
The Visitation Part 10

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"I saw a demon on Mr. Carno's desk."

"She has a demon. Sometimes I can see it looking out through her eyes."

"Last night a demon came right through the window and sat on my bedpost looking at me."

"There were two demons sitting up in that tree today. I think they're looking for somebody."

He'd point them out to me. He'd even draw them, and he was so casual about it. I would have been scared spitless, but he just gave us a daily update as calmly as reporting the weather. I was present at a meal when he told his folks about another incident, but they only listened, praised the Lord, and went on eating.

I finally figured it was his unique gift from the Lord, the discerning of spirits. I wasn't sure what good it was doing him or any of us, but I still had much to learn.

ANDY SMITH KEPT RUNNING HIS CAR on empty in full a.s.surance and faith that the Lord would multiply his mileage. I had to bring him a can of gas a few times so he could get his car off the highway and to a gas station. I guess that made me the tool in G.o.d's hands to honor Andy's faith. Well, it worked. He got some gas out of the deal.

Karla converted about twenty kids in just one day. All they had to do, she told them, was say "Jesus" out loud, and they would be calling on the name of the Lord, and that meant they would be saved. What could be easier?

Mrs. Kenyon had a friend, Mrs. Bannister, who began to frequent our meetings and even take leadership. Mrs. Bannister was a normal-looking homemaker in tennis shoes, but she was also a prophetess, just like in the Book of Acts, and could tell you G.o.d's answer to most any question. Bernadette asked if she should continue going with some non-Christian guy named Barry, and Mrs. Bannister said it was the Lord's will, because Bernadette would win him to the Lord and they would further his kingdom together. Clay asked her if he would pa.s.s his U.S. Government final, and she said he would, and he did. One evening, Mrs. Bannister addressed the whole smoking issue by telling us about the vision she'd had regarding Mrs. Kenyon's cigarette habit, the vision of the garden full of weeds with the big cigarette growing in the middle. It made me wonder which lady actually had the vision, but I didn't push it. Somebody had the vision, and that was good enough for me. On another evening, Mrs. Bannister laid hands on Mr. Kenyon and appointed him bishop of the island. She didn't say what that was supposed to mean or what Mr. Kenyon was supposed to do, but okay. He was bishop of the island.

The Kenyons and Bannisters would often visit a large church in Seattle to pick up new ideas on prayer, praise, and gifts of the Spirit, but neither family was regularly committed to any church. They met with other adults on Sunday mornings, either in their home or over at the Bannisters' place, and the meetings were much the same as the ones on Wednesdays. It was a whole new concept for me.

Their way of dealing with problems was a new concept as well. Once a doctrinal conflict flared up at a Wednesday meeting-the old dispute between "once saved, always saved," and "stay holy or else." A newcomer from the "stay holy or else" camp started arguing that we'd better get holy or G.o.d would deal with us. I was from a strict Pentecostal background, so he made sense to me. Considering the smoking, crusty language, and romantic indulgences going on in the group, I was glad he'd brought it up.

We did not discuss the matter. Neither Mrs. Kenyon nor Mrs. Bannister would allow it. Instead, the two ladies broke into their heavenly languages, encouraged us to do the same, and filibustered in the Spirit until the problem went away-specifically, the newcomer let it go, held his peace, and never came back. I can't say he would have felt welcome if he did.

Praise was the answer. Moving in the Spirit. Praying in our heavenly languages. Through these things, G.o.d would perfect us. G.o.d had a plan, and we were at the center of it. As for the rest of the churches on the island, they'd better get on board or fall behind.

But there was an enemy, lurking outside the walls of the Kenyon home, just beyond the safe coc.o.o.n of our joy. A Question kept occurring to me, but I dared not speak it, perhaps for fear that even Mrs. Bannister wouldn't have an answer. I know I turned away from it, blaming the very thought of it on the devil. G.o.d would perfect this too, I kept telling myself. G.o.d will speak, and move, and someone will come up with something. Until then, don't talk about it. Don't let it in.

