
The Oera Linda Book Part 23

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Friso ther vsa skidnese lered hede ut-et bok thera Adellinga, hede ella den vmbe hjara frjundskip to winnande. Sin eroste svnv ther hi hir won by Swethirte sin wif, heth-er bi stonda Adel heten. And afsken hi kmpade mith alle sin weld, vmbe nene burga to forstlane ner wither vp to bvwande, thach sand hi Adel nei there burch et Texland til thju hi diger bi diger kvd wertha machta, mith ella hwat to vsa ewa, tale nd sedum hereth. Tha Adel twintich jer tlde let Friso him to sin jn skol kvma, nd as er ther utlered was, let-er him thrvch ovir alle stata fara. Adel was-ne minlika skalk, bi sin fara heth-er felo atha wnnen. Dana is-t kvmen tht et folk him Atha-rik heten heth, awet hwat him fternei sa wel to pase kem, hwand as sin tat fallen was, bilev er in sin sted svnder that er vr-et kjasa ener othera Greva spreka kem.

Thahwila Adel to Texland inna lere were, was ther tefta en elle ljawe fam in vpper burch. Hju kem fon ut tha Saxanamark.u.m wei, fon ut-ere statha ther is kethen Svobaland ther thrvch wrth hju to Texland Svobene [90] heten, afsken hjra nome Ifkja were. Adel hede hja ljaf krejen nd hju hede Adel ljaf, men sin tt bed-im hi skolde jet wachtja. Adel was herich, men alsa ring sin tat fallen was nd hi seten, sand hi bistonda bodon nei Berth-holda hira tat hin, as-er sine toghter to wif hva machte. Bertholda wer-ne forste fon vnforbastere sed, hi hede Ifkja nei Texland inna lere svnden inner hape that hja enis to burchfam kere wrde skolde in sine jn land. Thach hi hede hjara beder gerte knna lered, thervmbe gvng-er to nd jef hjam sina sejen. Ifkja wer-ne kante Fryas. Far sa fere ik hja hv knna lered, heth hju alon wrocht nd wrot til thju Fryasbern wither kvma machte vndera selva ewa nd vnder enen bon. Vmbe tha mnniska vppa hira syd to krejande, was hju mith hira frjudelf fon of hira tat thrvch alle Saxanamarka faren and forth nei Gertmnnja. Gertmannja alsa hedon tha Gertmanna hjara stat heten, ther hja thrvch Gosa hira bijeldinga krejen hede. Dana gvngen hja nei tha Denemarka. Fon tha Denemarka gvngon hja skip nei Texland. Fon Texland gvngon hja nei Westflyland en sa allingen tha se nei Walhallagara hin. Fon Walhallagara brdon hja allingen thera sder Hrenum al ont hja mith grata frese boppa there Rene bi tha Marsata kemon [91] hwerfon vsa Apollanja skreven heth. Tho hja ther en stt west hede, gvngon hja wither nei tha delta [92]. As hja nw en tid long nei tha delta offaren weron al ont hja inna strek fon there alda burch Aken [93] kemon, sind ther vnwarlinga fjuwer skalka morth and naked uteklat. Hja weron en lith fter an kvmen. Min brother ther vral by was hede hja often vrbeden, thach hja nede navt ne hered. Tha bonar ther tht den hede weron Twisklandar ther juddega drist wei ovira Hrena kvma to morda and to rawande. Tha Twislandar tht sind bannane nd wei britne Fryasbern, men hjara wiva hvath hja fon tha Tartarum rawet. Tha Tartara is en brn Findas folk, althus heten thrvchdam hja alle folka to strida uttarta. Hja send al hrutar nd rawar. Ther fon send tha Twisklandar alsa blod thorstich wrden. Tha Twisklandar tham thju rgnise den hede, heton hjara selva Frya jeftha Franka. Ther weron seide min brother rada bruna nd wita mong. There ther rad jeftha brun weron biton hjara here mith sjalkweter [94]

wit. Neidam hjara onthlita ther brun by wer, alsa wrdon hja thesto ledliker ther thrvch. evin as Apollanja biskojadon hja fternei Lydasburch nd et Alderga. Dana tagon hju in over Staverens wrde by hjara ljuda rond. Alsa minlik hedon hja hjara selva anstled that tha mnniska ra allerweikes halda wilde. Thre monatha forther sand Adel bodon nei alle athum ther hi biwnnen hede nd let tham bidda, hja skoldon inna Minna monath lichta ljuda to him senda. [95]

sin wif seid er ther fam west hede to Texland, hede dana en ovirskrift krejen. To Texland warthat jeta felo skrifta fvnden, ther navt in-t bok thera Adelinga vrskreven send. Fon thissa skriftum hede Gosa en bi hira utroste wille leid, ther thrvch tha aldeste fam Albethe avber makt wertha most, alsa ringen Friso fallen was.


