
The Oera Linda Book Part 21

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Jerlikes kemon tha bern hyr blomma ledsa.

Ther kemon thre Fonysjar skipljuda ther hja wrevela wilde, men Adela kem, hju hede hjara hwop (hrop) herad, in swim sleith hju tha letha nd til thju hja selva jechta skolde, thet hja vnwerthelike manna weron, bint hju als.e.m.e.n an en spinrok fest. Tha ferhemanda hera kemon hjara thjud askja. Tha hja sagon ho skots hja misden weron, kem torn vp, thach mn tellade ho-t berd was.

Hwat hja forth dedon, hja buwgdon to fara Adela nd keston thju slyp hyrar tohnekka.

Kvm ferhemande athe, tha wald fuglon fljuchtath to fara tha felo forsykar. Kvm athe sa meist hjara wished hera.

By tha grfsten hwer fon in tha lovspreke meld wrth, is mm hira lik bigrven. Vppira grfsten heth mn thissa worda hwryten.


Thju formlere ther is hwryten inutere wach ther burchtore, nis navt wither eskreven in tht bok thera Adela follistar. Hwervmbe thet leten is net ik navt to skriwand. Tha thit bok is min ajn, thervmbe wil ik hja ther inna setta to wille minra mgum.


Alle G.o.d minnanda Fryas bern sy held. Hwand thrvch tham skil et selich wertha vp jrtha. Ler nd keth to tha folk.u.m. Wr.alda is thet alderaldesta jeftha overaldesta, hwand thet skop alla thinga. Wr.alda is ella in ella, hwand thet is evg nd vnendlik. Wr.alda is overal ainwardich, men narne to bisja, thervmbe wrth thet wesa gast heten. Al hwat wi fon him sja muge send tha skepsela ther thrvch sin leva kvme nd wither henne ga, hwand inut Wr.alda kvmath alle thinga nd kerath alle thinga. Fon ut Wralda kvmth t anfang nd et ende, alra thinga geith in im vppa. Wr.alda is thet ene ella machtige wesa, hwand alle ore macht is fon him lenad nd kerath to him wither. In ut Wr.alda kvmath alle krefta nd alle krefta kerath to him wither. Thervmbe is hi allena theth skeppande wesa nd ther nis nawet eskepen buta him.

Wr.alda leide evge setma thet is ewa in al et skepne, nd ther ne send nen G.o.de setma jeftha hja moton thernei tavlikt wesa. Men afsken ella in Wr.alda sy, tha boshed thera mnniska nis navt fon him. Boshed kvmth thrvch lomhed vndigerhed nd domhed. Thervmbe kn hju wel tha mnniska skada, Wr.alda nimmer. Wr.alda is thju wished, nd tha ewa ther hju tavlikt heth, send tha boka wert wy lera muge, nd ther nis nene wished to findande ner to garjande buta tham. Tha mnniska mugon felo thinga sja, men Wr.alda sjath alle thinga. Tha mnniska mugon felo thinga lera, men Wr.alda wet alle thinga. Tha mnniska mugon felo thinga vntslta, men to fara Wr.alda is ella epned. Tha mnniska send mnnalik nd berlik, men Wr.alda skept bede. Tha mnniska minnath nd htath, tha Wr.alda is allena rjuchtferdich. Thervmbe is Wr.alda allene G.o.d, nd ther ne send nene G.o.da bta him. Mith thet Jol wandelath nd wixlat allet eskepne, men G.o.d is allena vnforanderlik. Thruch that Wr.alda G.o.d is, alsa ne mei hi ak navt foranderja; nd thrvch thet er bilywath, thervmbe is hy allena wesa nd al et ora skin.


Emong Findas folk send wanwysa, ther thrvch hjara overfindingrikhed alsa rg send, tht hja hjara selva wis makja nd tha inewida bitjuga, tht hja thet besta del send fon Wr.alda; tht hjara gast thet beste del is fon Wr.aldas gast nd thet Wr.alda allena mei thnkja thrvch helpe hjaris bryn [64].

