
The Mysteries of Free Masonry Part 37

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Q. Who destroyed the second temple which was finished by the Princes of Jerusalem? A. Pompey began its destruction, and King Herodes the Great finished it.

Q. Who rebuilt it again? A. King Herodes repenting the action he had unjustly done, recalled all the Masons to Jerusalem who had fled, and directed them to rebuild the temple.

Q. Who destroyed the third temple? A. t.i.to, the son of the Emperor Vespasian. The Masons, who with sorrow saw the temple again destroyed, departed from Rome, after having embraced the Catholic religion, and determined never to a.s.sist in constructing another.

Q. What became of those Masons afterwards? A. They divided themselves into several companies, and went into different parts of Europe, but the greatest part of them went to Scotland, and built a town which they called Kilwinning; at this time there is a Lodge there, bearing the same name.

Q. What happened to them afterwards? A. Twenty-seven thousand of the Masons in Scotland determined to a.s.sist the Christian Princes and Knights, who were at that time at Jerusalem, in a crusade for the purpose of taking the Holy Land and city from the infidels, who were then in possession of it; and they accordingly obtained leave of the Scottish monarch.

Q. What happened most remarkable to them? A. Their bravery and good conduct gained them the esteem and respect of all the Knights of St.

John of Jerusalem. The general of that order, and the princ.i.p.al officers, took the resolution of being admitted into the secrets of Masonry, which they accordingly received; and in return they admitted them into their order.

Q. What became of those Masons afterwards? A. After the crusade they returned and spread Masonry throughout all Europe, which flourished for a long time in France and England; but the Scotch, to their great praise be it spoken, were the only people who kept up the practice of it.

Q. How came it again in vogue in France? A. A Scotch n.o.bleman went to France and became a resident at Bordeaux, where he establishes a Lodge of Perfection, from the members of the Lodge in 1744; in which he was a.s.sisted by a French gentleman, who took great pleasure in all the Masonic degrees. This still exists in a most splendid manner.

Q. What means the fire in our Lodge? A. Submission, purification of morals, and equality among brethren.

Q. What signifies the air? A. The purity, virtue, and truth of this degree.

Q. What does the sign of the sun mean? A. It signifies that some of us are more enlightened than others in the Mysteries of Masonry; and for that reason we are often called Knights of the Sun.

Q. How many signs have you in this degree of Grand Pontiff, which is Grand Master of all Lodges? A. 1st, The sign of the earth, or Apprentice; 2d, of water--Fellow Craft; 3d, of terror--the Master; 4th, of fire; 5th, of air; 6th, of the point in view; 7th, of the sun; 8th, of astonishment; 9th, of honor; 10th, of stench, or strong smell; 11th, of admiration; 12th, of consternation. End of the Lecture.

TO CLOSE.--The Grand Master says, "My brother, enter into the cave of Silol--work with Grand Rofadam--measure your steps to the sun, and then the great black eagle will cover you with his wings, to the end of what you desire, by the help of the Most Sublime Princes Grand Commanders." He then strikes four and two, makes the sign of four squares, which is repeated by the Wardens, and the Lodge is closed.

The examination of a brother in the foregoing degree is as follows:

Q. From whence came you? A. From the sacred vault at Jerusalem.

Q. What are you come to do here? A. I am come to see and visit your works and show you mine, that we may work together and rectify our morals, and, if possible, sanctify the profane--but only by permission of a Prince Adept, or Prince of the Royal Secret (if one is present).

Q. What have you brought? A. Glory, grandeur and beauty.

Q. Why do you give the name of St. John to our Lodge? A. Formerly all the Lodges were under the name of Solomon's Lodge, as the founder of Masonry; but since the crusades we have agreed with the Knights Templars, or Hospitallers, to dedicate them to St. John, as he was the support of the Christians and the new laws.

Q. What do you ask more? A. Your will and pleasure as you may find me worthy, obedient, and virtuous.


The a.s.sembly of Princes is termed a "Consistory."

