
The Poetical Works of Beattie, Blair, and Falconer Part 35

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There, struck with sweet surprise and silent awe, The gentle mistress of my hopes I saw; 420 There, wounded first by love's resistless arms, My glowing bosom throbb'd with strange alarms: My ever charming Anna! who alone Can all the frowns of cruel fate atone; Oh! while all-conscious memory holds her power, Can I forget that sweetly-painful hour, When from those eyes, with lovely lightning fraught, My fluttering spirits first the infection caught?

When as I gazed, my faltering tongue betray'd The heart's quick tumults, or refused its aid; 430 While the dim light my ravish'd eyes forsook, And every limb, unstrung with terror, shook; With all her powers dissenting reason strove To tame at first the kindling flame of love: She strove in vain; subdued by charms divine, My soul a victim fell at beauty's shrine.

Oft from the din of bustling life I stray'd, In happier scenes to see my lovely maid; Full oft, where Thames his wandering current leads, We roved at evening hour through flowery meads; 440 There, while my heart's soft anguish I reveal'd, To her with tender sighs my hope appeal'd.

While the sweet nymph my faithful tale believed, Her snowy breast with secret tumult heaved; For, train'd in rural scenes from earliest youth, Nature was hers, and innocence and truth: She never knew the city damsel's art, Whose frothy pertness charms the vacant heart.

My suit prevail'd! for love inform'd my tongue, And on his votary's lips persuasion hung. 450 Her eyes with conscious sympathy withdrew, And o'er her cheek the rosy current flew.

Thrice happy hours! where with no dark allay Life's fairest sunshine gilds the vernal day; For here the sigh that soft affection heaves, From stings of sharper woe the soul relieves: Elysian scenes! too happy long to last, Too soon a storm the smiling dawn o'ercast; Too soon some demon to my father bore The tidings that his heart with anguish tore. 460 My pride to kindle, with dissuasive voice Awhile he labour'd to degrade my choice: Then, in the whirling wave of pleasure, sought From its loved object to divert my thought.

With equal hope he might attempt to bind In chains of adamant the lawless wind; For love had aim'd the fatal shaft too sure, Hope fed the wound, and absence knew no cure.

With alienated look, each art he saw Still baffled by superior nature's law. 470 His anxious mind on various schemes revolved, At last on cruel exile he resolved; The rigorous doom was fix'd; alas, how vain To him of tender anguish to complain!

His soul, that never love's sweet influence felt, By social sympathy could never melt: With stern command to Albert's charge he gave To waft Palemon o'er the distant wave.

"The ship was laden and prepared to sail, And only waited now the leading gale: 480 'Twas ours, in that sad period, first to prove The poignant torments of despairing love, The impatient wish that never feels repose, Desire that with perpetual current flows, The fluctuating pangs of hope and fear, Joy distant still, and sorrow ever near.

Thus, while the pangs of thought severer grew, The western breezes inauspicious blew, Hastening the moment of our last adieu.

The vessel parted on the falling tide, 490 Yet time one sacred hour to love supplied: The night was silent, and advancing fast, The moon o'er Thames her silver mantle cast; Impatient hope the midnight path explored, And led me to the nymph my soul adored.

Soon her quick footsteps struck my listening ear; She came confest! the lovely maid drew near!

But, ah! what force of language can impart The impetuous joy that glow'd in either heart?

O ye! whose melting hearts are form'd to prove 500 The trembling ecstasies of genuine love; When, with delicious agony, the thought Is to the verge of high delirium wrought: Your secret sympathy alone can tell What raptures then the throbbing bosom swell: O'er all the nerves what tender tumults roll, While love with sweet enchantment melts the soul.

"In transport lost, by trembling hope imprest, The blushing virgin sunk upon my breast, While hers congenial beat with fond alarms; 510 Dissolving softness! Paradise of charms!

Flash'd from our eyes, in warm transfusion flew Our blending spirits that each other drew!