Tht aider skepsle en del is fon Wr.aldas vnendlik wesa, tht hvon hja fon vs gabad.

Men hjara falxe redne nd hjara tmlase hachfarenhed heth ra vppen dwalwei brocht. Were hjara gast Wr.aldas gast, sa skolde Wr.alda el dvm wesa in stede fon licht and wis. Hwand hjara gast slavth him selva immer of vmbe skene bylda to makjande, ther y fternei anbid. Men Findas folk is en rg folk, hwand afsken tha wanwysa thera hjara selva wis makja tht hja drochtne send, sa hvon hja to fara tha vnewida falxa drochtne eskepen, to kethande allerweikes, tht thissa drochtne Wr.alda eskepen hve, mith al hwat ther inne is; gyriga drochtne fvl nyd nd torn, tham erath nd thjanath willath wesa thrvch tha mnniska, ther blod nd offer willa nd skat askja. Men thi wanwisa falxa manna, tham hjara selva G.o.dis skalka jeftha prestera noma leta, burath nd samnath nd gethath aldam to fara drochtne ther er navt ne send, vmbet selva to bihaldande. Aldam bidrywath hja mith en rum emod, thrvchdam hja hjara selva drochtne wane, ther an ninman andert skeldich ne send. Send ther svme tham hjara renka froda nd bar makja, alsa wrdon hja thrvch hjara rakkera ft nd vmbira laster vrbarnad, ella mith felo statska plegum, hjara falxa drochtne to-n ere. Men in trvth, allena vmbe tht hja ra navt skada ne skolde. Til thju vsa bern nw wepned muge wesa tojenst hjara drochtenlika lere, alsa hagon tha famna hjam fon buta to lerande hwat hyr skil folgja.

Wr.alda was er alle thinga, nd nei alle thinga skil er wesa. Wr.alda is alsa evg nd hi is vnendlik, thervmb nis ther nawet buta him. Thrvch ut Wr.aldas leva warth tid nd alle thinga bern, nd sin leva nimth tid nd alle thinga wei. Thissa seka moton klar nd bar makad wrda by alle wisa, sa tht hja-t an othera bithjuta nd biwisa muge. Is-t sa far wnnen, sa seith mn forther: Hwat thus vsa ommefang treft, alsa send wy en del fon Wr.aldas vnendelik wesa, alsa tha ommefang fon al et eskepne, thach hwat anga vsa dante, vsa ainskipa, vsa gast nd al vsa bithnkinga, thissa ne hera navt to thet wesa. Thit ella send fljuchtiga thinga tham thrvch Wr.aldas leva forskina, thach ther thrvch sin wished sadane nd navt owers navt ne forskina. Men thrvchdam sin leva stedes forthga, alsa ne mei ther nawet vppa sin sted navt bilywa. Thervmbe forwixlath alle eskepne thinga fon sted, fon dante nd ak fon thnkwisa. Thervmbe ne mei irtha selva, ner eng skepsle ni sedsa: ik ben, men wel ik was. Ak ne mei nen mnniska navt ne sedsa ik thnk, men blat, ik thochte. Thi knap is grater nd owers as tha-r bern were. Hy heth ora gertne, tochta nd thnkwisa. Thi man en tat is nd thnkth owers as tha-r knap were. evin tha alda fon degum. That wet allera mannelik. Sahwersa allera mannalik nw wet nd jechta mot, tht hy alon wixlath, sa mot hy ak bijechta, that er jahweder ageblik wixlath, ak thahwila-r seid: ik ben, nd tht sina thnk bylda wixle, tha hwile-r seid: ik thnk.

