
The Preparation of Plantation Rubber Part 7

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On an estate at present the stock solution is made up by diluting 1 pint of acid with 20 pints of water, and 1 gallon of this is necessary to coagulate 50 gallons of pure latex.

It is desired to use a stock solution of 1 pint of acid to 100 pints of water. Evidently, therefore, 5 gallons of this stock solution contain only the same quant.i.ty of pure acid as 1 gallon of the old solution contained, and it will be necessary to add 5 gallons for every 50 gallons of pure latex. Thus:

1 to 20; 1 gallon necessary for 50 gallons pure latex.

1 to 100; 5 gallons necessary for 50 gallons pure latex.

It may be pointed out that the quant.i.ties worked out in the foregoing examples are not absolutely and mathematically correct, but they are quite close enough for all practical purposes.

It may be advanced by someone that if a dilute solution of acid, such as 1 in 100, is used the bulk of this stock solution (5 gallons to 50 gallons of latex) is very great, and might be injurious to the quality of the resulting rubber. A moment's consideration will show that, after all, the volume of acid solution is only one-tenth that of the volume of latex. This can have no effect upon the quality of the rubber. Even dilution of the pure latex with half its bulk of water in the factory will have no effect upon the quality of the resulting rubber. It is to be remembered that, except in cases where the proportion of added water to latex is absurdly large, the main argument against putting water into the latex-cups is against the possible poor quality of the water rather than against the actual small quant.i.ty theoretically added. It is acknowledged that, where the water to be put into the cups can be guaranteed to be of good quality, no great objection would be raised against placing the smallest possible quant.i.ty of such water in the cups. But how many estates have such good water easily available to the coolies, and how many estates can be sure that only that smallest possible quant.i.ty would be used? It is a notorious fact that, even on estates where the quant.i.ty of water used was supposed to be a minimum, the proportion of water to latex in some cups often exceeded even three or four to one. In any case it may be stated as an elementary truism that the absence of water is more to be desired than water of doubtful quality.

QUANt.i.tY OF ACID.--As a result of repeated experimental work it has been found that, for pure average latex, the quant.i.ty of acid necessary for complete coagulation, reckoned in parts of pure acid to parts of latex, is:

1 part pure acid; 1,000 parts average latex.

Where the latex is rather richer than average (above 30 per cent. dry rubber) probably a little more acid would be required, and similarly if the dry rubber content is lower the quant.i.ty of acid must be less.

It used to be a common belief that the more dilute the latex the greater the quant.i.ty of acid necessary, but this would only apply to cases of extreme dilution of latex.

As a matter of fact, up to certain limits of added water, the reverse is actually the case--_i.e._, the more water in the latex the less acid must be added, a.s.suming that for pure latex the proportion of pure acid to latex is taken as 1 part to 1,000 parts. This was found to be the case up to dilutions of three or four times the volume of latex. To take concrete examples which will perhaps make the truth more clear:

a.s.suming we commence by making up our stock solution of acid by adding 100 parts of water to 1 part of pure acid, this gives us a mixture of 1 to 100. For 1 gallon of pure latex it would be necessary to add one-tenth of its volume of the above mixture--_i.e._, 16 ozs.

Suppose we take a gallon of pure latex and add a gallon of water, we now have 2 gallons of so-called latex. But we still have only 1 gallon of real latex present in the diluted latex, and it is only necessary to add sufficient acid to coagulate this gallon--_i.e._, 16 ozs.

Further, if 1 gallon of latex be diluted with 2, 3, or even 4 gallons of water it is still only necessary to add 16 ozs. of the acid mixture.

At dilutions beyond this limit, however, it is necessary to add a little more acid to obtain complete coagulation.

In the process of preparing sheet rubber it is very necessary to see that the minimum quant.i.ty of acid is used, otherwise visible defects are caused.

