
The Most Ancient Lives of Saint Patrick Part 14

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_Of the Prophecy of St. Patrick on Coyrbre, and of the Unfruitfulness of a River._

And Leogaire had two brothers, the elder of whom was named Coyrbre, like unto him in cruelty and unbelief, if, indeed, any one could in that country be found like him, who contemned and condemned the law of the Most High; and the younger was named Conallus, who retained no more of his birth than does the fish of the sea or the rose of the thorn.

But Patrick having gone to Coyrbre, who then abided in the place called Tailltion, that he might convert him unto the Christian faith, if in any wise from that stone could a son be raised up unto Abraham, yet he, his heart being hardened against belief, intended the death of the preacher who would have preached life unto him, and even in the middle of the river he scourged the servants of Patrick; and the saint, knowing him to be obstinate in his error, and to be abandoned of G.o.d, thus prophesied unto him: "Since thou hast refused to bear the yoke of Christ, whose service is freedom, no one of thy posterity shall attain the throne of thy kingdom, but in perpetual servitude shall they serve the seed of thy younger brother, Conallus. And this shall be to thee a sign that the Lord will fulfil the word which He has spoken through my mouth: the river near thy mansion, which, with the abundance of its fishes, is wont to feed thee and thine household, from henceforward, even for ever, shall produce no fishes." And the word of the man of G.o.d obtained, for all his posterity became subject unto the posterity of his brother Conallus, and they came unto the throne of his kingdom; and the river, which is called Seyle, even to this day beareth no fishes.


_Of Conallus, and of the Prophecy of Patrick concerning him._

And the saint, leaving those children of darkness in the anger and blindness of their hearts, and the depth of their error, turned his steps towards Conallus, who was to be the child of the truth. And he, rejoicing and giving thanks, received him as the angel of peace and of delight, and opened the ears of his hearing unto the words of salvation, and, through the laver of the regeneration and renovation of the Holy Spirit, deserved he to be incorporated with Christ. Whereby are we plainly showed that the Heavenly Potter out of the same clay can form at His will one vessel unto reproof and another unto honor. Then Conallus, being comforted and confirmed in the Catholic verity, offered unto the saint his dwelling-house, and his land, and his farm, and besought of him with many prayers that for the spreading of the Christian faith he there would build a city for him and for his people; and he said he would build a habitation for himself on the borders thereof. And the saint, praising so great charity in his novice, lest he should seem to reject his entreaty, builded there a city, which is now called Domnhach Phadruig--that is, the City of Patrick; and touching it with his staff, he marked out the dwelling-place of Conallus, which is now called Rathyr-tair. And the saint blessed him in the name of the Lord; and among other things which were to happen unto him, thus did he prophesy: "Happy and prosperous shall be this dwelling-place, and happy shall be they who dwell therein; nor shall the blood of any man, save only one, be shed in it; and the Lord, giving His blessing, shall bless thee, and He shall confirm thy throne and multiply thine empire, and the seed of thy brother shall serve thy seed for ever and ever." And all these things which the saint prophesied were not in the event disproved.


_Of the Altar of Saint Patrick._

And it was near to the heart of the saint to visit Connactia; and chiefly for the vision which he had heretofore beheld in his sleep, wherein he was called by the infants of that country, even in their mothers' wombs, he desired there to evangelize the kingdom of G.o.d. And he purposed to travel round the whole island, that he might convert it unto Christ; and the saint, being prepared to his journey, blessed Conallus, and in memorial of himself he left in the aforementioned city his altar of stone, for the relieving of the sick and for the working of miracles; but when he proceeded on his journey, the altar followed, nor to the eyes of any man was it visible how it was carried; but, as I account, it was carried along the path of the saint by the power and the virtue of Him at whose nod the prophet was carried from Judea into Chaldea. Thus did the Corner-Stone, Christ, that He might show unto all the holiness of Patrick, cause this holy stone to be moved without human hand. And the prelate, looking back, beheld the altar thus marvellously borne after him, and exulted in the Lord, and returned, and placed it in a fitting place. And from that day did it remain fixed, yet ceased it not to shine in miracles, as if the virtue of Patrick had remained in it or flowed from it.


