
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation Volume Iv Part 21

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Two miles on this side Mosco there met the amba.s.sador foure gentlemen of good account, accompanied with two hundred horse: who after a little salutation, not familiar, without imbracing, tolde him that they had to say to him from the Emperor, and would haue had him light on foot to haue heard it, notwithstanding themselues would still haue sit on horsebacke: which the amba.s.sador soone refused to doe, and so they stood long vpon termes, whether both parties should light or not: which afterwards agreed vpon, there was yet great nicenesse whose foot should not be first on ground.

Their message being deliuered, and after hauing embraced ech other, they conducted the sayd amba.s.sador to his lodging at Mosco, a house builded of purpose for him, themselues being placed in the next house to it, as appointed to furnish him of all prouisions, and to be vsed by him vpon all other occasions.

The amba.s.sador hauing beene some dayes in Mosco, and hauing in all that time bene very honorably vsed from the Emperor (for such was his will) though some of his chiefest counsellors (as is sayd) had another purpose, and did often times cunningly put it in vse: He was sent for to Court, and was accompanied thither with about forty gentlemen honorably mounted, and sumptuously arayed, and in his pa.s.sage from his lodging to the court, were set in a ward fiue or sixe thousand shot, that were of the Emperors gard.

At the entry into the court there met him four n.o.ble men apparelled in cloth of gold and rich furres, their caps embroidred with pearle and stone, who conducted him towards the Emperor; till he was met with foure others of greater degree then they, who guided him yet further towards the Emperor, in which pa.s.sage there stood along the walles, and sate vpon benches and formes in row, seuen or eight hundred persons, said to be n.o.blemen and gentlemen, all apparelled in garments of coloured satins and cloth of golde.

These foure n.o.blemen accompanied him to the Emperors chamber doore, where met him the Emperors herald, whose office is there held great: and with him all the great officers of the Emperors chamber, who all conducted him to the place where the Emperor safe in his state, hauing three crownes standing by him, viz. of Moscouia, Cazan and Astrakan, and also by him 4 yoong n.o.blemen of about twenty yeres of age, of ech side, twaine, costly apparelled in white, holding vpon their shoulders ech of them a brode axe, much like to a Galloglas axe of Ireland, thin and very sharpe, the steale or handle not past halfe a yard long, and there sate about the chamber vpon benches and other low seats, aboue an hundred n.o.blemen richly apparrelled in cloth of golde.

The amba.s.sador being thus brought to the Emperor to kisse his hand, after some complements and inquirie of her Maiesties health, he willed him goe sit downe in a place prouided for that purpose, nigh ten pases distant from him, from whence he would haue had him to haue sent him her Maiesties letters and present, which the amba.s.sadour thinking not reasonable stept forward towards the Emperor: in which pa.s.sage the chancellor came to meet him, and would haue taken his letters: to whom the amba.s.sador sayd, that her Maiesty had directed no letters to him, and so went on, and deliuered them himselfe to the Emperors owne hands.

And after hauing thus deliuered her Maiesties letters and what he had els to say at that time, he was conducted to the Councell chamber, where hauing had conference with the councell of matters of his amba.s.sage, he was soone after sent for againe to the Emperour, where he dined in his presence at a side table, nere vnto him, and all his company at another boord, where also dined at other tables in the same place, all the chiefe n.o.ble men that were about the Court, to the number of an hundred. And in the time of this dinner, the Emperor vsed many fauors to the amba.s.sadour and about the midst of dinner (standing vp) dranke a great carouse to the health of the Queene his good sister, and sent him a great bowle full of Rhenish wine and sugar to pledge him.

The amba.s.sadour after this, was often called to Court, where he had conference both with the Emperour and his councell of the matters in question, touching both amba.s.sages, which diuers times raised many iarres: and in the end, after sundry meetings, the Emperour finding himself not satisfied to his liking, for that the amba.s.sadour had not power by his commission to yeeld to euery thing that he thought fit, as a man whose will was seldom wonted to be gainsayd, let loose his pa.s.sion, and with a sterne and angry countenance tolde him that he did not reckon the Queene of England to be his fellow: for there are (quoth he) that are her betters.