But in coagulating latex intended for preparing crepe, where the rubber undergoes protracted washing on the machines, the presence of a slight excess of acid in coagulation is not calculated to cause any deterioration in the quality of the rubber. Advantage must not be taken of this statement to argue that more than a slight excess may be used without injury to the rubber, as it can be shown that the use of a large excess of acid results in an inferior rubber.

QUANt.i.tIES NECESSARY FOR MODERN REQUIREMENTS.--It may be commended to the notice of the beginner that any further experimental work as to the quant.i.ty of acetic acid necessary for complete coagulation would only involve a waste of time and energy.

The general figure given in a preceding paragraph (1 part pure acid to 1,000 parts of latex) may be accepted as the rough basis for working. In modern practice, however, undiluted latex is usually diluted to a standard which may vary on different estates from 1-1/4 lbs. to 1-1/2 lbs. dry rubber per gallon.

Latices of these strengths can be coagulated at a ratio of 1 part pure acid to 1,200 parts of standardised latex; and this quant.i.ty need not be exceeded, except in cases where an appreciable amount of some anti-coagulant is present in the latex. The proportion may then be raised to 1 in 1,000.

If considered advisable the acid may be used in a 1/2 per cent. solution for sheet preparation; but in any case it is advised for the sake of uniformity that a 1 per cent. solution should be employed in the preparation of both sheet rubber and crepe rubber. In most modern factories, measuring vessels of various capacities are to be found, and it is always more satisfactory to have the solution made up in approximately correct strength at the rate of 1 oz. of pure acid to 5 pints of water.

Often, however, on some estates European supervision of this work is not possible, and the preparation of the acid solution has to be left in the hands of a (more or less) skilled coolie. It is thus necessary to find some less fine, but still approximately correct, method of procedure. In the East the kerosene tin is in universal favour for the carriage of water, and there is no reason why it should not be utilised as a standard measure for preparing the dilute acid solution, _providing it is not allowed to become rusty_. The capacity of the tin is 4 gallons (640 fluid ozs.), so that a one-hundredth part would be approximately 6-1/2 ozs. It is suggested that this quant.i.ty should be measured out by means of a gla.s.s graduated vessel, and then that an aluminium cup should be cut down so as to hold the exact quant.i.ty.

This would reduce the making of a solution, sufficiently approximate to 1 per cent. strength for all practical purposes, into a simple operation of mixing pure acid and water in the ratio of one cupful of acid to 1 kerosene tin of water.

The actual quant.i.ty of solution required for the coagulation of any volume of standardised latex can be calculated easily from the ratio 1:1,200. As the strength of solution is 1:100 it will be seen that the quant.i.ty to be taken is _always one-twelfth_ that of the volume of latex--_e.g._:

(_a_) If the latex tank holds 90 gallons of standardised latex, 7-1/2 gallons of dilute acid solution are required.

(_b_) A tank containing 120 gallons of latex would need 10 gallons of the 1 per cent. acid solution.

It is a.s.sumed that all estates, not only in the preparation of sheet rubber, but also in the making of crepe rubber, always employ the system of standardising latex in order to obtain uniformity. They are ill-advised if they do not follow this practice; but in case average undiluted latex is treated in coagulation, the quant.i.ty of acetic acid to be used should be calculated from the ratio 1:1,000.

If the acid solution is to be employed in 1 per cent. strength, _one-tenth_ of the volume of latex to be treated will indicate the required quant.i.ty of solution necessary for complete coagulation unless anti-coagulants have been used, when the quant.i.ty must be increased as experience directs. It will be recognised, of course, that undiluted latex may only be used in any case for the preparation of crepe rubber; or in some exceptional case, such as the special preparation of "slab" rubber.

CARE IN MIXING.--It is essential that the mixture of dilute acid and latex should be thoroughly intimate. This can only be attained by careful manipulation, especially in the case of sheet preparation. Where crepe rubber is to be made it may be permissible to employ a solution stronger than 1 per cent., but it is not advised. The acid should be poured into the latex while stirring, and the agitation should continue for such a period as to ensure thorough mixing in all parts.

