
The Works of Sir Thomas Browne Volume III Part 3

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I know the s.p.a.ce of Sea, the number of the sand, I hear the silent, mute I understand.

A tender Lamb joined with Tortoise flesh, Thy Master King of _Lydia_ now doth dress.

The scent thereof doth in my nostrils hover, From brazen pot closed with brazen cover.

Hereby indeed he acquired much wealth and more honour, and was reputed by _Crsus_ as a Diety: and yet not long after, by a vulgar fallacy he deceived his favourite and greatest friend of Oracles into an irreparable overthrow by _Cyrus_. And surely the same success are likely all to have that rely or depend upon him. 'Twas the first play he practised on mortality; and as time hath rendred him more perfect in the Art, so hath the inveterateness of his malice more ready in the execution. 'Tis therefore the soveraign degree of folly, and a crime not only against G.o.d, but also our own reasons, to expect a favour from the devil; whose mercies are more cruel than those of _Polyphemus_; for he devours his favourites first, and the nearer a man approacheth, the sooner he is scorched by _Moloch_. In brief, his favours are deceitfull and double-headed, he doth apparent good, for real and convincing evil after it; and exalteth us up to the top of the Temple, but to humble us down from it.


Of the death of _Aristotle_.

[Sidenote: _What an_ Euripus _is generally_.]

That _Aristotle_ drowned himself in _Euripus_, as despairing to resolve the cause of its reciprocation, or ebb and flow seven times a day, with this determination, _Si quidem ego non capio te, tu capies me_, was the a.s.sertion of _Procopius_, _n.a.z.ianzen_, _Justin Martyr_, and is generally believed amongst us. Wherein, because we perceive men have but an imperfect knowledge, some conceiving _Euripus_ to be a River, others not knowing where or in what part to place it; we first advertise, it generally signifieth any strait, fret, or channel of the Sea, running between two sh.o.a.rs, as _Julius Pollux_ hath defined it; as we read of _Euripus h.e.l.lespontiacus_, _Pyrrhaeus_, and this whereof we treat, _Euripus Euboicus_ or _Chalcidicus_, that is, a narrow pa.s.sage of Sea dividing _Attica_, and the Island of _Euba_, now called _Golfo de Negroponte_, from the name of the Island and chief City thereof; famous in the wars of _Antiochus_, and taken from the _Venetians_ by _Mahomet_ the Great.

[Sidenote: _Touching the death of_ Aristotle.]

Now that in this _Euripe_ or fret of _Negropont_, and upon the occasion mentioned, _Aristotle_ drowned himself, as many affirm, and almost all believe, we have some room to doubt. For without any mention of this, we find two ways delivered of his death by _Diogenes Laertius_, who expresly treateth thereof; the one from _Eumolus_ and _Phavorimus_, that being accused of impiety for composing an Hymn unto _Hermias_ (upon whose Concubine he begat his son _Nichomachus_) he withdrew into _Chalcis_, where drinking poison he died; the Hymn is extant in _Laertius_, and the fifteenth book of _Athenaeus_. Another by _Apollodorus_, that he died at _Chalcis_ of a natural death and languishment of stomach, in his sixty third, or great Climacterical year; and answerable hereto is the account of _Suidas_ and _Censorinus_.

And if that were clearly made out, which _Rabbi Ben Joseph_ affirmeth, he found in an _Egyptian_ book of _Abraham Sapiens Perizol_; that _Aristotle_ acknowledged all that was written in the Law of _Moses_, and became at last a Proselyte [SN: _Licetus_ de quaesitis, epist.]; it would also make improbable this received way of his death.

Again, Beside the negative of Authority, it is also deniable by reason; nor will it be easie to obtrude such desperate attempts upon _Aristotle_, from unsatisfaction of reason, who so often acknowledged the imbecillity thereof. Who in matters of difficulty, and such which were not without abstrusities, conceived it sufficient to deliver conjecturalities. And surely he that could sometimes sit down with high improbabilities, that could content himself, and think to satisfie others, that the variegation of Birds was from their living in the Sun, or erection made by deliberation of the t.e.s.t.i.c.l.es; would not have been dejected unto death with this. He that was so well acquainted with ?