Tha Wralda bern jef an tha modera fon tht mnniskelik slachte, tha leid er ene tale in aller tonga nd vp aller lippa. Thjus meide hede Wralda an tha mnniska jeven, til thju hja mnlik othera thermith machte knber makja, hwat mn formyde mot nd hwat mn bijagja mot vmbe selighed to findane nd selighed to haldane in al evghed. Wralda is wis nd G.o.d nd al frsjande. Neidam er nw wist, tht luk nd selighed fon irtha flya mot, jef boshed duged bidroga mei, alsa heth er an thju tal ene rjuchtferdige jendomlikhed fst bonden. Thjus jendomlikhed is ther an legen, tht mn ther mith nen lejen sege, ner bidroglika worda spreka ne mei svnder stem leth noch svnder skamrad, thrvch hvam mn tha bosa fon hirte bistonda vrknna mei. Neidam vsa tale thus to luk nd to selighed wejath, nd thus mith wakt jen tha bosa nygonga, thervmbe is hju mith alle rjucht G.o.dis tale heten, nd alle tha jena hwam hja an ere halda havath ther gome fon. Tha hwat is berth. Alsa ring ther mong vsa halfsusterum nd halfbrotharum bidrogar vpkemon, tham hjara selva fori G.o.dis skalk.u.m utjavon, also ring is tht owers wrden. Tha bidroglika prestera nd tha wrangwreja forsta ther immer semin heladon, wildon nei wilker leva nd buta G.o.d-is ewa dvan. In hjara tsjodished send hja to gvngen nd hvon othera tala forsvnnen, til thju hja hemlik machte spreka in jenwrtha fon alrek otherum, vr alle bosa thinga nd vr alle vnwerthlika thinga svnder tht stemleth hjam vrreda mocht nach skamrad hjara gelat vrderva. Men hwat is therut bern. evin blyd as-t sed thera G.o.da krdum fon vnder ne grvnd ut vntkemth, tht avber sejed is thrvch G.o.da ljuda by h.e.l.le dei, even blyd brength tyd tha skadlika krda an-t ljucht, ther sejed send thrvch bosa ljuda in-t forborgne nd by thjustrenesse.

Tha lodderiga mangertne nd tha vnmnlika knapa ther mitha vvla presterum nd forstum horadon vntlvkadon tha nya tala an hjara bola, therwisa send hja forth kvmen emong tha folkrum, til thju hja G.o.d-is tale glad vrjetten hve. Wilst nw weta hwat ther of wrden is? Nv stemleth ner gelat hjara bosa tochta navt longer mar vrredon, nv is duged fon ut hjara midden weken, wisdom is folgth nd frydom is mith gvngen, endracht is sok rakt nd twispalt heth sin sted innommen, ljafde is fljucht nd hordom sith mith nyd an tefel, nd ther er rjuchtferdichhed welde, welth nv tht swerd. Alle send slavona wrden, tha ljuda fon hjara hera, fon nyd, bosa l.u.s.ta nd bigyrlikhed. Hede hja nvmar ene tale forsvnnen, muglik was-t thn jet en lith G.o.d gvngen. Men hja hvon alsa felo tala utfonden as ther stata send. Therthrvch mei tht ene folk tht ore folk evin min forstan as thju kv thene hvnd nd thi wolf tht skep. Thit mugath tha stjurar bitjuga. Thach dana is-t nv wei kvmen, tht alle slavona folkar mnlik othara lik ora mnniska biskoja nd tht hja to straffe hjarar vndigerhed nd fon hjara vrmetenhed, mnlik othera alsa long biorloge nd bikampa moton til thju alle vrdilgad send.


Bist thv alsa gyrich that thu irtha allena erva wilste, alsa achst thv nimmer mare nen ore tale ovir thina wera ni kvma to letane as G.o.d-is tale, nd thn achst thv to njodane, til thju thin jn tale fry fon uthemeda klinka bilyweth. Wilst thv tht er svme fon Lydas bern nd fon Findas bern resta, sa dvath stv evin alsa. Thju tale thera Ast Skenlandar is thrvch tha wla Magjara vrbrd; thju tale thera Kaltana folgar is thrvch tha smgrige Gole vrderven. Nv send wi alsa mild west vmbe tha witherkvmande h.e.l.lena folgar wither in vs midden to nemande, men ik skrom nd ben serelik ange, tht hja vs mild-sa vrjelda skilun mith vrbrding vsra rene tale.

Ful hvon wi witherfaren, men fon alle burgum, ther thrvch arge tyd vrhomlath send nd vrdiligad, heth Irtha Fryasburch vnforleth bihalden; k mei ik ther by melda tht Fryas jeftha G.o.d-is tale hir evin vnforleth bihalden is.

Hyr to Texland most mn thus skola stifta, fon alle statum ther et mitha alda sedum halda, most-et jongk folk hyr hinne senden wrde, fterdam mochton thera utlered were tha ora helpa ther to honk vrbeide. Willath tha ora folkar ysre weron fon thi sella end thervr mith thi spreka nd thinga, sa moton hja to G.o.d-istale wither kera. Lerath hja G.o.d-is tale sa skilun tha worda fry-sa nd rjucht-ha to hjara inkvma, in hjara brein skilet thn bijina to glimmande nd to glorande til thju ella to-ne logha warth. Thissa logha skil alle balda forsta vrtera nd alle skinfrana nd smgriga prestera.

Tha heinde nd ferhemande sendabodon hedon nocht fon vr tht skrift, thach ther ne kemon nene skola. Th stifte Adel selva skola, fter him dedon tha ora forsta lik hy. Jerlikis gvngon Adel nd Ifkja tha skola skoja. Fandon hja thn emong tha inhemar nd uthemar seliga ther ekkorum frjundskip baradon, sa leton bede grate blidskip blika. Hedon svme seliga ekkorum frjundskip sworen, alsa leton hja alra mannalik to manlik orum kvma, mith grate stat leton hja thn hjara noma in en bok skriva, thrvch hjam tht bok thera frjundskip heten, fter dam warth ferst halden. Al thissa plega wrde den vmbe tha asvndergana twyga fon Fryas stam wither et s.e.m.e.ne to snorane. Men tha famna ther Adel nd Ifkja nydich weron, seidon that hja-t niwerth ore vr dedon as vmb en G.o.de hrop, nd vmb bi gradum to weldana in ovir enis other man his stat.

By min tat sinra skriftum hv ik enen bref funden, skrevin thrvch Ljudgerth thene Gertmn [96], bihalva svmlika seka ther min tat allena jelde, jef ik hyr tht othera to tht besta.