_Of the Images destroyed from Heaven, and of the Fountain produced from the Earth._

And the King Leogaire, being devoted to the worship of devils, with a great part of his people who much desired to please him adored a certain idol magnificently formed of silver and gold, and which was raised in a field called Maghfleidh. And the idol was named Ceancroithi--that is, the head of all the G.o.ds, for that it was by that foolish people accounted to utter responses. And around this image stood twelve inferior G.o.ds, made of bra.s.s, as if subject unto it.

Therefore Saint Patrick turned toward this place, that he might overturn the idol, and by his preaching convert its worshippers to the worship of the Creator. But when he could not prevail, neither could he recall those idolaters from the folly that was fixed in their minds, he betook himself to his accustomed arms of prayer. And from a neighboring hill beholding the idol, he stretched forth in prayer his spotless hands unto G.o.d, and lifted against it the staff of Jesus, when suddenly, by the power of G.o.d, the idol fell on its left side, and all the silver and the gold poured from it broken and powdered into dust; but on the hard stone of the image was seen impressed the mark of the staff, though it had touched it not; and the earth swallowed up the twelve inferior G.o.ds, even to their necks, and their heads continue above the ground unto this day. Thus what human strength could not accomplish was done by the divine power; and many beholding it believed in the true and living G.o.d, and being baptized, according to the apostle, put on Christ, And in that place Saint Patrick by his prayers produced out of the earth a fountain of the clearest water, wherein many were afterward baptized.


_How the Darkness was Dispersed._

And the saint, having overturned the idols, held on the way that he purposed; and the fame of his holiness, going before him, announced his coming. And when he drew nigh unto Connactia, two magicians, the sons of Neyll, the one whereof was named Mael, the other Cabhlait, heard of his approach; and they were both bound in the bonds of Satan, nor were they less germane in the exercise of their evil deeds than in the germ of their native generation. These men by their enchantments covered the whole country with thick darkness for three continual days, whereby they hoped to prevent the entrance of Patrick into that place. But the son of light, in whose heart the morning star that never sets perpetually shone, while he lifted up unto heaven his heart and his hand and his tongue in prayer, the light-streaming rays of the sun, shining forth, dispersed the magic darkness; and, finding free entrance into Connactia, with all his strength he labored to open to those unworthy enemies of the truth the door of faith.


_Of the Virgins who went unto Heaven._

And of Leogaire were born two daughters, like roses growing in a rose-bed. And the one was of a ruddy complexion, and she was called Ethne; and the other was fair, and she was called Fedella; and they were educated by these magicians. And early on a certain morning, the sun having just arisen, they went to bathe in a clear fountain, on the margin whereof they found the saint sitting with other holy men; and regarding his countenance and garb, they were struck with wonder, and enquired of his birth and his residence, taking him for an apparition.

But the saint admonished them rather to believe in his G.o.d than to enquire of his descent or his dwelling-place. Then the damsels, desiring to know more a.s.suredly of G.o.d, earnestly questioned about His power, and His riches, and His glory. And the Saint instructed them in the Catholic faith, truly affirming him to be the Creator and Ruler of the heavens, and the earth, and the sea, and of all that is therein; and that He had one Son, with Himself coeternal, coeval, and consubstantial--everywhere reigning, governing all things, possessing all things; and promised he also unto them that they should exchange an earthly and transitory kingdom for a heavenly and eternal kingdom; for that if they obeyed his counsel, they should unite with the Celestial King in pure and indissoluble union. And when he had thus preached unto them with persuasive eloquence, the damsels believed in Christ, and he baptized them even in that fountain. Thus being made Christians, they besought the saint that according to his promise he would show unto them the face of Christ, their beloved Spouse. And the saint thus answered: "Ye must first, with the mouth of your heart and of your body, devoutly receive the flesh and the blood of your Spouse, so that, being quickened with the living food, and having tasted of death, ye may pa.s.s from this impure world unto the starry bride-chamber." Then the virgins, believing in the word of the man of G.o.d, devoutly entreated and received the Eucharist, and, immediately falling asleep in the Lord, they quitted their earthly tabernacles, and went unto their heavenly Spouse. And their friends and their kindred gathered together and bewailed them for three days, as was the custom of the country, and returned their sacred remains unto the womb of the mother of all human kind. And on that spot was erected a church, which is now collated to the metropolitan seat of Ardmachia. And the two magicians, for that they had educated the damsels, were sorely grieved at their deaths, and reproached the saint with bitter and angry words; but he, touching the harp of David, and preaching unto them the kingdom of G.o.d, converted them unto the faith, and they were baptized.