The amba.s.sadour greatly misliking these speeches, and being very vnwilling (how dangerous soeuer it might prooue to his owne person) to giue way to the Emperor, to derogate ought from the honour and greatness of her Maiesty: and finding also that to subiect himselfe to the angrie humour and disposition of the Emperour was not the means to winne ought at his hands, with like courage and countenance to answere his, tolde him that the Queene his Mistresse was as great a prince as any was in Christendome, equall to him that thought himselfe the greatest, well able to defend herselfe against his malice, whosoeuer, and wanted no means to offend any that either shee had or should haue cause to be enemy vnto. Yea (quoth he) How sayest thou to the French king, and the king of Spaine? Mary (quoth the amba.s.sadour) I holde the Queene my Mistresse as great as any of them both.

Then what sayest thou (quoth hee) to the Emperour of Germany?

Such is the greatnesse of the Queene my Mistresse (quoth the Amba.s.sadour) as the King, her father had (not long since) the Emperor in his pay, in his warres against France.

This answer misliked the Emperor yet so much more, as that he tolde the Amba.s.sadour, that were he not an amba.s.sador, he would throw him out of the doores. Whereunto he answered that he might doe his will, for he was now fast within his countrey: but he had a Mistresse who (he doubted not) would be reuenged of any iniury that should be done vnto him. Whereupon the Emperour in great sudden bade him get him home. And he with no more reuerence then such vsage required, saluted the Emperor and went his way.

All this notwithstanding, the amba.s.sadour was not much sooner out of the chamber, and the Emperours cholar somewhat setled, but he deliuered to his councell that stood about him many commendations in the fauor of the Amba.s.sador, for that he would not indure one ill word to be spoken against his mistresse, and there withall wished himselfe to haue such a seruant.

The Amba.s.sadour had not beene much more then one houre in his lodgings, but the Emperour imagining (as it seemed) by the extraordinary behauiour of the amba.s.sador (for he wanted not wit to iudge) that he had found what was the Emperors case, sent his princ.i.p.all secretary vnto him, to tell him, that notwithstanding what had past, yet for the great loue that he bare to the Queene his sister, he should very shortly be called againe to Court, and haue a resolution of all the matters in question: and this secretary was now further content to impart, and sayd to the amba.s.sadour that the Empereur was fully resolued to send a greater, n.o.ble man vnto him in amba.s.sage to the Queene his sister, then euer he yet at any time sent out of his countrey: and that he determined also to send to the Queene a present woorth three thousand pounds, and to gratifie himselfe at his departure with a gift that should be woorth a thousand pounds: and tolde him also that the next day the Emperour would send a great n.o.ble man vnto him, to conferre with him of certaine abuses done him by Shalkan the chancellor, and his ministers.

And so the day following he sent Bodan Belskoy the chiefest counceller that he had, a man most in credit with him: this man examined all matters wherewith the amba.s.sador had found himselfe grieued, and supplied him, with what hee wanted, and righted him in all things wherein hee had beene wronged.

Not long after the returne of this n.o.ble man, the Emperor caused to be set downe in his owne presence, a new and much larger allowance of diet for the amba.s.sador then he had had before, and shortly after sent the same to the amba.s.sadour by his princ.i.p.all Secretarie Sauio Frollo. This diet was so great, as the amba.s.sadour oftentimes sought to haue it lessened, but the Emperour would not by any means.

The scroule of the new diet was this:

One bushel of fine meale for three dayes.

One bushel of wheate meale for a day and a halfe.

Two liue geese for one day.

Twenty hennes for the day.

Seuen sheepe for a day.

One oxe for three dayes.