O bliss supreme! where virtue's self can melt With joys that guilty pleasure never felt; Form'd to refine the thought with chaste desire, And kindle sweet affection's purest fire.

Ah! wherefore should my hopeless love, she cries,-- While sorrow bursts with interrupting sighs,-- For ever destined to lament in vain, 520 Such nattering, fond ideas entertain?

My heart through scenes of fair illusion stray'd, To joys decreed for some superior maid.

'Tis mine, abandon'd to severe distress, Still to complain, and never hope redress-- Go then, dear youth! thy father's rage atone, And let this tortured bosom beat alone.

The hovering anger yet thou mayst appease: Go then, dear youth! nor tempt the faithless seas.

Find out some happier maid, whose equal charms 530 With fortune's fairer joys may bless thy arms: Where, smiling o'er thee with indulgent ray, Prosperity shall hail each new-born day: Too well thou know'st good Albert's n.i.g.g.ard fate Ill fitted to sustain thy father's hate.

Go then, I charge thee by thy generous love, That fatal to my father thus may prove; On me alone let dark affliction fall, Whose heart for thee will gladly suffer all.

Then haste thee hence, Palemon, ere too late, 540 Nor rashly hope to brave opposing fate.

"She ceased: while anguish in her angel-face O'er all her beauties shower'd celestial grace: Not Helen, in her bridal charms array'd, Was half so lovely as this gentle maid.-- O soul of all my wishes! I replied, Can that soft fabric stem affliction's tide?

Canst thou, bright pattern of exalted truth, To sorrow doom the summer of thy youth, And I, ingrateful! all that sweetness see 550 Consign'd to lasting misery for me?

Sooner this moment may the eternal doom Palemon in the silent earth entomb: Attest, thou moon, fair regent of the night!

Whose l.u.s.tre sickens at this mournful sight: By all the pangs divided lovers feel, Which sweet possession only knows to heal; By all the horrors brooding o'er the deep, Where fate, and ruin, sad dominion keep; Though tyrant duty o'er me threatening stands, 560 And claims obedience to her stern commands, Should fortune cruel or auspicious prove, Her smile or frown shall never change my love: My heart, that now must every joy resign, Incapable of change, is only thine.

"Oh, cease to weep, this storm will yet decay, And the sad clouds of sorrow melt away: While through the rugged path of life we go, All mortals taste the bitter draught of woe: The famed and great, decreed to equal pain, 570 Full oft in splendid wretchedness complain: For this, prosperity, with brighter ray, In smiling contrast gilds our vital day, Thou, too, sweet maid! ere twice ten months are o'er, Shalt hail Palemon to his native sh.o.r.e, Where never interest shall divide us more.-- "Her struggling soul, o'erwhelm'd with tender grief, Now found an interval of short relief: So melts the surface of the frozen stream Beneath the wintry sun's departing beam. 580 With cruel haste the shades of night withdrew, And gave the signal of a sad adieu.

As on my neck the afflicted maiden hung, A thousand racking doubts her spirit wrung: She wept the terrors of the fearful wave, Too oft, alas! the wandering lover's grave: With soft persuasion I dispell'd her fear, And from her cheek beguiled the falling tear, While dying fondness languished in her eyes, She pour'd her soul to heaven in suppliant sighs! 590 'Look down with pity, O ye powers above!

Who hear the sad complaint of bleeding love; Ye, who the secret laws of fate explore, Alone can tell if he returns no more; Or if the hour of future joy remain, Long-wish'd atonement of long-suffer'd pain; Bid every guardian minister attend, And from all ill the much-loved youth defend!'

With grief o'erwhelm'd we parted twice in vain, And, urged by strong attraction, met again. 600 At last, by cruel fortune torn apart, While tender pa.s.sion beat in either heart, Our eyes transfix'd with agonizing look, One sad farewell, one last embrace, we took.

Forlorn of hope the lovely maid I left, Pensive and pale, of every joy bereft: She to her silent couch retired to weep, Whilst I embark'd, in sadness, on the deep."

