
Thousand Face Demonic Concubine Chapter 8.1

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Chapter 8.1 – Murderer

"I won't! Let go of me! What are you doing? Are you going to kill me to silence me? You wouldn't dare!" Li Ziqing started to become hysterical and his hands started grabbing at Li Jingsheng recklessly.

Suddenly, he pulled out a dagger and as if disregarding Li Jingsheng completely, stabbed down ferociously.

He stabbed Li Jingsheng right in the middle of his arm and in mere moments, blood gushed out.

Seeing blood, Li Jingsheng's eyes turned red.

He stared unwavering at Li Ziqing and, in a second, took the dagger from his hands.

Li Ziqing started to tremble with fear as he met Li Ziqing's eyes as he started feeling fear. He tried to turn around and run but just as he took a step, he suddenly widened his eyes.

His mouth slowly seeped out blood as he turned around, a dagger had been pierced into his back.

Blood gushed down and slowly dyed his brocade gown red.

"You …"

He pointed disbelievingly at Li Jingsheng. His eyes looked as if they were about to pop out.

His body started to convulse and lurched backwards.

Plop, the dagger from behind went completely through his back and through to his chest. Li Ziqing died with his eyes wide open as blood spread rapidly beneath his body.

Li Jingsheng stood there shocked. He shook his head as he stared at his hands full of blood. Shocked, he took a few steps back, "No, no way …"

This isn't real!

It's not!

How could he have killed him?

How …

He howled lowly, stifling his voice as his head began to hurt, as if pins were p.r.i.c.king his head. He used both of his hands to grip his head as he used all of his strength to hit his head.

Then he stopped quietly before suddenly lifting up his head. The scene in front of his eyes swayed as his head moved and his eyesight was a bit blurry.

He waited a moment for his eyes to clear but when his eyes cleared, his breath stopped.

He blinked disbelievingly.

He stared at Li Ziqing's body as it straightened itself and stood up.

He opened his mouth and wanted to scream but no words came out.

But the next moment, he felt his head hurt even more.

He actually … actually saw a real life body suddenly became an incredibly thin piece of human skin.

It was like a piece of clothing that had been taken off and fallen to the ground. It bunched up and then stopped silently.

Ah —-

He opened his mouth and wanted to scream, his head hurting so much that he started to shake.

His breath seemed to stop as he shook his head. He killed his second brother. Then his second brother turned into human skin?

No, this was just a dream, it was just a dream!

Unable to process what happened tonight, Li Jingsheng ran outside like a madman…

The door was. .h.i.t with a strong bulk and swayed a bit before finally slowing down. The door opened and the strange smell floated outside.

It became increasingly faint, increasingly weak.

Lou Qingwu stepped on a floor of white powder as she stepped inside the room.

She saw the human skin that had been covered in dust as it lay on the floor. Her peaceful and innocent face was filled with warmth as she said, "What a pity."

From behind, some object fell down, gurgled and then slowly stood up.

TL note:

Dun dun dunnnnnnn cliffhanger.

PR note:

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Thousand Face Demonic Concubine Chapter 8.1 summary

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