
The Student's Elements of Geology Part 48

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Princ.i.p.al Subdivisions of the Carboniferous Group.

Different Thickness of the sedimentary and calcareous Members in Scotland and the South of England.


Terrestrial Nature of the Growth of Coal.

Erect fossil Trees.

Uniting of many Coal-seams into one thick Bed.

Purity of the Coal explained.

Conversion of Coal into Anthracite.

Origin of Clay-ironstone.

Marine and brackish-water Strata in Coal.

Fossil Insects.

Batrachian Reptiles.

Labyrinthodont Foot-prints in Coal-measures.

Nova Scotia Coal-measures with successive Growths of erect fossil Trees.

Similarity of American and European Coal.

Air-breathers of the American Coal.

Changes of Condition of Land and Sea indicated by the Carboniferous Strata of Nova Scotia.


The next group which we meet with in the descending order is the Carboniferous, commonly called "The Coal," because it contains many beds of that mineral, in a more or less pure state, interstratified with sandstones, shales, and limestones. The coal itself, even in Great Britain and Belgium, where it is most abundant, const.i.tutes but an insignificant portion of the whole ma.s.s. In South Wales, for example, the thickness of the coal-bearing strata has been estimated at between 11,000 and 12,000 feet, while the various coal seams, about 80 in number, do not, according to Professor Phillips, exceed in the aggregate 120 feet.

The Carboniferous formation a.s.sumes various characters in different parts even of the British Islands. It usually comprises two very distinct members: first, the sedimentary beds, usually called the Coal-measures, of mixed fresh-water, terrestrial, and marine origin, often including seams of coal; secondly, that named in England the Mountain or Carboniferous Limestone, of purely marine origin, and made up chiefly of corals, sh.e.l.ls, and encrinites, and resting on shales called the shales of the Mountain Limestone.

TABLE 23.1.

In the south-western part of our island, in Somersetshire and South Wales, the three divisions usually spoken of are:

1. Coal-measures: strata of shale, sandstone, and grit, from 600 to 12,000 feet thick, with occasional seams of coal.

2. Millstone grit: a coa.r.s.e quartzose sandstone pa.s.sing into a conglomerate, sometimes used for millstones, with beds of shale; usually devoid of coal; occasionally above 600 feet thick.

3. Mountain or Carboniferous Limestone: a calcareous rock containing marine sh.e.l.ls, corals, and encrinites; devoid of coal; thickness variable, sometimes more than 1500 feet.

If the reader will refer to the section in Figure 85, he will see that the Upper and Lower Coal-measures of the coal-field near Bristol are divided by a micaceous flaggy sandstone called the Pennant Rock. The Lower Coal-measures of the same section rest sometimes, especially in the north part of the basin, on a base of coa.r.s.e grit called the Millstone Grit (No. 2 of the above Table 23.1.)

In the South Welsh coal-field Millstone Grit occurs in like manner at the base of the productive coal. It is called by the miners the "Farewell Rock," as when they reach it they have no longer any hopes of obtaining coal at a greater depth in the same district. In the central and northern coal-fields of England this same grit, including quartz pebbles, with some accompanying sandstones and shales containing coal plants, acquires a thickness of several thousand feet, lying beneath the productive coal-measures, which are nearly 10,000 feet thick.

Below the Millstone Grit is a continuation of similar sandstones and shales called by Professor Phillips the Yoredale series, from Yoredale, in Yorkshire, where they attain a thickness of from 800 to 1000 feet. At several intervals bands of limestone divide this part of the series, one of which, called the Main Limestone or Upper Scar Limestone, composed in great part of encrinites, is 70 feet thick. Thin seams of coal also occur in these lower Yoredale beds in Yorkshire, showing that in the same region there were great alternations in the state of the surface. For at successive periods in the same area there prevailed first terrestrial conditions favourable to the growth of pure coal, secondly, a sea of some depth suited to the formation of Carboniferous Limestone, and, thirdly, a supply of muddy sediment and sand, furnishing the materials for sandstone and shale. There is no clear line of demarkation between the Coal- measures and the Millstone Grit, nor between the Millstone Grit and underlying Yoredale rocks.