Instede tht wy tha rga Findas althus vnwerthlik afternei snakka nd klta, ik ben, jeftha wel, ik ben thet beste del Wr.aldas, ja thrvch vs allena mei-r thnkja, sa willath wy ketha wral nd allerweikes wer et nedlik sy: wy Fryas bern send forskinsla thrvch Wr.aldas leva; by-t anfang min nd blat, thach immer wrthande nd nakande to fvlkvmenlikhed, svnder a sa G.o.d to wrda as Wr.alda selva. Vsa gast nis navt Wr.aldas gast, hi is therfon allena en afskinsle. Tha Wr.alda vs skop, heth er vs in thrvch sine wished-bryn-sintga, hugia nd felo G.o.da ainskipa lenad. Hyrmei mugon wy sina ewa bitrachta. Therof mugon wy lera nd thervr mugon wy reda, ella nd allena to vs ain held. Hede Wr.alda vs nene sinna jeven, sa ne skolde wy narne of neta nd wy skolde jeta reddala.s.ser as en sekwale wesa, ther forthdryven wrth thrvch ebbe nd thrvch flod.


En vnsels gyrich mn kem to barande by Trast ther fam were to Stavia. Hy seide vnweder hede sin hus wei brocht. Hy hede to Wr.alda beden, men Wr.alda nedim nene helpe lenad. Bist en fte Fryas, freje Trast. Fon elder t elder, andere thene mn. Thn seide hju wil ik wet in thin mod seja in bitrouwa, tht et kyma groja nd fruchda jeva mei. Forth sprek hju nde keth. Tha Frya bern was, stand vs moder naked nd blat, vnbihod to jenst tha strelum there svnne. Ninman macht hju freja nd ther were ninman ther hja help macht lena. Tha gvng Wr.alda to nd wrochte in hjra mod nigung nd liavde anggost nd skrik. Hju sach rondomme, hjra nigung kas thet beste nd hju sochte skul vndera warande linda. Men rein kem nd t onhlest were that hju wet wrde. Thach hju hede sjan ho thet weter to tha h.e.l.landa bldar of drupte. Nw makade hju en hrof mith h.e.l.landa sidum, vp stoka makade hju tham. Men stornewind kem nd blos rein ther vnder. Nw hede hja sjan tht tha stam hly jef, fter gong hja to nd makade en wach fon plaga and sadum, thet forma an ene syda nd forth an alle syda. Storne wind kem to bek jeta wodander as to fora nd blos thju hrof ewei. Men hju ne barade navt over Wr.alda ner to jenst Wr.alda. Men hja makade en reitne hrof nd leide stene ther vppa. Bifvnden hvande ho ser thet dvath vmb allena to tobbande, alsa bithjude hju hira bern ho nd hwervmbe hju alsa hede den. Thissa wrochton nd tochton to semine. A sadenera wise send wy an hsa kemen mith stoppenbnk.u.m, en slecht nd warande linda with tha svnnestrelum. To tha lesta hvon hja en burch makad nd forth alle othera. Nis thin hus thus navt sterk noch west, alsa mot i trachda vmbet ore beter to makjande. Min hus were sterk enoch, seider, men thet hage weter heth et vp berad nd stornewind heth et ore den. Hwer stand thin hus thn, freje Trast. Alingen there Rene, andere thene man. Ne stand et thn navt vppen nol jeftha therp, freje Trast. Nean seider, min hus stand ensum by tha overe, allena hv ik et buwad, men ik ne macht ther allena nen therp to makane. Ik wist wel, seide Trast, tha famna hv et my meld. Thv hest al thin leva en grwel had an tha mnniska, ut frese thtste awet jeva jeftha dva moste to fara hjam. Thach ther mitha ne mei mn navt fer ne kvma. Hwand Wr.alda ther mild is, kerath him fona gyriga. Fsta het vs reden nd buppa tha dura fon alle burgum is t in sten ut wryten: bist rg batsjochtig seide Fsta, bihod thn jvwe nesta, bithjod thn jvwe nesta, help thn juwe nesta, sa skilun hja t thi witherdva. Is i thina red navt G.o.d noch, ik net far thi nen betera. Skamrad wrth then mn nd hi drupte stolkes hinne.