?t?, and p?te??? _utrum_, and _An Quia_, as we observe in the Queries of his Problems: with ?s?? and ?p? t? p???, _forta.s.se_ and _plerumque_, as is observable through all his Works: had certainly rested with probabilities, and glancing conjectures in this: Nor would his resolutions have ever run into that mortal Antanaclasis, and desperate piece of Rhetorick, to be compriz'd in that he could not comprehend. Nor is it indeed to be made out that he ever endeavoured the particular of _Euripus_, or so much as to resolve the ebb and flow of the Sea. For, as _Vicomercatus_ and others observe, he hath made no mention hereof in his Works, although the occasion present it self in his Meteors, wherein he disputeth the affections of the Sea: nor yet in his Problems, although in the twenty-third Section, there be no less than one and forty Queries of the Sea. Some mention there is indeed in a Work of the propriety of Elements, ascribed unto _Aristotle_: which notwithstanding is not reputed genuine, and was perhaps the same whence this was urged by _Plutarch_. [SN: De placitis Philosophorum.]

Lastly, the thing it self whereon the opinion dependeth, that is, the variety of the flux and the reflux of _Euripus_, or whether the same do ebb and flow seven times a day, is not incontrovertible. For though _Pomponius Mela_, and after him _Solinus_ and _Pliny_ have affirmed it, yet I observe _Thucydides_, who speaketh often of _Euba_, hath omitted it. _Pausanias_ an ancient Writer, who hath left an exact description of _Greece_, and in as particular a way as _Leandro_ of _Italy_, or _Cambden_ of great _Britain_, describing not only the Country Towns, and Rivers; but Hills, Springs and Houses, hath left no mention hereof. _aeschines_ in _Ctesiphon_ only alludeth unto it; and _Strabo_ that accurate Geographer speaks warily of it, that is, ?? fas?, and as men commonly reported. And so doth also _Maginus, Velocis ac varii fluctus est mare, ubi quater in die, aut septies, ut alii dic.u.n.t, reciprocantur aestus. Botero_ more plainly, _Il mar cresce e cala con un impeto mirabile quatra volte il di, ben che communimente si dica sette volte_, etc. This Sea with wondrous impetuosity ebbeth and floweth four times a day, although it be commonly said seven times, and generally opinioned, that _Aristotle_ despairing of the reason, drowned himself therein. In which description by four times a day, it exceeds not in number the motion of other Seas, taking the words properly, that is, twice ebbing and twice flowing in four and twenty hours. And is no more than what _Thomaso Porrcacchi_ affirmeth in his description of famous Islands, that twice a day it hath such an impetuous flood, as is not without wonder. _Livy_ speaks more particularly, _Haud facile infestior cla.s.si statio est et fretum ipsum Euripi, non septies die (ficut fama fert) temporibus certis reciprocat, sed temere in modum venti, nunc hunc nunc illuc verso mari, velut monte praecipiti devolutus torrens rapitur_. There is hardly a worse harbour, the fret or channel of _Euripus_ not certainly ebbing or flowing seven times a day, according to common report: but being uncertainly, and in the manner of a wind carried hither and thither, is whirled away as a torrent down a hill. But the experimental testimony of _Gillius_ is most considerable of any: who having beheld the course thereof, and made enquiry of Millers that dwelt upon its sh.o.r.e, received answer, that it ebbed and flowed four times a day, that is, every six hours, according to the Law of the Ocean: but that indeed sometimes it observed not that certain course. And this irregularity, though seldom happening, together with its unruly and tumultuous motion, might afford a beginning unto the common opinion. Thus may the expression in _Ctesiphon_ be made out: And by this may _Aristotle_ be interpreted, when in his Problems he seems to borrow a Metaphor from _Euripus_: while in the five and twentieth Section he enquireth, why in the upper parts of houses the air doth Euripize, that is, is whirled hither and thither.

A later and experimental testimony is to be found in the travels of Monsieur _Duloir_; who about twenty years ago, remained sometime at _Negroponte_, or old _Chalcis_, and also pa.s.sed and repa.s.sed this _Euripus_; who thus expresseth himself. I wonder much at the Error concerning the flux and reflux of _Euripus_; and I a.s.sure you that opinion is false. I gave a Boat-man a Crown, to set me in a convenient place, where for a whole day I might observe the same. It ebbeth and floweth by six hours, even as it doth at _Venice_, but the course thereof is vehement.

