
The Works of John Knox Volume II Part 28

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[507] In edit. 1621, "contemners."

First, yf the offence be secreit and knawin to few,[508] and rathir standis in suspitioun than in manifest probatioun, the offender aucht to be privatlie admonischeit to abstene frome all appearance of evill; whiche yf he promissis to do, and to declair him self sober, honest, and one that feareth G.o.d, and feareth to offend his brethren, than may the secreit admonitioun suffice for his correctioun. But gif he athir contempn the admonitioun, or efter promis maid, do schaw him self no more circ.u.mspect than he was before, than must the Minister admonische him; to whome yf he be fund in.o.bedient, thei must proceid according to the reule of Christ, as efter sall be declairit.

[508] In edit. 1621, "or known to few men."

Gif the cryme be publict, and suche as is haynouse, as fornicatioun, drunkynnes, fechting, commoun sweiring, or execratioun, than aucht the offendar to be callit in the presence of the Minister, Elderis, and Deaconis, whair his syn and offence[509] aucht to be declared and aggredgeit, so that his conscience may feale how far he hath offended G.o.d, and what sklander he hath rasit in the Churche.[510] Yf signis of unfeinyeit repentence appeare into him, and gif he require to be admitted to publict repentence, the Ministerie may appoint unto him a day whan the hoill Churche convenith togidder, that in presence of all he may testifie the repentence whiche before thame he professed: Whiche yf he accept, and with reverence do, confessing his syn, and dampnyng the same,[511] and earnestlie desiring the Congregatioun to pray to G.o.d with him for mercy, and to accept him in thair societie, nochtwithstanding his formar offence: than the Churche may, and aught resave him as a penitent; for the Churche aught to be no more seveir than G.o.d declarith him self to be, who witnessith, that "In whatsoever hour ane synner unfeynedlie repenteth, and turnis from his wickit way, that he will nocht remember ane of his iniquiteis." And thairfore the Churche aught deligentlie to advert that it excommunicat not those whom G.o.d absolvith.

[509] In edit. 1621, "and trespa.s.s."

[510] In edit. 1621, "Kirk."

[511] In edit. 1621, "and with reverence confesse his sinne, doing the same."

Yf the offendar callit before the Ministerie be fund stuburne, hard-hert.i.t, or one in whome no signe of repentence appeareth, than must he be demissed with ane exhortatioun to considder the dangerus estait in whiche he standis; a.s.suring him, yf thei find into him no uthir tokin of amendment of lyfe, that thai will be compelled to seake a farther remedie. Yf he within ane certane s.p.a.ce schaw his repentence to the Ministrie, thei must present him to the Churche as before is said.

But gif he continew in his impenitence, than must the Churche be admonisched[512] that suche crymes are committed amangis thame, whiche by the Ministerie hath bene reprehendit, and the personis provocked to repent; whairof becaus no signis appeareth unto thame, thei could not but signifie unto the Churche the crymes, but not the persoun, requiring thame earnistlie to call to G.o.d to move and tuiche the heartis of the offenderis, so that suddanlie and earnistlie thei may repent.

[512] In edit. 1621, "If he continue not in his repentance, then must the Kirk be advertised."

Yf the persoun maligne, than the nixt day of publict a.s.semblie; the cryme and the persoun must be both notifyed unto the Churche, and thair judgement must be requirit, yf that suche crymes aught to be suffered unpunischeit amangis thame: Requeast also wald be maid to the most discreit and to the nearest freindis of the offendare to travell with him to bring him to knawledge of himself, and of his dangerus estait, with ane commandiment gevin to all man to call to G.o.d for the conversioun of the impenitent. Yf ane solempned and ane speciall prayer war maid and drawin for that purpose, the thing shuld be the more gravelie done.[513]

[513] This was afterwards done, in the Order of Excommunication and of Public Repentance.

The thrid Sunday, the Minister aught to require yf the unpenitent have declared ony signis of repentence to ony of the Ministerie; and yf he hath, then may the Minister appoint him to be examinated be the hoill Ministerie; eathir then instantlie, or at ane uther day affixed to the consistorie: and yf repentence appeare, alsweill of the cryme, as of his long contempt, then may he be presented to the Churche, and mak his confessioun, and to be accepted as before is said. But yf no man signifie his repentence, then aught he to be excommunicat; and by the mouth of the Minister, consent of the Ministerie, and commandiment of the Churche, must sick a contempnar be p.r.o.nunced excommunicat from G.o.d, and from the societie of his Churche.

After whiche sentence may no persoun, (his wife and familie onlie excepted,) have ony kynde of conversatioun with him, be it in eiting and drinking, buying or selling, yea, in saluting or talking with him; except that it be at the commandiment or licence of the Ministerie for his conversioun; that he by suche meanis confoundit, seing him self abhorrit of the faythfull and G.o.dlie, may have occasioun to repent and be so savit. The sentence of his Excommunicatioun must be publischeit universalie throwhout the Realme, least that any man sould pretend ignorance.