Pang-ab, that is fyf wtera nd hwer neffen wi wech kvme, is-ne runstrame fon afsvnderlika skenhed, nd fif wtera heten vmb thet fjuwer ora runstrama thrvch sine mvnd in se floja. el fere astwarth is noch ne grate runstrame ther helige jeftha frana Gong-ga heten. Twisk thysum runstramne is-t lond thera Hindos. Beda runstrama runath fon tha haga bergum nei tha delta del. Tha berga hwana se del strame sind alsa hach thet se to tha himel lja. Thervmbe wrth-et berchta Himellaja berchta heten. Vnder tha Hindos nd othera ut-a londum sind welka ljuda mank ther an stilnise by malkorum kvma. Se gelavath thet se vnforbastere bern Findas sind. Se gelavath thet Finda fon ut-et Himmellja berchta bern is, hvana se mith hjara bern nei tha delta jeftha legte togen is. Welke vnder tham gelavath thet se mith hjra bern vppet sk.u.m ther helige Gongga del gonggen is. Thervmbe skolde thi runstrame helige Gongga heta. Mar tha prestera ther ut en or lond wech kvma leton thi ljuda vpspera nd vrbarna, thervmbe ne thurvath se far hjara sek nit opentlik ut ni kvma. In thet lond sind olle prestera tjok nd rik. In hjara chrka werthat ollerleja drochtenlika byldon fvnden, ther vnder sind felo golden mank. Biwesta Pangab ther sind tha Yra jeftha wranga, tha Gedrostne jeftha britne, nd tha Orjetten jeftha vrjetne. Ol thisa noma sind-ar thrvch tha nydige prestera jeven, thrvchdam hja fon ar fljuchte, vmb seda nd gelav. bi hjara kvmste hedon vsa ethla hjara selva ak an tha astlika ower fon Pangab del set, men vmb thera prestera wille sind se ak nei ther wester ower faren. Therthrvch hvon wi tha Yra nd tha othera kenna lerth. Tha Yra ne sind nene yra mar G.o.da minska ther nena byldon to leta nach onbidda, ak willath se nena chrka nach prestar doga, nd evin als wi-t frana ljucht fon Fsta vpholda, evin sa holdon se ollerwechs fjur in hjara hsa vp. Kvmth mon efter el westlik, olsa kvmth mon by tha Gedrostne. Fon tha Gedrostne. Thisa sind mith ora folkrum bastered nd sprekath olle afsvnderlika tala. Thisa minska sind werentlik yra bonar, ther ammer mith hjara horsa vp overa fjelda dwala, ther ammer jagja nd rawa nd ther hjara selva als salt-atha forhera an tha omhemmande forsta, ther wille hwam se alles nither hawa hwat se bireka muge.

Thet lond twisk Pangab nd ther Gongga is like flet as Fryaslond an tha se, afwixlath mith fjeldum nd waldum, fruchtbar an alle delum, mar thet mach nit vrletta that ther bi hwila thsanda by thsanda thrvch honger biswike. Thisa hongernede mach thervmbe nit an Wr.alda nach an Irtha wyten nit wertha, mar allena an tha forsta and prestera. Tha Hindos sind ivin blode nd forfered from hjara forstum, als tha hindne from tha wolva sind. Thervmbe hvon tha Yra nd ora ra Hindos heten, thet hindne bitjoth. Mar fon hjara blodhed wrth afgrislika misbruk makth. Kvmat ther ferhemande kapljud vmb keren to kapjande, alsa warth alles to jeldum makth. Thrvch tha prestera ni warth et nit werth, hwand thisa noch snoder nd jyriger als alle forsta to samene, wytath el G.o.d, thet al-et jeld endlik in hjara bdar kvmth. Buta nd bihalva thet tha ljuda ther ful fon hjara forsta lyda, moton hja ak noch ful fon thet fenynige nd wilde kwik lyda. Ther send store elefante ther by ele keddum hlapa, ther bihwyla ele fjelda keren vrtrappe nd ele thorpa. Ther sind bonte nd swarte katta, tigrum heten, ther sa grat als grate kalvar sind, ther minsk nd djar vrslynne. Bta felo ora wriggum sind ther snaka fon af tha grate ener wyrme al to tha grate ener bam. Tha grateste kennath en ele kv vrslynna, mar tha lythste sind noch fresliker als tham. Se holdon hjara selva twisk blom nd fruchta skul vmb tha minska to bigana tham ther of plokja wille. Is mon ther fon byten, sa mot mon strva, hwand jen hjara fenyn heth Irtha nena krda jeven, olsanaka tha minska hjara selva hvon skildich makt an afG.o.die. Forth sind ther ollerleja slacht fon hachdiska nyndiska nd adiska, ol thisa diska sind yvin als tha snaka fon of ne wyrme til-ne bamstame grat, nei that hja grat jof freslik sind, sind hjara noma, ther ik alle nit noma ni ken, tha aldergratesta adiska sind algttar heten, thrvchdam se yvin grsich bitte an thet rotte kwik, that mith-a strama fon boppa nei tha delta dryweth as an thet levande kwik, that se bigana muge. An tha westsyde fon Pangab, wana wi wech kvme nd hwer ik bern ben, ther blojath nd waxath tha selva frchta nd nochta as an tha astsyde. To fara wrdon er ak tha selva wrigga fonden, mr vsa ethla havon alle krylwalda vrbrnath nd alsanaka fter et wilde kwik jaged, that ther fe mr resta. Kvmth man el westlik fon Pangab, then finth man neffen fette etta ak dorra gestlanda ther vnendlik skina, bihwila ofwixlath mith ljaflika streka, hweran thet ag forbonden bilywet. Vnder tha fruchta fon min land sind felo slachta mank, ther ik hyr nit fvnden hv. Vnder allerleja keren is er ak golden mank, k goldgele aple, hwerfon welke sa swet as hning sind, nd welka sa wrang as ek. By vs werthat nochta fonden lik bern-haveda sa grat, ther sit tsys nd melok in, werthat se ald sa makt man ther olja fon, fon tha bastum makt mn taw nd fon tha kernum makt mn chelka nd or gerad. Hyr inna walda hv ik krup nd stakbeja sjan. By vs sind beibama als jow lindabama, hwerfon tha beja ful sweter nd threwara grater as stakbeja sind. Hwersa tha dega vppa sin olderlongste sind nd thju svnne fon top skinth, then skinth se linrjucht vppa jow hole del. Is mn then mith sin skip el fer sdlik faren, nd mn thes middeis mith sin gelat nei-t asten kered, sa skinth svnne jen thine winstere syde lik se owers jen thine fere syde dvath. Hyrmitha wil ik enda, mar after min skrywe skil-et thi licht nog falla, vmb tha lejenaftiga teltjas to muge skiftane fon tha wara tellinga. Jow Ljudgert.