Now that which gave life unto the a.s.sertion, might be his death at _Chalcis_, the chief City of _Euba_, and seated upon _Euripus_, where 'tis confessed by all he ended his days. That he emaciated and pined away in the too anxious enquiry of its reciprocations, although not drowned therein, as _Rhodiginus_ relateth, some conceived, was a half confession thereof not justifiable from Antiquity. Surely the Philosophy of flux and reflux was very imperfect of old among the Greeks and Latins; nor could they hold a sufficient theory thereof, who only observed the Mediterranean, which in some places hath no ebb, and not much in any part. Nor can we affirm our knowledg is at the height, who have now the Theory of the Ocean and narrow Seas beside. While we refer it unto the Moon, we give some satisfaction for the Ocean, but no general salve for Creeks, and Seas which know no flood; nor resolve why it flows three or four foot at _Venice_ in the bottom of the Gulf, yet scarce at all at _Ancona_, _Durazzo_, or _Corcyra_, which lie but by the way. And therefore old abstrusities have caused new inventions; and some from the Hypotheses of _Copernicus_, or the Diurnal and annual motion of the earth, endeavour to salve flows and motions of these Seas, ill.u.s.trating the same by water in a boal, that rising or falling to either side, according to the motion of the vessel; the conceit is ingenuous, salves some doubts, and is discovered at large by _Galileo_.

[SN: Rog. Bac. doctis, Cabeus Met. 2.]

[Sidenote: _How the Moon may cause the ebbing and flowing of the Sea._]

[Sidenote: _Why Rivers and Lakes ebb and flow not. Why some Seas flow higher than others, and continue longer._]

But whether the received principle and undeniable action of the Moon may not be still retained, although in some difference of application, is yet to be perpended [SN: Rog. Bac. doctis, Cabeus Met. 2.]; that is, not by a simple operation upon the surphace or superiour parts, but excitation of the nitro-sulphureous spirits, and parts disposed to intumescency at the bottom; not by attenuation of the upper part of the Sea, (whereby ships would draw more water at the flow than at the ebb) but inturgescencies caused first at the bottom, and carrying the upper part before them: subsiding and falling again, according to the Motion of the Moon from the Meridian, and languor of the exciting cause: and therefore Rivers and Lakes who want these fermenting parts at the bottom, are not excited unto aestuations; and therefore some Seas flow higher than others, according to the Plenty of these spirits, in their submarine const.i.tutions. And therefore also the periods of flux and reflux are various, nor their increase or decrease equal: according to the temper of the terreous parts at the bottom: who as they are more hardly or easily moved, do variously begin, continue or end their intumescencies.

[Sidenote: _Whence the violent flows proceed in some Estuaries and Rivers._]

From the peculiar disposition of the earth at the bottom, wherein quick excitations are made, may arise those Agars and impetuous flows in some aestuaries and Rivers, as is observable about _Trent_ and _Humber_ in _England_; which may also have some effect in the boisterous tides of _Euripus_, not only from ebullitions at the bottom, but also from the sides and lateral parts, driving the streams from either side, which arise or fall according to the motion in those parts, and the intent or remiss operation of the first exciting causes, which maintain their activities above and below the Horizon; even as they do in the bodies of plants and animals, and in the commotion of _Catarrhes_.

However therefore _Aristotle_ died, what was his end, or upon what occasion, although it be not altogether a.s.sured, yet that his memory and worthy name shall live, no man will deny, nor grateful Scholar doubt, and if according to the Elogy of _Solon_, a man may be only said to be happy after he is dead, and ceaseth to be in the visible capacity of beat.i.tude, or if according unto his own Ethicks, sense is not essential unto felicity, but a man may be happy without the apprehension thereof; surely in that sense he is pyramidally happy; nor can he ever perish but in the Euripe of Ignorance, or till the Torrent or Barbarism overwhelmeth all.

[Sidenote: Homers _death_.]

A like conceit there pa.s.seth of _Melisigenes, alias Homer_, the Father Poet, that he pined away upon the Riddle of the fishermen. But _Herodotus_ who wrote his life hath cleared this point; delivering, that pa.s.sing from _Samos_ unto Athens, he went sick ash.o.r.e upon the Island _Ios_, where he died, and was solemnly interred upon the Sea side; and so decidingly concludeth, _Ex hac aegritudine extremum diem clausit Homerus in Io, non, ut arbitrantur aliqui, aenigmatis perplexitate enectus, sed morbo_.