Min burch leid an-t north-ende there Liudgarda. Thju tore heth s.e.x syda. Thrya thrittich fet is hju hach. Flt fon boppa. En lyth huske ther vppa, hwana mn tha stra bisjath. An aider syd there tore stt en hus, long thrya hondred, bred thrya sjugun fet, elika hach bihalva thju hrof, ther rondlik is. Altham fon hyrbakken sten, nd fon buta ne send nenen othera. Om tha burch is en hringdik, therom en grft diap thrya sjugun fet, wyd thrya twilif fet. Siath hwa fonere tore del, sa siath hi thju dante fon et Jol. Vppa grvnd twisk tha sdlika hsa there, send allerleja krda fon heinde nd fer, therof moton tha famna tha krefta lera. Twisk tha nortlika hsa is allena fjeld. Tha thrju nortlika hsa send fol keren nd other bihof. Twa sdar send to fara tha famkes vmbe to skola nd to hema. Thet sdlikoste hus is there Burchfam his hem. Inna tore hangt thju foddik. Tha wagar there tore send mith kestlika stena smukad. In vppa there sderwach is thene Tex wrytten. An tha fere syde thera finth mn thju formlere; anna winstere syde tha ewa. Tha ora seka finth mn vppa ora thrja. Tojenst tha dik by-t hus ther fam stet thju owne nd thju molmak thrvch fjuwer bufla kroden. Buta vsa burchwal is-t hem, ther vppa tha burchhera nda werar heme. Thju ringdik thera is en stonde grat, nen stjurar, men svnna stonde, hwerfon twya twilif vppen etmelde kvma. In vpper binnasyde fona dik is en flt, fif fet vndera krn. Ther vppa send thrya hondred kranboga, todekt mith wod nd lether. Bihalva tha hsa thera inhemar send ther binna alingne tha dik jeta thrya twilif nedhsa to fara tha omhemar. Thet fjeld thjanath to kmp nd to wede. Anna sdsyde fon tha btenste hringdik is thju Liudgarde omtnad thrvch thet grate Lindawald. Hjra dante is thrju hernich, thet brede buta, til thju svnne ther in sia mei. Hwand ther send felo ferlandeska threja nd blommen thrvch tha stjurar mith brocht. Alsa thju dante vsar burch is, send alle othera; thach vs-is is thju grateste; men thi fon Texland is tha aldergrateste. Thju tore fon Fryasburch is alsa hach tht hju tha wolka torent, nei there tore is al et othera.

By vs vppa burch ist alsa delad. Sjugun jonge famna wakath by there foddik. Aider wak thrja stonda. In ha ore tid moton hja huswrk dva, lera nd slepa. Send hja sjugun jer wakande wesen, alsa send hja fry. Than mugon hja emong tha mnniska ga, vp-ra sed to letane nd red to jevane. Is hwa thrju jer fam west, sa mei hju alto met mith tha alda famna mith ga.

Thi skrywer mot tha famkes lera lesa, skrywa nd rekenja. Tha grysa jeftha greva moton lera hjam rjucht nd plicht, sedkunda, krdkunda, helkunda, skednesa, tellinga nd sanga, bijunka allerleja thinga ther hjam nedlik send vmbe red to jeva. Thju Burchfam mot lera hjam ho hja thermith to wrk ga mota by th mnniska. er en Burchfam hjra sted innimt, mot hju thrvch thet land fara en fvl jer. Thre greva burchhera nd thrja alda famna gan mith hiri mitha. Alsa is-t ak my gvngon. Min fart is alingen there Rene west, thjus kad opward, alingen there ore syde ofward. Ho hager ik upkem, to rmer likte mi tha mnniska. Wral inna Rene hede mn utstekka makad. Thet son tht ther ain kem, wrde mith weter wr skepfachta gaten vmbe gold to winnande. Men tha mngerta ne drogon ther nene golden krone fon. er weron ther mar west, men sont wi Skenland miste, send hja nei tha berga gvngon. Ther delvath hja yserirtha, ther hja yser of makja. Boppa there Rene twisk thet berchta, ther hv ik Marsta sjan. Tha Marsata tht send mnniska ther invppa mara hema. Hjara husa send vp plum buwad. Tht is vret wilde kwik nda bose mnniska. Ther send wolva, bara nd swarte grislika lawa [65]. And hja send tha swetsar [66] jeftha plingar fonda heinde Krekalandar, thera Klta folgar nd tha vrwildere Twiskar, alle gyrich nei rav nd but. Tha Marsata helpath hjara selva mith fiska nd jaga. Tha huda wrdat thrvch tha wiva tomakad nd birhet mith skors fon berk.u.m. Tha litha huda saft lik famnafilt. Thju burchfam et Fryasburch [67]