OFFICERS.--The first officer represents Frederick II., King of Prussia; he is styled "Sovereign of Sovereigns," "Grand Prince,"

"Ill.u.s.trious Commander in Chief." The two next officers are styled "Lieutenant Commanders." The fourth officer is the "Minister of State," who acts as the orator. The fifth officer is the "Grand Chancellor." Then the "Grand Secretary;" the "Grand Treasurer;" the "Grand Captain of the Guards;" a "Standard Bearer;" a "Grand Master Architect;" and two "Tylers."

PLACE OF MEETING.--This is to be a building at least two stories in height, situated on elevated ground, in the open country. Three apartments on the second floor are necessary in this degree. In the first of these the guards are stationed. The second is used as a preparation room. The third is occupied by the members of the Consistory. This last apartment is hung with black, sprinkled with tears, "death's heads," "cross bones," and "skeletons." The throne is in the East, elevated by seven steps. On the throne is the chair of state, lined with black satin, flamed with red. Before the chair is a table covered with black satin, strewed with tears. On this cloth, in front, is a "death's head" and "cross bones;" over the "death's head"

is the letter I; and under the "cross bones" is the letter M. On the table is placed a naked sword, a buckler, a sceptre, a balance, and a book containing the statutes of the order. In the West is placed another table covered with crimson, bordered with black, and strewed with tears; on the front of this cloth are the letters N. K. M. K. in gold.

DRESS AND STATIONS OF OFFICERS.--The "Sovereign of Sovereigns" is dressed in royal robes, and seated in the chair of state. The Lieutenant Commanders dressed like the modern princes of Europe, and seated at the table in the West; their swords are crossed on the table. The Minister of State is placed at the Sovereign's right hand.

The Grand Chancellor stands on the left hand of the Sovereign. Next to the Minister of State is placed the Grand Secretary. Next to the Grand Chancellor is placed the Grand Treasurer. Below the last named officers are placed on one side the Standard Bearer, the Grand Master Architect, and the Captain of the Guards. Below these officers are placed six members dressed in red, without ap.r.o.ns, wearing the jewel of the order, suspended on the breast by a black ribbon.

COLLAR OF THE ORDER.--The collar is black, and edged with silver. On its point is embroidered in red a Teutonic cross. On the middle of the cross is a double headed eagle in silver. The collar is lined with scarlet, on which is embroidered a black Teutonic cross. Around the waist is girded a black sash, embroidered with silver. The cross is embroidered on that part of the girdle which is in front.

JEWEL.--The jewel is a golden Teutonic cross.

QUALIFICATIONS OF CANDIDATE.--The candidate who receives this degree must be faithfully examined in the previous degree prior to admission.

The Master of Ceremonies will acquaint him with the pa.s.s-word, which he is to give to the Lieutenant Commander. The Master of Ceremonies will then lead him to the Sovereign of Sovereigns.

OPENING AND CLOSING.--The Sovereign of Sovereigns says, "Sal ix." The Lieutenants reply, "Noni." They then together say, "Tengu." All give the sign. The Sovereign of Sovereigns says: Let us imitate our Grand Master Jacques De Molay, Hiram Abiff, who to the last placed all his hopes in the Great Architect of the Universe; and p.r.o.nounced the following words just as he pa.s.sed from this transient life into eternal bliss:--"Spes mea in Deo est" (My hope is in G.o.d).

DESCRIPTION OF THE CARPET REPRESENTING THE CAMP.--On the carpet is drawn an "enneagen," in which is inscribed a pentagon; within this is an equilateral triangle, and in the triangle a circle. Between the heptagon and pentagon, upon the sides of the latter, are placed the standards of the five Standard Bearers, and the pavilions inscribed by the letters T. E. N. G. U. The emblems on the standard T. are the "ark of the covenant," an "olive tree," and a "lighted candlestick," on each side. The ground color of this standard is purple. On the ark is written the motto "Laus Deo." The standard E. bears a golden lion, holding in his mouth a "golden key;" wearing around his neck a golden collar, on which is engraved "515." The ground is azure; the motto "Admajorem Dei glorium." On the standard N. is an "inflamed heart," in red, with two wings, surrounded by a laurel crown. The ground is white. The flag G. bears a double-headed eagle, crowned, holding a sword in his right claw, and in his left a b.l.o.o.d.y heart. Ground is sea green. The flag U. has an ox, sable (black), on a golden ground. On the sides of the enneagen are nine tents, and on its angles nine pendants, each belonging to its appropriate tent. The pendants are distinguished by numerals, and the tents by the letters I. N. O. N. X.