On comparing a series of vertical sections in a north-westerly direction from Leicestershire and Warwickshire into North Lancashire, we find, says Mr. Hull, within a distance of 120 miles an augmentation of the sedimentary materials to the extent of 16,000 feet.

Leicestershire and Warwickshire: 2,600 feet.

North Staffordshire: 9,000 feet.

South Lancashire: 12,130 feet.

North Lancashire: 18,700 feet.

In central England, where the sedimentary beds are reduced to about 3000 feet in all, the Carboniferous Limestone attains an enormous thickness, as much as 4000 feet at Ashbourne, near Derby, according to Mr. Hull's estimate. To a certain extent, therefore, we may consider the calcareous member of the formation as having originated simultaneously with the acc.u.mulation of the materials of grit, sandstone, and shale, with seams of coal; just as strata of mud, sand, and pebbles, several thousand feet thick, with layers of vegetable matter, are now in the process of formation in the cypress swamps and delta of the Mississippi, while coral reefs are forming on the coast of Florida and in the sea of the Bermuda islands. For we may safely conclude that in the ancient Carboniferous ocean those marine animals which were limestone builders were never freely developed in areas where the rivers poured in fresh water charged with sand or clay; and the limestone could only become several thousand feet thick in parts of the ocean which remained perfectly clear for ages.

The calcareous strata of the Scotch coal-fields, those of Lanarkshire, the Lothians, and Fife, for example, are very insignificant in thickness when compared to those of England. They consist of a few beds intercalated between the sandstones and shales containing coal and ironstone, the combined thickness of all the limestones amounting to no more than 150 feet. The vegetation of some of these northern sedimentary beds containing coal may be older than any of the coal-measures of central and southern England, as being coeval with the Mountain Limestone of the south. In Ireland the limestone predominates over the coal- bearing sands and shales. We may infer the former continuity of several of the coal-fields in northern and central England, not only from the abrupt manner in which they are cut off at their outcrop, but from their remarkable correspondence in the succession and character of particular beds. But the limited extent to which these strata are exposed at the surface is not merely owing to their former denudation, but even in a still greater degree to their having been largely covered by the New Red Sandstone, as in Cheshire, and here and there by the Permian strata, as in Durham.

It has long been the opinion of the most eminent geologists that the coal-fields of Yorkshire and Lancashire were once united, the upper Coal-measures and the overlying Millstone Grit and Yoredale rocks having been subsequently removed; but what is remarkable, is the ancient date now a.s.signed to this denudation, for it seems that a thickness of no less than 10,000 feet of the coal-measures had been carried away before the deposition even of the lower Permian rocks which were thrown down upon the already disturbed truncated edges of the coal-strata.

(Edward Hull Quarterly Geological Journal volume 24 page 327.) The carboniferous strata most productive of workable coal have so often a basin-shaped arrangement that these troughs have sometimes been supposed to be connected with the original conformation of the surface upon which the beds were deposited. But it is now admitted that this structure has been owing to movements of the earth's crust of upheaval and subsidence, and that the flexure and inclination of the beds has no connection with the original geographical configuration of the district.


I shall now treat more particularly of the productive coal-measures, and their mode of origin and organic remains.


In South Wales, already alluded to, where the coal-measures attain a thickness of 12,000 feet, the beds throughout appear to have been formed in water of moderate depth, during a slow, but perhaps intermittent, depression of the ground, in a region to which rivers were bringing a never-failing supply of muddy sediment and sand. The same area was sometimes covered with vast forests, such as we see in the deltas of great rivers in warm climates, which are liable to be submerged beneath fresh or salt water should the ground sink vertically a few feet.