His tale thus closed, from sympathy of grief Palemon's bosom felt a sweet relief: 610 To mutual friendship thus sincerely true, No secret wish, or fear their bosoms knew; In mutual hazards oft severely tried, Nor hope, nor danger, could their love divide.

Ye tender maids! in whose pathetic souls Compa.s.sion's sacred stream impetuous rolls, Whose warm affections exquisitely feel The secret wound you tremble to reveal; Ah! may no wanderer of the stormy main Pour through your b.r.e.a.s.t.s the soft delicious bane; 620 May never fatal tenderness approve The fond effusions of their ardent love: Oh! warn'd, avoid the path that leads to woe, Where thorns and baneful weeds alternate grow: Let them severer stoic nymphs possess, Whose stubborn pa.s.sions feel no soft distress.

Now, as the youths returning o'er the plain Approach'd the lonely margin of the main, First, with attention roused, Arion eyed The graceful lover, form'd in nature's pride. 630 His frame the happiest symmetry display'd, And locks of waving gold his neck array'd; In every look the Paphian graces shine, Soft breathing o'er his cheek their bloom divine; With lighten'd heart he smiled serenely gay, Like young Adonis, or the Son of May.

Not Cytherea from a fairer swain Received her apple on the Trojan plain.

IV. The sun's bright orb, declining all serene, Now glanced obliquely o'er the woodland scene; 640 Creation smiles around; on every spray The warbling birds exalt their evening lay; Blithe skipping o'er yon hill, the fleecy train Join the deep chorus of the lowing plain; The golden lime and orange there were seen On fragrant branches of perpetual green; The crystal streams that velvet meadows lave, To the green ocean roll with chiding wave.

The gla.s.sy ocean, hush'd, forgets to roar, But trembling murmurs on the sandy sh.o.r.e; 650 And, lo! his surface lovely to behold, Glows in the west, a sea of living gold!

While all above a thousand liveries gay The skies with pomp ineffable array.

Arabian sweets perfume the happy plains; Above, beneath, around, enchantment reigns!

While glowing Vesper leads the starry train, And night slow draws her veil o'er land and main, Emerging clouds the azure east invade, And wrap the lucid spheres in gradual shade; 660 While yet the songsters of the vocal grove, With dying numbers tune the soul to love: With joyful eyes the attentive master sees The auspicious omens of an eastern breeze.

Round the charged bowl the sailors form a ring; By turns recount the wondrous tale, or sing, As love, or battle, hardships of the main, Or genial wine, awake the homely strain.

Then some the watch of night alternate keep: The rest lie buried in oblivious sleep. 670 Deep midnight now involves the livid skies, When eastern breezes, yet enervate, rise: The waning moon behind a watery shroud Pale glimmer'd o'er the long protracted cloud; A mighty halo round her silver throne, With parting meteors cross'd, portentous shone: This in the troubled sky full oft prevails, Oft deem'd a signal of tempestuous gales.

While young Arion sleeps, before his sight Tumultuous swim the visions of the night: 680 Now blooming Anna with her happy swain Approach'd the sacred hymeneal fane; Anon tremendous lightnings flash between, And funeral pomp, and weeping loves are seen: Now with Palemon, up a rocky steep, Whose summit trembles o'er the roaring deep, With painful step he climb'd; while far above Sweet Anna charm'd them with the voice of love: Then sudden from the slippery height they fell, While dreadful yawn'd beneath the jaws of h.e.l.l. 690 Amid this fearful trance, a thundering sound He hears, and thrice the hollow decks rebound: Upstarting from his couch, on deck he sprung, Thrice with shrill note the boatswain's whistle rung: All hands unmoor! proclaims a boisterous cry; All hands unmoor! the cavern'd rocks reply.

Roused from repose, aloft the sailors swarm, And with their levers soon the windla.s.s arm: The order given, up springing with a bound, They fix the bars, and heave the windla.s.s [3] round; 700 At every turn the clanging pauls resound: Up-torn reluctant from its oozy cave, The ponderous anchor rises o'er the wave.