_Of the Magician Struck by Lightning, and of Twelve Thousand Men Converted unto Christ._

And after these things had come to pa.s.s, a great and solemn council was held in a solemn place by the people of that province gathered there together, whereat the seven sons of Amhlaich, a man eminent for his birth, his dignity, his riches, and his power, were present with a numerous train of their followers. Then the saint, that he might gain many of that mult.i.tude unto Christ, threw himself into the midst of the a.s.sembly, and took the spiritual armor of the power of G.o.d unto the extirpation of idolatry. But when this renowned preacher unsheathed the sword of the Spirit to the destruction of devils and the salvation of man, a certain magician named Rochait with all his strength endeavored to slay him. Lest, however, his wicked attempt should accomplish the yet more wicked deed, the hand of the Almighty, sending on him fire from above, consumed this child of h.e.l.l, and smote him with lightning, even in the presence of all. And beholding this marvellous and fearful miracle, the seven sons of Amlaich, with twelve thousand of the people, believed in Christ, and were baptized, and constantly remained in the Catholic faith which they had taken on them. And the two daughters of a certain n.o.bleman named Glerannus, who were then unborn, are said to have invoked the saint, and were with the rest converted unto Christ, and were baptized even in their mother's womb.

And they afterward, living a holy and religious life, in a pious end rested in the Lord, and after their deaths proved by many miracles that they were with the saints in heaven. And Saint Patrick placed over this newly-converted people a prelate named Mancenus, and he was learned and religious, and well versed in the Holy Scriptures.


_Of another Magician whom the Earth swallowed up._

And the Lord ordained unto Saint Patrick strong and frequent conflicts with the magicians, that he might conquer and know how prevailing was the wisdom of Him in whose name all their endeavors were foiled. For as, according to the apostle, Iannes and Mambres resisted Moses, so did very many evil-doers resist Patrick. Therefore, on another day, in the place of the aforementioned council, another but not a different evil-doer, at the instigation of Satan, arose with the like fury against the saint, that he might destroy him. But the right hand of the Lord, which erewhile had smote his enemy with consuming fire, was magnified in strength, and in His manifold power swept this evil-doer from the face of the earth. For the earth, cleaving asunder, opened her mouth and swallowed up the magician who had so often defiled himself with so many evil deeds, and, closing again, plunged him into the abyss.


_How another Magician is Sunken up to the Ears, and again is Raised up._

And the deadly end of this evil-doer being discerned by one who was germane unto him in his flesh and in his mind, and who was not able to succor his brother when perishing, therefore sought he to avenge his destruction on Patrick as his destroyer; and being enraged against the saint, he sought to put him to death. But the Lord fought for Patrick, and the earth in like manner opened and swallowed up the magician, even to his ears. Then the man, being almost swallowed up in the earth, implored pardon of the saint, and promised that he would believe in Christ, and that he would obey his doctrine. And the saint, being moved with pity, prayed for him unto the Lord; and immediately the earth cast him forth, and raised him. And the unmerciful man, being mercifully saved, gave thanks unto the power that had saved him, and believed in Christ, and received the grace of baptism. Thus doth the Lord, distinguishing between the light and darkness, severely condemn the reprobate and obstinate in evil, and mercifully saveth those who fly unto his mercy.


_How a huge Stone was raised by the Saint._

And the saint, pa.s.sing along on a certain day, beheld a mult.i.tude of men gathered together, that they might move from its place a very large stone; and they had labored a long time, but in vain; for they were wearied in their strength and fatigued with the unequal attempt, and to raise the stone they prevailed not. Then the saint approached, even as a builder of the temple of the living G.o.d to be builded in the Lord; and having prayed and blessed their work, that huge stone, which could not be stirred by an hundred hands, did he alone remove and raise and place in its fit place. And the men who stood around marvelled at this marvellous work, and were converted to believe in the G.o.d of Saint Patrick; and they who hitherto, having stony hearts, worshipped stones, this stone being raised by the saint, believed in the living Stone, the precious Stone, the Corner-Stone, the elect Stone, the Stone which is placed in the foundations of Sion; and this Stone had they long time rejected; but now becoming themselves living stones, joined together with the cement of the Christian faith, and following the sacred doctrine, and being polished and purified in baptism, they grew in the temple of the Lord.


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The Most Ancient Lives of Saint Patrick Part 14 summary

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