His children begottin or borne efter that sentence and before his repentence, may nocht be admitted to baptisme, till eathir thei be of aige to require the samin, or ellis that the Moder, or sum of his especiall freinds, members of the Churche, offer and present the child, abhorring and dampnyng the iniquitie and obstinat contempt of the impenitent. Yf ony think it seveir,[514] that the child suld be punischeit for the iniquitie of the Fader; let thame understand that the sacramentis appertene onlie to the faithfull and to thair seade: But suche as stuburnlie contempt all G.o.dlie admonitioun, and obstinatlie remane in thair iniquitie, can nocht be accompted amangist the faithfull.

[514] In edit. 1621, "If any man should think it severe."



We have spokin no thing of those that commit horrible crymis, as murtheraris, man-slayaris, and adulteraris; for suche (as we have said) the Civill swearde aught to punische to death: But in case thei be permitted to leve, than must the Churche, as before is said, draw the swearde whiche of G.o.d scho hath receaved, halding thame as accursed evin in thair [very] fact. The offendar being first called, and ordour of the Churche used aganis him, in the same maner as the personis that for obstinat impenitence ar publictlie excommunicat: So that the obstinat impenitent efter the sentence of excommunicatioun, and the murtherar or adulterar stand in one case as concernying the judgement of [the Churche]; that is, neathir of both may be receaved in the fellowschip of the Churche to prayeris or sacramentis, (but to heiring of the word thei may,) till first thei offer thame selfis to the Ministerie, humblie requiring the Ministeris and Elderis to pray to G.o.d for thame; and alsua to be intercessouris to the Churche, that thei may be admitted to publict repentence, and so to the fruitioun of the benefitis of Christ Jesus, distributed to the memberis of his body.

Yf this requeist be humilie maid, then may not the Ministeris refuise to signifie the same unto the Churche, the nixt day of publict preaching,[515] the Minister geving exhortatioun to the Churche to pray to G.o.d to performe the work whiche he appearit to have begun, wirking in the heart of the offendare unfeyned repentence of his grevous cryme, and the sence[516] and fealing of his great mercy, by the operatioun of his Holie Spirit. Thairefter ane day aucht publictlie to be a.s.signit unto him to gif oppin confessioun of his offence and contempt, and sa to mak ane publict satisfactioun to the Churche of G.o.d. Whiche day the offenderis must appeare in presence of the hoill Churche, and with his awin mouthe dampne his awin impietie, publictlie confessing the same; desiring G.o.d of his grace and mercy, and his congregatioun, that it will please thame to accept him in thair societie, as before is said. The Minister must examinat him diligentlie whethir he find a haitrent and displesour of his syn, alsweill of his cryme as of his contempt:[517] whiche yf he confesse, he must travell with him, to se what hope he hath of G.o.ddis mercy.

[515] In MS. 1566, "publict praying."

[516] In edit. 1621, "cryme and offence."

[517] In edit. 1621, the words "cryme," and "contempt," are transposed.

And gif he find him reasonabillie instructed in the knawledge of Christ Jesus, in the virtu of his death; than may the Minister confort him by G.o.ddis infallibill promisses, and demand of the Churche yf thei be content to resave that creature of G.o.d, whome Sathan before have drawin in his nettis, in the societie of thair body, seing that he declairis him self penitent. Whiche yf the Churche grant, as thai may not justlie deny the same, than aught the Minister in publict prayer to commend him to G.o.d, confesse the syn of that offendar, and of the whole[518] Churche, desiring mercy and grace for Christ Jesus saik.

Whiche prayer being endit, the Minister aught to exhort the Churche to resave that penitent brothir in thair favouris, as thay require G.o.d to resave thame selfis, whan thay have offendit; and in signe of thair consent, the Elderis and cheaf men of the Churche sall tak the penitent by the hand, and one or two in name of the whole shall kiss and imbrace him with all reverence and gravitie, as a member of Christ Jesus.

[518] In edit. 1621, "before the whole."

Whiche being done, the Minister shall exhort the reconcilled[519] to tak diligent heid in tymes c.u.ming, that Sathan trap him nocht in suche crymes, admonissing him that he will nocht cease to tempt and trye [by] all meanis possibill to bring him frome that obedience whiche he hath gevin to G.o.d, and to the ordinance of his Sone Christ Jesus. The exhortatioun being ended, the Minister aught to gif publict thankis unto G.o.d for the conversioun of that thair brothir, and for the benifittis quhilk we resave by Jesus Christ, praying for the increase and continewance of the same.

[519] In edit. 1621, "the received."

Yf the penitent, efter that he have offered him self to the Ministerie, or to the Churche, be fund ignorant in the princ.i.p.all pointis of oure religioun, and cheaflie in the article of Justificatioun, and of the office of Christ Jesus, than aucht he to be exactlie instructed before he be receaved: For ane mocking of G.o.d it is to receave thame in repentence, who knoweth not whairin standis thair remeid, whan thai repent thair syn.



