
Tics and Their Treatment Part 43

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KENNEDY, "On the Restoration of Co-ordinated Movements after Nerve-crossing, with Interchange of Function of the Cerebral Cortical Centres," _Proceedings of the Royal Society_, 1900, p.


KNAPP, "Functionelle Contractur der Halsmuskeln," _Archiv f.

Psychiatrie u. Nervenkrankheiten_, 1905, p. 1263.

KNY, "Ueber ein dem Paramyoclonus Multiplex (Friedreich) nahestehendes Krankheitsbild," _Archiv f. Psychiatrie u.

Nervenkrankheiten_, 1888, p. 577.

KODYM, "Une nouvelle espece de spasme fonctionnel," _Revue neurologique_, 1895, p. 155 (reference).

KOPCZINSKI, "Un cas de nevrose motrice sous forme du tic convulsif," _Revue neurologique_, 1902, p. 582 (reference).

KOPPEN, _Ueber das psychische Moment bei der Beschaftigungsneurosen, im besonderen beim Schreibekrampf_, Gottingen, 1903.

KoSTER, "Ueber die Maladie des Tics impulsifs," _Deutsche Zeitschrift f. Nervenkeilkunde_, 1899, Hft. 3-4, p. 147.

LABBe, "Debilite mentale et tremblement," _Presse medicale_, 1897, p. 185.

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LAMBRANZI, "Due casi di policlonie nella demenza precoce," _Rivista di patologia nervosa e mentale_, 1901, p. 241.

---- "Su le policlonie nella demenza paralitica," _Rivista di patologia nervosa e mentale_, August, 1902, p. 360.

LAMY, "Myoclonie avec hemianesthesie sensitivo-sensorielle chez un sujet atteint de monoplegie infantile du membre inferieur,"

_Societe de neurologie de Paris_, May 5, 1904.

---- "Hemispasme clonique facial; spasmes cloniques chez l'homme et chez le chien," _Societe de neurologie de Paris_, July 6, 1905.

LANDOLT, "Torticolis oculaire," _Bulletin medical_, 1890, p. 573.

LANNOIS AND POROT, "Sur les hemispasmes de la face; hemispasme facial vrai, hemispasme hysterique," _Lyon medical_, February 7, 1904, p. 234.

LASeGUE, "De la toux hysterique," _Societe medicale des hopitaux de Paris_, 1855, p. 269.

LEGRAIN, "Du delire des degeneres," _These de Paris_, 1885.


LEMBO, "Paramyoclonus multiplex di Friedreich," _Giornale di neuropatologia_, 1887, p. 261.

LEMOINE, "Note sur un cas de paramyoclonus multiplex suivi de troubles psychiques et de l'echolalie," _Revue de medecine_, November, 1892, p. 882.

LEMOINE AND LEMAIRE, "etude clinique et semeiologique du paramyoclonus multiplex," _Revue de medecine_, December, 1889, p.


(Thirty-nine references to the literature of paramyoclonus multiplex.)

LENTZ, "Rotation permanente de la tete a droite," _Journal de neurologie_, 1897, p. 502.

LERCH ["Tics convulsifs"], _American Medicine_, November 2, 1901.

LEROUX, "Du tic post-ch.o.r.eique," _Revue mensuelle des maladies de l'enfance_, June, 1891, p. 251.

LESZYNSKY, "Spasmodic Wryneck and its Treatment; Report of two Cases with Recovery," _Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease_, February, 1901, p. 103.

LETULLE, "Note a propos d'un cas de begaiement complique de tics coordines multiples," _Gazette medicale de Paris_, 1883, p. 536.

LEVI AND BONNIOT, "Un cas de myospasme clonique et tonique (myoclonotonie acquise)," _Societe de neurologie de Paris_, May 11, 1905.

---- "Myoclonotonie acquise," _Revue d'hygiene et de medecine infantile_, 1905, p. 569.

LEVY, "Ererbte Mitbewegungen," _Neurologisches Centralblatt_, July, 1901, p. 605.

---- "Angeborenen Mitbewegungen bei willkurlichen Bewegungen,"

_Archiv f. Psychiatrie u. Nervenkrankheiten_, 1903, p. 927.

LEWIN, "Phosphaturie mit Tic convulsif bei einem 3-1/2-jahrigen Kinde," _Archiv f. phys.-diat. Therapie_, 1900, p. 281.

LINZ, "Ueber spastische Torticollis," _Inaugural Dissertation_, Bonn, 1897.


LORENZETTI, "A proposito di alcuni casi di tic convulsivo,"

_Gazzetta degli ospedali e delle cliniche_, November 22, 1903, p.



LUGARO, "Sulla mioclonia," _Rivista di patologia nervosa e mentale_, 1896, p. 389.

LUNDBORG, _Die progressive Myoklonus-Epilepsie (Unverricht's Myoklonie)_, Upsala, 1903.

---- "Ist Unverricht's sogenannte familiare Myoklonie eine klinische Ent.i.tat?" _Neurologisches Centralblatt_, February 15, 1904, p. 162.

LUZENBERGER, _Tic muscolari simplici, tic emotivi, e malattia di Gilles de la Tourette_, Naples, 1897.

---- "'Absences' psichichi in isterici," _Rivista sperimentale di freniatria_, December, 1900, p. 822.

LYMAN, "Torticollis and Nodding Spasm," _International Medical Magazine_, vol. ii. 1894, p. 741.

MADER, "Myoklonie in der Art eines expiratorischen Singultus,"

_Wiener med. Blatter_, 1899, No. 30.

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