
The Missing Link In Modern Spiritualism Part 15

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"Can you and your sister possibly make it convenient to come to my house this afternoon? If not, do come this evening without fail. You will confer a great favor by so doing. I want to see you both very much.

"Your ever dear friend, "MRS. PATCHEN.

"P.S. I did not send your little satchel, as I wanted you to come and see me yourself. Please send an answer by the little boy."

"BUFFALO, March 21, 1851.


"I have been anxiously waiting to see you at our home again.

"The Phelps House is so crowded I could not see you privately for a moment. I do want to see you very much. I have heard so much of your 'manifestations'--not yours, but the manifestations of the Spirits. They are very mysterious; it is very singular. My husband was at your rooms last evening, but he thought it not best for me to come in such a crowd.

I wish you could disengage yourselves for one afternoon or evening as soon as you possibly can. I never before felt so deeply interested in the subject. I cannot possibly wait a week. Please send word when you will come.

"Faithfully yours, "MRS. PATCHEN."

This is the lady through whom Dr. Flint endeavored to expose us to the world as humbugs and impostors.


BUFFALO (_Continued_).


But the three doctors were not to have it all their own way--not even with the a.s.sistance of a fourth, who was now the ex-diplomatic editor of their organ, and whom I spare from mention of what had been, in former times, his last exercise in Buffalo of the honorable profession to which he had been of but little honor. Whether he is still living in the flesh, or has gone to learn for himself, in the Spirit world, all the truth of Spiritualism, I do not know. They had put all Buffalo on the boil, and our rooms were crowded with hosts of indignant friends. For about a fortnight they were open and free to the public, without money and without price, whenever fresh parties came or were brought who desired satisfaction on any point glowing out of the then raging doctoral controversy. Different committees of investigation and re-investigation were appointed, for which services the first and best men and women of Buffalo would be chosen. I will particularize two, with omission of some merely prefatory matter from the second of the two, the reports of which are taken from Mr. Cap.r.o.n's book, quoting from the Buffalo papers.


"A company, consisting of J. L. Reynolds, F. Rumsey, Dr. W. R. Scott, H.

c.u.mmings, Dr. G. E. Hayes, Capt. A. Walker, C. C. Bristol, James Dunkin and wife, J. S. Chadwick, S. Albro, and J. Stringham, met at the rooms of Mrs. Fish and Miss Fox, at seven and a half o'clock last Monday evening. Two large hand-bells and one small one had been provided for Spirits to manifest their presence with, if they should choose to make use of them. The bells were placed under the table, and the company were seated. Rappings immediately commenced, manifesting the presence of the representatives of the Spirit-country. We resolved to ask no questions, and wait for voluntary manifestations. Alphabet called, spelling, 'Sit close, and you may see some new manifestations.' All drew near the table, and waited in silence. After waiting some time, the small bell commenced ringing. The mediums' feet had been placed in the custody of two gentlemen who had not been there before, and their hands were continually on the table. The largest bell now commenced ringing, and, while ringing, moved 'round, traversing the whole area under the table.

Two bells rang at once. Afterward the whole three united in a kind of chime. The largest bell was placed on Dr. Hayes's foot, and bore on it with a pressure of six times its weight. He put his hand down and touched the bell. He received other manifestations in the presence of an active agent. The medium told him to ask if it was a Spirit. He did so, and was answered by a pinch of his toe, signifying the affirmative.

"'Is it the Spirit of my brother?' _Answer_, 'Yes.' He wrote the names of his deceased brothers, and it designated its own name by pinching his toe. 'Does the Spirit wish to communicate with me?' 'I will communicate with you at home, when all is calm.' Here silence prevailed for a time.

The bells commenced ringing, and occasionally one would fall upon the floor. Alphabet called, spelling, 'Move back a little from the table.'

All moved back except Capt. Walker, who made several efforts to obey, but found his chair fast. He looked to see if it was not fast in the carpet, and tried to raise it, but it refused to move upward, backward or forward. Alphabet called, spelling, 'Sit close to the table.' All drew their chairs close to the table, and Capt. Walker embraced the opportunity to see if the order had not loosened his chair; but he could not stir it.

"Now the Spirit commenced performances with bells; sometimes ringing them all at once, and sometimes placing them on the feet of one, and on the knees of another. Sometimes they would fall on the floor, and sometimes. .h.i.t the under side of the table. This ceased, the alphabet was called, and the spelling was, 'Look.' We looked, and the three bells stood in a right line, about eighteen inches apart. We resumed our positions, and the operations of ringing, pressing feet, and throwing down bells, went on again. Again we were called to 'look,' and the two large bells stood upright, but the small one was missing, and could not be found. One of the company suggested that we look under the larger bells. The largest bell was lifted, and the missing one was found under it, standing erect. The play then went on, till we were again told to 'look,' and the small bell was found under the large one, lying on its side. So it continued for some time, placing the bells in various positions, and calling on the company to 'look.'