seide vs tht hja G.o.de enfalde mnniska weron. Thach hed ik hja er navt spreken hered, ik skolde menath hve tht hja nen Fryas were, men wilda, sa ryst sagon hja ut. Hjra fachta nd kruda wrdon thrvch tha Renhemar vrwandelath nd thrvch tha stjurar buta brocht. Alingen there Rene wer et alen, til Lydasburch [68]. Ther was en grate flyt [69]. Invppa thisra flyt weron ak mnniska, ther husa vp pla hede. Men tht ner nen Fryas folk, men tht weron swarte nd bruna mnniska, ther thjanath hede to rojar vmbe tha butafarar to honk to helpane. Hja moston ther bilywa til thju thju flate wither wei brda.

To tha lersta kemon wi to-t Alderga. By-t suderhavahaved stet thju Waraburch, en stenhus, therin send allerleja skulpa, hulka, wepne nd klathar warad, fon fere landum, thrvch tha stjurar mith brocht. En fjardel dana is-t Alderga. En grate flyt omborad mith lothum, husa nd gardum ella riklik sjarad. Invpper flyt lei en grate flate red, mith fonon fon allerleja farwa. Et Fryas dei hongon tha skilda omma tha borda to. Svme blikton lik svnna. Tha skilda ther witking nd thera skolta bi tha nachtum weron mith gold vmborad. Abefta there flyt was en grft grven, to hlapande dana alingen there burch Forana [70]

nd forth mith en enga muda [71] in se. To fara there flate were thit tha utgvng nd et Fly tha ingvng. A bede syda there grft send skene husa mith hel blikanda farwa malad. Tha gardne send mit altid grene hagvm omtunad. Ik hv ther wiva sian, ther filtne tohnekna drogon as t skriffilt were. Lik to Stavere weron tha mngertne mith golden kronum vppira holum nd mith hringum [72] om rma nd fet sjarad. Sudward fon Forana leid Alkmarum. Alkmarum is en mare jefta flyt, therin leid en eland, vppa tht eland moton tha swarte nd bruna mnniska hwila evin as to Lydahisburch. Thju Burchfam fon Forana seide my, tht tha burchhera deistik to-ra gvngon vmb ra to lerande, hwat fte frydom sy, nd ho tha mnniska an there minne agon to levane vmbe sejen to winnande fon Wr.aldas gast. Was ther hwa ther hera wilde nd bigripa machte, sa wrth er halden, alont er fvl lerad were. Tht wrde den vmbe tha ferhemande folka wis to makane, nd vmbe vral atha to winnande. er hed ik anda Saxanamarka to ther burch Mnnagarda forda [73] west. Thach ther hed ik mar skamelhed sjan, as-k hyr rikdom sperde. Hju andere: sa hwersa ther an da Saxanamarka en frejar kvmath en mangerte to bi frejande, alsa frejath tha mngertne ther, kanst thin hus fry wera tojenst tha bannane Twisklandar, hst nach nene flad, ho felo bufle hst al fnsen nd ho felo bara nd wolva huda hst al vppa there mrk brocht? Dana ist kvmen tht tha Saxmanna thju buw anda wiva vrleten hve. Tht fon hvndred to semine nen ene lesa mei ner skriwa ne kn. Dana is-t kvmen, tht nimman nen sprek vppa sin skild neth, men blat en mislikande dante fon en diar, tht er flad heth. And ndlik, dana is-t kvmen, tht hja ser wichandlik ewrden send, men to met evin dvm send as et kwik, tht hja fnsa, nd evin erm as tha Twisklandar, hwer mith hja orloge. To fara Fryas folk is irtha nd se eskepen. Al vsa rinstrama runath vppa se to. Tht Lydas folk nd tht Findas folk skil ekkorum vrdelgja, nd wy moton tha lethoga landa bifolka. In-t fon nd omme fara leid vs held. Wilst nw tht tha boppalander del hve an vsa rikdom nd wisdom, sa skil ik thi en red jeva. Let et tha mangertne to wenhed wrde hjara frejar to frejande, er hja ja segsa: hwer hst al in wralda ommefaren, hwad knst thin bern tella wra fera landa nd wra ferhemanda folka? Dvath hja alsa, sa skilun tha wichandlika knapa to vs kvma. Hja skilun wiser wrtha nd rikkar nd wi ne skilun nen bihof longer navt nve an tht wla thjud. Tha jongste ther famna fon thera ther by mi weron, kem uta Saxsanamarka wei. As wi nw to hongk kemon, heth hju orlovi frejad vmbe nei hjra hus to gane. Afternei is hju ther Burchfam wrden, nd dana is-t kvmen tht er hjudega sa felo Saxmnna by tha stjurar fare.