High on the slippery masts the yards ascend, And far abroad the canvas wings extend.

Along the gla.s.sy plain the vessel glides, While azure radiance trembles on her sides; The lunar rays in long reflection gleam, With silver deluging the fluid stream.

Levant and Thracian gales alternate play, 710 Then in the Egyptian quarter die away.

A calm ensues; adjacent sh.o.r.es they dread; The boats, with rowers mann'd, are sent ahead; With cordage fasten'd to the lofty prow, Aloof to sea the stately ship they tow; [4]

The nervous crew their sweeping oars extend, And pealing shouts the sh.o.r.e of Candia rend: Success attends their skill! the danger's o'er!

The port is doubled, and beheld no more.

Now morn with gradual pace advanced on high, 720 Whitening with orient beam the twilight sky: She comes not in refulgent pomp array'd, But frowning stern, and wrapt in sullen shade.

Above inc.u.mbent mists, tall Ida's height, Tremendous rock! emerges on the sight; North-east a league, the Isle of Standia bears, And westward, Freschin's woody Cape appears.

In distant angles while the transient gales Alternate blow, they trim the flagging sails; The drowsy air attentive to retain, 730 As from unnumber'd points it sweeps the main.

Now swelling stud-sails [5] on each side extend, Then stay-sails [6] sidelong to the breeze ascend; While all to court the veering winds are placed With yards alternate square, and sharply braced.

The dim horizon lowering vapours shroud, And blot the sun yet struggling in the cloud; Through the wide atmosphere, condensed with haze, His glaring orb emits a sanguine blaze.

The pilots now their azimuth attend, 740 On which all courses duly form'd depend: The compa.s.s placed to catch the rising ray, [7]

The quadrant's shadows studious they survey; Along the arch the gradual index slides, While Phoebus down the vertic-circle glides; Now seen on ocean's utmost verge to swim, He sweeps it vibrant with his nether limb.

Thus height and polar distance are obtain'd, Then lat.i.tude and declination gain'd; In chiliads next the a.n.a.logy is sought, 750 And on the sinical triangle wrought: By this magnetic variance is explored, Just angles known, and polar truth restored.

The natives, while the ship departs their land, Ash.o.r.e with admiration gazing stand.

Majestically slow, before the breeze She moved triumphant o'er the yielding seas; Her bottom through translucent waters shone, White as the clouds beneath the blaze of noon; The bending wales [8] their contrast next display'd, 760 All fore and aft in polish'd jet array'd.

Britannia, riding awful on the prow, Gazed o'er the va.s.sal waves that roll'd below: Where'er she moved the va.s.sal waves were seen To yield obsequious, and confess their queen.

The imperial trident graced her dexter hand, Of power to rule the surge, like Moses' wand; The eternal empire of the main to keep, And guide her squadrons o'er the trembling deep.

Her left, propitious, bore a mystic shield, 770 Around whose margin rolls the watery field; There her bold genius in his floating car O'er the wild billow, hurls the storm of war: And, lo! the beasts [9] that oft with jealous rage In b.l.o.o.d.y combat met, from age to age, Tamed into union, yoked in friendship's chain, Draw his proud chariot round the vanquish'd main; From the proud margin to the centre grew Shelves, rocks, and whirlpools, hideous to the view.

The immortal shield from Neptune she received, 780 When first her head above the waters heaved; Loose floated o'er her limbs an azure vest, A figured 'scutcheon glitter'd on her breast; There from one parent soil for ever young, The blooming rose and hardy thistle sprung: Around her head an oaken wreath was seen, Inwove with laurels of unfading green.

Such was the sculptured prow; from van to rear The artillery frown'd, a black tremendous tier!

Embalm'd with orient gum, above the wave 790 The swelling sides a yellow radiance gave.