To Discipline must all Estaitis within this Realme be subject, yf thay offend,[520] alsweil the Reullaris as thay that are reulit; yea and the Preachearis thame selfis, alsweill as the poorest within the Churche. And becaus the eye and mouth of the Churche aught to be most single and irreprehensibill, the life and conversatioun of the Ministers aucht most diligentlie to be tryed. Whairof we shall speake, efter that we have spokin of the electioun of Elderis and Deaconis, who must a.s.sist the Ministeris in all public effaires of the Churche, &c.[521]

[520] The words, "yf they offend," are omitted in edit. 1621.

[521] In edit. 1621, "of the Kirk."


[522] In edit. 1722, Chap. X.

MEN of best knawledge in G.o.ddis word, of cleanest life, men faithfull, and of most honest conversatioun that can be fund in the Churche, must be nominated to be in electioun; and the names of the same must[523]

be publictlie red to the whole Kirk by the Minister, geving thame advertis.e.m.e.nt, that frome amongest these must be chosin Elderis and Deaconis. Yf anye of the nominated be noted with publict infamye, he aught to be repelled; for it is not seamlie that the servand of corruptioun shall have authoritie to judge in the Churche of G.o.d. Yf anye man knowis utheris of better qualiteis within the Churche then these that beis nominated, lat thame be put in electioun, that the Church may have the choise.

[523] In edit. 1621, "and their names."


Yf churcheis[524] be of smaller nomber than that Seniouris and Deaconis can be chosin frome amangis thame, then may thay weill be joyned to the nixt adjacent Churche: For the pluralitie of churcheis, without ministeris and ordour, shall rathir hurt than edifie.

[524] In edit. 1621. "If the kirk."

The electioun of Elderis and Deaconis aught to be used everie yeare once, (whiche we judge to be most convenient the first day of August;) least that by long continuance of suche officiaris, men presume upoun the libertie of the Churche. It hurtis not that one man be reteaned in office mo yearis than one, so that he be appointed yearlie, by common and fre electioun; provideit alwayes, that the Deaconis, thesauraris, be not compelled to receave the office againe for the s.p.a.ce of three yearis.

How the voitis and suffreigeis may be best receaved, so that everie man may gyf his vote frelie, everie severall Churche may tack such ordour as best seameth to thame.

The Elderis being elected, must be admonischeit of thair office, which is to a.s.sist the Minister in all publict effares of the Churche; to wit, in judgeing and decernyng[525] causses; in geving of admonitioun to the licentious lever; in having of respect to the manneris and conversatioun of all men within thair charge; for by the gravitie of the Seniouris aught the licht and unbridillit life of the licentious be corrected and bridillit.

[525] In edit. 1621, "to wit, in determining and judging."

Yea, the Seniouris aught to tak heyde to the life, manneris, deligence, and studye of thair Ministeris. Yf he be worthie of admonitioun, thei must admonische him; of correctioun, thei must correct him: And yf he be worthy of depositioun, thay with consent of the Churche and Superintendent may depose him, so that his cryme so deserve. Yf a Minister be licht in conversatioun, by his Elderis and Seniouris, he aught to be admonisched. Yf he be negligent in studie, or one that vaketh not upoun his charge and flocke, or one that proponeth not frutefull doctrine, he deservith scharpear admonitioun and correctioun. To the whiche yf he be fund stubburne and in.o.bedient, than may the Seniouris of one Churche complaine to the Ministerie of the two nixt adjacent churcheis, whaire men of greater gravitie are; to whois admonitioun yf he be fund in.o.bedient, he aught to be discharged frome his ministerie till his repentence appeare, and a place be vaking for him.

Yf any Minister be deprehendit in any notable cryme, as huredome, adulterie, murther, man-slauchter, perjurie, teaching of heresie, or ony such as deserve death, or [that] may be ane note of perpetuall infamye, he aught to be deposed for ever. By Heresie, we meane pernitius doctrine planelie taught, and obstinatlie defended, aganis the foundatioun and princ.i.p.allis of our faith: and such a cryme we juge to deserve perpetuall depositioun frome the ministrie; for most dangerus we know it to be, to commit the flock to ane man infected with the pestilence of heresye.

Some crymes deserve depositioun for ane tyme, and whill the persoun gyf declaratioun of gretar gravitie and honnestie: as yf a minister be deprehendit dronk, in brawling or fechting, ane oppin sklanderar, ane infamer of his nychtbour, factious and sawar of discord, be may be commandit to cease from his ministrie, till he declair the signis of repentence; upoun the whiche, the Churche sall abide him the s.p.a.ce of twentye dayis or farther, as the Churche shall think expedient, before that thay proceed to ane new electioun.

Everie inferiour Churche shall by one of thair Seniouris and one of thair Deaconis, onis in the year, notifie unto the ministerie of the Superintendentis churche, the life, maneris, studye, and deligence of thair Ministeris, to the end that the discretioun of some may correct the lenitie of otheris.

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