Mine nom is Beden, Hachgana his svn. Konered min em is nimmer bostigjath nd alsa bernlas sturven. My heth mn in sin sted koren. Adel thene thredde kning fon thjuse nome heth thju kese G.o.dkerth, mites ik him as mina mstre bikenna wilde. Buta tht fvlle erv minre em heth-er mi en ele plek grvnd jeven tht an mina erva palade, vnder farwerde that ik thervp skolde mnniska stlla ther sina ljuda nimmerthe skolde [97].

thervmbe wil ik thet hir-ne sted forjune.


Jy alle hwam his ethla mith Friso hir kemon, min erbydnesse to jo. Alsa jy mene, send jy vnskeldich an afG.o.die. Ther nil ik jvd navt vr spreka, men jvd wil ik jo vppen brek wysa, tht fe betre sy. Jy wetath jeftha jy netath navt, ho Wralda thusand glornoma heth, thach tht wetath jy alle tht hy warth Alfeder heten, ut erseke tht alles in ut him warth nd waxth to feding sinra skepsela. T-is wer, tht Irtha warth bihwyla ak Alfedstre heten, thrvchdam hju alle fruchd nd nochta berth, hwermitha mnnisk nd djar hjara selva fede. Thach ne skolde hju nene fruchd ner nocht navt ne bera, bydam Wralda hja nene krefta ne jef. Ak wiva ther hjara bern mma leta an hjara brosta, werthat fedstra heten. Tha ne jef Wralda ther nen melok in, sa ne skoldon tha bern ther nene bate by finda. Sa tht by slot fon reknong Wralda allena feder bilywet. Tht Irtha bihwyla warth Alfedstre heten, nd ene mm fedstre, kn jeta thrvch-ne wende, men tht-ne mn him let feder hete vmbe tht er tat sy, tht strid with-jen alle rednum. Tha ik wet wanat thjus dweshed wei kvmth. Hark hyr, se kvmth fon vsa letha, nd sahwersa thi folgath werthe, sa skilun jy therthrvch slavona wertha to smert fon Frya nd jowe hagmod to.ne straf. Ik skil jo melda ho-t by tha slavona folkar to gvngen is, ther fter mei jy lera. Tha poppa kningar tham nei wilker leva, stekath Wralda nei there krone, ut nyd that Wralda Alfeder het, sa wildon hja fedrum thera folkar heta. Nw wet allera mannalik tht-ne kening navt ovir-ne waxdom ne welth, nd tht im sin feding thrvch tht folk brocht warth, men thach wildon hja fvlherdja by hjara formetenhed. Til thju hja to-ra dol kvma machte, alsa havon hja thet forma navt fvlden west mith tha frya jefta, men hvon hja tht folk ene tins vpleid. Fori thene skt, tham therof kem, heradon hja vrlandiska salt-atha, tham hja in-om hjara hova leidon. Forth namon hja alsa felo wiva, as-ra l.u.s.te, nd tha lithiga forsta nd hera dedon al-en. As twist nd tvyspalt fternei inna hshaldne glupte nd ther-vr klachta kemon, tha hvon hja seid, ja-hweder mn is thene feder fon sin hshalden, thervmbe skil-er ther ak bas nd rjuchter ovir wesa. Tha kem wilker nd evin as tham mitha mnnum in ovir tha hshaldne welde, gvng er mit tha kningar in ovir hjara stat nd folkar dvan. Tha tha kningar et alsa wyd brocht hedon, tht hja federum thera folkar hete, tha gvngon hja to nd leton byldon fter hjara dantne makja, thissa byldon leton hja inna tha cherka stalla nest tha byldon thera drochtne nd thi jena tham ther navt far bgja nilde, warth ombrocht jeftha an kedne den. Jow ethla nd tha Twisklandar hvon mitha poppa forsta ommegvngen, dana hvon hja thjuse dweshed lered. Tha navt allena tht svme jower mn hjara selva skeldich makja an glornoma raw, ak mot ik my vr felo jower wiva biklagja. Werthat by jo mn fvnden, tham mith Wralda an en lin wille, ther werthat by jo wiva fvnden, ther et mei Frya wille. Vmbe tht hja bern bered hve, letath hja hjara selva modar heta. Tha hja vrjettath, that Frya bern berde svnder jengong enis mn. J navt allena tht hja Frya nd tha eremodar fon hjara glor-rika noma birawa wille, hweran hja navt naka ne muge, hja dvath alen mitha glornoma fon hjara nesta. Ther send wiva ther hjara selva letath frovva heta, afsken hja wete tht thjuse nome allena to forsta wiva hereth. Ak letath hja hjara toghatera famna heta, vntankes hja wete, tht nene mangert alsa heta ne mei, wara hju to ene burch herth. Jy alle wanath tht jy thruch tht nom rawa betre werthe, thach jy vrjettath tht nyd ther an klywet nd tht elk kwad sine tuchtrode sejath. Kerath jy navt ne wither, sa skil tid ther waxdom an jeva, alsa sterik tht mn et ende ther of navt bisja ne mei. Jow fterkvmanda skilun ther mith feterath wertha, hja ne skilun navt ne bigripa hwanat thi slaga wei kvme. Men afsken jy tha famna nene burch bvwe nd an lot vrlete, thach skilun ther bilywa, hja skilun fon ut wald nd holum kvma, hja skilun jow fterkvmande biwysa tht jy ther willens skildech an send. Thn skil mn jo vrdema, jow skina skilun vrferth fon ut-a grevum rysa, hja skilun Wr.alda, hja skilun Frya nd hjara famna anhropa, tha nimman skil-er wet an betra ne muge, bifare tht Jol in op en ore hlaphring treth, men tht skil erist bera as thre thsand jer vrhlapen send fter thisse ew.