Of the Wish of _Philoxenus_.

That Relation of _Aristotle_, and conceit generally received concerning _Philoxenus_, who wished the neck of a Crane, that thereby he might take more pleasure in his meat, although it pa.s.s without exception, upon enquiry I find not only doubtful in the story, but absurd in the desire or reason alledged for it. For though his Wish were such as is delivered, yet had it not perhaps that end, to delight his gust in eating; but rather to obtain advantage thereby in singing, as is declared by _Mirandula_. _Aristotle_ (saith he) in his Ethicks and Problems, accuseth _Philoxenus_ of sensuality, for the greater pleasure of gust desiring the neck of a Crane; which desire of his, a.s.senting unto _Aristotle_, I have formerly condemned: But since I perceive that _Aristotle_ for this accusation hath been accused by divers Writers. For _Philoxenus_ was an excellent Musician, and desired the neck of a Crane, not for any pleasure at meat; but fancying thereby an advantage in singing or warbling, and dividing the notes in musick. And many Writers there are which mention a Musician of that name, as _Plutarch_ in his book against usury, and _Aristotle_ himself in the eighth of his Politicks, speaks of one _Philoxenus_ a Musician, that went off from the Dorick Dithyrambicks unto the Phrygian Harmony.

Again, Be the story true or false, rightly applied or not, the intention is not reasonable, and that perhaps neither one way nor the other. For if we rightly consider the Organ of tast, we shall find the length of the neck to conduce but little unto it. For the tongue being the instrument of tast, and the tip thereof the most exact distinguisher, it will not advantage the gust to have the neck extended; Wherein the Gullet and conveying parts are only seated, which partake not of the nerves of gustation, or appertaining unto sapor, but receive them only from the sixth pair; whereas the nerves of tast descend from the third and fourth propagations, and so diffuse themselves into the tongue. And therefore Cranes, Herns and Swans have no advantage in taste beyond Hawks, Kites, and others of shorter necks.

Nor, if we consider it, had Nature respect unto the taste in the different contrivance of necks, but rather unto the parts contained, the composure of the rest of the body, and the manner whereby they feed.

Thus animals of long legs, have generally long necks; that is, for the conveniency of feeding, as having a necessity to apply their mouths unto the earth. So have Horses, Camels, Dromedaries long necks, and all tall animals, except the Elephant, who in defect thereof is furnished with a Trunk, without which he could not attain the ground. So have Cranes, Herns, Storks and Shovelards long necks: and so even in Man, whose figure is erect, the length of the neck followeth the proportion of other parts: and such as have round faces or broad chests and shoulders, have very seldom long necks. For, the length of the face twice exceedeth that of the neck, and the s.p.a.ce betwixt the throat-pit and the navell, is equall unto the circ.u.mference thereof. Again, animals are framed with long necks, according unto the course of their life or feeding: so many with short legs have long necks, because they feed in the water, as Swans, Geese, Pelicans, and other fin-footed animals. But Hawks and birds of prey have short necks and trussed leggs; for that which is long is weak and flexible, and a shorter figure is best accomodated unto that intention. Lastly, the necks of animals do vary, according to the parts that are contained in them, which are the weazon and the gullet.

Such as have no weazon and breath not, have scarce any neck, as most sorts of fishes; and some none at all, as all sorts of pectinals, Soals, Thornback, Flounders; and all crustaceous animals, as Crevises, Crabs and Lobsters.

All which considered, the Wish of _Philoxenus_ will hardly consist with reason. More excusable had it been to have wished himself an Ape, which if common conceit speak true, is exacter in taste then any. Rather some kind of granivorous bird then a Crane, for in this sense they are so exquisite that upon the first peck of their bill, they can distinguish the qualities of hard bodies; which the sense of man discerns not without mastication. Rather some ruminating animal, that he might have eat his meat twice over; or rather, as _Theophilus_ observed in _Athenaeus_, his desire had been more reasonable, had he wished himself an Elephant, or an Horse; for in these animals the appet.i.te is more vehement, and they receive their viands in large and plenteous manner.