Min nom is Frethorik to nomath oera Linda, tht wil segsa ovir tha Linda. To Ljudwardja bin ik to Asga keren. Ljudwardja is en ny thorp, binna thene ringdik fon ther burch Ljudgarda, hwerfon tha noma an vner kvmen is. Vnder mina tida is er ful bered. Ful hed ik ther vr skreven, men fternei send mi ak felo thinga meld. Fon en nd other wil ik en skednese fter thit bok skrywa, tha G.o.da mnniska to-n ere tha rga to vnere.

In min juged herd ik gredwird alomme, rge tid kem, rge tid was kvmen, Frya hed vs leton, hjra wakfamkes hede hju abefta halden, hwand drochten likande bylda weron binna vsa landpla fvnden.

Ik bronde fon nysgyr vmbe thi bylda to bisjan. In vsa brt strompele en old famke to tha husa uta in, immer to kethande vr rge tid. Ik gyrde hja ling syde. Hju strik mi omme kin to. Nw wrd ik drist nd freje jef hju mi rge tid nd tha bylda reis wisa wilde. Hju lakte G.o.dlik nd brocht mi vpper burch. En greve mn freje my jef ik al lesa nd skrywa kv. Ne seid ik. Thn most erost to ga nd lera, seid-er owers ne mei-t jow navt wysen wrde. Dystik gvng ik bi tha skriwer lera. Acht jer letter herd ik, vsa burchfam hede hordom bidryven nd svme burchhera hedon vrred plegad mith tha Magy, nd felo mnniska weron vp hjara syde. Vral kem twispalt. Ther weron bern, ther vpstandon ajen hjara eldrum. Inna gluppa wrdon tha froda mnniska morth. Thet alde famke, ther ella bar makade, wrth dad fvnden in en grupe. Min tat, ther rjuchter were, wilde hja wreken ha. Nachtis wrth er in sin hus vrmorth. Thrju jer letter wer thene Magy bas svnder strid. Tha Saxmnna weron frome nd frod bilywen. Nei tham fljuchton alle G.o.de mnniska. Min mm bistvrv-et. Nw ded ik lik tha othera. Thi Magy bogade vppa sinra snodhed. Men Irtha skold im thana, tht hja nen Magy ner afG.o.da to leta ne mochte to there helge sketa, hwerut hju Frya berade. evin sa thet wilde hors sina mnna sked, nei tht thet sina ridder gersfallich makad heth, evin sa skodde Irtha hjra walda nd berga. Rinstrama wrdon ovira fjelda spred. Se kokade. Berga spydon nei tha wolk.u.m, nd hwad hja spyth hede, swikton tha wolka wither vp jrtha. By-t anfang there Arnemonath nigade jrtha northward, hju seg del, ol legor nd legor. Anna Wolfamonath leidon tha Denemarka fon Fryas land vnder-ne se bidobben. Tha walda ther bylda in weron, wrdon vphyvath nd ther windum spel. Thet jer fter kem frost inna Herdemonath nd leid old Fryas land vnder en plonke skul. In Sellamonath kem stornewind ut et northa wei, mith forande berga fon ise nd stenum. Tha spring kem, hyf jrtha hjra selva vp. Ise smolt wei. Ebbe kem nd tha walda mith byldum drevon nei se. Inner Winna jeftha Minnamonath gvng aider thurvar wither hem fara. Ik kem mith en fam to there burch Ljudgarda. Ho drove sach et ut. Tha walda thera Lindawrda weron mest wei. Ther tha Ljudgarde west hede, was se. Sin hef fetere thene hringdik. Ise hede tha tore wei brocht nd tha husa leide in thrvch ekkorum. Anna helde fonna dik fond ik en sten. vsa skriver hed er sin nom inwryten, tht were my en baken. Sa-t mith vsa burch gvngen was, was-t mith mitha ora gvngon. Inna haga landa weron hja thrvch jrtha, inna dena landa thrvch weter vrden. Allena Fryasburch to Texland wrth vnederad fvnden. Men al et lnd thet northward leid hede, were vnder se. Noch nis-t navt boppa brocht. An ths kad fon-t Flymare weron nei meld wrde thrichtich salta mara kvmen, vnstonden thrvch tha walda, ther mith grvnd nd al vrdreven weron. To Westflyland fiftich. Thi grft ther fon-t Alderga thweres to het land thrvchlapen hede, was vrsondath nd vrden. Tha stjurar nd or farande folk, ther to honk weron, hede hjara selva mith maga nd sibba vppira skepum hret. Men tht swarte folk fon Lydasburch nd Alikmarum hede alen den. Thawil tha swarta sdward dryvon, hedon hja felo mngertne hret, nd neidam nimman ne kem to aska tham, hildon hja tham to hjara wiva. Tha mnniska ther to bek kemon, gvngon alle binna tha hringdika thera burgum hema, thrvchdam et ther buta al slyp nd brokland were. Tha gamla husa wrde byen kl.u.s.t. Fona boppalandum kapade mn ky nd skep, nd inna tha grate husa ther to fara tha famna seten hede, wrde nw leken nd filt makad, vmbe thes levens willa. Tht sked 1888 [74] jer nei tht Atland svnken was.