In one section near Swansea, in South Wales, where the total thickness of strata is 3246 feet, we learn from Sir H. De la Beche that there are ten princ.i.p.al ma.s.ses of sandstone. One of these is 500 feet thick, and the whole of them make together a thickness of 2125 feet. They are separated by ma.s.ses of shale, varying in thickness from 10 to 50 feet. The intercalated coal-beds, sixteen in number, are generally from one to five feet thick, one of them, which has two or three layers of clay interposed, attaining nine feet. At other points in the same coal-field the shales predominate over the sandstones. Great as is the diversity in the horizontal extent of individual coal-seams, they all present one characteristic feature, in having, each of them, what is called its UNDERCLAY. These underclays, co-extensive with every layer of coal, consist of arenaceous shale, sometimes called fire-stone, because it can be made into bricks which stand the fire of a furnace. They vary in thickness from six inches to more than ten feet; and Sir William Logan first announced to the scientific world in 1841 that they were regarded by the colliers in South Wales as an essential accompaniment of each of the eighty or more seams of coal met with in their coal-field. They are said to form the FLOOR on which the coal rests; and some of them have a slight admixture of carbonaceous matter, while others are quite blackened by it.

All of them, as Sir William Logan pointed out, are characterised by inclosing a peculiar species of fossil vegetable called Stigmaria, to the exclusion of other plants. It was also observed that, while in the overlying shales, or "roof" of the coal, ferns and trunks of trees abound without any Stigmariae, and are flattened and compressed, those singular plants of the underclay most commonly retain their natural forms, unflattened and branching freely, and sending out their slender rootlets, formerly thought to be leaves, through the mud in all directions. Several species of Stigmaria had long been known to botanists, and described by them, before their position under each seam of coal was pointed out, and before their true nature as the roots of trees (some having been actually found attached to the base of Sigillaria stumps) was recognised. It was conjectured that they might be aquatic, perhaps floating plants, which sometimes extended their branches and leaves freely in fluid mud, in which they were finally enveloped.

Now that all agree that these underclays are ancient soils, it follows that in every instance where we find them they attest the terrestrial nature of the plants which formed the overlying coal, which consists of the trunks, branches, and leaves of the same plants. The trunks have generally fallen prostrate in the coal, but some of them still remain at right angles to the ancient soils (see Figure 440). Professor Goppert, after examining the fossil vegetables of the coal-fields of Germany, has detected, in beds of pure coal, remains of plants of every family hitherto known to occur fossil in the carboniferous rocks. Many seams, he remarks, are rich in Sigillariae, Lepidodendra, and Stigmariae, the latter in such abundance as to appear to form the bulk of the coal. In some places, almost all the plants were calamites, in others ferns. (Quarterly Geological Journal volume 5 Mem. page 17.)

Between the years 1837 and 1840, six fossil trees were discovered in the coal- fields of Lancashire, where it is intersected by the Bolton railway. They were all at right angles to the plane of the bed, which dips about 15 degrees to the south. The distance between the first and the last was more than 100 feet, and the roots of all were imbedded in a soft argillaceous shale. In the same plane with the roots is a bed of coal, eight or ten inches thick, which has been found to extend across the railway, or to the distance of at least ten yards. Just above the covering of the roots, yet beneath the coal-seam, so large a quant.i.ty of the Lepidostrobus variabilis was discovered inclosed in nodules of hard clay, that more than a bushel was collected from the small openings around the base of some of the trees (see Figure 457 of this genus). The exterior trunk of each was marked by a coating of friable coal, varying from one-quarter to three-quarters of an inch in thickness; but it crumbled away on removing the matrix. The dimensions of one of the trees is 15 1/2 feet in circ.u.mference at the base, 7 1/2 feet at the top, its height being eleven feet. All the trees have large spreading roots, solid and strong, sometimes branching, and traced to a distance of several feet, and presumed to extend much farther.