And this indeed had been more sutable, if this were the same _Philoxenus_ whereof _Plutarch_ speaketh who was so uncivilly greedy, that to engross the mess, he would preventively deliver his nostrils in the dish.

As for the musical advantage, although it seem more reasonable, yet do we not observe that Cranes and birds of long necks have any musical, but harsh and clangous throats. But birds that are canorous, and whose notes we most commend, are of little throats and short necks, as Nightingales, Finches, Linnets, Canary birds and Larks. And truly, although the weazon, throtle and tongue be the instruments of voice, and by their agitations do chiefly concurr unto these delightfull modulations, yet cannot we distinctly and peculiarly a.s.sign the cause unto any particular formation; and I perceive the best thereof, the nightingale, hath some disadvantage in the tongue; which is not acc.u.minate and pointed as in the rest, but seemeth as it were cut off, which perhaps might give the hint unto the fable of _Philomela_, and the cutting off her tongue by _Tereus_.


Of the Lake Asphalt.i.tes.

Concerning the Lake _Asphalt.i.tes_, the Lake of _Sodom_, or the dead Sea, that heavy bodies cast therein sink not, but by reason of a salt and bituminous thickness in the water float and swim above, narrations already made are of that variety, we can hardly from thence deduce a satisfactory determination; and that not only in the story it self, but in the cause alledged. As for the story, men deliver it variously: some I fear too largely, as _Pliny_, who affirmeth that bricks will swim therein. _Mandevil_ goeth farther, that Iron swimmeth, and feathers sink. _Munster_ in his Cosmography hath another relation, although perhaps derived from the Poem of _Tertullian,_ that a candle Burning swimmeth, but if extinguished sinketh. Some more moderately, as _Josephus_, and many others: affirming only that living bodies float, nor peremptorily averring they cannot sink, but that indeed they do not easily descend. Most traditionally, as _Galen_, _Pliny_, _Solinus_ and _Strabo_, who seems to mistake the Lake _Serbonis_ for it. Few experimentally, most contenting themselves in the experiment of _Vespasian_, by whose command some captives bound were cast therein, and found to float as though they could have swimmed: divers contradictorily, or contrarily, quite overthrowing the point.

_Aristotle_ in the second of his Meteors speaks lightly thereof, ?spe?

????????s?, which word is variously rendred, by some as a fabulous account, by some as a common talk. _Biddulphus_ divideth the common accounts of _Judea_ in three parts, the one saith he, are apparent Truths, the second apparent falshoods, the third are dubious or between both; in which form he ranketh the relation of this Lake.[SN: Biddulphi intinerarium Anglice.] But _Andrew Thevet_ in his Cosmography doth ocularly overthrow it; for he affirmeth, he saw an a.s.s with his Saddle cast therein and drowned. Now of these relations so different or contrary unto each other, the second is most moderate and safest to be embraced, which saith, that living bodies swim therein, that is, they do not easily sink: and this, untill exact experiment further determine, may be allowed, as best consistent with this quality, and the reasons alledged for it.

As for the cause of this effect, common opinion conceives it to be the salt and bituminous thickness of the water. This indeed is probable, and may be admitted as far as the second opinion concedeth. For certain it is that salt water will support a greater burden then fresh; and we see an egg will descend in salt water, which will swim in brine. But that Iron should float therein, from this cause is hardly granted; for heavy bodies will only swim in that liquor, wherein the weight of their bulk exceedeth not the weight of so much water as it occupieth or taketh up.

But surely no water is heavy enough to answer the ponderosity of Iron, and therefore that metal will sink in any kind thereof, and it was a perfect Miracle which was wrought this way by _Elisha_. Thus we perceive that bodies do swim or sink in different liquors, according unto the tenuity or gravity of those liquors which are to support them. So salt water beareth that weight which will sink in vineger, vineger that which will fall in fresh water, fresh water that which will sink in spirits of Wine, and that will swim in spirits of Wine which will sink in clear oyl; as we made experiment in globes of wax pierced with light sticks to support them. So that although it be conceived an hard matter to sink in oyl, I believe a man should find it very difficult, and next to flying, to swim therein. And thus will Gold sink in Quick-silver, wherein Iron and other metals swim; for the bulk of Gold is only heavier then that s.p.a.ce of Quick-silver which it containeth: and thus also in a solution of one ounce of Quick-silver in two of _Aqua fortis_, the liquor will bear Amber, Horn, and the softer kinds of stones, as we have made triall in each.