I. L. A. S. disposed from right to left. These tents signify the different grades of Masonry. Thus:

TENT S. is Malachi--pendant, white, spotted with red; represents Knights of the East and West, and Princes of Jerusalem. TENT A. is Zerubbabel--pendant, light green; represents Knights of the East. TENT L. is Neamiah--pendant, red; represents Grand Elect, Perfect, and Sublime Masons. TENT I. is Hobben or Johaben--pendant, black and red; represents Sublime Elect, and Elect of Fifteen. TENT X. is Peleg--pendant, black; represents Elect of Nine, or Grand Master Architect. TENT N. is Joiada--pendant, red and black in lozenges; represents Provost and Judges. TENT O. is Aholiab--pendant, red and green; represents Intendant of the Buildings and Intimate Secretary.

TENT N. is Joshua--pendant, green; represents Perfect Master. TENT I.

is Ezra--pendant, blue; represents Master, Fellow Craft, and Entered Apprentice.

The equilateral triangle in the middle represents the centre of the army, and shows where the Knights of Malta are to be placed who have been admitted to our mysteries, and have proved themselves faithful guardians. They are to be joined with the Knights of Kadosh. The corps in the centre is to be commanded by five princes, who command jointly, or in rotation, according to their degrees, and receive their orders immediately from the Sovereign of Sovereigns. These five Princes must place their standards in the five angles of the pentagon, as above described. These Princes, who are Standard Bearers, have the following name, viz.:--

{ T. ... Bezaleel } { E. ... Aholiab } STANDARD. { N. ... Mahuzen } NAMES.

{ G. ... Garimont } { U. ... Amariah }

The heptagon points out the Encampment destined for the Princes of Liba.n.u.s, Jerusalem, etc.; and these are to receive their orders from the five Princes. The enneagen shows the general order of Masons of all degrees.

Instructions for the reunion of the brethren, Knights, Princes, and Commanders of the Royal Secret or Kadosh, which really signifies HOLY BRETHREN OF ALL DEGREES SEPARATED.

Frederick III., King of Prussia, Grand Master and Commander in Chief, Sovereign of Sovereigns, with an army composed of the Knights, Princes of the White and Black Eagle, including Prussian, English, and French; likewise joined by the Knights Adepts of the Sun, Princes of Liba.n.u.s or the Royal Axe, the Knights of the Rose Croix or St. Andrew, Knights of the East and West, the Princes of Jerusalem, Knights of the East or Sword, the Grand Elect Perfect and Sublime Masons, the Knights of the Royal Arch (ninth Arch), Sublime Knights Elected, etc.

The hour for the departure or march of the army is the fifth after the setting of the sun; and is to be made known by the firing of five great guns in the following order (0)--(0 0 0 0)--that is, with an interval between the first and second. The first rendezvous is to be the port of Naples--from Naples to the port of Rhodes--from Rhodes to Cyprus and Malta, whence the whole naval force of all nations is to a.s.semble. The second rendezvous is to be at Cyprus, etc. The third rendezvous is to be at Jerusalem, where they will be joined by our faithful guardians. The watchwords of every day of the week are as follows and they are not to be changed but by express order from the King of Prussia:


Sunday, Cyrus, } { Ezekiel, Monday, Darius, } { Daniel, Tuesday, Xerxes, } { Habakkuk, Wednes., Alexander, } Answer. { Zephaniah, Thurs., Philadelphus, } { Haggai, Friday, Herod, } { Zechariah, Sat.u.r.day, Hezekiah, } { Malachi.