In a colliery near Newcastle a great number of Sigillariae occur in the rock as if they had retained the position in which they grew. No less than thirty, some of them four or five feet in diameter, were visible within an area of 50 yards square, the interior being sandstone, and the bark having been converted into coal. Such vertical stems are familiar to our coal-miners, under the name of coal-pipes. They are much dreaded, for almost every year in the Bristol, Newcastle, and other coal-fields, they are the cause of fatal accidents. Each cylindrical cast of a tree, formed of solid sandstone, and increasing gradually in size towards the base, and being without branches, has its whole weight thrown downward, and receives no support from the coating of friable coal which has replaced the bark. As soon, therefore, as the cohesion of this external layer is overcome, the heavy column falls suddenly in a perpendicular or oblique direction from the roof of the gallery whence coal has been extracted, wounding or killing the workman who stands below. It is strange to reflect how many thousands of these trees fell originally in their native forests in obedience to the law of gravity; and how the few which continued to stand erect, obeying, after myriads of ages, the same force, are cast down to immolate their human victims.

(FIGURE 429. Ground-plan of a fossil forest, Parkfield Colliery, near Wolverhampton, showing the position of 73 trees in a quarter of an acre.)

It has been remarked that if, instead of working in the dark, the miner was accustomed to remove the upper covering of rock from each seam of coal, and to expose to the day the soils on which ancient forests grew, the evidence of their former growth would be obvious. Thus in South Staffordshire a seam of coal was laid bare in the year 1844, in what is called an open work at Parkfield colliery, near Wolverhampton. In the s.p.a.ce of about a quarter of an acre the stumps of no less than 73 trees with their roots attached appeared, as shown in Figure 429, some of them more than eight feet in circ.u.mference. The trunks, broken off close to the root, were lying prostrate in every direction, often crossing each other. One of them measured 15, another 30 feet in length, and others less. They were invariably flattened to the thickness of one or two inches, and converted into coal. Their roots formed part of a stratum of coal ten inches thick, which rested on a layer of clay two inches thick, below which was a second forest resting on a two-foot seam of coal. Five feet below this, again, was a third forest with large stumps of Lepidodendra, Calamites, and other trees.


Both in England and North America seams of coal are occasionally observed to be parted from each other by layers of clay and sand, and, after they have been persistent for miles, to come together and blend in one single bed, which is then found to be equal in the aggregate to the thickness of the several seams. I was shown by Mr. H.D. Rogers a remarkable example of this in Pennsylvania. In the Shark Mountain, near Pottsville, in that State, there are thirteen seams of anthracite coal, some of them more than six feet thick, separated by beds of white quartzose grit and a conglomerate of quartz pebbles, often of the size of a hen's egg. Between Pottsville and the Lehigh Summit Mine, seven of these seams of coal, at first widely separated, are, in the course of several miles, brought nearer and nearer together by the gradual thinning out of the intervening coa.r.s.e-grained strata and their accompanying shales, until at length they successively unite and form one ma.s.s of coal between forty and fifty feet thick, very pure on the whole, though with a few thin partings of clay. This ma.s.s of coal I saw quarried in the open air at Mauch Chunk, on the Bear Mountain. The origin of such a vast thickness of vegetable remains, so unmixed, on the whole, with earthy ingredients, can be accounted for in no other way than by the growth, during thousands of years, of trees and ferns in the manner of peat-- a theory which the presence of the Stigmaria in situ under each of the seven layers of anthracite fully bears out. The rival hypothesis, of the drifting of plants into a sea or estuary, leaves the non-intermixture of sediment, or of clay, sand, and pebbles, with the pure coal wholly unexplained.

(FIGURE 430. Uniting of distinct coal-seams.)

The late Mr. Bowman was the first who gave a satisfactory explanation of the manner in which distinct coal-seams, after maintaining their independence for miles, may at length unite, and then persist throughout another wide area with a thickness equal to that which the separate seams had previously maintained.

Let A-C (Figure 430) be a three-foot seam of coal originally laid down as a ma.s.s of vegetable matter on the level area of an extensive swamp, having an under- clay, f-g, through which the Stigmariae or roots of the trees penetrate as usual. One portion, B-C, of this seam of coal is now inclined; the area of the swamp having subsided as much as 25 feet at E-C, and become for a time submerged under salt, fresh, or brackish water. Some of the trees of the original forest A-B-C fell down, others continued to stand erect in the new lagoon, their stumps and part of their trunks becoming gradually enveloped in layers of sand and mud, which at length filled up the new piece of water C-E.

