
The Works of Sir Thomas Browne Volume III Part 8

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That _Britain_ was notably populous is undeniable, from that expression of _Caesar_[17]. That the _Romanes_ themselves were early in no small numbers, Seventy Thousand with their a.s.sociats slain by _Boadicea_, affords a sure account. And though many _Roman_ habitations are now unknown, yet some by old works, Rampiers, Coynes, and Urnes do testifie their Possessions. Some Urnes have been found at Castor, some also about _Southcreake_ and not many years past, no lesse then ten in a field at _Buxton_,[18] not near any recorded Garrison. Nor is it strange to finde _Romane_ Coynes of Copper and Silver among us; of _Vespasian_, _Trajan_, _Adrian_, _Commodus_, _Antoninus_, _Severus_, etc. But the greater number of _Dioclesian_, _Constantine_, _Constans_, _Valens_, with many of _Victorinus Posthumius_, _Tetricus_, and the thirty Tyrants in the Reigne of _Gallienus_; and some as high as _Adria.n.u.s_ have been found about _Thetford_, or _Sitomagus_, mentioned in the itinerary of _Antoninus_, as the way from _Venta_ or _Castor_ unto _London_[19].t the most frequent discovery is made at the two _Casters_ by _Norwich_ and _Yarmouth_[20] _Burghcastle_ and _Brancaster_.[21]

[17] Hominum infinita mult.i.tudo est, creberrimaque aedificia fere Gallicis consimilia. _Caes._ de bello Gal. _l._ 5.

[18] _In the ground of my worthy Friend_ Rob. Jegon, _Esq., wherein some things contained were preserved by the most worthy Sir_ William Paston, _Bt._

[19] _From Castor to Thetford the Romans accounted thirty-two miles, and from thence observed not our common road to_ London, _but pa.s.sed by_ Combretonium ad Ansam, Canonium, Caesaromagus, _etc., by_ Bretenham, Coggeshall, Chelmeford, Burntwood, _etc._

[20] _Most at_ Caster _by_ Yarmouth, _found in a place called_ East-bloudyburgh furlong, _belonging to Mr._ Thomas Wood, _a person of civility, industry and knowledge in this way, who hath made observation of remarkable things about him, and from whom we have received divers Silver and Copper Coynes._

[21] _Belonging to that n.o.ble Gentleman, and true example of worth Sir_ Ralph Hare, _Baronet, my honoured Friend_.

Besides, the _Norman_, _Saxon_ and _Danish_ peeces of _Cuthred_, _Canutus_, _William Matilda_,[22] and others, some Brittish Coynes of gold have been dispersedly found; And no small number of silver peeces neer _Norwich_[23]; with a rude head upon the obverse, and an ill formed horse on the reverse, with inscriptions _Ic. Duro T._ whether implying _Iceni_, _Duroriges_, _Tascia_, or _Trin.o.bantes_, we leave to higher conjecture. Vulgar Chronology will have _Norwich_ Castle as old as _Julius Caesar_, but his distance from these parts, and its _Gothick_ form of structure, abridgeth such Antiquity. The _British_ Coyns afford conjecture of early habitation in these parts, though the City of _Norwich_ arose from the ruines of _Venta_, and though perhaps not without some habitation before, was enlarged, builded, and nominated by the _Saxons_. In what bulk or populosity it stood in the old East-angle Monarchy, tradition and history are silent. Considerable it was in the _Danish_ Eruptions, when _Sueno_ burnt _Thetford_ and _Norwich_,[24] and _Ulfketel_ the Governour thereof was able to make some resistance, and after endeavoured to burn the _Danish_ Navy.

[22] _A peece of_ Maud _the Empresse said to be found in_ Buckenham Castle _with this inscription_, Elle n'a elle.

[23] _At_ Thorpe.

[24] _Brampton_ Abbas Jorvallensis.

How the _Romanes_ left so many Coynes in Countreys of their Conquests, seemes of hard resolution, except we consider how they buried them under ground, when upon barbarous invasions they were fain to desert their habitations in most part of their Empire, and the strictnesse of their laws forbiding to transfer them to any other uses; Wherein the _Spartans_[25] were singular, who to make their copper money uselesse, contempered it with vinegar. That the _Britains_ left any, some wonder; since their money was iron, and Iron rings before _Caesar_; and those of after stamp by permission, and but small in bulk and bignesse; that so few of the _Saxons_ remain, because overcome by suceeding Conquerours upon the place, their Coynes by degrees pa.s.sed into other stamps, and the marks of after ages.

