess of Battle."

As Jin began to approach slowly, Chaos also spread its wings and rose.

The shadow of Chaos covered Jin and Vahn.

'The feeling of intimidation... is no joke.'

Jin felt it even more because he had lost his strength.

Jin was even convinced that he would die if Chaos lifted its front paw and pressed down as if squishing an insect.

A nervous laugh escaped Jin due to the trembling helplessness.

Jin's combat prowess, which until just thirty minutes ago had engaged in sleepless sparrings with the Battle Kings of the Tribe of Legends, had truly disappeared.

However, the confrontation between Jin and Chaos progressed somewhat strangely.

The closer Jin got, the more Chaos backed away. Of course, it wasn't because Chaos was afraid to face Jin.

It was because Vahn was about five steps behind Jin, preparing for any unforeseen events.

'Is this what it feels like to fight with someone behind you?'

Vahn's two eyes emitted a fiery bloodthirst toward Chaos.

It was a gaze that quietly said:

"Stay still and let Brother Jin gather his strength, then die quietly."

Jin felt frustrated by Chaos only widening the distance.


In the end, Jin started charging first.

Chaos also tried to increase the distance faster, but when it met Vahn's flaming eyes, Chaos was unable to move as it wanted.

And Jin was surprised that it was so "slow."

A body that isn't a.s.sisted by an aura is barely more than a low-level martial artist.

Anyway, Jin vigorously thrust his sword.

He couldn't jump to Chaos's head, so his point of impact was Chaos's front feet.

With all the force from his abdomen and a powerful strike, the downward slash produced a small, picturesque impact sound: not a slash, not a metallic noise, not a dull thud, but a pretty "pong."

Once again, Jin's posture was broken.

But that wasn't all.

Even though Jin himself attacked, he even bounced back due to the repulsive force of the protective shield Chaos reflexively deployed.



Surprisingly or unfortunately.

Only a day later, Jin opened his eyes. It felt to him like he had blinked just once.


As soon as Jin woke up, he involuntarily sighed.

Jin quickly understood the situation from the worried faces of his brothers looking at him.

"Brother Jin! You've awakened. Are you alright?"

"Uh, don't try to get up right away. Your bones aren't fully healed yet."

"Bones? Have my bones been broken?"

"About seventeen... Normally, if it were your robust body, they would heal quickly, but now it will take some time."

Only the bones and organs were damaged thanks to the training to the limit of his blessed muscles.

If it had been another low-level Warrior, they would have died instantly from the recoil of Chaos.

For Jin, it was a series of shocks.


"I couldn't even perceive the moment I lost consciousness? Me?"

It was frustrating, but memories of the countless battles he had endured until the end pa.s.sed through Jin's mind.

Jin has memories of enduring with sheer willpower in any situation, but such an unpleasant defeat!

"What happened to that guy?"


"No, it's fine. I asked the obvious."

Chaos was sleeping in the middle of the training ground.

Compared to a person, it seemed to have received a shock equivalent to not losing a single hair.

It's not a situation where mental strength or willpower can make a difference.

Even if an ant tried its hardest, it couldn't defeat a tiger. The distance between Jin and Chaos was almost of that magnitude.

While lying down, Jin clenched and unclenched his fists, checking once again the state of his body.

It seemed he could feel extremely faint aura and mana.

The control that allowed him to move at his will had disappeared. It took him a considerable amount of time to realize it.

Should I gather strength from the beginning and confront him?

No, that would be futile in three years'.

Once he traversed that path, he might reach the destination faster than before.

However, three years wouldn't be enough.

As Jin reflected, the door opened and Vahn entered.

"Sister G.o.ddess of Battle."

Unlike Jin's somber and serious demeanor, she had a slight smile on her face.

"I didn't know Brother Jin would have such a foolish look."

"I really made a fool of myself. It's embarra.s.sing."

"I didn't mean that."

As if unable to contain herself, Vahn burst into laughter.

Jin didn't resent her for teasing him.

Instead, he felt relieved to see a humble side rarely seen among the absolute beings.

"Well, Sister Vahn is immune to demonization, so even if it reaches extremes, doesn't she become desolate inside like my father or Ron-nim?".

Vahn looked at Bradamante, who lay beside Jin.

"It was a little strange, since Brother Jin naturally chose Sigmund instead of Bradamante before facing Chaos. It seemed that the intelligent Brother Jin missed something so simple."

"What do you mean...? Don't tell me?"

"Yes, Brother Jin, you've only lost your aura and mana. It means your Shadow Energy still remains."

In an instant, Jin's face flushed.

The other Legends couldn't contain their laughter, making Jin feel even more embarra.s.sed.

Jin hadn't thought about the Shadow Energy because he had the feeling of having lost all his aura and mana.

"How foolish I've been to forget about this!"

"I thought you were pretending to lose your Shadow Energy just to catch Chaos off guard, as usual."

A lump of Shadow Energy formed in Jin's grip as he lay down.

Jin let out a heartless laugh at seeing it.

"If I had faced him with the Shadow Blade..."

"The result would have been the same, but the process would have been different."

"I'll confront Chaos as soon as I feel better. In this fight, I couldn't even figure out his approximate power at all."

"True. And even though it's invisible to my eyes and those of other brothers, you should be able to sense the power he took from you, Brother Jin."

The key was to fight and regain strength.

The more Jin regained his original strength, the more naturally Chaos would weaken.

The recovery ended after five days. Jin, along with his brothers, returned to find Chaos lying in the training ground and lifted his sword.

Chaos reluctantly raised its head, as if expressing exhaustion.

There were two reasons why Chaos was so relaxed.

First, because Jin was incredibly weak, and second, because even after inadvertently harming Jin, the Legends did not retaliate.

Therefore, Chaos planned to continue postponing its death by making Jin faint every time it attacked.


After yawning profusely, Chaos lay down to take a nap again with the protective shield on.

Doesn't it know that I have Shadow Energy, or does Shadow Energy not pose a threat even if it knows?

In any case, Jin should check it out.

Jin approached Chaos with confidence, and with Bradamante wrapped in Shadow Energy, he struck the protective shield with all his might.


As soon as the Shadow Energy touched the protective shield, Chaos jumped and blinked.



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Swordmaster's Youngest Son

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Swordmaster's Youngest Son Chapter 601 Author(s) : 황제펭귄, Emperor Penguin View : 604,905

Swordmaster's Youngest Son Chapter 601 summary

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