thervmbe wil ik tht forma vr swarte Adel skriva. Swarte Adel were thene fjurde kening fter Friso. Bi sin juged heth-er to Texland lered, fternei heth-er to Staveren lered, nd forth heth-er thrvch ovir alle stata faren. Tha tht er fjuwer nd tvintich jer were, heth sin tat maked tht-er to Asega-askar keren is. Tha-er enmel askar were, askte hi altid in-t fardel thera rma. Tha rika, sed-er, plegath enoch vnrjuchta thinga thrvch middel fon hjara jeld, thervmbe agon wi to njvdane tht tha rma nei vs omme sjan. Thrvch tha-s nd ora redne wer-i thene frjund thera rma nd thera rika skrik. Alsa rg is-t kvmen tht sin tat him nei tha agum sach. Tha sin tat fallen was, and hy vppa tham-his setel klywed, tha wild-er evin G.o.d sin ambt bihalda, lik as tha keningar fon-t asta plegath. Tha rika nildon tht navt ne daja, men nw hlip allet ora folk to hape, nd tha rika weron blyde that hja hel-hd-is fon there acht ofkemon. Fon to ne herade mn nimmar mara ovir elika rjucht petarja. Hi dumde tha rika nd hi strykte tha rma, mith hwam his helpe hi alle sek.u.m askte, ther-er bistek vp hede. Kening Askar lik-er immer heten warth, were by sjugun irthfet longe, sa grat sin tol wer, weron ak sina krefta. Hi hede-n hel forstan, sa tht-er alles forstande, hwerwr that spreken warth, thach in sin dvan ne macht mn nene wisdom spera. Bi-n sken onhlite hed-er ene glade tonge, men jeta swarter as sin her is sine sele fvnden. Tha that-er en jer kening were, nedsekte hi alle knapa fon sin stat, hja skoldon jerlikis vppet kmp kvma nd ther skin-orloch makja. In-t erost hede-r ther spul mith, men to tha lersta warth-et sa menerlik, that ald nd jong ut alle wrdum wei kemon to frejande jef hja machte mith dva. Tha hi-t alsa fere brocht hede, let-er werskola stifta. Tha rika kemon to barane nd seidon, that hjara bern nw nen lesa nach skryva navt ne lerade. Askar ne melde-t navt, men as ther kirt fter wither skin-orloch halden warth, gvng-er vppen vpstal stonda, nd ketha hld. Tha rika sind to my kvmen to barana, tht hjara knapa nen lesa nach skryva noch lera, ik n.v ther nawet vp seith, thach hir wil ik mine menong sedsa, nd an tha mena acht bithinga leta. Tha alrek nw neisgyrich nei him vpsach, seid-er forther, nei min bigrip mot mn hjud tht lesa nd skriva tha famna nd alda lichta vrleta. Ik n-il nen kwad spreka vr vsa ethla, ik wil allena sega, vndera tyda hwervp thrvch svme sa herde bogath warth, hvon tha burchfamna twyspalt inovir vsa landa brocht, nd tha Modera fur nd nei ne kvndon twyspalt navt wither to-t land ut ne dryva. Jeta rger, thahwila hja klta nd petrade vr nadelasa plega, send tha Gola kvmen nd havon al vsa skena sdarlanda raweth. Hemisdega send hja mith vsa vrbrda brotharum nd hjara salt-athum al overa Skelda kvmen, vs rest thus to kjasane twisk-et bera fon juk jef swerd. Willath wi fry bilywa, alsa agon tha knapa tht lesa nd skryva farhondis fterwei-n to letane nd in stede that hja invppa meide hwip nd swik spele, moton hja mith swerd nd sper spela. Send wi in alle dela ofned nd tha knapa stor enoch vmb helmet nd skild to berane nd tha wepne to honterane, then skil ik my mith jower helpa vppa thene fjand werpa. Tha Gola meieath then tha nitherlega fon hjara helpar nd salt-athum vppa vsa fjeldum skryva mith-et blod, tht t hjara wndum drjupth. Hvon wi thene fyand en mel far vs t dreven, alsa moton wi thermith forth gvnga, alhwenne ther nen Gola ner Slavona nach Tartara mara fon Fryas erv to vrdryvane send. Tha-s rjucht, hrypon tha masta nd tha rika ne thvradon hjara mvla navt epen ne dva. Thjus tospreke hed er sekur to fara forsonnen nd vrskriva leten, hwand s-ewendis fon there selvare dei weron tha ofskriftum thera hwel in twintich honda nd thi alle weron enishldende. Afternei bifel-er tha skipmanna, hja skoldon dubbele farstewene makja leta, hweran mn ene stelen kranboga macht fstigja. Thera ther fterwei bilev warth bibot, kvn imman swera that-er nene midle navt nede, alsa moston tha rika fon sin ga-t bitalja. Hjud skil mn sjan hwer vppa al tht ba hei thlapen is. An-t north-ende fon Britanja tht fvl mith haga bergum is, ther sit en Skots folk, vr-et maradel t Fryas blod sproten, vr-a ene helte send hja t Kltanafolgar, vr-et ora del t Britne nd bannane, ther by gradum mith tyd fon-t-a tinlonum ther hinna fljuchte. Ther ut-a tinlona kemon, hvath algadur vrlandiska wiva jeftha fon vrlandis tuk. Thi alle send vnder-et weld thera Golum, hjara wepne send woden boga nd spryta mith pintum fon herthis-hornum ak fon flintum. Hjara hsa send fon sadum nd stre nd svme hemath inna hola thera bergum. Skepon ther hja rawed hve, is hjara enge skt. Mong tha fterkvmanda thera Kltanafolgar hvath svme jeta ysera wepne, ther hja fon hjara ethlum urven hve. Vmbe nw G.o.d forstan to werthande, mot ik min telling vr tht Skotse folk resta leta, nd ewet fon tha heinda Krekalanda skriva. Tha heinda Krekalanda hvon vs to fara allena to herath, men sunt vnhuglika tidum hvon ra ther ak fterkvmanda fon Lyda nd fon Finda nitherset, fon tha lersta kemon to tha lersta en ele hape fon Troje. Troje alsa heth ene stede heten, ther et folk fon tha fere Krekalanda innomth nd vrhomelt heth. Tha tha Trojana to tha heinda Krekalandum nestled weron, tha hvon hja ther mith tid nd flit ene sterke sted mith walla nd burgum bvwed, Rome, that is Rum, heten. Tha tht den was, heth tht folk him selva thrvch lest nd weld fon tht ele land master maked. Tht folk tht anda sdside there Middelse hemth, is far-et mara del fon Fhonysja wei kvmen. Tha Fhonysjar [99] send en