"In answer to a question asked some days previously,--'What is the use of these demonstrations?' the Spirits said, 'They are made to prove that the mediums have no agency in it.' And the question asked by Mr.

Stringham, 'May I leave the table while the others remain, that I may look under and see the bells ringing?' was answered, 'What do you think we require you to sit close to the table for?' When Spirits make these physical demonstrations they are compelled to a.s.sume shapes which human eyes must not look upon.

"When the above-named performances were finished, loud concussions were heard and felt on the under side of the table. They became louder and louder, till the bra.s.s candlesticks were made to bound up six or eight inches from the table. The candles were repeatedly thrown out of them, and we were compelled to hold them in our hands. These concussions were equal to those a man could make with a large nail-hammer, while lying on his back and striking with all his strength. We expected the bed of the table to be split in pieces, and Mrs. Fish became alarmed, turned pale, and begged us to leave the table. We did not comply, and the concussions were continued for full fifteen minutes. At the close of this very noisy exhibition, the alphabet was called for, and the spelling was, 'We are all done for to-night.' They were not importuned to continue the performances, and we arose from the table.

"The table was turned up to see what impressions were made, and a great number of deep indentations, in the hard cherry-wood, manifested the force with which the middle-sized bell had been thrust against it. Dr.

Hayes took the bell and struck the table with the battered iron point which comes through the wooden handle, and made like indentations, though nothing like so deep as those made by the performers. Any one might have examined the table, and found the evidence.


This, coming as it did from, and being endorsed by, respectable citizens, was a strong opposing argument against the knee-joint theory.

Every one could see that either these persons had formed a conspiracy to deceive the public, or the professors were proved to be the "humbugs"

themselves. Still another report appeared in a few days, which rendered the explanation of the professors still more ridiculous. It was from the pen of a well-known citizen of Buffalo, who had been appointed by a company to prepare it. I give it as it appeared in one of the Buffalo papers.



"Having been deputed by a select company, who visited the two sisters, Mrs. Fish and Miss Fox, at their room in the Phelps House, on Friday evening last, to report what we there saw and heard, it becomes my duty to ask you to give place to this communication in your columns.

"The company consisted of Dr. Scott, C. C. Bristol, J. Stringham, F.

Rumsey and lady, Mrs. Bradley, Mrs. Stevens, and myself.

"When all had a.s.sembled we took seats around the table. Mrs. Fish and Miss Fox, the two 'mediums,' were requested to take seats on a sofa which stood between the table and the wall. Dr. Scott and myself were seated, by arrangement, on the right and left of these two ladies, and they were requested to put their feet on ours, and to keep them there, which they did. The purpose of this arrangement will be understood by the reader. When all was still, the Spirits (I use the word a.s.sentingly) commenced such a clatter of rappings that there seemed to be quite a company of them. This, we were told, was to manifest their presence and their willingness to be consulted.

"The confusion of sounds ceased, and the alphabet was called for by five distinct raps, which it appears is the invariable signal. Mrs. Fish called the alphabet, and the letters designated by the rappings made the following words: 'Get a better supply of paper before you get engaged, and let your minds run in one perfect channel. In that way you will soon be able to get satisfactory demonstrations.' A supply of paper was procured, and all were seated and still again. Two small bells had been placed under the table, one at each end. When all was quiet, the signal for the alphabet was given, and the spelling which followed was, 'All sit close to the table and to each other. Move the bells.' The bells were then moved to near the centre of the table. Alphabet called again.

'Put your hands on the table.' All obeyed the mandate, and immediately the bells commenced ringing. They rang for a few minutes, and again the alphabet was demanded. The spelling was, 'You will perceive, by what you have already heard, that a great and mighty development is about to be made to mankind.' At this moment a rap was heard at the door, which was made by a gentleman who wished to come in, but who retired on being informed that it was a private party. Some remark was made by the younger of the two mediums, in relation to the interruption, which affected the other to tears. A considerable interval of silence followed, and we began to fear that our entertainment would not be resumed; but the call for the alphabet proved that we had not been deserted by our invisible friends. The spelling was, 'We want you to cheer up, dear children. All sit close. Hands on the table.' Now the bells commenced ringing again, moving all round under the table, giving forth tones the most musical, mellow, and soothing. The ringing ceased, and the alphabet was called. The spelling was, 'This is done to harmonize you all.'

"_Question by the acting medium._--'Do the Spirits wish us to be in a happy state of mind?'