One side of pork for a day.

Seuentie egges for a day.

Ten pound of b.u.t.ter.

Seuenty peny white loaues of bread.

Twelue peny loaues of bread.

One veather or gallon of vinegar.

Two veathers of salt cabiges.

One pecke of onions.

Ten pound of salt.

On altine, or sixe peny woorth of waxe candles.

Two altines of tallow candles.

One fourth part of a veather of cherrie mead.

As much of Malynouomead.

Halfe a veather of burnt wine.

One veather of sodden mead called Obarni.

Three veathers of sweet mead.

Ten veathers of white mead.

Fifteene veathers of ordinary mead.

Foure veathers of sweet beere.

Fiftene veathers of beere.

Halfe a pound of pepper.

Three sollitincks or ounces of saffron.

One sollitincke of mase.

One sollitincke of nutmegs.

Two sollitincks of cloues.

Three sollitincks of sinamon.


One bush.e.l.l of oats.

One load of hay.

One load of straw.

Now he began so much to discouer his purpose and affections towards her Maiesty and her countrey, as he sent to the amba.s.sador, intreating him that his preacher [Marginal note: M. Cole.], and doctor Iacob his English physician, might set downe the points of the religion in vse in England, which the Amba.s.sadour caused to be done accordingly, and sent them vnto him, who seemed so well to like them, as he caused them (with much good allowance) to be publikely read before diuers of his councell, and many others of his n.o.bility.

Now he drew hotly againe in question to marry, some kinsewoman of her Maiesties, and that he would send againe into England, to haue some one of them to wife, and if her Maiestie would not vpon his next Amba.s.sage send him such a one as he required, himselfe would then goe into England, and cary his treasure with him, and marry one of them there.

Here you must vnderstand that the yeere before this amba.s.sage, he had sent to her Maiesty by his amba.s.sador to haue had the lady Mary Hastings in marriage, which intreaty by meanes of her inability of body, by occasion of much sicknesse, or perhaps, of no great liking either of herselfe or friends, or both, tooke no place.

The amba.s.sador was now so farre growen into the Emperors fauor, and his affection so great to England, as those great councellors that were the Amba.s.sadors great enemies before, were now desirous of some publike courtesies at his hands for their aduantage to the Emperour: neither durst they, now any more interpose themselues twixt the Emperour and him: for not long before this, the Emperor for abusing the amba.s.sador, had (to shew his fauour towards him) beaten Shalkan the chanceller very grieuously, and had sent him word, that he would not leaue one of his race aliue.

Now whilest the amba.s.sador was thus strongly possest of the Emperours fauor, he imployed himselfe in all he might, not onely for the speedy dispatch of the negociation he had in hand, but laboured also by all the good means he might, further to benefit his country and countreymen, and so not long after wanne at the Emperours hands not onely all those things he had in commission to treat for by his instructions, but also some other of good and great importance, for the benefit of the merchants.

Priuate sutes obteined of the Emperor by the amba.s.sador.

Leaue for Richard Fransham an English man and apothecary to the Emperour, his wife, and children to come home into England, and to bring with him all such goods as he had gotten there.

He obteined like leaue for Richard Elmes an English man one of the Emperours surgions.

He also got leaue for Iane Ricards the widow of Doctor Bomelius a Dutchman, and physician to the Emperour, who, for treason practised with the king of Pole against the sayd Emperour, was rosted to death at the city of Mosco, in the yere 1579.

These following he obteined for the behoofe of the merchants.

He procured for the merchants promise of recompence for certaine goods taken from their factors by robbery vpon the Volga.

He obtained likewise the payment of fiue hundred marks, which was payd for ten yeeres before his going into Russia (into the Emperors receit) for a rent of a house that they had at Vologda.

He also got granted for them the repayment of fifteene hundred marks, which had bene exacted of them the two last yeres before his comming thither.

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The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation Volume Iv Part 21 summary

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