bastred folk, hja send fon Fryas blod nd fon Findas blod nd fon Lyda his blod. Tht folk fon Lyda send ther as slavona, men thrvch tha vntucht ther wyva hvon thissa swarte mnniska al-et ora folk bastered nd brun vrfrvet. Thit folk nd tham fon Rome kmpath olan vmb-et masterskip fon tha Middelse. Forth levath tham fon Roma an fjandskip with tha Fonysjar, nd hjara prestera ther-et rik allena welda wille wr irtha, ne mugon tha Gola navt ne sjan. Tht forma hvon hja tha Fphonysjar Mis-selja ofnomen, dana alle landa, ther sdward, westward nd northward lidsa, ak et sdardel fon Britanja, nd allerweikes hvon hja tha Fonysjar prestera, that heth tha Gola vrjageth, dana sind thusanda Gola nei north Brittanja brit. Kirt vrleden was ther tha vreste thera Golum seten vppa there burch, ther is kethen Kerenk that is herne, hwanath hi sin bifela jef an alle ora Gola. Ak was ther al hjara gold togadur brocht. Keren herne jeftha Kerenk is ene stenen burch, ther er an Klta herde. Thervmbe wildon tha famna fon tha fterkvmande thera Kltana-folgar tha burch wither ha. Alsa was thrvch tha fyanskip thera famna nd thera Golum faithe nd twist in ovir tht Berchland kvmen mith morth nd brond. Vsa stjrar kemon ther faken wol halja, tht hja sellade fori tobirede hdum nd linne. Askar was often mith west, an stilnesse hed-er mith tha famna nd mith svme forstum atskip sloten, nd him selva forbonden vmbe tha Gola to vrjagane t Kerenk. As-er thernei wither kem jef hi tha forsta nd wigandliksta manna ysere helma nd stela boga. Orloch was mith kvmen nd kirt fter flojadon strama blod by tha h.e.l.linga thera bergum del. Tha Askar mende that kans him tolakte, gvng-er mith fjuwertich skepum hin nd nam Kerenk nd thene vreste thera Golum mith al sine gold. Tht folk wermith hi with tha salt-athum thera Golum kmped hede, hed-er t-a Saxanamark.u.m lvkt mith lofte fon grate hera-rave nd but. Thus warth tha Gola newet leten. Afternei nam-er twa elanda to berch far sinum skepum, nd hwanath hi leter tgvng vmb alle Fonysjar skepa nd steda to birawane ther hi bigana kv. Tha er tobek kem brocht-i tomet s.e.xhvndred thera storeste knapum fon tht Skotse berchfolk mith. Hi seide that hja him to borgum jeven weren, til thju hi sekur wesa machte tht tha eldra him skolde trow bilywa, men-t was jok, hi hild ra as lifwere et sina hova, ther hja allera distik les krejon in-t ryda nd in-t hondtera fon allerleja wepne. Tha Denamarkar tham hjara selva sunt long boppa alle ora stjrar stoltlike sekmpar hete, hedon sa ringe navt fon Askar sina glorrika dedum navt ne hered, jef hja wrdon nydich ther vr, thermete, that hja wilde orloch brensa over-ne se nd over sina landa. Sjan hyr, ho hi orloch formitha machte. Twisk tha bvwfala there vrhomelde burch Stavja was jeta ene snode burchfam mith svme famna seten. Hjra nome was Reintja nd ther gvng en grate hrop fon hira wished t. Thjus fam bad an Askar hjra helpe vnder bithing, that Askar skolde tha burch Stavja wither vpbvwa lete. As-er him ther to forbonden hede, gvng Reintja mith thrim famna nei Hals, [100] nachtis gvng hju reisa nd thes deis kethe hju vppa alle mark.u.m nd binna alle meidum. Wralda seide hju hede hja thrvch thongar tohropa leta tht allet Fryas folk moston frjunda wertha, lik sustar nd brothar tamed, owers skolde Findas folk kvma nd ra alle fon irtha vrdilligja. Nei thongar weron Fryas sjvgun wakfamkes hja anda drame forskinnen, sjvgun nachta fter ekko-rum. Hja hede seith boppa Fryas landum swabbert ramp mith juk nd kedne omme. Thervmbe moton alle folkar ther t Frya sproten send hjara tonoma wei werpa nd hjara selva allena Fryas bern jeftha folk heta. Forth moton alle vpstonda nd et Findas folk fon Fryas erv dryva. Nillath hja tht navt ne dva, alsa skilun hja slavona benda vmbe hjara halsa kreja, alsa skilun tha vrlandaska hera hjara bern misbruka nd frytra leta, til thju tht blod sygath inna jowre greva. Thn skilun tha skinna jowre ethla jo kvma wekja nd jo bikyvja vr jo lefhed nd vndigerhed. Tht dvme folk, tht thrvch todvan thera Magyara al an sa ful dweshed wenth was, lavadon alles hwat hju seide nd tha mmma klimdon hjara bern jen hjara brosta an. Tha Reintja thene kening fon Hals nd alle othera manniska to endracht vrwrocht hede, sand hju bodon nei Askar nd tag selva alingen thene Balda se. Dana gvng hju by tha Hlith-hawar, althus heten vmbe that hja hjara fyanda immer nei thet onhlite hawe. Tha Hlithhawar send britne and bannene fon vs jn folk tht inna tha Twisklanda sit nd omme dwarelt. Hjara wyva havon hja mest algadur fon tha Tartara rawed. Tha Tartara send en del fon Findas slachte nd althus thrvch tha Twisklandar heten vmbe tht hja nimmerthe nen fretho wille, men tha mnniska alti t tarta to strydande. Forth gvng hju ftera Saxnamarka tweres thrvch tha ora Twisklanda hin, allerweikes tht selva tketha. Nei twam jer om weron, kem hju allingen there Rene to honk. By tha Twisklandar hede hju hjara selva as Moder tjan nd seid tht hja mochton as fry nd franka mnniska wither kvma, men thn mosten hja ovir tha Rene gvngga nd tha Gola folgar t Fryas sdarlandum jagja. As hja tht dede, sa skolde hjra kening Askar overa Skelda gvngga nd ther tht land ofwinna. By tha Twisklandar send felo tjoda plega fon tha Tartarum nd Magjara binna glupt, men ak ful send ther fon vsa sedum bilewen. Ther thrvch hvath hja jeta famna ther tha bern lera nd tha alda red jeva. Bit-anfang weron hja Reintja nydich, men to tha lesta wrth hju thrvch hjam folgath nd thjanjath nd allerweikes bogath, hwer-et nette nd nedlik were.