On the broad stern, a pencil warm and bold, That never servile rules of art controll'd, An allegoric tale on high portray'd; There a young hero, here a royal maid: Fair England's genius in the youth express'd, Her ancient foe, but now her friend confess'd, The warlike nymph with fond regard survey'd; No more his hostile frown her heart dismay'd: His look, that once shot terror from afar, 800 Like young Alcides, or the G.o.d of war, Serene as summer's evening skies she saw; Serene, yet firm; though mild, impressing awe: Her nervous arm, inured to toils severe, Brandish'd the unconquer'd Caledonian spear: The dreadful falchion of the hills she wore, Sung to the harp in many a tale of yore, That oft her rivers dyed with hostile gore.

Blue was her rocky shield; her piercing eye Flash'd like the meteors of her native sky; 810 Her crest high-plumed, was rough with many a scar, And o'er her helmet gleam'd the Northern Star.

The warrior youth appear'd of n.o.ble frame, The hardy offspring of some Runic dame: Loose o'er his shoulders hung the slacken'd bow, Renown'd in song, the terror of the foe!

The sword that oft the barbarous north defied, The scourge of tyrants! glitter'd by his side: Clad in refulgent arms in battle won, The George emblazon'd on his corslet shone; 820 Fast by his side was seen a golden lyre, Pregnant with numbers of eternal fire; Whose strings unlock the witches' midnight spell, Or waft rapt fancy through the gulfs of h.e.l.l: Struck with contagion, kindling fancy hears The songs of heaven, the music of the spheres!

Borne on Newtonian wing, through air she flies, Where other suns to other systems rise.

These front the scene conspicuous; overhead Albion's proud oak his filial branches spread: 830 While on the sea-beat sh.o.r.e obsequious stood, Beneath their feet, the father of the flood: Here the bold native of her cliffs above, Perch'd by the martial maid the bird of Jove; There on the watch, sagacious of his prey, With eyes of fire, an English mastiff lay: Yonder fair Commerce stretch'd her winged sail, Here frown'd the G.o.d that wakes the living gale.

High o'er the p.o.o.p the flattering winds unfurl'd The imperial flag that rules the watery world. 840 Deep blushing armors all the tops invest, And warlike trophies either quarter dress'd; Then tower'd the masts, the canvas swell'd on high, And waving streamers floated in the sky.

Thus the rich vessel moves in trim array, Like some fair virgin on her bridal day; Thus, like a swan, she cleaved the watery plain, The pride and wonder of the aegean main.

[Footnote 1: 'The youngest:' Falconer himself.]

[Footnote 2: 'Mournful prospects crown'd,' &c.: these remarks allude to the ever-memorable siege of Candia, which was taken from the Venetians by the Turks in 1669; being then considered as impregnable, and esteemed the most formidable fortress in the universe.]

[Footnote 3: 'Windla.s.s:' the windla.s.s is a sort of large roller, used to wind in the cable, or heave up the anchor. It is turned about vertically, by a number of long bars or levers; in which operation it is prevented from recoiling, by the 'pauls,' ver. 701.]

[Footnote 4: 'Ship they tow:' towing is the operation of drawing a ship forward by means of ropes, extending from her fore-part to one or more of the boats rowing before her.]

[Footnote 5: 'Stud-sails:' studding-sails are long, narrow sails, which are only used in fine weather and fair winds, on the outside of the larger square sails.]

[Footnote 6: 'Stay-sails,' are three-cornered sails, which are hoisted up on the stays, when the wind crosses the ship's course, either directly or obliquely.]

[Footnote 7: 'Catch the rising ray:' the operation of taking the sun's azimuth, in order to discover the eastern or western variation of the magnetical needle.]

[Footnote 8: 'Bending wales:' the wales, here alluded to, are an a.s.semblage of strong planks which envelop the lower part of the ship's side, wherein they are broader and thicker than the rest, and appear somewhat like a range of hoops which separates the bottom from the upper works.]

[Footnote 9: 'Beasts:' the lion and unicorn.]

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The Poetical Works of Beattie, Blair, and Falconer Part 35 summary

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