"_Answer._--'Yes.' Then followed, 'I want you all to reach out your feet, except the four on the sofa.' This was done, and immediately Mrs.

Stevens said something had taken hold of her feet. She was directed to ask if it was a Spirit, which she did, and received an affirmative answer. 'Is it the Spirit of my father?' 'Yes,' was replied, and the respondent continued, 'we are glad you came here.'

"Following this was a harsh, grating sound, not unlike the friction of a saw which is pushed slowly through a board, and drawn back quickly. This was continued but a short time, when the alphabet was called for, and the spelling was, 'I breathed so when I was dying.' Then the same sound of grating was heard, and it continued like one laboring in the last moments of life. These breathings became shorter and further between, till a seemingly ineffectual attempt, like a hiccough, closed the drama, and the death-scene was complete.

"Hereupon the alphabet was called for, and the following address was spelled: 'Such is the end of man's existence on the earth; but he suddenly awakes to a glorious immortality. This, my dear friends, is demonstrated to relieve mankind from the dread of changing existence.

The appearance of suffering is not real; therefore I exhort you to look forward with joy for the happy transition from earth to heaven. You have need of great watchfulness and care that you may be permitted to enter the society of the blest. Done.' What was very remarkable in the delivery of this address, as the medium read the alphabet, the letters were designated sometimes by raps, as usual, and sometimes by ringing of a bell. The latter method was used, I think, quite as much as the former. During the whole delivery the feet of the lady-mediums rested entirely on those of Dr. Scott and mine, and their hands constantly rested on the table. This, as it seems to me, puts to rest any question of their agency in producing the sounds. Mrs. Stevens, during the whole of the communication by 'Spirits,' felt a pair of large and powerful hands grasping her knees, the pressure of which, she avers, was quite painful. She also felt a weight in her lap, which was equal to that of her father while living. His name was Asa Ranson. The female portrait which hangs in the Common Council room is that of his daughter, and a sister of Mrs. Stevens. The latter lady says that the death scene which was enacted in our presence was a perfect representation of the reality which she had witnessed.

"At the conclusion of the address, it was asked by the acting medium, 'Are the Spirits _all_ done?' No reply was made. It was then asked, 'If we put paper under the table, will the Spirits write?' _Answer by the alphabet_, 'We will make marks on paper.' A piece of paper was then taken and pa.s.sed around, to be examined by the company. All saw that it was without mark or scratch of any kind. A scratching sound was then heard under the table, and also the sound that is noted when paper is torn. The alphabet was called, and the spelling was, 'Look.' The paper was taken out, and found to be torn in pieces and scratched as with a nail, or some dull instrument. It was then asked, 'If we put paper and pencil under, will the Spirits write?' Three raps were given as answer in the affirmative, and the alphabet was called. The spelling was, 'Keep your pencil.' Another piece of paper was then handed round. We all examined it closely, and found it all fair and clean, without the least mark whatever. It was put under the table by the last examiner, and the scratching commenced. Directly the alphabet was called for, and 'Look'

spelled out. The paper was taken out, and found to be scratched as before, and torn a little; but the Spirit had fulfilled its promise. It had written--for the figure 7 in plain pencil-mark stood on the untorn part of it. The figure was found to be just one inch long, and seemed as if made by the hand of a farmer, or mechanic, who aimed at plainness rather than elegance in his chirography. I have the paper in my possession, and will exhibit it to any one who wishes to see it.

"I had forgotten to mention that during the communications from Mrs.

Stevens's father, she read the alphabet part of the time, and received answers by a rap on her foot. She was too much excited to continue, and the alphabet was read by the medium.

"When the last paper was brought out from under the table, we all expressed a desire to know what was meant by the character 7. Our deliberations on that subject were soon cut short by a call for the alphabet, and the meaning was spelled out as follows:

"'Seven of this party will be mediums. Do not ask which. We are done for to-night.' _Question._ 'Will the Spirits answer no more questions?'

_Answer._ 'We are done for to-night. Move away from the table.'

"There were many other incidents during the sitting. The lady-medium who sat next to Dr. Scott had her dress pulled and held fast, and she invited the doctor to try and see if he could release it. He made a strong effort, but gave it up for fear of tearing it. Several others had their feet handled and their clothes pulled. I felt a palpable pressure against the inside of my leg, and a pinch of my ankle, while a bell was ringing close to my feet--no person being near me but Miss Fox, and she had both her feet on one of mine, and both her hands on the table. This is a faithful statement of facts, for the truth of which, as far as they relate to the sitting on Friday evening, I refer the reader to all the persons whose names are given above. I refrain from conclusions and comments, and close with the simple declaration that I am much puzzled and astonished.

(Signed) "S. ALBRO."

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