
The Works of Frederick Schiller Part 425

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Deep in my soul I hate thee as the night, which is thy color; To blot thee out from the fair light of day An irresistible desire impels me.

Who art thou? Raise thy visor. I had said That thou wert Talbot had I not myself Seen warlike Talbot in the battle fall.


Is the divining-spirit mute in thee?


His voice speaks loudly in my spirit's depth The near approach of woe.


Johanna D'Arc!

Borne on the wings of conquest, thou hast reached The gates of Rheims. Let thy achieved renown Content thee. Fortune, like thy slave, till now Hath followed thee; dismiss her, ere in wrath She free herself; fidelity she hates; She serveth none with constancy till death.


Why check me in the midst of my career?

Why bid me falter and forsake my work?

I will complete it and fulfil my vow!


Nothing can thee, thou mighty one, withstand, In battle thou art aye invincible.

But henceforth shun the fight; attend my warning.


Not from my hand will I resign this sword Till haughty England's prostrate in the dust.


Behold! there Rheims ariseth with its towers, The goal and end of thy career. Thou seest The lofty minster's sun-illumined dome; Thou in triumphal pomp wouldst enter there, Thy monarch crown, and ratify thy vow.

Enter not there! Return! Attend my warning!


What art thou, double-tongued, deceitful being, Who wouldst bewilder and appal me? Speak!

By what authority dost thou presume To greet me with fallacious oracles?

[The BLACK KNIGHT is about to depart, she steps in his way.

No, thou shalt speak, or perish by my hand!

[She endeavors to strike him.

BLACK KNIGHT (touches her with his hand, she remains motionless).

Slay what is mortal!

[Darkness, thunder and lightning. The KNIGHT sinks into the earth.

JOHANNA (stands at first in amazement, but soon recovers herself).

'Twas nothing living. 'Twas a base delusion, An instrument of h.e.l.l, a juggling fiend, Uprisen hither from the fiery pool To shake and terrify my steadfast heart.

Wielding the sword of G.o.d, whom should I fear!

I will triumphantly achieve my work.

My courage should not waver, should not fail Were h.e.l.l itself to champion me to fight!

[She is about to depart.




Accursed one, prepare thee for the fight!

Not both of us shall quit this field alive.

Thou hast destroyed the bravest of our host The n.o.ble Talbot hath his mighty soul Breathed forth upon my bosom. I'll avenge The hero, or partic.i.p.ate his doom.

And wouldst thou know who brings thee glory now, Whether he live or die,--I'm Lionel, The sole survivor of the English chiefs, And still unconquered is this valiant arm.

[He rushes upon her; after a short combat she strikes the sword out of his hand.

Perfidious fortune!

[He wrestles with her. JOHANNA seizes him by the crest and tears open his helmet; his face is thus exposed; at the same time she draws her sword with her right hand.


Suffer, what thou soughtest!

The Virgin sacrifices thee through me!

[At this moment she gazes in his face. His aspect softens her, she remains motionless and slowly lets her arm sink.


Why linger, why withhold the stroke of death?

My glory thou hast taken--take my life!

I want no mercy, I am in thy power.

[She makes him a sign with her hand to fly.

How! shall I fly and owe my life to thee?

No, I would rather die.

JOHANNA (with averted face).

I will not know That ever thou didst owe thy life to me.


I hate alike thee and thy proffered gift.

I want no mercy--kill thine enemy Who loathes and would have slain thee.


Slay me, then, And fly!


Ha! What is this?

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The Works of Frederick Schiller Part 425 summary

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