It will be appreciated that in the preparation of sheet rubber this period may not be unduly prolonged, otherwise the latex will have begun to coagulate before skimming and the placing of the part.i.tions in their respective slots can be effected. Furthermore, while in the preliminary treatment for crepe rubber, the formation of enclosed bubbles and surface froth is immaterial. For sheet preparation it is essential that the stirring shall be done so carefully as to try to avoid internal bubbles and to reduce surface froth to a minimum. For crepe-making a perforated board, with handle attached at right angles to the face of the board, may be used; but in shallow sheet-coagulating tanks, broad paddles (which may or may not be perforated) give good results as long as there is a sufficient number used to cover the area of the tank in reasonable time. Obviously also, where the area of any tank or compartment is of any appreciable size, the dilute acid solution should be poured in from various points so as to obtain a good even distribution. In some cases the acid is distributed from a sprinkling can, but this is a refinement which experience shows to be unnecessary. In actual practice, working on a tank measuring 12 ft. by 4 ft., no difficulty is found if coolies pour in acid solution from four points. The degree of success depends entirely upon experience and efficient supervision. This remark applies equally to the use of various devices, such as rakes with broad teeth, used as stirring implements. There is room for display of ingenuity in this direction, and it is found often that, while they are used successfully on one estate, they may be condemned on another.


Below, on the right, coagulating tanks. At the far end strainers. Each dilution tank is of equal capacity to the corresponding coagulating tank.]

USE OF SODIUM BISULPHITE.--Some few years ago a demand for pale crepe rubbers sprang up, and this demand has been maintained. The total quant.i.ty of pale rubber put on the market previously could only have amounted to very little, and that little was obtained by luck and various tricks in manipulation. It must be premised that if coagulation is allowed to take place, either naturally or with the aid of acetic acid, the resulting rubber will almost inevitably oxidise on the surface, except in the cases of very dilute or young latices. Even supposing that this darkening of the surface does not take place in the wet stage, it is often found that a rubber expected to dry to a pale colour does not fulfil expectations, and a dull neutral shade results. This darkening of crepe rubber may be attributed to a slow process of oxidation, which continues until the rubber is dry. From these remarks it will be seen that the process of oxidation is a natural one, and that any pale rubber formerly shipped was the outcome of circ.u.mstances outside the control of the estate, except in such cases where boiling of the coagulum, etc., was resorted to. The fact that one rubber happened to be a shade darker than another was absolutely no criterion as to the value of the rubber, but apparently the market thought, and still thinks, otherwise, although the actual necessities of manufacturers for a pale crepe to be employed in special processes must be comparatively small.

The prevention of this natural oxidation was a problem which exercised the minds of all responsible for the preparation of pale rubbers, and much time and thought were expended upon it. Various theories were propounded, and the chief conclusion arrived at was that the darkening of rubber was to be prevented by excluding all the light possible from the drying houses. To this end windows were to be kept shut, or else they were provided with ruby-coloured gla.s.s, which incidentally kept out the air. In spite of these precautions, little success attended the expenditure of so much energy and thought. It was absolutely necessary that some chemical agent should be discovered which would make the preparation of pale crepe possible for any estate. This chemical would have to fulfil several requirements before it could become popular:

1. It must be a simple substance capable of being easily handled.

2. It must be very soluble, so that solutions could easily be made up by inexpert workers.

3. It must be cheap.

4. It must be quite innocent of any harmful effect upon the quality of the rubber.

After months of investigation into the properties of other chemicals the writers decided that the only one which satisfactorily answered all requirements was sodium bisulphite. The writers make no pretension to any claim of having discovered the properties of this substance, which was a common chemical, and widely known. Even its action on latex was suspected before they engaged upon the work. These matters are only mentioned because the credit, if any, should be given to the laboratories of the Rubber Growers' a.s.sociation.