[25] _Plut._ in vita Lycurg.

Then the time of these Urnes deposited, or precise Antiquity of these Relicks, nothing of more uncertainty. For since the Lieutenant of _Claudius_ seems to have the first progresse into these parts, since _Boadicea_ was overthrown by the Forces of _Nero_, and _Agricola_ put a full end to these Conquests; it is not probable the Country was fully garrisoned or planted before; and therefore however these Urnes might be of later date, not likely of higher Antiquity.

And the succeeding Emperours desisted not from their conquests in these and other parts; as testified by history and medal inscription yet extant. The Province of _Britain_ in so divided a distance from _Rome_, beholding the faces of many Imperial persons, and in large account no fewer than _Caesar_, _Claudius_, _Britannicus_, _Vespasian_, _t.i.tus_, _Adrian_, _Severus_, _Commodus_, _Geta_, and _Caracalla_.

A great obscurity herein, because, no medall or Emperours coyne enclosed, which might denote the dates of their enterrments, observable in many Urnes, and found in those of _Spittle_ Fields by _London_,[26]

which contained the Coynes of _Claudius_, _Vespasian_, _Commodus_, _Antoninus_, attended with Lacrymatories, Lamps, Bottles of Liquor, and other appurtenances of affectionate superst.i.tion, which in these rurall interrments were wanting.

[26] Stowes _Survey of_ London.

Some uncertainty there is from the period or term of burning, or the cessation of that practise. _Macrobius_ affirmeth it was disused in his dayes. But most agree, though without authentick record, that it ceased with the _Antonini_. Most safely to be understood after the Reigne of those Emperours, which a.s.sumed the name of _Antoninus_, extending unto _Heliogabalus_. Not strictly after _Marcus_; For about fifty years later we finde the magnificent burning, and consecration of _Severus_; and if we so fix this period or cessation, these Urnes will challenge above thirteen hundred yeers.

But whether this practise was onely then left by Emperours and great persons, or generally about _Rome_, and not in other Provinces, we hold no authentick account. For after _Tertullian_, in the dayes of _Minucius_ it was obviously objected upon Christians, that they condemned the practise of burning.[27] And we finde a pa.s.sage in _Sidonius_,[28] which a.s.serteth that practise in France unto a lower account. And perhaps not fully disused till Christianity fully established, which gave the final extinction to these Sepulchral Bonefires.

[27] Execrantur rogos, et d.a.m.nant ignium sepulturam. _Min. in Oct._

[28] Sidon. Apollinaris.

Whether they were the bones of men or women or children, no authentick decision from ancient custome in distinct places of burial. Although not improbably conjectured, that the double Sepulture or burying place of _Abraham_, had in it such intension. But from exility of bones, thinnesse of skulls, smallnesse of teeth, ribbes, and thigh-bones; not improbable that many thereof were persons of _minor_ age, or women.

Confirmable also from things contained in them: In most were found substances resembling Combes, Plates like Boxes, fastened with Iron pins, and handsomely overwrought like the necks or Bridges of Musicall Instruments, long bra.s.se plates overwrought like the handles of neat implements, brazen nippers to pull away hair, and in one a kinde of _Opale_ yet maintaining a blewish colour.

Now that they accustomed to burn or bury with them, things wherein they excelled, delighted, or which were dear unto them, either as farewells unto all pleasure, or vain apprehension that they might use them in the other world, is testified by all Antiquity. Observable from the Gemme or Beril Ring upon the finger of _Cynthia_, the Mistress of _Propertius_, when after her Funeral Pyre her Ghost appeared unto him. And notably ill.u.s.trated from the Contents of that _Roman_ Urne preserved by Cardinal _Farnese_,[29] wherein besides great number of Gemmes with heads of G.o.ds and G.o.ddesses, were found an Ape of _Agath_, a Grashopper, an Elephant of Ambre, a Crystal Ball, three gla.s.ses, two Spoons, and six Nuts of Crystall. And beyond the content of Urnes, in the Monument of _Childerick_ the first,[30] and fourth King from _Pharamond_, casually discovered three years past at _Tournay_, restoring unto the world much gold richly adorning his Sword, two hundred Rubies, many hundred Imperial Coyns, three hundred Golden Bees, the bones and horseshoe of his horse enterred with him, according to the barbarous magnificence of those dayes in their sepulchral Obsequies. Although if we steer by the conjecture of many and Septuagint expression; some trace thereof may be found even with the ancient Hebrews, not only from the Sepulcral treasure of _David_, but the circ.u.mcision knives which _Josuah_ also buried.