SIGN.--Place the right hand on the heart; extend it forward, the palm downward; let it fall by the right side. SACRED WORDS.--Those of the Carpet, which are to be read backward 'round the circle from right to left, thus:--One says "Salix," to which the other replies "Noni;" both then repeat (by letters) the word "Tengu." Pa.s.s WORDS.--"Phual Kol,"

which signifies "separated;" "Pharas Kol," which signifies "reunited;" "Nekam Makah," which signifies "to avenge;" each then letters the word "Shaddai," which signifies "Omnipotent."

CHARGE ADDRESSED TO THE CANDIDATE.--My dear brother:--The Saracens having taken possession of the Holy Land, those who were engaged in the Crusades not being able to expel them, agreed with G.o.dfrey de Bouillon, the conductor and chief of the Crusaders, to veil the mysteries of religion under emblems, by which they would be able to maintain the devotion of the soldier, and protect themselves from the incursion of those who were their enemies, after the example of the Scriptures, the style of which is figurative. Those zealous brethren chose Solomon's temple for their model. This building has strong allusions to the Christian church. Since that period they (Masons) have been known by the name of Master Architect; and they have employed themselves in improving the law of that admirable Master.

From hence it appears that the mysteries of the craft are the mysteries of religion. Those brethren were careful not to entrust this important secret to any whose discretion they had not proved. For this reason they invented different degrees to try those who entered among them; and only gave them symbolical secrets, without explanation, to prevent treachery, and to make themselves known only to each other.

For this purpose it was resolved to use different signs, words, and tokens, in every degree, by which they would be secured against cowans and Saracens. The different degrees were fixed first to the number of seven by the example of the Grand Architect of the Universe, who built all things in six days and rested on the seventh. This is distinguished by seven points of reception in the Master's degrees.

Enoch employed six days to construct the arches, and on the seventh, having deposited the secret treasure in the lowest arch, was translated to the abodes of the blessed. Solomon employed six years in constructing his temple; and celebrated its dedication on the seventh, with all the solemnity worthy of the divinity himself. This sacred edifice we choose to make the basis of figurative Masonry. In the first degree are three symbols to be applied. First, the first of the creation, which was only chaos, is figured by the candidate's coming out of the black chamber, neither naked nor clothed, deprived, etc.; and his suffering the painful trial at his reception, etc. The candidate sees nothing before he is brought to light; and his powers of imagination relative to what he has to go through are suspended, which alludes to the figure of the creation of that vast luminous body confused among the other parts of creation before it was extracted from darkness and fixed by the Almighty fiat. Secondly, the candidate approaches the footstool of the Master, and there renounces all cowans; he promises to subdue his pa.s.sions, by which means he is united to virtue, and by his regularity of life, demonstrates what he proposes. This is figured to him by the steps that he takes in approaching the altar; the symbolic meaning of which is the separation of the firmament from the earth and water on the second day of creation. (The charge proceeds by giving a figurative interpretation of the ceremonies, etc., of the first and second part of the third degree, which I pa.s.s over as uninteresting to my readers, and commence with an interpretation which will be as novel to the Craft of the lower grades as to the cowans, or non-initiated.)

In the Master's degree is represented the a.s.sa.s.sination of Hiram by false brethren. This ought to put us in mind of the fate of Adam, occasioned by perverseness in his disobeying his great and awful Creator. The symbolic mystery of the death of Hiram Abiff represents to us that of the Messiah; for the three blows which were given to Hiram Abiff, at the three gates of the temple, allude to the three points of condemnation against Christ, at the High Priest's Caiphas, Herod, and Pilate. It was from the last that he was led to that most violent and excruciating death. The said three blows with the square, gauge, and gavel are symbols of the blow on the cheek, the flagellation, and the crown of thorns. The brethren a.s.sembled around the tomb of Hiram, is a representation of the disciples lamenting the death of Christ on the cross. The Master's word, which is said to be lost, since the death of Hiram Abiff, is the same that Christ p.r.o.nounced on the cross, and which the Jews did not comprehend, "Eli, Eli, lama sabacthani," "my G.o.d, my G.o.d, why hast thou forsaken me!

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The Mysteries of Free Masonry Part 37 summary

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