As soon as it began to be known on the market that sodium bisulphite was being used in the preparation of pale crepe, a great outcry was made, and estates were warned that no more rubber prepared in this way would be accepted. It was said that the chemical would destroy the "nerve" of the rubber,[2] and it was definitely stated that rubber prepared with this chemical was brittle. It must be remembered that brokers had some legitimate excuse in raising objections to the introduction of new and strange chemicals for preparing rubber, as they were quite without means of judging whether the rubber had suffered harm or not. Still, on the other hand, private tests had been made in conjunction with Messrs. Beadle and Stevens for fully eight months before the name of the chemical was mentioned in reports, and they had decided from the results of vulcanisation tests that the chemical was quite innocuous. Then, and only then, did we consider it advisable to recommend the use of sodium bisulphite in general estate practice. Owing to the initial prejudice against rubber prepared with sodium bisulphite, the results of our preliminary work were published by permission of the Rubber Growers'

a.s.sociation.[3] The original instructions to estates regarding the proper employment of this chemical were given in the private reports issued by the Rubber Growers' a.s.sociation in 1911. At the present time it is probably accurate to state that it is now used by all estates preparing fine crepes.

Representatives of manufacturers have sometimes given us to understand that the question of paleness of colour in such rubber is of no such importance as is impressed upon us as producers. While we are prepared to believe, we can only plead that from our point of view the supply arises from the demand. Such are the conditions governing the sale of rubber that, irrespective of the requirements of the ultimate user, we have to market rubber which is valued almost completely upon its appearance at the time of sale.

[2] Williams, International Rubber and Allied Congress, London, 1914.

[3] "The Employment of Sodium Bisulphite in the Preparation of Plantation Rubber," Beadle, Stevens, and Morgan, _India-rubber Journal_, August 2, 1913.

As long as such conditions prevail estates must continue to adopt any device of proved harmlessness, in order to obtain the best possible price for their product, and not because we desire to continue a practice which some a.s.sure us to be unnecessary, and which, moreover, adds somewhat to the cost of production.

QUANt.i.tIES OF SODIUM BISULPHITE.--It must be premised that, although sodium bisulphite is employed on some few estates in the preparation of sheet rubber, we do not advise the practice. It is unnecessary, and may lead to some little trouble and delay in drying. In any case, sodium sulphite gives the results desired for sheet rubber (see following). It must be understood, therefore, that we are concerned here, in the case of sodium bisulphite, with its employment in the preparation of fine pale crepe only.

As the dry rubber contents of latices vary with the age of the trees, the general health of the trees, the seasons and general climatic conditions, the relative strain imposed by depletion of reserves through tapping, etc., it will be clear that the effect produced by a definite quant.i.ty of sodium bisulphite in any given volume of latex will also vary--_i.e._, the effect depends upon the potential amount of rubber present. A dilute latex needs less sodium bisulphite than a richer latex to produce the same effect in colour.[4]

[4] Incidentally there are certain occasions, as in the opening of areas of bark rested for long periods, when the latex is of a rich yellow colour.

Sodium bisulphite will not "bleach" this colour, and it is well to remark again at this stage that the action of the chemical is only to avoid or arrest oxidation (darkening).

Hence it follows that if in any factory uniform quant.i.ties of the solution are used for any given volume of undiluted latices from different areas of the estate, the effect upon the dry rubbers will vary. This explains why some estates obtain different shades of rubber in their fine pale crepes.

The remedy obviously is to reduce the variation in latices by diluting them all to a standard rubber content as is done in sheet preparation. One is thus a.s.sured that the prescribed quant.i.ties of sodium bisulphite will meet requirements in every case, and that waste will be avoided.

Working with a standard of 1-1/2 lbs. dry rubber per gallon the following formula should serve as a _maximum_:

_Formula for Use of Sodium Bisulphite._

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