[29] Vigeneri Annot. in 4. Liv.

[30] Chifflet in Anast. Childer.

Some men considering the contents of these Urnes, lasting peeces and toyes included in them, and the custome of burning with many other Nations, might somewhat doubt whether all Urnes found among us, were properly _Romane_ Reliques, or some not belonging unto our _Brittish_, _Saxon_, or _Danish_ Forefathers.

In the form of Burial among the ancient _Brittains_, the large Discourses of _Caesar_, _Tacitus_, and _Strabo_ are silent: For the discovery whereof, with other particulars, we must deplore the loss of that Letter which _Cicero_ expected or received from his Brother _Quintus_, as a resolution of _Brittish_ customes; or the account which might have been made by _Scribonius Largus_ the Physician, accompanying the Emperor _Claudius_, who might have also discovered that frugal Bit[31] of the Old _Brittains_, which in the bigness of a Bean could satisfie their thirst and hunger.

[31] Dionis excerpta per Xiphilin. in Severo.

But that the _Druids_ and ruling Priests used to burn and bury, is expressed by _Pomponius_; That _Bellinus_ the Brother of _Brennus_, and King of _Brittains_ was burnt, is acknowledged by _Polydorus_, as also by _Amandus Zierexensis_ in _Historia_, and _Pineda_ in his _Universa historia_. Spanish. That they held that practise in _Gallia, Caesar_ expressly delivereth. Whether the Brittains (probably descended from them, of like Religion, Language and Manners) did not sometimes make use of burning; or whether at least such as were after civilized unto the _Romane_ life and manners, conformed not unto this practise, we have no historical a.s.sertion or denial. But since from the account of _Tacitus_ the _Romanes_ early wrought so much civility upon the Brittish stock, that they brought them to build Temples, to wear the Gown, and study the _Romane_ Laws and Language, that they conformed also unto their Religious rites and customes in burials, seems no improbable conjecture.

That burning the dead was used in _Sarmatia_, is affirmed by _Gaguinus_, that the _Sueons_ and _Gothlanders_ used to burn their Princes and great persons, is delivered by _Saxo_ and _Olaus_; that this was the old _Germane_ practise, is also a.s.serted by _Tacitus_. And though we are bare in historical particulars of such obsequies in this Island, or that the _Saxons_, _Jutes_, and _Angles_ burnt their dead, yet came they from parts where 'twas of ancient practise; the _Germanes_ using it, from whom they were descended. And even in _Jutland_ and _Sleswick_ in _Anglia Cymbrica_, Urnes with bones were found not many years before us.

[Sidenote: Roisold, Brendetiide. Ild tyde.]

But the _Danish_ and Northern Nations have raised an _aera_ or point of compute from their Custome of burning their dead: Some deriving it from _Unguinus_, some from _Frotho_ the great; who ordained by Law, that Princes and Chief Commanders should be committed unto the fire, though the common sort had the common grave enterrment. So _Starkatterus_ that old _Heroe_ was burnt, and _Ringo_ royally burnt the body of _Harald_ the King slain by him.

What time this custome generally expired in that Nation, we discern no a.s.sured period; whether it ceased before Christianity, or upon their Conversion, by _Ansgurius_ the Gaul in the time of _Ludovicus Pius_ the Son of _Charles_ the Great, according to good computes; or whether it might not be used by some persons, while for a hundred and eighty years Paganisme and Christianity were promiscuously embraced among them, there is no a.s.sured conclusion. About which times the _Danes_ were busie in _England_, and particularly infested this Countrey: Where many Castles and strong holds were built by them, or against them, and great number of names and Families still derived from them. But since this custome was probably disused before their Invasion or Conquest, and the _Romanes_ confessedly practised the same, since their possession of this Island, the most a.s.sured account will fall upon the _Romanes_, or _Brittains Romanized_.

However certain it is, that Urnes conceived of no _Romane_ Original, are often digged up both in _Norway_ and _Denmark_, handsomely described, and graphically represented by the Learned Physician _Wormius_,[32] And in some parts of _Denmark_ in no ordinary number, as stands delivered by Authors exactly describing those Countreys.[33] And they contained not only bones, but many other substances in them, as Knives, peeces of Iron, Bra.s.s and Wood, and one of _Norway_ a bra.s.se guilded Jewes harp.