But I could hear the Question rapping at the windows, scratching at the door, constantly whispering, "I'm still here."

It lived out in the everyday world where cars break down, children fall from their bicycles, and parents get into fights.

It hovered behind the big plastic jar on the checkout counter at the grocery store, the jar with the slot in top and all the small bills and change inside. Atop the jar was a small sign asking for help and a photo of a little girl with crutches and braces on her legs.

It leaped at me mockingly from between the lines as I heard about a school chum's mother: She had brain cancer and the doctors didn't expect her to live.

It rode on the wheelchair of Tim Ford, a young man at our church with multiple sclerosis. His parents had taken him to traveling healers and miracle evangelists, but still he could not walk. They requested prayer for his healing so often that their request should have earned a permanent slot in the printed order of the service. Tim was sixteen now and virtually helpless, and they could not rest, could not feel complete until G.o.d answered their prayers.

One Sunday morning, while the people sang the hymns, the pastor gave the announcements, and the church service plodded along at its customary cadence, I sat quietly in my pew, oblivious to it all, secretly laboring over the Question.

Must this be? What was still broken, still wrong with this world G.o.d had made? What were we leaving undone? How could this enemy, this pain and suffering and sickness still be hanging around when G.o.d was so powerful and his work so complete?

Maybe it was our fault. Christians today were spoiled from materialism and having it easy. We had no faith. If we truly had faith, we wouldn't be such helpless victims in an imperfect world. G.o.d could work through us to change things. We could be victorious.

Help me to have faith, I prayed. Dear Lord, help my unbelief.

A thought flashed through my mind.

Huh? What was that? Run that by me again.

The pastor's lips were moving, but I didn't hear his words. I was having a revelation. Of course G.o.d wanted to change things. It was G.o.d who was troubling my spirit right now, letting the Question nag at me. He was trying to get through to me, shake me up, and get me seeking his face for a resolution. He wanted me to do something about it.

Hope began to swell within me. Maybe this was G.o.d's plan all along. Maybe G.o.d was granting me a heart of compa.s.sion for the suffering so I could do something about it.

I looked down at my hands. They shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.

I determined at that moment that I would begin a fast. I would pray, fast, and seek G.o.d.

I had just turned eighteen, and things can develop quickly when you're young. I began my fast on Sunday, and by Tuesday, I'd heard from G.o.d and could eat again. I had the gift of healing. I believed it, and that was all there was to it. By his stripes we are healed. They shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover. The prayer of faith will save the sick and the Lord will raise him up. This was my world now. This was my life, my truth, my calling. When I pa.s.sed by the plastic jar in the grocery store with the picture of the little girl in braces, I thought, No more. It won't have to be this way. I laid a hand on that jar and silently prayed for that child, allowing myself to think and believe nothing other than the child would be healed, right then and there.

I saw an older man out in the parking lot of the store, coughing violently as he tried to climb into his truck. I could lay hands on him, I thought. I could heal him. I was immediately timid and nervous. Instead, I prayed for him silently, remotely. G.o.d would hear my prayer.

I thought of the hospitals that would no longer be needed and the crutches that could be burned. I thought of the wondrous revival that would sweep the island and then the rest of the country because G.o.d was going to fix that one thing still wrong with the world.

It was such a wonderful hope, such a giddy elation. I was looking forward to Wednesday night.

At the Kenyons' on Wednesday night, we sang our songs, praised the Lord in a noisy, joyous circle, and then had our time of sharing.

Clay shared about a friend he'd been witnessing to who was still holding back, but G.o.d was working on him. The ferry dock hill was icy, but Clay prayed for his car while his friend watched, and then Clay made it up the hill. The skeptic friend tried it and his car came to a pitiful, wheel-spinning stop only halfway up. We laughed, cheered, and praised the Lord for such a direct demonstration of his power.

Amber had been witnessing to her friend Liz, and tonight Liz was there to observe. Mrs. Kenyon emphasized how getting high on Jesus was better than any drugs, and if there was any doubt in Liz's mind, she should just try it. "Instead of LSD, try some PTL," she said, and we all laughed.

