
The Spectator Volume Iii Part 123

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43. VIRG. aen. vi. 854.

'Be these thy arts; to bid contention cease, Chain up stern wars, and give the nations peace; O'er subject lands extend thy gentle sway, And teach with iron rod the haughty to obey.'

44. HOR. Ars Poet. ver. 123.

'Now hear what every auditor expects.'



45. Juv. Sat. iii. 100.

'The nation is a company of players.'

46. OVID, Met. 1. i. ver. 9.

'The jarring seeds of ill-concerted things.'

47. MART.

'Laugh, if you are wise.'

48. OVID, Met. xiv. 652.

'Through various shapes he often finds access.'

49. MART.

'Men and manners I describe.'

50. JUN. Sat. xix. 321.

'Good taste and nature always speak the same.'

51. HOR. 1 Ep. ii. 127.

'He from the taste obscene reclaims our youth.'


52. VIRG. aen. i. 78.

'To crown thy worth, she shall be ever thine, And make thee father of a beauteous line.'

53. HOR. Ars Poet. ver. 359.

'Homer himself hath been observed to nod.'


54. HOR. 1. Ep. xi. 28.

'Laborious idleness our powers employs.'

55. PERS. Sat. v. 129.

'Our pa.s.sions play the tyrants in our b.r.e.a.s.t.s.'

56. LUCAN, i. 454.

'Happy in their mistake.'

57. JUV. Sat. vi. 251.

'What sense of shame in woman's breast can lie, Inured to arms, and her own s.e.x to fly?'

58. HOR. Ars Poet. ver. 361.

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