[32] Olai Wormii monumenta et Antiquitat. Dan.

[33] Adolphus Cyprius in Annal. Sleswic. urnis adeo abundabat collis, _etc._

Nor were they confused or carelesse in disposing the n.o.blest sort, while they placed large stones in circle about the Urnes, or bodies which they interred: Somewhat answerable unto the Monument of _Rollrich_ stones in _England_,[34] or sepulcral Monument probably erected by _Rollo_, who after conquered _Normandy_. Where 'tis not improbable somewhat might be discovered. Mean while to what Nation or person belonged that large Urne found at _Ashburie_,[35] containing mighty bones, and a Buckler; what those large Urnes found at little _Ma.s.singham_,[36] or why the _Anglesea_ Urnes are placed with their mouths downwards, remains yet undiscovered.

[34] _In Oxfordshire_; Cambden.

[35] _In Cheshire_, Twinus de rebus Albionicis.

[36] _In Norfolk_, Hollingshead.


Playstered and whited Sepulchres, were anciently affected in cadaverous, and corruptive Burials; And the rigid Jews were wont to garnish the Sepulchres of the righteous;[37] _Ulysses_ in _Hecuba_[38] cared not how meanly he lived, so he might finde a n.o.ble Tomb after death. Great Princes affected great Monuments, and the fair and larger Urnes contained no vulgar ashes, which makes that disparity in those which time discovereth among us. The present Urnes were not of one capacity, the largest containing above a gallon, Some not much above half that measure; nor all of one figure, wherein there is no strict conformity, in the same or different Countreys; Observable from those represented by _Casalius_, _Bosio_, and others, though all found in _Italy_: While many have handles, ears, and long necks, but most imitate a circular figure, in a spherical and round composure; whether from any mystery, best duration or capacity, were but a conjecture. But the common form with necks was a proper figure, making our last bed like our first; nor much unlike the Urnes of our Nativity, while we lay in the nether part of the Earth,[39] and inward vault of our Microcosme. Many Urnes are red, these but of a black colour, somewhat smooth, and dully sounding, which begat some doubt, whether they were burnt, or only baked in Oven or Sun: According to the ancient way, in many bricks, tiles, pots, and testaceous works; and as the word _testa_ is properly to be taken, when occurring without addition: And chiefly intended by _Pliny_, when he commendeth bricks and tiles of two years old, and to make them in the spring. Nor only these concealed peeces, but the open magnificence of Antiquity, ran much in the Artifice of Clay. Hereof the house of _Mausolus_ was built, thus old _Jupiter_ stood in the Capitol, and the _Statua_ of _Hercules_ made in the Reign of _Tarquinius Priscus_, was extant in _Plinies_ dayes. And such as declined burning or Funeral Urnes, affected Coffins of Clay, according to the mode of _Pythagoras_, and way preferred by _Varro_. But the spirit of great ones was above these circ.u.mscriptions, affecting Copper, Silver, Gold, and _Porphyrie_ Urnes, wherein _Severus_ lay, after a serious view and sentence on that which should contain him.[40] Some of these Urnes were thought to have been silvered over, from sparklings in several pots, with small Tinsel parcels; uncertain whether from the earth, or the first mixture in them.

[37] _Matt._ 23.

[38] Euripides.

[39] _Psa._ 63.

[40] ????se?? t?? ?????p?? ?? ? ???????? ??? ?????se?. Dion.

Among these Urnes we could obtain no good account of their coverings; only one seemed arched over with some kinde of brickwork. Of those found at _Buxton_ some were covered with flints, some in other parts with Tiles, those at _Yarmouth Caster_, were closed with _Romane_ bricks. And some have proper earthen covers adapted and fitted to them. But in the _Homerical_ Urne of _Patroclus_, whatever was the solid Tegument, we finde the immediate covering to be a purple peece of silk: And such as had no covers might have the earth closely pressed into them, after which disposure were probably some of these, wherein we found the bones and ashes half mortered unto the sand and sides of the Urne; and some long roots of Quich, or Dogs-gra.s.s wreathed about the bones.

No Lamps, included Liquors, Lachrymatories, or Tear-Bottles attended these rural Urnes, either as sacred unto the _Manes_, or pa.s.sionate expressions of their surviving friends. While with rich flames, and hired teares they solemnized their Obsequies, and in the most lamented Monuments made one part of their Inscriptions.[41] Some finde sepulchral Vessels containing liquors, which time hath incra.s.sated into gellies.

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