
The Young Railroaders Part 7

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The man, who had said nothing further, presently withdrew the revolver and took a comfortable seat on the window-ledge. As the silence continued, Alex began somewhat to recover himself, and fell to wondering what the other bandits were doing while this man was watching him.

A few moments later the answer came in a single upward click from the instruments.

"There--wires cut, ain't they?" said his captor.

"Yes, I suppose," said Alex, bitterly.

"They sure are," said the voice from behind the mask. "And when we get through, them wires'll be cut so you won't be able to fix 'em up in a hurry."

Fifteen minutes later a second masked and heavily armed figure appeared.

"Every wire cut five poles back on either side of the station," he announced briefly. "It'll take a lineman half a day to fix 'em up again, and we'll be twenty miles away by that time. Now we'll put the hobbles on the youngster, and git."

Often Alex had longed for just such an adventure as this. The final disenchantment was anything but glorious. Roughly seizing him, the two men forced him stiffly upright in the chair, drew his arms about the back of it, and there secured them, wrist to wrist, drawing the knot until Alex almost cried out in pain. Then, as tightly, they bound his ankles to the lower rungs, one on either side.

"Now one of us is going to watch from the woods for a spell--we'll leave the back door open, so we can see right in--and if you make a move, you get this quick! See?" said one of the desperadoes, tapping his pistol significantly.

Therewith they pa.s.sed out, leaving the rear door wide open, and in utter misery of mind Alex watched them stride toward the trees.

Before the two bandits had crossed the open s.p.a.ce, however, Alex's mind had cleared. For plainly they were hurrying! Then their promise to watch him must have been only a threat, to keep him quiet! Good! At once he began straining at his wrists, paused as the two men reached the edge of the clearing and momentarily turned, and as they disappeared amid the trees, began struggling with grim determination.

It seemed a hopeless task at first, and the rawhide thongs cut cruelly into Alex's wrists and ankles. But bravely he struggled on, wriggled and twisted, paused for breath, and struggled again. And finally one hand came suddenly free.

It required but a few seconds to get into his pocket, reach his knife, and open it with his teeth. A moment later Alex was on his feet, and staggered out onto the platform.

Yes, the wires were cut, five poles in either direction! Alex clenched his hands. After all, what could he do? To restore the line was entirely out of the question. Had there been but one break he could not have climbed the pole and carried aloft that heavy stretch of wire.

And there was less than twenty minutes in which to work, to catch the Overland at Broken Gap. For undoubtedly it was beyond that point that the bandits planned holding her up--probably on one of the steep grades of the Little Timber hills.

Suddenly Alex uttered a gasp of hope. A moment he debated, with nervously clasped hands, then, exhaustion forgotten, dashed back into the little telegraph room, found a screw-driver, and in a few minutes had loosened from the table the telegraph-key and the receiving instrument. Catching them up, with some short ends of wire, he darted out and up the track to the west.

Two hundred yards distant the intact end of the telegraph line drooped into the drainage ditch. Alex caught it up and dragged it to the rails.

Placing the key and relay on the end of a tie, he connected them on one side to the rail, and on the other side to the end of the line wire.

But the responding click did not come. Alex groaned in disappointment. He had counted on the rails giving a "ground" connection. Then the line would have closed, and he could have worked it to the west. But apparently the hot weather had entirely dried out the sand beneath the rails, and thus insulated them.

But he was not yet beaten. There was a ground wire at the station. Why could he not use the rails that far, if they were insulated? With a hurrah he seized the end of the line wire, and in a few moments had connected it to one of the rail joints. Then, catching up the instruments, he dashed back for the station.

Placing the instruments again on the table, he found a piece of loose wire that would reach from the instruments, out through the window, to the rails; ran out and quickly connected it to a rail joint, and, darting back, connected the other end to the instruments. Instantly there was a sharp downward click. The line was closed!

Alex could not suppress a quick "Thank Heaven!" and, trembling with excitement, he seized the key and began swiftly calling the despatcher.

"X, X, X, HC," he called. "X, X--"

He felt the line open, and closed his own key. Then, in surprise, he read: "So you have been monkeying with the wires there after all, have you? Now look here--"

Quickly Alex interrupted, and shot back: "Train robbers are after the Overland. They held me up, and cut the wires both sides of the station. I got free, and have made a connection through the rails--HC."

For a moment the line remained silent, while at his end of the wire the despatcher sat bolt upright in his chair, eyes and mouth wide open. But in another moment the despatcher had recovered himself, and, springing back to the key, began madly calling Broken Gap.

"B, B, B, X!" he called. "B, B, X! Qk! Qk!"


Alex shot a glance at the clock, and leaned forward over the instruments, scarcely breathing. There was yet three minutes before the Overland was due at Broken Gap. But she did not stop there, and frequently pa.s.sed ahead of time. If "B" did not answer the call immediately--

The whir of "B's" was interrupted, and slowly and deliberately came an "I, I, B." Alex leaped in his chair, and again strained forward tensely.

"Has 68 pa.s.sed?" hurled the despatcher.

"Just coming."

"Stop her! Flag her! Qk! Qk!"

The line opened, as though "B" was about to make a reply, then smartly closed again.

"Stop her! Stop her!" repeated "X."

There was a leaden, breathless silence, while Alex nervously clenched and unclenched his hands. At last the line again clicked open, and with a characteristic deliberation that caused the nerve-strung boy a moment's hysterical laugh, "B" announced: "Just got her. She's slowing in now.

What's up?"

The despatcher at "X" had regained his equilibrium, and in his usual crisp manner he replied: "Take this for Conductor Bedford:

"Bedford: Hold-up apparently planned between Broken Gap and Hadley Corners. Probably on one of the grades of the Little Timbers.

Gather a posse quickly, and make sure of capturing them. Report at HC.

"(Signed) Jordan, X."

As "B" gave his "OK" with the stumbling hesitation of blank astonishment, the line again opened. And at the first word the intense strain broke, and Alex sank forward over the table with a convulsive sob.

"Grand, my boy! Grand!" clicked the sounder. It was his father, at Bixton. He had overheard it all.

"Grand! That's the word," came the despatcher. "There's not another operator on the division who would have known enough to do what he did to-day. I guess we won't bother him any more about his 'tinkering,' will we?"

Only half an hour late, the mighty mogul pulling the Overland Limited drew panting to a stop before the little station, and in a moment Alex was surrounded by a crowd of congratulating trainmen and pa.s.sengers. And when he reappeared after sending the message which notified the despatcher of the train's safe arrival and of the capture of the two bandits, he was surprised and speechlessly confused by having pressed upon him by the enthusiastic pa.s.sengers an impromptu purse of seventy-five dollars.

Later in the afternoon Alex was called to the wire by Jack, at Hammerton.

"Say, what is all this you've gone and done, Al?" clicked Jack enthusiastically. "The afternoon papers here have a whole column story!

'Please attach statement at once!'"

"Oh, it looks much bigger than it really was," responded Alex modestly.

"And anyway, it came about through my own carelessness. I ought to have been reprimanded, instead of patted on the back."

"Nonsense! Those hold-up men would have got you, anyway. If you had seen them coming, they would simply have approached in a friendly way, then got the drop on you. You had no gun.

"But, say," added Jack mock-seriously, "how is it these real high cla.s.s adventures always come your way? I'm getting jealous."

"I can a.s.sure you you needn't be. It's lots more fun reading about them.

Wait and see," said Alex.

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The Young Railroaders Part 7 summary

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