When this lagoon has been entirely silted up and converted into land, the forest-covered surface A-B will extend once more over the whole area A-B-E, and a second ma.s.s of vegetable matter, D-E, forming three feet more of coal, will acc.u.mulate. We then find in the region E-C two seams of coals, each three feet thick, with their respective under-clays, with erect buried trees based upon the surface of the lower coal, the two seams being separated by 25 feet of intervening shale and sandstone. Whereas in the region A-B, where the growth of the forest has never been interrupted by submergence, there will simply be one seam, two yards thick, corresponding to the united thickness of the beds B-E and B-C. It may be objected that the uninterrupted growth of plants during the interval of time required for the filling up of the lagoon will have caused the vegetable matter in the region D-A-B to be thicker than the two distinct seams E and C, and no doubt there would actually be a slight excess representing one or more generation of trees and plants forming the undergrowth; but this excess of vegetable matter, when compressed into coal, would be so insignificant in thickness that the miner might still affirm that the seam D-A throughout the area D-A-B was equal to the two seams C and E.


The purity of the coal itself, or the absence in it of earthy particles and sand, throughout areas of vast extent, is a fact which appears very difficult to explain when we attribute each coal-seam to a vegetation growing in swamps. It has been asked how, during river inundations capable of sweeping away the leaves of ferns and the stems and roots of Sigillariae and other trees, could the waters fail to transport some fine mud into the swamps? One generation after another of tall trees grew with their roots in mud, and their leaves and prostrate trunks formed layers of vegetable matter, which was afterwards covered with mud since turned to shale. Yet the coal itself, or altered vegetable matter, remained all the while unsoiled by earthy particles. This enigma, however perplexing at first sight, may, I think, be solved by attending to what is now taking place in deltas. The dense growth of reeds and herbage which encompa.s.ses the margins of forest-covered swamps in the valley and delta of the Mississippi is such that the fluviatile waters, in pa.s.sing through them, are filtered and made to clear themselves entirely before they reach the areas in which vegetable matter may acc.u.mulate for centuries, forming coal if the climate be favourable. There is no possibility of the least intermixture of earthy matter in such cases. Thus in the large submerged tract called the "Sunk Country," near New Madrid, forming part of the western side of the valley of the Mississippi, erect trees have been standing ever since the year 1811-12, killed by the great earthquake of that date; lacustrine and swamp plants have been growing there in the shallows, and several rivers have annually inundated the whole s.p.a.ce, and yet have been unable to carry in any sediment within the outer boundaries of the mora.s.s, so dense is the marginal belt of reeds and brush-wood.

It may be affirmed that generally, in the "cypress swamps" of the Mississippi, no sediment mingles with the vegetable matter acc.u.mulated there from the decay of trees and semi-aquatic plants. As a singular proof of this fact, I may mention that whenever any part of a swamp in Louisiana is dried up, during an unusually hot season, and the wood set on fire, pits are burnt into the ground many feet deep, or as far down as the fire can descend without meeting with water, and it is then found that scarcely any residuum or earthy matter is left.

At the bottom of all these "cypress swamps" a bed of clay is found, with roots of the tall cypress (Taxodium distichum), just as the under-clays of the coal are filled with Stigmaria.


It appears from the researches of Liebig and other eminent chemists, that when wood and vegetable matter are buried in the earth exposed to moisture, and partially or entirely excluded from the air, they decompose slowly and evolve carbonic acid gas, thus parting with a portion of their original oxygen. By this means they become gradually converted into lignite or wood-coal, which contains a larger proportion of hydrogen than wood does. A continuance of decomposition changes this lignite into common or bituminous coal, chiefly by the discharge of carbureted hydrogen, or the gas by which we illuminate our streets and houses.

According to Bischoff, the inflammable gases which are always escaping from mineral coal, and are so often the cause of fatal accidents in mines, always contain carbonic acid, carbureted hydrogen, nitrogen, and olefiant gas. The disengagement of all these gradually transforms ordinary or bituminous coal into anthracite, to which the various names of glance-coal, c.o.ke, hard-coal, culm, and many others, have been given.

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