In 282 jer [75] nedon wi nen eremoder navt hat, nd nw ella tomet vrleren skinde, gvng mn ene kjasa. Thet hlot falde vp Gosa to nomath Makonta. Hju were Burchfam et Fryasburch to Texland. Hel fon hawed nd klar fon sin, elle G.o.d, nd thrvchdam hira burch allena sparad was, sach alrik therut hira hropang. Tjan jer lettere kemon tha stjurar fon Forana nd fon Lydas burch. Hja wildon tha swarta mnniska mith wif nd bern to thet land utdryva. Therwr wildon hja there Moder is red biwinna. Men Gosa freje, knst en nd or to bek fora nei hjra landum, thn achste spod to makjande, owers ne skilun hja hjara maga navt wither ne finda. Ne seide hja. Tha seide Gosa: Hja hvon thin salt provad nd thin brd eten. Hjara lif nd leva hvon hja vnder jow hod stlad. I moste jow ajne hirta biseka. Men ik wil thi en red jeva. Hald hjam alond jow wldich biste vm ra wither honk to fora. Men hald hjam bi jow burgum ther bta. Wak ovir hjara sed nd ler hjam as jef hja Fryas svna were. Hjra wiva send hyr tha steriksta. As rek skil hjara blod vrfljuchta, til er tha lesta navt owers as Fryas blod in hjara fterkvmande skil bilywa. Sa send hja hyr bilewen. Nw winst ik wel tht mina fterkvmande ther vp letta, ho fer Gosa werhed sprek. Tha vsa landa wither to bigana wer, kemon ther banda erma Saxmanna nd wiva nei tha vvrdum fon Stavere nd tht Alderga, vmbe golden nd ora sjarhed to sekane fon ut tha wasige bodeme. Thach tha stjurar nildon hja navt to leta. Tha gvngon hja tha lethoga thorpa bihema to West Flyland, vmbe ra lif to bihaldane.


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