Alsa ringen Askar fon Reintja hjra bodon fornom ho tha Juttar nygath weron, sand hi bistonda bodon fon sinant wegum nei tha kning fon Hals. Tht skip, wermith tha bodon gvngon, was fvl leden mith famna syrhedum nd ther by wer en golden skild, hwervppa Askar his dante kunstalik was utebyld. Thissa bodon mosten freja jef Askar thes kning his toghter Frethogunsta to sin wif hve machte. Frethogunsta kem en jer leter to Staveren, bi hjara folgar were ak enen Magy, hwand tha Juttar weron sunt long vrbrud. Kirt fter that Askar mith Frethogunsta bostigjath was, wrth ther to Staveren ene scherke bvwad, inna thju scherke wrdon tjoda drochten lykanda byldon stlth mith gold trvch wrochtne klathar. Ak is er biwerath that Askar ther nachtis nd vntydis mith Frethogunsta far nitherbuwgade. Men sa ful is sekur, thju burch Stavia ne wrth navt wither vpebvwed. Reintja was al to bek kvmen, nd gvng nydich nei p.r.o.ntlik thju Moder et Texland barja. p.r.o.ntlik gvng to nd sand allerweikes bodon ther tkethon, Askar is vrjeven an afG.o.die. Askar dede as murk-i-t navt, men vnwarlingen kem ther ene flate t Hals. Nachtis wrdon tha famna t-ere burch drywen, nd ogtins kvn mn fon there burch allena ene glandere hape sjan. p.r.o.ntlik nd Reintja kemon to my vmb skul. Th ik ther fternei vr nei tochte, lek it my to, that it kwadlik far min stat bideja kvste. Thervmbe hvon wi to semne ene lest forsonnen, ther vs alle bata most. Sjan hyr ho wi to gvngen send. Middel in-t Krylwald biasten Ljvwerde leith vsa fly jeftha wera, ther mn allena thrvch dwarlpada mei naka. In vppa thjus burch hed ik sunt longe jonga wakar stald, ther alle ene grins an Askar hede, nd alle ora mnniska danath halden. Nv wast bi vs ak al sa wyd kvmen, tht felo wyva nd ak manna al paterade vr spoka, witte wyva nd uldermankes, lik tha Denamarkar. Askar hede al thissa dwashede to sin bata anwenth nd tht wildon wi nv ak to vsa bata dva. Bi-ne thjustre nacht brocht ik tha famna nei there burch nd dana gongen hia mith hjara famna in thrvch tha dwarl-pada spokka in wttta klathar huled, sa that ther afternei nen mnnisk mara kvma ne thvrade. Tha Askar mende tht-er thu honda rum hede, let-i tha Magjara vnder allerleja noma thrvch ovir sina stata fara and bta Grenega and bta mina stat ne wrdon hja nrne navt ne werath. Nei that Askar alsa mith tha Juttar nd tha ora Denamarkar forbonden was, gvngon hja alsemina rawa; thach that neth nene G.o.de fruchda bared. Hja brochton allerleja vrlandiska skta to honk. Men just ther thrvch nildon tht jong folk nen ambacht lera, nach vppa tha fjeldum navt ne werka, sa that hi to tha lersta wel slavona nimma moste. Men thit was el al jen Wralda his wille nd jen Fryas red. Thervmbe kv straf navt fterwega ne bilywa. Sjan hyr ho straffe kvmen is. enis hedon hja to semine ene ele flate wnnen, hju kem fon ta Middelse. Thjus flate was to leden mith purpera klathar nd ora kostelikhed, ther alle fon of Phonisja kemon. Tht wraka folk there flate wrth bisda there Sejene an wal set, men tht stora folk wrth halden. Tht most ra as slavona thianja. Tha skeneste wrdon halden vmbe vppet land to bilywane nd tha ledliksta nd swartste wrdon an bord halden vmbe vppa tha benka to rojande. An-t Fly wrth tha bodel delath, men svnder hjara weta wrth ak hjara straf delath. Fon tha mnniska ther vppa tha vrlandiska skepum stalt weron, weron s.e.x thrvch bukpin felth. Mn tochte tht et eta nd drinka vrjeven were, thervmbe wrth alles ovir bord jompth. Men bkpin reste nd allerweikes, hwer slavona jeftha G.o.d kem, kem ak bkpin binna. Tha Saxmanna brochten hju ovir hjara marka, mith tha Juttar for hju nei Skenland nd alingen there kad fon tha Balda-se, mith Askar his stjrar for hju nei Britanja. Wi nd tham fon Grenega ne leton nen G.o.d ner