I raised my hand, and then shared my journey of the past several days, how I'd been chased by the big, ugly Question until I finally confronted it in church on Sunday. I shared the illumination I received, the knowledge from the Spirit that G.o.d was speaking to me, shaking me up, giving me a heart for the sick and suffering. Then, feeling humbled by it all, and trembling a bit from nervousness, I said, "I think G.o.d has given me the gift of healing."

"Praise the Lord!" said Mrs. Kenyon as praises, sighs of joy, and claps went around the room. I could see in their faces that they had wondered about the Question also.

Andy spoke up. "I'd like healing. I've had diabetes since I was a little kid."

I sat there, not sure what to do. Clay exclaimed, "Step right up!" and put his chair out in the middle of the room as everyone cheered.

With antic.i.p.ation, and maybe a little bit of sheepishness, Andy rose, went to the chair, and sat down. The others gathered around as I took my place directly in front of Andy.

This was it. I knew I had faith.

A doubt sneaked up on me.

No, go away. No doubt, no doubt. Only believe. G.o.d has spoken to me. I've hashed it all out with him, and he has called me to pray for the sick. By his stripes we are healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man can avail much.

The prayers, praises, and tongues began and I joined in, preparing myself, working out the doubt, working up the faith.

"And now," I said loudly, and all the prayer and praise fell to a low buzz of antic.i.p.ation. I placed my hands on either side of Andy's head and spoke my prayer with authority, "we come against this diabetes in the name of Jesus. Andy, in the name of Jesus, be healed!"

And then I started to shake. I didn't know if it was I doing it or the Lord, but my arms were twitching and quivering as I held onto Andy's head. The kids around me were getting excited. Andy sat there with his eyes closed in prayer, his hands clasped in his lap. The praise raised in intensity. Hands went up. Tongues started rolling. Clay agreed with me aloud, not asking, but demanding healing in the name of Jesus. This went on, then it went on some more, and I just kept shaking. Finally, when we all felt we'd done enough, our prayers subsided, the noise died down, and we rested.

I removed my hands and opened my eyes.

Andy sat there motionless, dazed, staring ahead. n.o.body said a word.

"You okay, Andy?" Bernadette asked.

He didn't answer. He only got up slowly, shakily, and returned to his seat.

Everyone had a strong impression that something had happened. Bernadette put an arm around him. David patted him on the shoulder and said, "You're healed, buddy. You're going to be all right!"

"Let's thank the Lord," said Mrs. Kenyon, and we praised him again.

Karla spoke up. "I'd like prayer for my eyes. I'm nearsighted and I hate having to wear these stupid gla.s.ses."

"Get up there," said Amber, indicating the chair in the center of the room, the "hot seat."

I laid my hands on Karla's head and we did the whole thing again, shaking, praising, praying, demanding, and ordering that nearsightedness out of her. When we were finished, Karla took her place again, and removed her gla.s.ses. No one asked her how things looked. A song started and we all sang. I sat down, strangely glad it was over.

But I did hear Karla tell Amber that nothing had changed.

"Just give it time," said Amber. "G.o.d will accomplish it."


ROUND AND ROUND, round and round, water sloshing, suds swirling, a steady rhythm of gush, hiss, gush, hiss, gush, hiss. It wasn't that boring a show, Norman Dillard thought, especially if you placed bets on which garment would flop against the gla.s.s on the next tumble, the red shirt or the pair of jeans. Sitting here in the laundromat was actually a welcome break. The motel had been so busy over the weekend that he and Mona had to take turns sleeping and eating to handle the flow of guests and the calls from those still coming. Mona was running the motel's washing machines full time to handle the used linens from all-that's right, all-ten rooms.

So here Norman sat, enjoying a little escape on a Monday morning, watching his and Mona's clothes tumble round and round. As far back as he could remember, he'd never been squeezed out of his own washing machines. It was a nice problem to have.