But a private opinion there is which crosseth the common conceit, maintained by some of late, and alleadged of old by _Strabo_, that the floating of bodies in this Lake proceeds not from the thickness of the water, but a bituminous ebullition from the bottom, whereby it wafts up bodies injected, and suffereth them not easily to sink. The verity thereof would be enquired by ocular exploration, for this way is also probable. So we observe, it is hard to wade deep in baths where springs arise; and thus sometime are bals made to play upon a spouting stream.

And therefore, until judicious and ocular experiment confirm or distinguish the a.s.sertion, that bodies do not sink herein at all, we do not yet believe; that they not easily, or with more difficulty descend in this than other water, we shall readily a.s.sent. But to conclude an impossibility from a difficulty, or affirm whereas things not easily sink, they do not drown at all; beside the fallacy, is a frequent addition in humane expression, and an amplification not unusual as well in opinions as relations; which oftentimes give indistinct accounts of proximities, and without restraint transcend from one another. Thus, forasmuch as the torrid Zone was conceived exceeding hot, and of difficult habitation, the opinions of men so advanced its const.i.tution, as to conceive the same unhabitable, and beyond possibility for man to live therein. Thus, because there are no Wolves in _England_, nor have been observed for divers generations, common people have proceeded into opinions, and some wise men into affirmations, they will not live therein, although brought from other Countries. Thus most men affirm, and few here will believe the contrary, that there be no Spiders in _Ireland_; but we have beheld some in that Country; and though but few, some Cob-webs we behold in Irish wood in _England_. Thus the Crocodile from an egg growing up to an exceeding magnitude, common conceit, and divers Writers deliver, it hath no period of encrease, but groweth as long as it liveth. And thus in brief, in most apprehensions the conceits of men extend the considerations of things, and dilate their notions beyond the propriety of their natures.

In the Mapps of the dead Sea or Lake of _Sodom_, we meet with the destroyed Cities, and in divers the City of _Sodom_ placed about the middle, or far from the sh.o.r.e of it; but that it could not be far from _Segor_, which was seated under the mountains neer the side of the Lake, seems inferrible from the sudden arrival of _Lot_, who coming from _Sodom_ at day break, attained _Segor_ at Sun rising; and therefore _Sodom_ to be placed not many miles from it, and not in the middle of the Lake, which is accounted about eighteen miles over; and so will leave about nine miles to be pa.s.sed in too small a s.p.a.ce of time.


Of divers other Relations.

1. The relation of _Averroes_, and now common in every mouth, of the woman that conceived in a bath, by attracting the sperm or seminal effluxion of a man admitted to bath in some vicinity unto her, I have scarce faith to believe; and had I been of the Jury, should have hardly thought I had found the father in the person that stood by her. 'Tis a new and unseconded way in History to fornicate at a distance, and much offendeth the rules of Physick, which say, there is no generation without a joynt emission, nor only a virtual, but corporal and carnal contaction. And although _Aristotle_ and his adherents do cut off the one, who conceive no effectual e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.o.n in women, yet in defence of the other they cannot be introduced. For, if as he believeth, the inordinate longitude of the organ, though in its proper recipient, may be a means to inprolificate the seed; surely the distance of place, with the commixture of an aqueous body, must prove an effectual impediment, and utterly prevent the success of a conception. And therefore that conceit concerning the daughters of _Lot_, that they were impregnated by their sleeping father, or conceived by seminal pollution received at distance from him, will hardly be admitted. [SN: _Generations by the Devil very improbable._] And therefore what is related of devils, and the contrived delusions of spirits, that they steal the seminal emissions of man, and transmit them into their votaries in coition, is much to be suspected; and altogether to be denied, that there ensue conceptions thereupon; however husbanded by Art, and the wisest menagery of that most subtile imposter. And therefore also that our magnified _Merlin_ was thus begotten by the devil, is a groundless conception; and as vain to think from thence to give the reason of his prophetical spirit. For if a generation could succeed, yet should not the issue inherit the faculties of the devil, who is but an auxiliary, and no univocal Actor; Nor will his nature substantially concur to such productions.

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The Works of Sir Thomas Browne Volume III Part 3 summary

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