minniska ovir vsa pala navt ne kvma, nd thervmbe bilewon wi fon tha bkpin fry. Ho felo mnniska bkpin weirapth heth, net ik navt to skrywane, men p.r.o.ntlik ther et fternei fon tha ora famna herde, heth my meld, tht Askar thsandmel mara frya mnniska t sina statum hulpen heth, as er vvla slavona inbrochte. Tha pest far G.o.d wyken was, tha kemon tha fri wrden Twisklandar nei there Rene, men Askar nilde mith tha forstum fon tht vvla vrbasterde folk navt an ene lyne navt ne stonda. Hi nilde navt ne daja, that hja skoldon hjara selva Fryas bern heta, lik Reintja biboden hede, men hi vrjet therbi that-i selva swarte hera hede. Emong tha Twisklandar weron ther twa folkar, ther hjara selva nene Twisklandar heton. Tht ene folk kem el fer t-et sd-asten wei, hja heton hjara selva Allemanna. Thissa noma hedon hja hjara selva jeven, tha hja jeta svnder wiva inna tha walda as bannane ommedwarelde. Letar hvon hja fon-et slavona folk wiva ravath, evin sa tha Hlithawar, men hja hvon hjara nome bihalden. Tht ora folk, tht mara heinde ommedwarelde, heton hjara selva Franka, navt vmbe that hja fry weron, men Frank alsa hede thene eroste kning heten, tham him selva mith hulpe fon tha vrbrda famna to ervlik kning ovir sin folk makad hede. Tha folkar tham an him paladon, heton hjara selva Thjoth-his svna, that is folk-his svna, hja weron frya mnniska bilewen, neidam hja nimmer enen kning ner forste nach master biknnna nilde, as thene jenge tham by mena willa was keren vppa there mena acht. Askar hede al fon Reintja fornommen, that tha Twisklandar forsta mest alti in fiandskip nd faitha weron. Nw stald-i hjam to fara, hja skolde enen hertoga fon sin folk kjasa vmbe that-er ang were seid-er that hja skolde mit manlik otherum skoldon twista ovir-et masterskip. Ak seid-er kvndon sina forsta mith-a Golum spreka. Tht seid-er were ak Moder his mene. Tha kemon tha forsta thera Twislandar to ekkorum nd nei thrija sjugun etmelde keron hja Alrik to-ra hertoga ut. Alrik were Askar his neva, hi jef him twen hvndred skotse nda hvndred thera storosta Saxmanna mith to lifwera. Tha forsta moston thrija sjvgun fon hjara svnum nei Staveren senda to borg hjarar trow. To nv was alles nei winsk gvngen, men tha mn ovire Rene fara skolde, nildon thene kning thera Franka navt vnder Alrikis bifela navt ne stonda. Therthrvch lip alles an tha tys. Askar ther mende tht alles G.o.d gvng, lande mith sina skepa anna tha ore syde there Skelda, men ther was was man long fon sin kvmste to ljucht nd vppa sin hod. Hja moston alsa ring fljuchta as hja kvmen weron, nd Askar wrde selva fath. Tha Gola niston navt hwa hja fensen hede, nd alsa warth hi fternei twixlath fori ennen hage Gol, ther Askar his folk mith forath hede. Thawila tht-et alles berade, hlipon tha Magjara jeta dryster as to fara ovir vsa bra ra landa hinna. By Egmvda hwer to fara tha burch Forana stan hede, leton hja ene cherka bvwa jeta grater nd rikar as Askar to Staveren den hede. Afternei seidon hja that Askar thju kse vrleren hede with tha Gola, thrvchdam et folk navt lawa navt nilde, that Wodin hjam helpa kvste, nd that hja him thervmbe navt anbidda nilde. Forth gvngon hja to nd skakton jonga bern tham hja by ra hildon nd vpbrochten in tha hemnissa fon hjara vrbruda lere. Weron ther mnniska tham


[1] Compare G. Meerman, Admonitio de Chartae nostralis origine. Vad.

Letteroef. 1762. P. 630.

J. H. de Stoppelaar, Paper in the Netherlands. Middelburg, 1869. P. 4.

[2] Min-erva was called Nyh.e.l.lenia because her counsels were ny and hel, that is, new and clear. In Paul's epitome of S. Pomponius Festus, de verborum Significatione, we find "Min-erva dicta quod bene moneat."

See Preller, Roman Mythology, p. 258.

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