And this time it'll be the jeans-come on, baby, come on, let's see those jeans-Yes! We have a winner!

He was thinking about the sightings, the pilgrims, the clouds, and the faces everywhere, all the craziness of it. It made him sigh and give his head a little wag. Why couldn't it have been UFOs and ETs, some real sightings, and real contacts? That would have been exciting-and believable too. Religious stuff was hard to get excited about when he didn't believe it.

Well, that doesn't matter, he reminded himself. What matters is business.

The motel needed a whole new paint job, some upgrades on the plumbing, some rewiring. The sign out front needed several bulbs replaced. The grounds needed grooming, planting, and fertilizing.

The rooms-oh, those poor, pitiful rooms!-needed new wallpaper, carpets, fixtures, everything. All of this stuff was important if he was going to attract guests, but the bank saw no future for a motel in a town like Antioch, and there had never been enough guests to pay for the improvements so he could attract more guests.

But now things were different. People were coming to see Jesus in the clouds and in the hedges, and even in the mildew on the shower tiles.

Norman laughed, slapping his knee. As silly as it was, it was sweet, wonderful business. He'd waited a long time for this.

There went the jeans again, flopping past the gla.s.s, right past the face of Jesus.

Norman froze.

He couldn't really be seeing this. He leaned forward, staring at the gla.s.s porthole on the front of the machine. The clothes and suds inside were still tumbling over and over, but the face remained on the gla.s.s, looking at him. He could see dark hair parted down the middle and falling almost to the shoulders; a beard; a white tunic. He'd seen pictures. He knew the standard configuration.

Hypnotic suggestion, he thought. All this talk around town is getting to me.

He leaned to the left, watching his own countenance move to the left and then pa.s.s in front of the Jesus-face, obscuring it. It was a reflection of something behind him!

He jumped up quickly and nearly knocked over his chair.

A man stood there, leaning on a row of toploading washers, smiling back at him. With his hair, his beard, and that loose-fitting, long-sleeved, open-necked white shirt, he was a dead ringer for- Norman got over his shock, and then he started laughing. "Ohhhh man! Oh man, that was good!"

The man laughed too, almost as loudly as Norman, showing a pearly white grin.

Norman felt he'd better explain. "You know what's been going on around here, right?"

"Oh yeah." The man nodded.

Norman pointed at the washing machine. "I was watching my laundry, and all of a sudden I see your face in the gla.s.s-" He burst out laughing again and could hardly finish the sentence. "And I thought, you know . . . hey, has anybody ever told you you look just like Jesus?"

"I've been told that."

"Oh man, you had me going. You had me going!" He wiped tears from his eyes. "Wait'll I tell Mona."

The man wiggled his index finger in Norman's direction. "Nice gla.s.ses."


"The gla.s.ses. Nice gla.s.ses."

Norman sneered. "Yeah, for Boy Scouts starting fires. My eyes aren't very good."

"May I see them?"

Norman took them off and the world became a blur, the man by the washers a dark-topped smudge above a smudge of white. He extended the gla.s.ses, and saw the smudge reach out to take them. Their hands touched. There was a tingle.

Norman stumbled. "Oops!" He put out his hand to catch himself.

He blinked.

His hand was perfectly clear, as was the chair he was leaning on. Had he put his gla.s.ses on? He looked up. He could make out every detail of the man's face, every hair of his beard, the depth of the dark brown eyes.

And the man who looked like Jesus was holding Norman's gla.s.ses. "Can you see okay?"

Norman looked, and saw, and replied with wonder, "Yeah."

"Good." The man folded Norman's gla.s.ses, set them on a washer, and turned for the door.

"Hey, wait. What did you do? How'd you do that?"

The man only looked back once, smiled, and gave Norman a little wave. Then he went out the door and was gone.

Norman blinked several times, then rubbed his eyes. What had happened? What was this? He looked up and could read the instructions on the washing machine. He could clearly make out the reverse-painted hours on the gla.s.s of the front door. What was the trick? He felt all over his face for some kind of device. Nothing.

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